1 | |
2 | [Setup] |
3 | AppName=OGRE XSI Exporter |
4 | AppVersion=1.0.7 |
5 | AppVerName=OGRE XSI Exporter 1.0.7 |
6 | DefaultDirName=c:\SoftImage\XSI_4.2 |
7 | DefaultGroupName=OGRE XSI Exporter |
8 | Compression=lzma |
9 | SolidCompression=yes |
10 | EnableDirDoesntExistWarning=yes |
11 | |
12 | [Files] |
13 | Source: "bin\Release\OgreXSIExporter.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Application\Plugins" |
14 | Source: "..\Common\bin\release\OgreMain.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Application\bin" |
15 | Source: "..\Common\bin\release\devil.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Application\bin" |
16 | Source: "..\Common\bin\release\ilu.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Application\bin" |
17 | Source: "..\Common\bin\release\ilut.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Application\bin" |
18 | Source: "..\Common\bin\release\zlib1.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Application\bin" |
19 | Source: "extras\STLport_VC746.DLL"; DestDir: "{sys}" |
20 | Source: "extras\msvcp70.DLL"; DestDir: "{sys}" |
21 | Source: "extras\msvcr70.DLL"; DestDir: "{sys}" |
22 | |
23 | Source: "OGREXSI_Readme.html"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: isreadme |
24 | Source: "page1.gif"; DestDir: "{app}" |
25 | Source: "page2.gif"; DestDir: "{app}" |
26 | Source: "page3.gif"; DestDir: "{app}" |
27 | |
28 | [Icons] |
29 | Name: "{group}\README"; Filename: "{app}\OGREXSI_Readme.html" |
30 | Name: "{group}\Uninstall"; Filename: "{uninstallexe}" |
31 | |
32 | [Messages] |
33 | WizardSelectDir=Select XSI Folder |
34 | SelectDirDesc=Please identify the location of your XSI folder (e.g. c:\SoftImage\XSI_4.2) |
35 | SelectDirLabel3=Setup will install the exporter into your existing XSI location |
36 | DirExistsTitle=Confirm XSI Folder |
37 | DirExists=Are you sure this is your XSI folder? |
38 | DirDoesntExistTitle=Folder Does Not Exist |
39 | DirDoesntExist=The folder:%n%n%1%n%ndoes not exist. You are strongly advised to click 'No' and pick your correct XSI folder. |
40 | |