[657] | 1 | #include "Vector3.h"
| 2 | #include "lwo2mesh.h"
| 3 | #include "Ogre.h"
| 4 | #include "OgreMesh.h"
| 5 | #include "OgreStringConverter.h"
| 6 | #include "OgreDefaultHardwareBufferManager.h"
| 7 |
| 9 | #include <math.h>
| 10 | #include <float.h> // FLT_MIN, FLT_MAX
| 11 | #include <libgen.h> // dirname(), basename().
| 12 | #include <string.h> // strtok();
| 13 | #include <string> // string class
| 14 | #endif
| 15 |
| 16 | #define POLYLIMIT 0x5555
| 17 | #define POINTLIMIT 0x5555
| 18 |
| 19 | extern Mesh::LodDistanceList distanceList;
| 20 | extern Real reduction;
| 21 | extern bool flags[NUMFLAGS];
| 22 | extern MaterialSerializer* materialSerializer;
| 23 | extern char *matPrefix;
| 24 |
| 25 | extern ostream& nl(ostream& os);
| 26 |
| 28 |
| 29 | /* We expect the caller to provide an arrays of chars for the output. */
| 30 | void _splitpath( const char *_fn, char *_drive, char *_dir, char *_node, char *_ext ) {
| 31 |
| 32 | /* A crazy mix of both c and c++.. */
| 33 |
| 34 | const char *delimiters = ".";
| 35 | char buf[ _MAX_DRIVE+_MAX_DIR+_MAX_FNAME+_MAX_EXT + 5 ];
| 36 | char *exte, *ddir, *fnam, *_ext_tmp;
| 37 |
| 38 | strcpy( buf, _fn );
| 39 | strcpy( _drive, "" ); // _drive is always empth on linux.
| 40 |
| 41 | if ( String( buf ).empty() ) {
| 42 | strcpy( _node, "" );
| 43 | strcpy( _dir, "" );
| 44 | strcpy( _ext, "" );
| 45 | return;
| 46 | }
| 47 |
| 48 | fnam = basename( buf );
| 49 | strcpy( _node, fnam );
| 50 | ddir = dirname( buf );
| 51 | strcpy( _dir, ddir );
| 52 |
| 53 | _ext_tmp = strtok( fnam, delimiters );
| 54 | while ( ( _ext_tmp = strtok( NULL, delimiters ) ) != NULL ) exte = _ext_tmp;
| 55 | strcpy( _ext, exte );
| 56 |
| 57 | _node[ strlen(_node) - strlen(_ext) - 1 ] = '\0';
| 58 |
| 59 | }
| 60 |
| 61 | /* We expect the caller to provide an array of chars for the output. */
| 62 | void _makepath( char *_fn, const char *_drive, const char *_dir,
| 63 | const char *_node, const char *_ext ) {
| 64 |
| 65 | /* A crazy mix of both c and c++.. */
| 66 |
| 67 | std::string buf("");
| 68 |
| 69 | if ( _drive != NULL ) // On Linux, this is usually empty.
| 70 | buf += _drive;
| 71 |
| 72 | if ( _dir != NULL ) { // The directory part.
| 73 | if ( std::string(_dir).empty() )
| 74 | buf += ".";
| 75 | buf += _dir;
| 76 | buf += "/";
| 77 | }
| 78 |
| 79 | if ( _node != NULL ) // The filename without the extension.
| 80 | buf += _node;
| 81 |
| 82 | if ( _ext != NULL ) { // The extension.
