/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/ Copyright (c) 2000-2005 The OGRE Team Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html You may use this sample code for anything you like, it is not covered by the LGPL like the rest of the engine. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \file Transparency.h \brief Specialisation of OGRE's framework application to show the transparency, or scene blending features. \par Note that this is a little rudimentary - it's because whilst OGRE supports lots of blending options, the SceneManager has to ensure the rendering order is correct when object transparency is enabled. Right now this is not quite right in the default manager so this scene is kept deliberately simple. */ #include "ExampleApplication.h" class TransApplication : public ExampleApplication { public: TransApplication() {} protected: // Just override the mandatory create scene method void createScene(void) { // Set ambient light mSceneMgr->setAmbientLight(ColourValue(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)); // Create a light Light* l = mSceneMgr->createLight("MainLight"); // Accept default settings: point light, white diffuse, just set position // NB I could attach the light to a SceneNode if I wanted it to move automatically with // other objects, but I don't l->setPosition(20,80,50); // Create a prefab plane Entity *planeEnt = mSceneMgr->createEntity("Plane", SceneManager::PT_PLANE); // Give the plane a texture planeEnt->setMaterialName("Examples/BumpyMetal"); // Create an entity from a model (will be loaded automatically) Entity* knotEnt = mSceneMgr->createEntity("Knot", "knot.mesh"); knotEnt->setMaterialName("Examples/TransparentTest"); // Attach the 2 new entities to the root of the scene SceneNode* rootNode = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode(); rootNode->attachObject(planeEnt); rootNode->attachObject(knotEnt); // Add a whole bunch of extra transparent entities Entity *cloneEnt; for (int n = 0; n < 10; ++n) { // Create a new node under the root SceneNode* node = mSceneMgr->createSceneNode(); // Random translate Vector3 nodePos; nodePos.x = Math::SymmetricRandom() * 500.0; nodePos.y = Math::SymmetricRandom() * 500.0; nodePos.z = Math::SymmetricRandom() * 500.0; node->setPosition(nodePos); rootNode->addChild(node); // Clone knot char cloneName[12]; sprintf(cloneName, "Knot%d", n); cloneEnt = knotEnt->clone(cloneName); // Attach to new node node->attachObject(cloneEnt); } } };