1 | #include "rc1.0_general.h"
2 | #include "nvparse_errors.h"
3 | #include "nvparse_externs.h"
4 | #include <stdio.h>
5 |
6 | #include <OgreGLPrerequisites.h>
7 |
8 | void GeneralCombinersStruct::Validate(int numConsts, ConstColorStruct *pcc)
9 | {
10 | GLint maxGCs;
11 | glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_GENERAL_COMBINERS_NV, &maxGCs);
12 | if (num > maxGCs) {
13 | char buffer[256];
14 | sprintf(buffer, "%d general combiners specified, only %d supported", num, (int)maxGCs);
15 | errors.set(buffer);
16 | num = maxGCs;
17 | }
18 |
19 | if (0 == num) {
20 | // Setup a "fake" general combiner 0
21 | general[0].ZeroOut();
22 | num = 1;
23 | }
24 |
25 | localConsts = 0;
26 | int i;
27 | for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
28 | localConsts += general[i].numConsts;
29 |
30 | if (localConsts > 0)
31 | if (NULL == glCombinerStageParameterfvNV_ptr)
32 | errors.set("local constant(s) specified, but not supported -- ignored");
33 | else
34 | for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
35 | general[i].SetUnusedLocalConsts(numConsts, pcc);
36 |
37 | for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
38 | general[i].Validate(i);
39 |
40 |
41 | for (; i < maxGCs; i++)
42 | general[i].ZeroOut();
43 | }
44 |
45 | void GeneralCombinersStruct::Invoke()
46 | {
47 | glCombinerParameteriNV_ptr(GL_NUM_GENERAL_COMBINERS_NV, num);
48 | int i;
49 | for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
50 | general[i].Invoke(i);
51 |
52 | if (NULL != glCombinerStageParameterfvNV_ptr) {
53 | if (localConsts > 0)
55 | else
57 | }
58 |
59 | }
60 |
61 | void GeneralCombinerStruct::ZeroOut()
62 | {
63 | numPortions = 2;
64 | numConsts = 0;
65 |
66 | portion[0].ZeroOut();
67 | portion[0].designator = RCP_RGB;
68 | portion[1].ZeroOut();
69 | portion[1].designator = RCP_ALPHA;
70 | }
71 |
72 |
73 | void GeneralCombinerStruct::SetUnusedLocalConsts(int numGlobalConsts, ConstColorStruct *globalCCs)
74 | {
75 | int i;
76 | for (i = 0; i < numGlobalConsts; i++) {
77 | bool constUsed = false;
78 | int j;
79 | for (j = 0; j < numConsts; j++)
80 | constUsed |= (cc[j].reg.bits.name == globalCCs[i].reg.bits.name);
81 | if (!constUsed)
82 | cc[numConsts++] = globalCCs[i];
83 | }
84 | }
85 |
86 |
87 | void GeneralCombinerStruct::Validate(int stage)
88 | {
89 | if (2 == numConsts &&
90 | cc[0].reg.bits.name == cc[1].reg.bits.name)
91 | errors.set("local constant set twice");
92 |
93 | switch (numPortions)
94 | {
95 | case 0:
96 | portion[0].designator = RCP_RGB;
97 | // Fallthru
98 | case 1:
99 | portion[1].designator = ((RCP_RGB == portion[0].designator) ? RCP_ALPHA : RCP_RGB);
100 | // Fallthru
101 | case 2:
102 | if (portion[0].designator == portion[1].designator)
103 | errors.set("portion declared twice");
104 | break;
105 | }
106 | int i;
107 | for (i = 0; i < numPortions; i++)
108 | portion[i].Validate(stage);
109 |
110 | for (; i < 2; i++)
111 | portion[i].ZeroOut();
112 |
113 | }
114 |
115 | void GeneralCombinerStruct::Invoke(int stage)
116 | {
117 | int i;
118 |
119 | if (NULL != glCombinerStageParameterfvNV_ptr)
120 | for (i = 0; i < numConsts; i++)
121 | glCombinerStageParameterfvNV_ptr(GL_COMBINER0_NV + stage, cc[i].reg.bits.name, &(cc[i].v[0]));
122 |
123 | for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
124 | portion[i].Invoke(stage);
125 | }
126 |
127 | void GeneralPortionStruct::Validate(int stage)
128 | {
129 | gf.Validate(stage, designator);
130 | }
131 |
132 | void GeneralPortionStruct::Invoke(int stage)
133 | {
134 | gf.Invoke(stage, designator, bs);
135 | }
136 |
137 | void GeneralPortionStruct::ZeroOut()
138 | {
139 | gf.ZeroOut();
140 | bs.word = RCP_SCALE_BY_ONE;
141 | }
142 |
143 | void GeneralFunctionStruct::ZeroOut()
144 | {
145 | // Create mapped registers for zero and discard
146 | MappedRegisterStruct unsignedZero;
147 | RegisterEnum zero;
148 | zero.word = RCP_ZERO;
149 | unsignedZero.Init(zero);
150 |
151 | MappedRegisterStruct unsignedDiscard;
152 | RegisterEnum discard;
153 | discard.word = RCP_DISCARD;
154 | unsignedDiscard.Init(discard);
155 |
156 | numOps = 3;
157 |
158 | op[0].op = RCP_MUL;
159 | op[0].reg[0] = unsignedDiscard;
160 | op[0].reg[1] = unsignedZero;
161 | op[0].reg[2] = unsignedZero;
162 |
163 | op[1].op = RCP_MUL;
164 | op[1].reg[0] = unsignedDiscard;
165 | op[1].reg[1] = unsignedZero;
166 | op[1].reg[2] = unsignedZero;
167 |
168 | op[2].op = RCP_SUM;
169 | op[2].reg[0] = unsignedDiscard;
170 |
171 | }
172 |
173 | void GeneralFunctionStruct::Validate(int stage, int portion)
174 | {
175 | int i;
176 | for (i = 0; i < numOps; i++)
177 | op[i].Validate(stage, portion);
178 | // Check if multiple ops are writing to same register (and it's not DISCARD)
179 | if (numOps > 1 &&
180 | op[0].reg[0].reg.bits.name == op[1].reg[0].reg.bits.name &&
181 | GL_DISCARD_NV != op[0].reg[0].reg.bits.name)
182 | errors.set("writing to same register twice");
183 | if (numOps > 2 &&
184 | (op[0].reg[0].reg.bits.name == op[2].reg[0].reg.bits.name ||
185 | op[1].reg[0].reg.bits.name == op[2].reg[0].reg.bits.name) &&
186 | GL_DISCARD_NV != op[2].reg[0].reg.bits.name)
187 | errors.set("writing to same register twice");
188 |
189 | // Set unused outputs to discard, unused inputs to zero/unsigned_identity
190 | if (numOps < 2) {
191 | // Set C input to zero
192 | op[1].reg[1].reg.bits.name = GL_ZERO;
193 | op[1].reg[1].map = GL_UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV;
194 | op[1].reg[1].reg.bits.channel = portion;
195 |
196 | // Set D input to zero
197 | op[1].reg[2].reg.bits.name = GL_ZERO;
198 | op[1].reg[2].map = GL_UNSIGNED_IDENTITY_NV;
199 | op[1].reg[2].reg.bits.channel = portion;
200 |
201 | // Discard CD output
202 | op[1].op = false;
203 | op[1].reg[0].reg.bits.name = GL_DISCARD_NV;
204 | }
205 |
206 | if (numOps < 3) {
207 | // Discard muxSum output
208 | op[2].reg[0].reg.bits.name = GL_DISCARD_NV;
209 | op[2].op = RCP_SUM;
210 | }
211 | }
212 |
213 |
214 | void GeneralFunctionStruct::Invoke(int stage, int portion, BiasScaleEnum bs)
215 | {
216 | GLenum portionEnum = (RCP_RGB == portion) ? GL_RGB : GL_ALPHA;
217 |
218 | glCombinerInputNV_ptr(GL_COMBINER0_NV + stage,
219 | portionEnum,
221 | op[0].reg[1].reg.bits.name,
222 | op[0].reg[1].map,
223 | MAP_CHANNEL(op[0].reg[1].reg.bits.channel));
224 |
225 | glCombinerInputNV_ptr(GL_COMBINER0_NV + stage,
226 | portionEnum,
228 | op[0].reg[2].reg.bits.name,
229 | op[0].reg[2].map,
230 | MAP_CHANNEL(op[0].reg[2].reg.bits.channel));
231 |
232 | glCombinerInputNV_ptr(GL_COMBINER0_NV + stage,
233 | portionEnum,
235 | op[1].reg[1].reg.bits.name,
236 | op[1].reg[1].map,
237 | MAP_CHANNEL(op[1].reg[1].reg.bits.channel));
238 |
239 | glCombinerInputNV_ptr(GL_COMBINER0_NV + stage,
240 | portionEnum,
242 | op[1].reg[2].reg.bits.name,
243 | op[1].reg[2].map,
244 | MAP_CHANNEL(op[1].reg[2].reg.bits.channel));
245 |
246 | glCombinerOutputNV_ptr(GL_COMBINER0_NV + stage,
247 | portionEnum,
248 | op[0].reg[0].reg.bits.name,
249 | op[1].reg[0].reg.bits.name,
250 | op[2].reg[0].reg.bits.name,
251 | bs.bits.scale,
252 | bs.bits.bias,
253 | op[0].op,
254 | op[1].op,
255 | (op[2].op == RCP_MUX) ? true : false);
256 | }
257 |
258 | // This helper function assigns a channel to an undesignated input register
259 | static void ConvertRegister(RegisterEnum& reg, int portion)
260 | {
261 | if (RCP_NONE == reg.bits.channel) {
262 | reg.bits.channel = portion;
263 | if (GL_FOG == reg.bits.name && RCP_ALPHA == portion)
264 | // Special case where fog alpha is final only, but RGB is not
265 | reg.bits.finalOnly = true;
266 | }
267 | }
268 |
269 |
270 | void OpStruct::Validate(int stage, int portion)
271 | {
272 | int args = 1;
273 |
274 | if (RCP_DOT == op || RCP_MUL == op)
275 | args = 3;
276 | else
277 | args = 1;
278 |
279 | if (reg[0].reg.bits.readOnly)
280 | errors.set("writing to a read-only register");
281 |
282 | if (RCP_ALPHA == portion &&
283 | RCP_DOT == op)
284 | errors.set("dot used in alpha portion");
285 | int i;
286 | for (i = 0; i < args; i++) {
287 | ConvertRegister(reg[i].reg, portion);
288 | if (reg[i].reg.bits.finalOnly)
289 | errors.set("final register used in general combiner");
290 | if (RCP_RGB == portion &&
291 | RCP_BLUE == reg[i].reg.bits.channel)
292 | errors.set("blue register used in rgb portion");
293 | if (RCP_ALPHA == portion &&
294 | RCP_RGB == reg[i].reg.bits.channel)
295 | errors.set("rgb register used in alpha portion");
296 | if (i > 0 &&
297 | GL_DISCARD_NV == reg[i].reg.bits.name)
298 | errors.set("reading from discard");
299 | }
300 | }