| 83 | if ( std::string( _ext ).compare( 0, 1, "." ) != 0 )
| 84 | buf += ".";
| 85 | buf += _ext;
| 86 | }
| 87 |
| 88 | strcpy( _fn, buf.c_str() );
| 89 | }
| 90 |
| 91 | #endif
| 92 |
| 93 | void Lwo2MeshWriter::doExportMaterials()
| 94 | {
| 95 | char
| 96 | drive[ _MAX_DRIVE ],
| 97 | dir[ _MAX_DIR ],
| 98 | node[ _MAX_FNAME ],
| 99 | ext[ _MAX_EXT ],
| 100 | texname [128];
| 101 |
| 102 | unsigned int slength = 0;
| 103 |
| 104 | if (flags[RenameMaterials])
| 105 | {
| 106 | if (flags[UseInteractiveMethod])
| 107 | {
| 108 | for (unsigned int i = 0; i < object->surfaces.size(); ++i)
| 109 | {
| 110 | lwSurface *surface = object->surfaces[i];
| 111 | cout << "Rename surface " << surface->name << " to: ";
| 112 | cin >> texname;
| 113 | surface->setname(texname);
| 114 | }
| 115 | } else {
| 116 | _splitpath( dest, drive, dir, node, ext );
| 117 |
| 118 | for (unsigned int i = 0; i < object->surfaces.size(); ++i)
| 119 | {
| 120 | lwSurface *surface = object->surfaces[i];
| 121 | if (flags[UsePrefixMethod])
| 122 | strcpy(texname,matPrefix);
| 123 | else
| 124 | {
| 125 | strcpy(texname,node);
| 126 | strcat(texname,"_");
| 127 | }
| 128 |
| 129 | strcat(texname, surface->name);
| 130 | surface->setname(texname);
| 131 | }
| 132 | }
| 133 | }
| 134 |
| 135 | for (unsigned int i = 0; i < object->surfaces.size(); ++i)
| 136 | {
| 137 | lwSurface *surface = object->surfaces[i];
| 138 |
| 139 | // Create deferred material so no load
| 140 | MaterialPtr ogreMat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName(surface->name);
| 141 |
| 142 | if (!ogreMat)
| 143 | {
| 144 | ogreMat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().create(surface->name,
| 145 | ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME);
| 146 |
| 147 | ogreMat->setAmbient
| 148 | (
| 149 | surface->color.rgb[0],
| 150 | surface->color.rgb[1],
| 151 | surface->color.rgb[2]
| 152 | );
| 153 |
| 154 | ogreMat->setDiffuse
| 155 | (
| 156 | surface->diffuse.val * surface->color.rgb[0],
| 157 | surface->diffuse.val * surface->color.rgb[1],
| 158 | surface->diffuse.val * surface->color.rgb[2],
| 159 | 1.0f
| 160 | );
| 161 |
| 162 | ogreMat->setSpecular
| 163 | (
| 164 | surface->specularity.val * surface->color.rgb[0],
| 165 | surface->specularity.val * surface->color.rgb[1],
| 166 | surface->specularity.val * surface->color.rgb[2],
| 167 | 1.0f
| 168 | );
| 169 |
| 170 | ogreMat->setShininess(surface->glossiness.val);
| 171 |
| 172 | ogreMat->setSelfIllumination
| 173 | (
| 174 | surface->luminosity.val * surface->color.rgb[0],
| 175 | surface->luminosity.val * surface->color.rgb[1],
| 176 | surface->luminosity.val * surface->color.rgb[2]
| 177 | );
| 178 |
| 179 | for (unsigned int j = 0; j < surface->color.textures.size(); j++)
| 180 | {
| 181 | lwTexture *tex = surface->color.textures[j];
| 182 | int cindex = tex->param.imap->cindex;
| 183 | lwClip *clip = object->lwFindClip(cindex);
| 184 |
| 185 | if (clip)
| 186 | {
| 187 | _splitpath( clip->source.still->name, drive, dir, node, ext );
| 188 | _makepath( texname, 0, 0, node, ext );
| 189 | ogreMat->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0)->createTextureUnitState(texname);
