/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/ Copyright (c) 2000-2005 The OGRE Team Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: Fresnel.cpp Description: Fresnel reflections and refractions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "ExampleApplication.h" // Hacky globals Camera* theCam; Entity* pPlaneEnt; std::vector aboveWaterEnts; std::vector belowWaterEnts; // Fish! #define NUM_FISH 30 #define NUM_FISH_WAYPOINTS 10 #define FISH_PATH_LENGTH 200 AnimationState* fishAnimations[NUM_FISH]; SimpleSpline fishSplines[NUM_FISH]; Vector3 fishLastPosition[NUM_FISH]; SceneNode* fishNodes[NUM_FISH]; Real animTime = 0.0f; Plane reflectionPlane; class RefractionTextureListener : public RenderTargetListener { public: void preRenderTargetUpdate(const RenderTargetEvent& evt) { // Hide plane and objects above the water pPlaneEnt->setVisible(false); std::vector::iterator i, iend; iend = aboveWaterEnts.end(); for (i = aboveWaterEnts.begin(); i != iend; ++i) { (*i)->setVisible(false); } } void postRenderTargetUpdate(const RenderTargetEvent& evt) { // Show plane and objects above the water pPlaneEnt->setVisible(true); std::vector::iterator i, iend; iend = aboveWaterEnts.end(); for (i = aboveWaterEnts.begin(); i != iend; ++i) { (*i)->setVisible(true); } } }; class ReflectionTextureListener : public RenderTargetListener { public: void preRenderTargetUpdate(const RenderTargetEvent& evt) { // Hide plane and objects below the water pPlaneEnt->setVisible(false); std::vector::iterator i, iend; iend = belowWaterEnts.end(); for (i = belowWaterEnts.begin(); i != iend; ++i) { (*i)->setVisible(false); } theCam->enableReflection(reflectionPlane); } void postRenderTargetUpdate(const RenderTargetEvent& evt) { // Show plane and objects below the water pPlaneEnt->setVisible(true); std::vector::iterator i, iend; iend = belowWaterEnts.end(); for (i = belowWaterEnts.begin(); i != iend; ++i) { (*i)->setVisible(true); } theCam->disableReflection(); } }; class FresnelFrameListener : public ExampleFrameListener { public: FresnelFrameListener(RenderWindow* win, Camera* cam) : ExampleFrameListener(win, cam, false, false) {} bool frameStarted(const FrameEvent &evt) { animTime += evt.timeSinceLastFrame; while (animTime > FISH_PATH_LENGTH) animTime -= FISH_PATH_LENGTH; for (size_t fish = 0; fish < NUM_FISH; ++fish) { // Animate the fish fishAnimations[fish]->addTime(evt.timeSinceLastFrame*2); // Move the fish Vector3 newPos = fishSplines[fish].interpolate(animTime / FISH_PATH_LENGTH); fishNodes[fish]->setPosition(newPos); // Work out the direction Vector3 direction = fishLastPosition[fish] - newPos; direction.normalise(); // Test for opposite vectors Real d = 1.0f + Vector3::UNIT_X.dotProduct(direction); if (fabs(d) < 0.00001) { // Diametrically opposed vectors Quaternion orientation; orientation.FromAxes(Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_X, Vector3::UNIT_Y, Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z); fishNodes[fish]->setOrientation(orientation); } else { fishNodes[fish]->setOrientation( Vector3::UNIT_X.getRotationTo(direction)); } fishLastPosition[fish] = newPos; } return ExampleFrameListener::frameStarted(evt); } }; class FresnelApplication : public ExampleApplication { protected: RefractionTextureListener mRefractionListener; ReflectionTextureListener mReflectionListener; public: FresnelApplication() { } ~FresnelApplication() { } protected: // Just override the mandatory create scene method void createScene(void) { // Check prerequisites first const RenderSystemCapabilities* caps = Root::getSingleton().getRenderSystem()->getCapabilities(); if (!caps->hasCapability(RSC_VERTEX_PROGRAM) || !(caps->hasCapability(RSC_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM))) { OGRE_EXCEPT(1, "Your card does not support vertex and fragment programs, so cannot " "run this demo. Sorry!", "Fresnel::createScene"); } else { if (!GpuProgramManager::getSingleton().isSyntaxSupported("arbfp1") && !GpuProgramManager::getSingleton().isSyntaxSupported("ps_2_0") && !GpuProgramManager::getSingleton().isSyntaxSupported("ps_1_4") ) { OGRE_EXCEPT(1, "Your card does not support advanced fragment programs, " "so cannot run this demo. Sorry!", "Fresnel::createScene"); } } theCam = mCamera; theCam->setPosition(-100,20,700); // Set ambient light mSceneMgr->setAmbientLight(ColourValue(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)); // Create a point light Light* l = mSceneMgr->createLight("MainLight"); l->setType(Light::LT_DIRECTIONAL); l->setDirection(-Vector3::UNIT_Y); Entity* pEnt; RenderTexture* rttTex = mRoot->getRenderSystem()->createRenderTexture( "Refraction", 512, 512 ); { Viewport *v = rttTex->addViewport( mCamera ); MaterialPtr mat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName("Examples/FresnelReflectionRefraction"); mat->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0)->getTextureUnitState(2)->setTextureName("Refraction"); v->setOverlaysEnabled(false); rttTex->addListener(&mRefractionListener); } rttTex = mRoot->getRenderSystem()->createRenderTexture( "Reflection", 512, 512 ); { Viewport *v = rttTex->addViewport( mCamera ); MaterialPtr mat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName("Examples/FresnelReflectionRefraction"); mat->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0)->getTextureUnitState(1)->setTextureName("Reflection"); v->setOverlaysEnabled(false); rttTex->addListener(&mReflectionListener); } // Define a floor plane mesh reflectionPlane.normal = Vector3::UNIT_Y; reflectionPlane.d = 0; MeshManager::getSingleton().createPlane("ReflectPlane", ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, reflectionPlane, 1500,1500,10,10,true,1,5,5,Vector3::UNIT_Z); pPlaneEnt = mSceneMgr->createEntity( "plane", "ReflectPlane" ); pPlaneEnt->setMaterialName("Examples/FresnelReflectionRefraction"); mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode()->attachObject(pPlaneEnt); mSceneMgr->setSkyBox(true, "Examples/CloudyNoonSkyBox"); // My node to which all objects will be attached SceneNode* myRootNode = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode(); // Above water entities - NB all meshes are static pEnt = mSceneMgr->createEntity( "head1", "head1.mesh" ); myRootNode->attachObject(pEnt); aboveWaterEnts.push_back(pEnt); pEnt = mSceneMgr->createEntity( "Pillar1", "Pillar1.mesh" ); myRootNode->attachObject(pEnt); aboveWaterEnts.push_back(pEnt); pEnt = mSceneMgr->createEntity( "Pillar2", "Pillar2.mesh" ); myRootNode->attachObject(pEnt); aboveWaterEnts.push_back(pEnt); pEnt = mSceneMgr->createEntity( "Pillar3", "Pillar3.mesh" ); myRootNode->attachObject(pEnt); aboveWaterEnts.push_back(pEnt); pEnt = mSceneMgr->createEntity( "Pillar4", "Pillar4.mesh" ); myRootNode->attachObject(pEnt); aboveWaterEnts.push_back(pEnt); pEnt = mSceneMgr->createEntity( "UpperSurround", "UpperSurround.mesh" ); myRootNode->attachObject(pEnt); aboveWaterEnts.push_back(pEnt); // Now the below water ents pEnt = mSceneMgr->createEntity( "LowerSurround", "LowerSurround.mesh" ); myRootNode->attachObject(pEnt); belowWaterEnts.push_back(pEnt); pEnt = mSceneMgr->createEntity( "PoolFloor", "PoolFloor.mesh" ); myRootNode->attachObject(pEnt); belowWaterEnts.push_back(pEnt); for (size_t fishNo = 0; fishNo < NUM_FISH; ++fishNo) { pEnt = mSceneMgr->createEntity("fish" + StringConverter::toString(fishNo), "fish.mesh"); fishNodes[fishNo] = myRootNode->createChildSceneNode(); fishAnimations[fishNo] = pEnt->getAnimationState("swim"); fishAnimations[fishNo]->setEnabled(true); fishNodes[fishNo]->attachObject(pEnt); belowWaterEnts.push_back(pEnt); // Generate a random selection of points for the fish to swim to fishSplines[fishNo].setAutoCalculate(false); Vector3 lastPos; for (size_t waypoint = 0; waypoint < NUM_FISH_WAYPOINTS; ++waypoint) { Vector3 pos = Vector3( Math::SymmetricRandom() * 700, -10, Math::SymmetricRandom() * 700); if (waypoint > 0) { // check this waypoint isn't too far, we don't want turbo-fish ;) // since the waypoints are achieved every 5 seconds, half the length // of the pond is ok while ((lastPos - pos).length() > 750) { pos = Vector3( Math::SymmetricRandom() * 700, -10, Math::SymmetricRandom() * 700); } } fishSplines[fishNo].addPoint(pos); lastPos = pos; } // close the spline fishSplines[fishNo].addPoint(fishSplines[fishNo].getPoint(0)); // recalc fishSplines[fishNo].recalcTangents(); } } void createFrameListener(void) { mFrameListener= new FresnelFrameListener(mWindow, mCamera); mFrameListener->showDebugOverlay(true); mRoot->addFrameListener(mFrameListener); } }; #if OGRE_PLATFORM == OGRE_PLATFORM_WIN32 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include "windows.h" #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #if OGRE_PLATFORM == OGRE_PLATFORM_WIN32 INT WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE, LPSTR strCmdLine, INT ) #else int main(int argc, char **argv) #endif { // Create application object FresnelApplication app; try { app.go(); } catch( Exception& e ) { #if OGRE_PLATFORM == OGRE_PLATFORM_WIN32 MessageBox( NULL, e.getFullDescription().c_str(), "An exception has occured!", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL); #else std::cerr << "An exception has occured: " << e.getFullDescription(); #endif } return 0; } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif