#include #include using namespace std; #include "KdTree.h" #include "AxisAlignedBox3.h" #include "Ray.h" #include "MutualVisibility.h" #include "Exporter.h" #include "Mesh.h" #include "Triangle3.h" #include "SceneGraph.h" void RayShaft::Init( const Rectangle3 &source, const Rectangle3 &target) { mDepth = 0; mSource = source; mTarget = target; } Vector3 RayShaft::GetIntersectionPoint(const int rayIndex, const int depth) const { Vector3 origin, direction; Ray ray; GetRaySegment(rayIndex, ray); if (depth >= mSamples[rayIndex].mIntersections.size()) { cerr<<"depth of sample out of limits"<mIntersections.size(); j++) sample->mIntersections[j].mObject->Mail(); } for (i=0; i < 4; i++) { RaySample *sample = &shaft.mSamples[i]; for (j=0; j < sample->mIntersections.size(); j++) { if (sample->mIntersections[j].mObject->IncMail() == 4) { cerr<<"T"; shaft.mError = 0.0f; return; } } } float maxAngle = GetSpatialAngle(shaft, shaft.mTarget.GetCenter()); for (i=0; i < 3; i++) { float angle = GetSpatialAngle(shaft, shaft.mTarget.mVertices[i]); if (angle > maxAngle) maxAngle = angle; } maxAngle = MAX_FLOAT; shaft.mError = maxAngle; } void MutualVisibilitySampler::ConstructInitialSamples2( const AxisAlignedBox3 &source, const AxisAlignedBox3 &target, vector &samples ) { // get all rectangles potentially visible from the source box int i; int sourceMask = 0; for (i=0; i < 8; i++) sourceMask |= source.GetFaceVisibilityMask(target.GetVertex(i)); // now for each visble source face find all visible target faces for (i=0; i < 6; i++) { Rectangle3 sourceFace = source.GetFace(i); if ( sourceMask &(1< &samples ) { // get all rectangles potentially visible from the source box int i; int sourceMask = 0; for (i=0; i < 8; i++) sourceMask |= source.GetFaceVisibilityMask(target.GetVertex(i)); // now for each visble source face find all visible target faces int face; for (face=0; face < 6; face++) { if ( sourceMask & (1< targetDist[1]) targetDist[1] = dist; dist = DotProd(diff, yBasis); if (dist < targetDist[2]) targetDist[2] = dist; if (dist > targetDist[3]) targetDist[3] = dist; intersections++; } } if (intersections>=4) { targetRect.mVertices[0] = targetRCenter + targetDist[0]*xBasis + targetDist[2]*yBasis; targetRect.mVertices[1] = targetRCenter + targetDist[1]*xBasis + targetDist[2]*yBasis; targetRect.mVertices[2] = targetRCenter + targetDist[1]*xBasis + targetDist[3]*yBasis; targetRect.mVertices[3] = targetRCenter + targetDist[0]*xBasis + targetDist[3]*yBasis; // cout< &samples ) { Vector3 sourceCenter = source.Center(); Vector3 targetCenter = target.Center(); Vector3 normal = Normalize(sourceCenter - targetCenter ); Plane3 sourcePlane(normal, source.GetVertex(0)); int i; for (i=1; i < 8; i++) { Vector3 v = source.GetVertex(i); if (sourcePlane.Distance(v) > 0) sourcePlane = Plane3(normal, v); } Plane3 targetPlane(normal, target.GetVertex(0)); for (i=1; i < 8; i++) { Vector3 v = target.GetVertex(i); if (targetPlane.Distance(v) < 0) targetPlane = Plane3(normal, v); } Vector3 xBasis = CrossProd(Vector3(0,1,0), normal); if (Magnitude(xBasis) > 1e-6) xBasis.Normalize(); else { xBasis = Normalize(CrossProd(Vector3(0,0,1), normal)); } Vector3 yBasis = Normalize( CrossProd(normal, xBasis) ); // cast rays between the centers of the boxes Vector3 targetRCenter = targetPlane.FindIntersection(sourceCenter, targetCenter); Vector3 sourceRCenter = sourcePlane.FindIntersection(sourceCenter, targetCenter); Rectangle3 sourceRect; Rectangle3 targetRect; if (0) { float scale = Magnitude(source.Size())*0.7f; sourceRect.mVertices[0] = sourceRCenter - scale*xBasis - scale*yBasis; sourceRect.mVertices[1] = sourceRCenter + scale*xBasis - scale*yBasis; sourceRect.mVertices[2] = sourceRCenter + scale*xBasis + scale*yBasis; sourceRect.mVertices[3] = sourceRCenter - scale*xBasis + scale*yBasis; scale = Magnitude(target.Size())*0.7f; targetRect.mVertices[0] = targetRCenter - scale*xBasis - scale*yBasis; targetRect.mVertices[1] = targetRCenter + scale*xBasis - scale*yBasis; targetRect.mVertices[2] = targetRCenter + scale*xBasis + scale*yBasis; targetRect.mVertices[3] = targetRCenter - scale*xBasis + scale*yBasis; } float sourceDist[4]; float targetDist[4]; sourceDist[0] = sourceDist[1] = sourceDist[2] = sourceDist[3] = 0.0f; targetDist[0] = targetDist[1] = targetDist[2] = targetDist[3] = 0.0f; // cast rays between corresponding vertices of the boxes int j; for (i=0; i < 8; i++) for (j=0; j < 8; j++) { Vector3 v; Vector3 diff; bool coplanar; float dist; v = sourcePlane.FindIntersection(source.GetVertex(i), target.GetVertex(j), NULL, &coplanar); if (!coplanar) { // evaluate source and diff = sourceRCenter - v; dist = DotProd(diff, xBasis); if (dist < sourceDist[0]) sourceDist[0] = dist; if (dist > sourceDist[1]) sourceDist[1] = dist; dist = DotProd(diff, yBasis); if (dist < sourceDist[2]) sourceDist[2] = dist; if (dist > sourceDist[3]) sourceDist[3] = dist; } v = targetPlane.FindIntersection(source.GetVertex(i), target.GetVertex(j), NULL, &coplanar); if (!coplanar) { // evaluate target and diff = targetRCenter - v; dist = DotProd(diff, xBasis); if (dist < targetDist[0]) targetDist[0] = dist; if (dist > targetDist[1]) targetDist[1] = dist; dist = DotProd(diff, yBasis); if (dist < targetDist[2]) targetDist[2] = dist; if (dist > targetDist[3]) targetDist[3] = dist; } } sourceRect.mVertices[0] = sourceRCenter + sourceDist[0]*xBasis + sourceDist[2]*yBasis; sourceRect.mVertices[1] = sourceRCenter + sourceDist[1]*xBasis + sourceDist[2]*yBasis; sourceRect.mVertices[2] = sourceRCenter + sourceDist[1]*xBasis + sourceDist[3]*yBasis; sourceRect.mVertices[3] = sourceRCenter + sourceDist[0]*xBasis + sourceDist[3]*yBasis; targetRect.mVertices[0] = targetRCenter + targetDist[0]*xBasis + targetDist[2]*yBasis; targetRect.mVertices[1] = targetRCenter + targetDist[1]*xBasis + targetDist[2]*yBasis; targetRect.mVertices[2] = targetRCenter + targetDist[1]*xBasis + targetDist[3]*yBasis; targetRect.mVertices[3] = targetRCenter + targetDist[0]*xBasis + targetDist[3]*yBasis; cout< &samples ) { RayShaft *sample = new RayShaft(sourceRect, targetRect); samples.push_back(sample); } void MutualVisibilitySampler::AddInitialSamples2( const Rectangle3 &sourceRect, const Rectangle3 &targetRect, vector &samples ) { // align the rectangles properly Rectangle3 sRect, tRect; if (DotProd(sourceRect.GetNormal(), targetRect.GetNormal()) < -0.99f) { int i; for (i=0; i < 4; i++) { tRect.mVertices[i] = targetRect.mVertices[( 7 - i )%4]; } RayShaft *sample = new RayShaft(sourceRect, tRect); samples.push_back(sample); } return; float minDist = MAX_FLOAT; int startI; int startJ; int i, j; for (i=0; i < 4; i++) { for (j=0; j < 4; j++) { float dist = Distance(sourceRect.mVertices[i], targetRect.mVertices[j]); if (dist < minDist) { minDist = dist; startI = i; startJ = j; } } } for (i=0; i < 4; i++) { sRect.mVertices[i] = sourceRect.mVertices[(startI + i )%4]; tRect.mVertices[i] = targetRect.mVertices[(4 + startJ - i )%4]; } RayShaft *sample = new RayShaft(sRect, tRect); samples.push_back(sample); } void MutualVisibilitySampler::ExportShafts(vector &shafts, const bool singleFile) { static int id = 0; char filename[64]; if (id > 20) return; Exporter *exporter = NULL; for (int i=0; i < shafts.size(); i++) { if (!exporter) { if (singleFile) sprintf(filename, "shafts-single-%04d.x3d", id++); else