| 190 | }
| 191 | }
| 192 | materialSerializer->queueForExport(ogreMat);
| 193 | }
| 194 | }
| 195 | }
| 196 |
| 197 | Skeleton *Lwo2MeshWriter::doExportSkeleton(const String &skelName, int l)
| 198 | {
| 199 | vpolygons bones;
| 200 | bones.clear();
| 201 | bones.reserve(256);
| 202 |
| 203 | vpoints bonepoints;
| 204 | bonepoints.clear();
| 205 | bonepoints.reserve(512);
| 206 |
| 207 | if (l == -1)
| 208 | {
| 209 | for (l = 0; l < object->layers.size(); ++l)
| 210 | {
| 211 | copyPoints(-1, ID_BONE, object->layers[l]->points, bonepoints);
| 212 | copyPolygons(-1, ID_BONE, object->layers[l]->polygons, bones);
| 213 | }
| 214 | }
| 215 | else
| 216 | {
| 217 | copyPoints(-1, ID_BONE, object->layers[l]->points, bonepoints);
| 218 | copyPolygons(-1, ID_BONE, object->layers[l]->polygons, bones);
| 219 | }
| 220 |
| 221 | if (!bones.size()) return NULL; // no bones means no skeleton
| 222 |
| 223 | Skeleton *ogreskel = new Skeleton(skelName);
| 224 |
| 225 | unsigned int i;
| 226 | // Create all the bones in turn
| 227 | for (i = 0; i < bones.size(); ++i)
| 228 | {
| 229 | lwPolygon* bone = bones[i];
| 230 | if (bone->vertices.size() != 2) continue; // a bone has only 2 sides
| 231 |
| 232 | Bone* ogreBone = ogreskel->createBone("Bone");
| 233 |
| 234 | Ogre::Vector3 bonePos(bone->vertices[0]->point->x, bone->vertices[0]->point->y, bone->vertices[0]->point->z);
| 235 |
| 236 | ogreBone->setPosition(bonePos);
| 237 | // Hmm, Milkshape has chosen a Euler angle representation of orientation which is not smart
| 238 | // Rotation Matrix or Quaternion would have been the smarter choice
| 239 | // Might we have Gimbal lock here? What order are these 3 angles supposed to be applied?
| 240 | // Grr, we'll try our best anyway...
| 241 | Quaternion qx, qy, qz, qfinal;
| 242 | /*
| 243 | qx.FromAngleAxis(msBoneRot[0], Vector3::UNIT_X);
| 244 | qy.FromAngleAxis(msBoneRot[1], Vector3::UNIT_Y);
| 245 | qz.FromAngleAxis(msBoneRot[2], Vector3::UNIT_Z);
| 246 | */
| 247 | // Assume rotate by x then y then z
| 248 | qfinal = qz * qy * qx;
| 249 | ogreBone->setOrientation(qfinal);
| 250 | }
| 251 | /*
| 252 | for (i = 0; i < numBones; ++i)
| 253 | {
| 254 | msBone* bone = msModel_GetBoneAt(pModel, i);
| 255 |
| 256 | if (strlen(bone->szParentName) == 0)
| 257 | {
| 258 | }
| 259 | else
| 260 | {
| 261 | Bone* ogrechild = ogreskel->getBone(bone->szName);
| 262 | Bone* ogreparent = ogreskel->getBone(bone->szParentName);
| 263 |
| 264 | if (ogrechild == 0)
| 265 | {
| 266 | continue;
| 267 | }
| 268 | if (ogreparent == 0)
| 269 | {
| 270 | continue;
| 271 | }
| 272 | // Make child
| 273 | ogreparent->addChild(ogrechild);
| 274 | }
| 275 |
| 276 |
| 277 | }
| 278 |
| 279 | // Create the Animation(s)
| 280 | doExportAnimations(pModel, ogreskel);
| 281 |
| 282 | // Create skeleton serializer & export
| 283 | SkeletonSerializer serializer;
| 284 | serializer.exportSkeleton(ogreskel, szFile);
| 285 |
| 286 | ogreMesh->_notifySkeleton(ogreskel);
| 287 |
| 288 | return ogreskel;
| 289 | */
| 290 | delete ogreskel;
| 291 | return NULL;
| 292 | }
| 293 |
| 294 | #define POSITION_BINDING 0
| 295 | #define NORMAL_BINDING 1
