/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/ Copyright (c) 2000-2005 The OGRE Team Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html You may use this sample code for anything you like, it is not covered by the LGPL like the rest of the engine. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "WaterMesh.h" #define ANIMATIONS_PER_SECOND 100.0f WaterMesh::WaterMesh(const String& meshName, Real planeSize, int complexity) { int x,y,b; // I prefer to initialize for() variables inside it, but VC doesn't like it ;( this->meshName = meshName ; this->complexity = complexity ; numFaces = 2 * complexity * complexity; numVertices = (complexity + 1) * (complexity + 1) ; lastTimeStamp = 0 ; lastAnimationTimeStamp = 0; lastFrameTime = 0 ; // initialize algorithm parameters PARAM_C = 0.3f ; // ripple speed PARAM_D = 0.4f ; // distance PARAM_U = 0.05f ; // viscosity PARAM_T = 0.13f ; // time useFakeNormals = false ; // allocate space for normal calculation vNormals = new Vector3[numVertices]; // create mesh and submesh mesh = MeshManager::getSingleton().createManual(meshName, ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME); subMesh = mesh->createSubMesh(); subMesh->useSharedVertices=false; // Vertex buffers subMesh->vertexData = new VertexData(); subMesh->vertexData->vertexStart = 0; subMesh->vertexData->vertexCount = numVertices; VertexDeclaration* vdecl = subMesh->vertexData->vertexDeclaration; VertexBufferBinding* vbind = subMesh->vertexData->vertexBufferBinding; vdecl->addElement(0, 0, VET_FLOAT3, VES_POSITION); vdecl->addElement(1, 0, VET_FLOAT3, VES_NORMAL); vdecl->addElement(2, 0, VET_FLOAT2, VES_TEXTURE_COORDINATES); // Prepare buffer for positions - todo: first attempt, slow posVertexBuffer = HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton().createVertexBuffer( 3*sizeof(float), numVertices, HardwareBuffer::HBU_DYNAMIC_WRITE_ONLY_DISCARDABLE); vbind->setBinding(0, posVertexBuffer); // Prepare buffer for normals - write only normVertexBuffer = HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton().createVertexBuffer( 3*sizeof(float), numVertices, HardwareBuffer::HBU_DYNAMIC_WRITE_ONLY_DISCARDABLE); vbind->setBinding(1, normVertexBuffer); // Prepare texture coords buffer - static one // todo: optimize to write directly into buffer float *texcoordsBufData = new float[numVertices*2]; for(y=0;y<=complexity;y++) { for(x=0;x<=complexity;x++) { texcoordsBufData[2*(y*(complexity+1)+x)+0] = (float)x / complexity ; texcoordsBufData[2*(y*(complexity+1)+x)+1] = 1.0f - ((float)y / (complexity)) ; } } texcoordsVertexBuffer = HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton().createVertexBuffer( 2*sizeof(float), numVertices, HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY); texcoordsVertexBuffer->writeData(0, texcoordsVertexBuffer->getSizeInBytes(), texcoordsBufData, true); // true? delete [] texcoordsBufData; vbind->setBinding(2, texcoordsVertexBuffer); // Prepare buffer for indices indexBuffer = HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton().createIndexBuffer( HardwareIndexBuffer::IT_16BIT, 3*numFaces, HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC, true); unsigned short *faceVertexIndices = (unsigned short*) indexBuffer->lock(0, numFaces*3*2, HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD); for(y=0 ; yunlock(); // Set index buffer for this submesh subMesh->indexData->indexBuffer = indexBuffer; subMesh->indexData->indexStart = 0; subMesh->indexData->indexCount = 3*numFaces; /* prepare vertex positions * note - we use 3 vertex buffers, since algorighm uses two last phases * to calculate the next one */ for(b=0;b<3;b++) { vertexBuffers[b] = new float[numVertices * 3] ; for(y=0;y<=complexity;y++) { for(x=0;x<=complexity;x++) { int numPoint = y*(complexity+1) + x ; float* vertex = vertexBuffers[b] + 3*numPoint ; vertex[0]=(float)(x) / (float)(complexity) * (float) planeSize ; vertex[1]= 0 ; // rand() % 30 ; vertex[2]=(float)(y) / (float)(complexity) * (float) planeSize ; } } } AxisAlignedBox meshBounds(0,0,0, planeSize,0, planeSize); mesh->_setBounds(meshBounds); currentBuffNumber = 0 ; posVertexBuffer->writeData(0, posVertexBuffer->getSizeInBytes(), // size vertexBuffers[currentBuffNumber], // source true); // discard? mesh->load(); mesh->touch(); } /* ========================================================================= */ WaterMesh::~WaterMesh () { delete[] vertexBuffers[0]; delete[] vertexBuffers[1]; delete[] vertexBuffers[2]; delete[] vNormals; } /* ========================================================================= */ void WaterMesh::push(Real x, Real y, Real depth, bool absolute) { float *buf = vertexBuffers[currentBuffNumber]+1 ; // scale pressure according to time passed depth = depth * lastFrameTime * ANIMATIONS_PER_SECOND ; #define _PREP(addx,addy) { \ float *vertex=buf+3*((int)(y+addy)*(complexity+1)+(int)(x+addx)) ; \ float diffy = y - floor(y+addy); \ float diffx = x - floor(x+addx); \ float dist=sqrt(diffy*diffy + diffx*diffx) ; \ float power = 1 - dist ; \ if (power<0) \ power = 0; \ if (absolute) \ *vertex = depth*power ; \ else \ *vertex += depth*power ; \ } /* #define */ _PREP(0,0); _PREP(0,1); _PREP(1,0); _PREP(1,1); #undef _PREP } /* ========================================================================= */ Real WaterMesh::getHeight(Real x, Real y) { #define hat(_x,_y) buf[3*((int)_y*(complexity+1)+(int)(_x))] float *buf = vertexBuffers[currentBuffNumber] ; Real xa = floor(x); Real xb = xa + 1 ; Real ya = floor(y); Real yb = ya + 1 ; float *vertex = buf + 3*((int)(ya)*(complexity+1)+(int)(xa)); Real yaxavg = hat(xa,ya) * (1.0f-fabs(xa-x)) + hat(xb,ya) * (1.0f-fabs(xb-x)); Real ybxavg = hat(xa,yb) * (1.0f-fabs(xa-x)) + hat(xb,yb) * (1.0f-fabs(xb-x)); Real yavg = yaxavg * (1.0f-fabs(ya-y)) + ybxavg * (1.0f-fabs(yb-y)) ; return yavg ; } /* ========================================================================= */ void WaterMesh::calculateFakeNormals() { int x,y; float *buf = vertexBuffers[currentBuffNumber] + 1; float *pNormals = (float*) normVertexBuffer->lock( 0,normVertexBuffer->getSizeInBytes(), HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD); for(y=1;yunlock(); } /* ========================================================================= */ void WaterMesh::calculateNormals() { int i,x,y; float *buf = vertexBuffers[currentBuffNumber] + 1; // zero normals for(i=0;ilock( 0, indexBuffer->getSizeInBytes(), HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY); float *pNormals = (float*) normVertexBuffer->lock( 0, normVertexBuffer->getSizeInBytes(), HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD); for(i=0;iunlock(); normVertexBuffer->unlock(); } /* ========================================================================= */ void WaterMesh::updateMesh(Real timeSinceLastFrame) { int x, y ; lastFrameTime = timeSinceLastFrame ; lastTimeStamp += timeSinceLastFrame ; // do rendering to get ANIMATIONS_PER_SECOND while(lastAnimationTimeStamp <= lastTimeStamp) { // switch buffer numbers currentBuffNumber = (currentBuffNumber + 1) % 3 ; float *buf = vertexBuffers[currentBuffNumber] + 1 ; // +1 for Y coordinate float *buf1 = vertexBuffers[(currentBuffNumber+2)%3] + 1 ; float *buf2 = vertexBuffers[(currentBuffNumber+1)%3] + 1; /* we use an algorithm from * http://collective.valve-erc.com/index.php?go=water_simulation * The params could be dynamically changed every frame ofcourse */ double C = PARAM_C; // ripple speed double D = PARAM_D; // distance double U = PARAM_U; // viscosity double T = PARAM_T; // time Real TERM1 = ( 4.0f - 8.0f*C*C*T*T/(D*D) ) / (U*T+2) ; Real TERM2 = ( U*T-2.0f ) / (U*T+2.0f) ; Real TERM3 = ( 2.0f * C*C*T*T/(D*D) ) / (U*T+2) ; for(y=1;ywriteData(0, posVertexBuffer->getSizeInBytes(), // size vertexBuffers[currentBuffNumber], // source true); // discard? }