sprintf(filename, "shafts%04d-%02d.x3d", id++, i); exporter = Exporter::GetExporter(filename); } exporter->SetWireframe(); // exporter->ExportScene(mSceneGraph->mRoot); exporter->ExportBox(mSource); exporter->ExportBox(mTarget); exporter->SetFilled(); RayShaft *shaft = shafts[i]; Mesh *mesh = new Mesh; mesh->AddRectangle(shaft->mSource); mesh->AddRectangle(shaft->mTarget); vector rays; for (int j=0; j < 4; j++) { Ray ray; shaft->GetRaySegment(j, ray); rays.push_back(ray); } Material m = RandomMaterial(); exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); MeshInstance mi(mesh); exporter->ExportIntersectable(&mi); exporter->ExportRays(rays, -1.0f, m.mDiffuseColor); if (!singleFile) { delete exporter; exporter = NULL; } } if (exporter) delete exporter; } int MutualVisibilitySampler::CastRays(RayShaft &shaft) { Ray ray; int i; for (i=0; i < 4; i++) if (!shaft.mSamples[i].IsProcessed()) { Vector3 origin, direction; shaft.GetRay(i, origin, direction); // determine intersections with the boxes ray.Init(origin, direction, Ray::LINE_SEGMENT); float stmin, stmax = 0.0f, ttmin=1.0f, ttmax; bool valid = true; if (mUseBoxes) { if (mSource.GetMinMaxT(ray, &stmin, &stmax) && mTarget.GetMinMaxT(ray, &ttmin, &ttmax)) { shaft.mSamples[i].mMinT = stmax; shaft.mSamples[i].mMaxT = ttmin; origin = ray.Extrap(stmax); direction = ray.Extrap(ttmin) - origin; // reinit the ray ray.Init(origin, direction, Ray::LINE_SEGMENT); } else valid = false; } else { shaft.mSamples[i].mMinT = 0.0f; shaft.mSamples[i].mMaxT = 1.0f; } if (valid) { if (!mKdTree->CastRay(ray)) { cerr<<"V"< shafts; ConstructInitialSamples3(mSource, mTarget, shafts); if (1) ExportShafts(shafts, false); stack shaftStack; int i; for (i=0; i < shafts.size(); i++) shaftStack.push(shafts[i]); shafts.clear(); Ray ray; // now process the shafts as long as we have something to do while (!shaftStack.empty()) { RayShaft *shaft = shaftStack.top(); shaftStack.pop(); // // cast a new ray // int triangleSplitEdge = SetupExtremalRay(sample, source, ray); if (CastRays(*shaft) == VISIBLE) { result = VISIBLE; break; } // compute error .... ComputeError(*shaft); cout<mDepth<<"|"; if (shaft->IsValid()) shafts.push_back(shaft); if (shaft->mDepth < 10 && shaft->mError > mSolidAngleThreshold) { // generate 2 new samples RayShaft *newSamples[2]; newSamples[0] = new RayShaft; newSamples[1] = new RayShaft; // chose what to split bool splitSource = shaft->mSource.GetArea() > shaft->mTarget.GetArea(); int axis; if (splitSource) { axis = shaft->mSource.DominantAxis(); } else { axis = shaft->mTarget.DominantAxis(); } PerformSplit(*shaft, splitSource, axis, *newSamples[0], *newSamples[1]); // delete shaft; shaftStack.push(newSamples[0]); shaftStack.push(newSamples[1]); } else { // store a terminal shaft } } while (!shaftStack.empty()) { RayShaft *shaft = shaftStack.top(); shaftStack.pop(); delete shaft; } if (0) ExportShafts(shafts, true); for (i=0; i < shafts.size(); i++) { delete shafts[i]; } return result; } MutualVisibilitySampler::MutualVisibilitySampler(SceneGraph *sceneGraph, KdTree *kdTree, const AxisAlignedBox3 &source, const AxisAlignedBox3 &target, const float solidAngleThreshold) { mSceneGraph = sceneGraph; mKdTree = kdTree; mSource = source; mTarget = target; mUseBoxes = true; mSolidAngleThreshold = solidAngleThreshold; } int ComputeBoxVisibility(SceneGraph *sceneGraph, KdTree *kdTree, const AxisAlignedBox3 &source, const AxisAlignedBox3 &target, const float solidAngleThreshold) { MutualVisibilitySampler sampler(sceneGraph, kdTree, source, target, solidAngleThreshold); int visibility = sampler.ComputeVisibility(); return visibility; }