| 296 | #define TEXCOORD_BINDING 2
| 297 |
| 298 | VertexData *Lwo2MeshWriter::setupVertexData(unsigned short vertexCount, VertexData *oldVertexData, bool deleteOldVertexData)
| 299 | {
| 300 | VertexData *vertexData = new VertexData();
| 301 |
| 302 | if (oldVertexData)
| 303 | {
| 304 | // Basic vertex info
| 305 | vertexData->vertexStart = oldVertexData->vertexStart;
| 306 | vertexData->vertexCount = oldVertexData->vertexCount + vertexCount;
| 307 |
| 308 | const VertexBufferBinding::VertexBufferBindingMap bindings = oldVertexData->vertexBufferBinding->getBindings();
| 309 | VertexBufferBinding::VertexBufferBindingMap::const_iterator vbi, vbend;
| 310 | vbend = bindings.end();
| 311 |
| 312 | for (vbi = bindings.begin(); vbi != vbend; ++vbi)
| 313 | {
| 314 | HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr srcbuf = vbi->second;
| 315 | // create new buffer with the same settings
| 316 | HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr dstBuf =
| 317 | HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton().createVertexBuffer(
| 318 | srcbuf->getVertexSize(), srcbuf->getNumVertices() + vertexCount, srcbuf->getUsage(), srcbuf->isSystemMemory());
| 319 |
| 320 | // copy data
| 321 | dstBuf->copyData(*srcbuf, 0, 0, srcbuf->getSizeInBytes(), true);
| 322 |
| 323 | // Copy binding
| 324 | vertexData->vertexBufferBinding->setBinding(vbi->first, dstBuf);
| 325 | }
| 326 |
| 327 | // Copy elements
| 328 | const VertexDeclaration::VertexElementList elems = oldVertexData->vertexDeclaration->getElements();
| 329 | VertexDeclaration::VertexElementList::const_iterator ei, eiend;
| 330 | eiend = elems.end();
| 331 | for (ei = elems.begin(); ei != eiend; ++ei)
| 332 | {
| 333 | vertexData->vertexDeclaration->addElement(
| 334 | ei->getSource(),
| 335 | ei->getOffset(),
| 336 | ei->getType(),
| 337 | ei->getSemantic(),
| 338 | ei->getIndex() );
| 339 | }
| 340 | if (deleteOldVertexData) delete oldVertexData;
| 341 | }
| 342 | else
| 343 | {
| 344 | vertexData->vertexCount = vertexCount;
| 345 |
| 346 | VertexBufferBinding* bind = vertexData->vertexBufferBinding;
| 347 | VertexDeclaration* decl = vertexData->vertexDeclaration;
| 348 |
| 349 | decl->addElement(POSITION_BINDING, 0, VET_FLOAT3, VES_POSITION);
| 350 | HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr pbuf = HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton().createVertexBuffer(decl->getVertexSize(POSITION_BINDING), vertexData->vertexCount, HardwareBuffer::HBU_DYNAMIC, false);
| 351 | bind->setBinding(POSITION_BINDING, pbuf);
| 352 |
| 353 | decl->addElement(NORMAL_BINDING, 0, VET_FLOAT3, VES_NORMAL);
| 354 | HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr nbuf = HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton().createVertexBuffer(decl->getVertexSize(NORMAL_BINDING), vertexData->vertexCount, HardwareBuffer::HBU_DYNAMIC, false);
| 355 | bind->setBinding(NORMAL_BINDING, nbuf);
| 356 |
| 358 | HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr tbuf = HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton().createVertexBuffer(decl->getVertexSize(TEXCOORD_BINDING), vertexData->vertexCount, HardwareBuffer::HBU_DYNAMIC, false);
| 359 | bind->setBinding(TEXCOORD_BINDING, tbuf);
| 360 | }
| 361 | return vertexData;
| 362 | }
| 363 |
| 364 | void Lwo2MeshWriter::copyPoints(int surfaceIndex, unsigned long polygontype, vpoints &sourcepoints, vpoints &destpoints)
| 365 | {
| 366 | for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sourcepoints.size(); i++)
| 367 | {
| 368 | lwPoint *point = sourcepoints[i];
| 369 |
| 370 | for (unsigned int j = 0; j < point->polygons.size(); j++)
| 371 | {
| 372 | lwPolygon *polygon = point->polygons[j];
| 373 | if (polygon->type == polygontype)
| 374 | if (surfaceIndex == -1 || surfaceIndex == polygon->surfidx)
| 375 | {
| 376 | destpoints.push_back(point);
| 377 | break;
| 378 | }
| 379 | }
| 380 | }
| 381 | }
| 382 |
| 383 | void Lwo2MeshWriter::copyPolygons(int surfaceIndex, unsigned long polygontype, vpolygons &sourcepolygons, vpolygons &destpolygons)
| 384 | {
| 385 | for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sourcepolygons.size(); i++)
| 386 | {
| 387 | lwPolygon *polygon = sourcepolygons[i];
| 388 | if (polygon->type == polygontype)
| 389 | if (surfaceIndex == -1 || surfaceIndex == polygon->surfidx)
| 390 | destpolygons.push_back(polygon);
| 391 | }
| 392 | }
| 393 |
| 394 | void Lwo2MeshWriter::copyDataToVertexData(vpoints &points,
| 395 | vpolygons &polygons,
| 396 | vvmaps &vmaps,
| 397 | IndexData *indexData,
| 398 | VertexData *vertexData,
| 399 | unsigned short vertexDataOffset)
| 400 | {
| 401 | lwVMap *vmap = 0;
| 402 | unsigned int ni;
| 403 |
| 404 | HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr pbuf = vertexData->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(POSITION_BINDING);
| 405 | HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr nbuf = vertexData->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(NORMAL_BINDING);
| 406 | HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr tbuf = vertexData->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(TEXCOORD_BINDING);
| 407 | HardwareIndexBufferSharedPtr ibuf = indexData->indexBuffer;
| 408 |
| 409 | float* pPos = static_cast<float*>(pbuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD));
| 410 | float* pNor = static_cast<float*>(nbuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD));
| 411 | float* pTex = static_cast<float*>(tbuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD));
| 412 | unsigned short *pIdx = static_cast<unsigned short*>(ibuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD));
| 413 |
| 414 | for (unsigned int p = 0; p < polygons.size(); p++)
| 415 | {
| 416 | lwPolygon *polygon = polygons[p];
| 417 |
| 418 | if (polygon->vertices.size() != 3) continue; // only copy triangles;
| 419 |
| 420 | for (unsigned int v = 0; v < polygon->vertices.size(); v++)
| 421 | {
| 422 | lwVertex *vertex = polygon->vertices[v];
| 423 | lwPoint *point = vertex->point;
| 424 | unsigned short i = getPointIndex(point, points);
| 425 |
| 426 | pIdx[p*3 + v] = vertexDataOffset + i;
| 427 |
| 428 | ni = (vertexDataOffset + i) * 3;
| 429 |
| 430 | pPos[ni] = vertex->point->x;
| 431 | pPos[ni + 1] = vertex->point->y;
| 432 | pPos[ni + 2] = vertex->point->z;
| 433 |
| 434 | pNor[ni] = vertex->normal.x;
| 435 | pNor[ni + 1] = vertex->normal.y;
| 436 | pNor[ni + 2] = vertex->normal.z;
| 437 |
| 438 | bool found = false;
| 439 |
| 440 | ni = (vertexDataOffset + i) * 2;
| 441 |
| 442 | for (unsigned int v = 0; v < point->vmaps.size(); v++)
| 443 | {
| 444 | for (unsigned int vr = 0; vr < vmaps.size(); vr++)
| 445 | {
| 446 | vmap = vmaps[vr];
| 447 | if (point->vmaps[v].vmap == vmap)
| 448 | {
| 449 | int n = point->vmaps[v].index;
| 450 |
| 451 | pTex[ni] = vmap->val[n][0];
| 452 | pTex[ni + 1] = 1.0f - vmap->val[n][1];
| 453 | found = true;
| 454 | break;
| 455 | }
| 456 | }
| 457 | if (found) break;
| 458 | }
| 459 | }
| 460 | }
| 461 | pbuf->unlock();
| 462 | nbuf->unlock();
| 463 | tbuf->unlock();
| 464 | ibuf->unlock();
| 465 | }
| 466 |
| 467 | void Lwo2MeshWriter::prepLwObject(void)
| 468 | {
| 469 | unsigned int l, p;
| 470 |
| 471 | for (l = 0; l < object->layers.size(); l++)
| 472 | {
| 473 | lwLayer *layer = object->layers[l];
| 474 |
| 475 | #ifdef _DEBUG
| 476 | cout << "Triangulating layer " << l << ", Polygons before: " << layer->polygons.size();
| 477 | #endif
| 478 | layer->triangulatePolygons();
| 479 | #ifdef _DEBUG
| 480 | cout << ", Polygons after: " << layer->polygons.size() << endl;
| 481 | #endif
| 482 |
| 483 | // Mirror x-coord for Ogre;
| 484 | for (p = 0; p < layer->points.size(); p++)
| 485 | {
| 486 | layer->points[p]->x *= -1.0f;
| 487 | layer->points[p]->polygons.clear();
| 488 | }
| 489 | // Unscrew the bounding box
| 490 | float x = layer->bboxmin.x * -1.0f;
| 491 | layer->bboxmin.x = layer->bboxmax.x * -1.0f;
| 492 | layer->bboxmax.x = x;
| 493 |
| 494 | for ( p = 0; p < layer->polygons.size(); p++ )
| 495 | {
| 496 | lwPolygon *polygon = layer->polygons[ p ];
| 497 | for (unsigned int j = 0; j < polygon->vertices.size(); j++ )
| 498 | polygon->vertices[ j ]->point->polygons.push_back(polygon);
| 499 | }
| 500 |
| 501 | for (p = 0; p < layer->polygons.size(); p++)
| 502 | layer->polygons[p]->flip();
| 503 |
| 504 | layer->calculatePolygonNormals();
| 505 | layer->calculateVertexNormals();
| 506 | }
| 507 | }
| 508 |
| 509 | inline int Lwo2MeshWriter::getPointIndex(lwPoint *point, vpoints &points)
| 510 | {
| 511 | for (unsigned int i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i)
| 512 | if (points[i] == point) return i;
| 513 |
| 514 | return -1;
| 515 | }
| 516 |
| 517 | inline String Lwo2MeshWriter::makeLayerFileName(char* dest, unsigned int l, char *layername)
| 518 | {
| 519 | char
| 520 | drive[ _MAX_DRIVE ],
| 521 | dir[ _MAX_DIR ],
| 522 | node[ _MAX_FNAME ],
| 523 | ext[ _MAX_EXT ],
| 524 | buf[ _MAX_DRIVE + _MAX_DIR + _MAX_FNAME + _MAX_EXT + 5 ];
| 525 |
| 526 | String LayerFileName;
| 527 | String TempName;
| 528 |
| 529 | _splitpath( dest, drive, dir, node, ext );
| 530 |
| 531 | TempName = String( node );
| 532 |
| 533 | if (layername) {
| 534 | TempName += ".";
| 535 | TempName += layername;
| 536 | } else {
| 537 | TempName += ".layer" + StringConverter::toString(l);
| 538 | }
| 539 |
| 540 | _makepath( buf, drive, dir, TempName.c_str(), ext );
| 541 | LayerFileName = String( buf );
| 542 |
| 543 | return LayerFileName;
| 544 | }
| 545 |
| 546 | inline String Lwo2MeshWriter::makeMaterialFileName(char* dest)
| 547 | {
| 548 | char
| 549 | drive[ _MAX_DRIVE ],
| 550 | dir[ _MAX_DIR ],
| 551 | node[ _MAX_FNAME ],
| 552 | ext[ _MAX_EXT ],
| 553 | buf[ _MAX_DRIVE + _MAX_DIR + _MAX_FNAME + _MAX_EXT + 5 ];
| 554 |
| 555 | String MaterialFileName;
| 556 |
| 557 | _splitpath( dest, drive, dir, node, ext );
| 558 | _makepath( buf, drive, dir, node, ".material" );
| 559 |
| 560 | const char *test = MaterialFileName.c_str();
| 561 | MaterialFileName = String( buf );
| 562 |
| 563 | return MaterialFileName;
| 564 | }
| 565 |
| 566 | inline void Lwo2MeshWriter::getTextureVMaps(vtextures &textures, vvmaps &svmaps, vvmaps &dvmaps)
| 567 | {
| 568 | for (unsigned int i = 0; i < textures.size(); i++)
| 569 | {
| 570 | lwTexture *texture = textures[i];
| 571 |
| 572 | if (texture->type == ID_IMAP && texture->param.imap)
| 573 | {
| 574 | char *mapname = texture->param.imap->vmap_name;
| 575 | if (mapname)
| 576 | for (unsigned int v = 0; v < svmaps.size(); v++)
| 577 | {
| 578 | lwVMap *vmap = svmaps[v];
| 579 | if (strcmp(mapname, vmap->name) == 0) dvmaps.push_back(vmap);
| 580 | }
| 581 | }
| 582 | }
| 583 | return;
| 584 | }
| 585 |
| 586 | bool Lwo2MeshWriter::writeLwo2Mesh(lwObject *nobject, char *ndest)
| 587 | {
| 588 | object = nobject;
| 589 | dest = ndest;
| 590 |
| 591 | if (!object) return false;
| 592 | if (!object->layers.size()) return false;
| 593 |
| 594 | LogManager::getSingleton().createLog("Lwo2MeshWriter.log");
| 595 |
| 596 | prepLwObject();
| 597 |
| 598 | vpoints points;
| 599 | vpolygons polygons;
| 600 | vvmaps vmaps;
| 601 |
| 602 | MeshSerializer meshserializer;
| 603 |
| 604 | if (flags[ExportMaterials])
| 605 | {
| 606 | doExportMaterials();
| 607 | materialSerializer->exportQueued(makeMaterialFileName(dest));
| 608 | }
| 609 |
| 610 | unsigned int ml = object->layers.size();
| 611 |
| 612 | bool SeparateLayers = flags[UseSeparateLayers] && ml > 1;
| 613 |
| 614 | if (!SeparateLayers) ogreMesh = new Mesh(ndest);
| 615 |
| 616 | Ogre::Vector3 boundingBoxMin(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX);
| 617 | Ogre::Vector3 boundingBoxMax(FLT_MIN, FLT_MIN, FLT_MIN);
| 618 |
| 619 |
| 620 | for( unsigned int ol = 0; ol < ml; ++ol )
| 621 | {
| 622 | if (!object->layers[ol]->polygons.size())
| 623 | continue;
| 624 |
| 625 | Ogre::Vector3 currentMin(object->layers[ol]->bboxmin.x,
| 626 | object->layers[ol]->bboxmin.y,
| 627 | object->layers[ol]->bboxmin.z);
| 628 | Ogre::Vector3 currentMax(object->layers[ol]->bboxmax.x,
| 629 | object->layers[ol]->bboxmax.y,
| 630 | object->layers[ol]->bboxmax.z);
| 631 |
| 632 | if (SeparateLayers)
| 633 | {
| 634 | ogreMesh = new Mesh(ndest);
| 635 | ogreMesh->_setBounds(Ogre::AxisAlignedBox(currentMin, currentMax));
| 636 | ogreMesh->_setBoundingSphereRadius(Ogre::Math::Sqrt(std::max(currentMin.squaredLength(), currentMax.squaredLength())));
| 637 | }
| 638 | else
| 639 | {
| 640 | boundingBoxMin.makeFloor(currentMin);
| 641 | boundingBoxMax.makeCeil(currentMax);
| 642 | }
| 643 |
| 644 | for (unsigned int s = 0; s < object->surfaces.size(); s++)
| 645 | {
| 646 | lwSurface *surface = object->surfaces[s];
| 647 |
| 648 | points.clear();
| 649 | polygons.clear();
| 650 | vmaps.clear();
| 651 |
| 652 | unsigned int l = ol;
| 653 |
| 654 | for( unsigned int il = 0; il < ml; ++il )
| 655 | {
| 656 | if (!SeparateLayers) l = il;
| 657 |
| 658 | copyPoints(s, ID_FACE, object->layers[l]->points, points);
| 659 | copyPolygons(s, ID_FACE, object->layers[l]->polygons, polygons);
| 660 | getTextureVMaps(surface->color.textures, object->layers[l]->vmaps, vmaps);
| 661 |
| 662 | if (SeparateLayers) break;
| 663 | }
| 664 |
| 665 | if (!polygons.size()) continue;
| 666 |
| 667 | SubMesh *ogreSubMesh = ogreMesh->createSubMesh();
| 668 | ogreSubMesh->useSharedVertices = flags[UseSharedVertexData] && points.size() < POINTLIMIT;
| 669 |
| 670 | ogreSubMesh->indexData->indexCount = polygons.size() * 3;
| 671 | ogreSubMesh->indexData->indexBuffer = HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton().createIndexBuffer(HardwareIndexBuffer::IT_16BIT, ogreSubMesh->indexData->indexCount, HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY);
| 672 | ogreSubMesh->setMaterialName(surface->name);
| 673 |
| 674 |
| 675 | if (ogreSubMesh->useSharedVertices)
| 676 | {
| 677 | unsigned short vertexDataOffset = 0;
| 678 | if (ogreMesh->sharedVertexData) vertexDataOffset = ogreMesh->sharedVertexData->vertexCount;
| 679 | ogreMesh->sharedVertexData = setupVertexData(points.size(), ogreMesh->sharedVertexData);
| 680 | copyDataToVertexData(points, polygons, vmaps, ogreSubMesh->indexData, ogreMesh->sharedVertexData, vertexDataOffset);
| 681 | }
| 682 | else
| 683 | {
| 684 | ogreSubMesh->vertexData = setupVertexData(points.size());
| 685 | copyDataToVertexData(points, polygons, vmaps, ogreSubMesh->indexData, ogreSubMesh->vertexData);
| 686 | }
| 687 | }
| 688 |
| 689 | if (!SeparateLayers)
| 690 | {
| 691 | ogreMesh->_setBounds(Ogre::AxisAlignedBox(boundingBoxMin, boundingBoxMax));
| 692 | ogreMesh->_setBoundingSphereRadius(Ogre::Math::Sqrt(std::max(boundingBoxMin.squaredLength(), boundingBoxMax.squaredLength())));
| 693 | }
| 694 |
| 695 | String fname = SeparateLayers ? makeLayerFileName(dest, ol, object->layers[ol]->name) : dest;
| 696 |
| 697 | Skeleton *skeleton = 0;
| 698 |
| 699 | if (flags[ExportSkeleton])
| 700 | if (SeparateLayers)
| 701 | skeleton = doExportSkeleton(fname, ol);
| 702 | else
| 703 | if (!ol) skeleton = doExportSkeleton(fname, -1);
| 704 |
| 705 | if (flags[GenerateLOD])
| 706 | {
| 707 | ProgressiveMesh::VertexReductionQuota quota;
| 708 |
| 709 | if (flags[UseFixedMethod])
| 710 | quota = ProgressiveMesh::VRQ_CONSTANT;
| 711 | else
| 712 | quota = ProgressiveMesh::VRQ_PROPORTIONAL;
| 713 |
| 714 | ogreMesh->generateLodLevels(distanceList, quota, reduction);
| 715 | }
| 716 |
| 717 | try
| 718 | {
| 719 | meshserializer.exportMesh(ogreMesh, fname);
| 720 | }
| 721 | catch (...)
| 722 | {
| 723 | cout << "Could not export to file: " << fname << endl;
| 724 | }
| 725 |
| 726 | ogreMesh->unload();
| 727 |
| 728 | delete ogreMesh;
| 729 | if (flags[ExportSkeleton] && skeleton) delete skeleton;
| 730 |
| 731 | if (!SeparateLayers) break;
| 732 | }
| 733 |
| 734 | return true;
| 735 | }