#include "SceneGraph.h" #include "KdTree.h" #include "SamplingPreprocessor.h" #include "X3dExporter.h" #include "Environment.h" #include "MutualVisibility.h" #include "Polygon3.h" #include "ViewCell.h" SamplingPreprocessor::SamplingPreprocessor(): mPass(0), mSampleRays(NULL) { // this should increase coherence of the samples environment->GetIntValue("Sampling.samplesPerPass", mSamplesPerPass); environment->GetIntValue("Sampling.totalSamples", mTotalSamples); environment->GetIntValue("BspTree.Construction.samples", mBspConstructionSamples); environment->GetIntValue("BspTree.PostProcessing.samples", mPostProcessSamples); mKdPvsDepth = 100; mStats.open("stats.log"); } SamplingPreprocessor::~SamplingPreprocessor() { CLEAR_CONTAINER(mSampleRays); } void SamplingPreprocessor::SetupRay(Ray &ray, const Vector3 &point, const Vector3 &direction, const int type) { ray.intersections.clear(); ray.kdLeaves.clear(); ray.meshes.clear(); ray.bspLeaves.clear(); // cout<mParent && node->mDepth > mKdPvsDepth) node = node->mParent; return node; } bool SamplingPreprocessor::BuildBspTree() { // delete old tree DEL_PTR(mBspTree); mBspTree = new BspTree(&mUnbounded); ObjectContainer objects; switch (BspTree::sConstructionMethod) { case BspTree::FROM_INPUT_VIEW_CELLS: mBspTree->SetGenerateViewCells(false); mBspTree->Construct(mViewCells); break; case BspTree::FROM_SCENE_GEOMETRY: DeleteViewCells(); // we generate new view cells mBspTree->SetGenerateViewCells(true); mSceneGraph->CollectObjects(&objects); mBspTree->Construct(objects); break; case BspTree::FROM_RAYS: DeleteViewCells(); // we generate new view cells mBspTree->SetGenerateViewCells(true); mBspTree->Construct(mSampleRays); break; default: Debug << "Error: Method not available\n"; break; } return true; } int SamplingPreprocessor::AddNodeSamples(Intersectable *object, const Ray &ray ) { int contributingSamples = 0; int j; for (j=0; j < ray.kdLeaves.size(); j++) { KdNode *node = GetNodeForPvs( ray.kdLeaves[j] ); contributingSamples += object->mKdPvs.AddSample(node); } if (mPass > 10) for (j=1; j < ((int)ray.kdLeaves.size() - 1); j++) { ray.kdLeaves[j]->AddPassingRay(ray, contributingSamples ? 1 : 0); } return contributingSamples; } int SamplingPreprocessor::AddObjectSamples(Intersectable *obj, const Ray &ray) { int contributingSamples = 0; int j; // object can be seen from the view cell => add to view cell pvs for (j=0; j < ray.bspLeaves.size(); ++ j) { // if ray not in unbounded space if (ray.bspLeaves[j]->GetViewCell() != &mUnbounded) contributingSamples += ray.bspLeaves[j]->GetViewCell()->GetPvs().AddSample(obj); } // rays passing through this viewcell if (mPass > 1) for (j=1; j < ((int)ray.bspLeaves.size() - 1); ++ j) { BspLeaf *leaf = ray.bspLeaves[j]; if (leaf->GetViewCell() != &mUnbounded) leaf->GetViewCell()-> AddPassingRay(ray, contributingSamples ? 1 : 0); } return contributingSamples; } void SamplingPreprocessor::HoleSamplingPass() { vector leaves; mKdTree->CollectLeaves(leaves); // go through all the leaves and evaluate their passing contribution for (int i=0 ; i < leaves.size(); i++) { KdLeaf *leaf = leaves[i]; cout<mPassingRays<CastRay(ray); long t2 = GetRealTime(); if (0 && object->GetId() > 2197) { object->Describe(cout)<CastRay(ray); if (!reverseRay) sampleContributions += AddObjectSamples(object, ray); if (!ray.intersections.empty()) // second intersection found { sampleContributions += AddObjectSamples(ray.intersections[0].mObject, ray); } } } else { if (ray.kdLeaves.size()) { if (!reverseRay) sampleContributions += AddNodeSamples(object, ray); if (ray.intersections.size()) { sampleContributions += AddNodeSamples(ray.intersections[0].mObject, ray); } } } return sampleContributions; } // void // SamplingPreprocessor::AvsGenerateRandomRay(Ray &ray) // { // int objId = RandomValue(0, mObjects.size()); // Intersectable *object = objects[objId]; // object->GetRandomSurfacePoint(point, normal); // direction = UniformRandomVector(normal); // SetupRay(ray, point, direction); // } // void // SamplingPreprocessor::AvsHandleRay(Ray &ray) // { // int sampleContributions = 0; // mKdTree->CastRay(ray); // if (ray.leaves.size()) { // sampleContributions += AddNodeSamples(object, ray, pass); // if (ray.intersections.size()) { // sampleContributions += AddNodeSamples(ray.intersections[0].mObject, ray, pass); // } // } // } // void // SamplingPreprocessor::AvsBorderSampling(Ray &ray) // { // } // void // SamplingPreprocessor::AvsPass() // { // Ray ray; // while (1) { // AvsGenerateRay(ray); // HandleRay(ray); // while ( !mRayQueue.empty() ) { // Ray ray = mRayQueue.pop(); // mRayQueue.pop(); // AdaptiveBorderSampling(ray); // } // } // } int SamplingPreprocessor::CastEdgeSamples( Intersectable *object, const Vector3 &point, MeshInstance *mi, const int samples ) { Ray ray; int maxTries = samples*10; int i; int rays = 0; int edgeSamplesContributions = 0; for (i=0; i < maxTries && rays < samples; i++) { // pickup a random face of each mesh Mesh *mesh = mi->GetMesh(); int face = RandomValue(0, mesh->mFaces.size()-1); Polygon3 poly(mesh->mFaces[face], mesh); poly.Scale(1.001); // now extend a random edge of the face int edge = RandomValue(0, poly.mVertices.size()-1); float t = RandomValue(0.0f,1.0f); Vector3 target = t*poly.mVertices[edge] + (1.0f-t)*poly.mVertices[(edge + 1)% poly.mVertices.size()]; SetupRay(ray, point, target - point, Ray::LOCAL_RAY); if (!mesh->CastRay(ray, mi)) { // the rays which intersect the mesh have been discarded since they are not tangent // to the mesh rays++; edgeSamplesContributions += CastRay(object, ray, false); } } return edgeSamplesContributions; } KdNode * SamplingPreprocessor::GetNodeToSample(Intersectable *object) { int pvsSize = object->mKdPvs.GetSize(); KdNode *nodeToSample = NULL; bool samplePvsBoundary = false; if (pvsSize && samplePvsBoundary) { // this samples the nodes from the boundary of the current PVS // mail all nodes from the pvs Intersectable::NewMail(); KdPvsMap::iterator i = object->mKdPvs.mEntries.begin(); for (; i != object->mKdPvs.mEntries.end(); i++) { KdNode *node = (*i).first; node->Mail(); } int maxTries = 2*pvsSize; Debug << "Finding random neighbour" << endl; for (int tries = 0; tries < 10; tries++) { int index = RandomValue(0, pvsSize - 1); KdPvsData data; KdNode *node; object->mKdPvs.GetData(index, node, data); nodeToSample = mKdTree->FindRandomNeighbor(node, true); if (nodeToSample) break; } } else { // just pickup a random node // nodeToSample = mKdTree->GetRandomLeaf(Plane3(normal, point)); nodeToSample = mKdTree->GetRandomLeaf(); } return nodeToSample; } void SamplingPreprocessor::VerifyVisibility(Intersectable *object) { // mail all nodes from the pvs Intersectable::NewMail(); KdPvsMap::iterator i = object->mKdPvs.mEntries.begin(); for (; i != object->mKdPvs.mEntries.end(); i++) { KdNode *node = (*i).first; node->Mail(); } Debug << "Get all neighbours from PVS" << endl; vector invisibleNeighbors; // get all neighbors of all PVS nodes i = object->mKdPvs.mEntries.begin(); for (; i != object->mKdPvs.mEntries.end(); i++) { KdNode *node = (*i).first; mKdTree->FindNeighbors(node, invisibleNeighbors, true); AxisAlignedBox3 box = object->GetBox(); for (int j=0; j < invisibleNeighbors.size(); j++) { int visibility = ComputeBoxVisibility(mSceneGraph, mKdTree, box, mKdTree->GetBox(invisibleNeighbors[j]), 1e-6f); // exit(0); } // now rank all the neighbors according to probability that a new // sample creates some contribution } } bool SamplingPreprocessor::ComputeVisibility() { // pickup an object ObjectContainer objects; mSceneGraph->CollectObjects(&objects); Vector3 point, normal, direction; Ray ray; long startTime = GetTime(); int i; int totalSamples = 0; int pvsOut = Min((int)objects.size(), 10); vector rays[10]; while (totalSamples < mTotalSamples) { int passContributingSamples = 0; int passSampleContributions = 0; int passSamples = 0; int index = 0; int reverseSamples = 0; //cout << "totalSamples: " << totalSamples << endl; for (i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++) { KdNode *nodeToSample = NULL; Intersectable *object = objects[i]; int pvsSize = 0; if (ViewCell::sHierarchy == ViewCell::KD) pvsSize = object->mKdPvs.GetSize(); if (0 && pvsSize && mPass == 1000 ) { VerifyVisibility(object); } int faceIndex = object->GetRandomSurfacePoint(point, normal); bool viewcellSample = true; int sampleContributions; bool debug = false; //(object->GetId() >= 2199); if (viewcellSample) { //mKdTree->GetRandomLeaf(Plane3(normal, point)); nodeToSample = GetNodeToSample(object); for (int k=0; k < mSamplesPerPass; k++) { bool reverseSample = false; if (nodeToSample) { AxisAlignedBox3 box = mKdTree->GetBox(nodeToSample); Vector3 pointToSample = box.GetRandomPoint(); // pointToSample.y = 0.9*box.Min().y + 0.1*box.Max().y; if (object->GetRandomVisibleSurfacePoint( point, normal, pointToSample, 3 )) { direction = pointToSample - point; } else { reverseSamples++; reverseSample = true; direction = point - pointToSample; point = pointToSample; } } else { direction = UniformRandomVector(normal); } // construct a ray SetupRay(ray, point, direction, Ray::LOCAL_RAY); sampleContributions = CastRay(object, ray, reverseSample); //-- CORR matt: put block inside loop if (sampleContributions) { passContributingSamples ++; passSampleContributions += sampleContributions; } if ( i < pvsOut ) rays[i].push_back(ray); if (!ray.intersections.empty()) { // check whether we can add this to the rays for (int j = 0; j < pvsOut; j++) { if (objects[j] == ray.intersections[0].mObject) { rays[j].push_back(ray); } } } //------------------- if (ViewCell::sHierarchy == ViewCell::BSP) { ProcessBspViewCells(ray, object, faceIndex, passContributingSamples, passSampleContributions); } } } else { // edge samples // get random visible mesh // object->GetRandomVisibleMesh(Plane3(normal, point)); } // CORR matt: must add all samples passSamples += mSamplesPerPass; } totalSamples += passSamples; // if (pass>10) // HoleSamplingPass(); mPass++; int pvsSize = 0; if (ViewCell::sHierarchy == ViewCell::BSP) { for (i=0; i < mViewCells.size(); i++) { ViewCell *vc = mViewCells[i]; pvsSize += vc->GetPvs().GetSize(); } } else { for (i=0; i < objects.size(); i++) { Intersectable *object = objects[i]; pvsSize += object->mKdPvs.GetSize(); } } float avgRayContrib = (passContributingSamples > 0) ? passSampleContributions/(float)passContributingSamples : 0; cout << "#Pass " << mPass << " : t = " << TimeDiff(startTime, GetTime())*1e-3 << "s" << endl; cout << "#TotalSamples=" << totalSamples/1000 << "k #SampleContributions=" << passSampleContributions << " (" << 100*passContributingSamples/(float)passSamples<<"%)" << " avgPVS=" << pvsSize/(float)objects.size() << endl << "avg ray contrib=" << avgRayContrib << endl << "reverse samples [%]" << reverseSamples/(float)passSamples*100.0f << endl; mStats << "#Pass\n" <CountViewCellPvs() << endl; long startTime = GetTime(); int merged = PostprocessViewCells(mSampleRays); cout << "finished" << endl; cout << "merged " << merged << " view cells in " << TimeDiff(startTime, GetTime()) *1e-3 << " secs" << endl; //-- recount pvs Debug << "merged pvs size: " << mBspTree->CountViewCellPvs() << endl; } // HoleSamplingPass(); if (0) { Exporter *exporter = Exporter::GetExporter("ray-density.x3d"); exporter->SetExportRayDensity(true); exporter->ExportKdTree(*mKdTree); if (mBspTree && (ViewCell::sHierarchy == ViewCell::BSP)) exporter->ExportBspTree(*mBspTree); delete exporter; } bool exportRays = false; if (exportRays) { Exporter *exporter = NULL; exporter = Exporter::GetExporter("sample-rays.x3d"); exporter->SetWireframe(); exporter->ExportKdTree(*mKdTree); exporter->ExportBspTree(*mBspTree); for (i=0; i < pvsOut; i++) exporter->ExportRays(rays[i], 1000, RgbColor(1, 0, 0)); exporter->SetFilled(); delete exporter; } //-- several visualizations and statistics if (1) { if (mBspTree && (ViewCell::sHierarchy == ViewCell::BSP)) { bool exportSplits = false; environment->GetBoolValue("BspTree.exportSplits", exportSplits); // export the bsp splits if (exportSplits) ExportSplits(objects); ExportBspPvs(objects); } for (int k=0; k < pvsOut; k++) { Intersectable *object = objects[k]; char s[64]; sprintf(s, "sample-pvs%04d.x3d", k); Exporter *exporter = Exporter::GetExporter(s); exporter->SetWireframe(); KdPvsMap::iterator i = object->mKdPvs.mEntries.begin(); Intersectable::NewMail(); // avoid adding the object to the list object->Mail(); ObjectContainer visibleObjects; for (; i != object->mKdPvs.mEntries.end(); i++) { KdNode *node = (*i).first; exporter->ExportBox(mKdTree->GetBox(node)); mKdTree->CollectObjects(node, visibleObjects); } exporter->ExportRays(rays[k], 1000, RgbColor(0, 1, 0)); exporter->SetFilled(); for (int j = 0; j < visibleObjects.size(); j++) exporter->ExportIntersectable(visibleObjects[j]); Material m; m.mDiffuseColor = RgbColor(1, 0, 0); exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); exporter->ExportIntersectable(object); delete exporter; } } return true; } bool SamplingPreprocessor::ProcessBspViewCells(Ray &ray, Intersectable *object, int faceIndex, int &contributingSamples, int &sampleContributions) { // save rays for bsp tree construction if ((BspTree::sConstructionMethod == BspTree::FROM_RAYS) && (mSampleRays.size() < mBspConstructionSamples)) { // also add origin to sample in order to extract it as input polygons MeshInstance *mi = dynamic_cast(object); ray.sourceObject = Ray::Intersection(0.0, mi, faceIndex); mSampleRays.push_back(new Ray(ray)); return false; } if (!mBspTree) // construct BSP tree using the samples { cout << "building bsp tree from " << mSampleRays.size() << " samples " << endl; BuildBspTree(); // add contributions of saved samples to PVS contributingSamples += mBspTree->GetStat().contributingSamples; sampleContributions += mBspTree->GetStat().sampleContributions; BspTreeStatistics(Debug); if (0) Export("vc_bsptree.x3d", false, false, true); // throw away samples because BSP leaves not stored in order // Need ordered rays for post processing => collect new rays CLEAR_CONTAINER(mSampleRays); } if ((int)mSampleRays.size() < mPostProcessSamples) { mSampleRays.push_back(new Ray(ray)); } return true; } // merge or subdivide view cells int SamplingPreprocessor::PostprocessViewCells(const RayContainer &rays) { int merged = 0; RayContainer::const_iterator rit, rit_end = rays.end(); vector::const_iterator lit; for (rit = rays.begin(); rit != rays.end(); ++ rit) { // traverse leaves stored in the rays and compare and merge consecutive // leaves (i.e., the neighbors in the tree) if ((*rit)->bspLeaves.empty()) continue; lit = (*rit)->bspLeaves.begin(); BspLeaf *previousLeaf = *lit; ++ lit; for (; lit != (*rit)->bspLeaves.end(); ++ lit) { BspLeaf *leaf = *lit; if (mBspTree->ShouldMerge(leaf, previousLeaf)) { mBspTree->MergeViewCells(leaf, previousLeaf); ++ merged; } previousLeaf = leaf; } } return merged; } void SamplingPreprocessor::ExportSplits(const ObjectContainer &objects) { Exporter *exporter = Exporter::GetExporter("bsp_splits.x3d"); if (exporter) { cout << "exporting splits ... "; Material m; m.mDiffuseColor = RgbColor(1, 0, 0); exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); exporter->SetWireframe(); exporter->ExportBspSplits(*mBspTree); // take forced material, else big scenes cannot be viewed m.mDiffuseColor = RgbColor(0, 1, 0); exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); exporter->SetFilled(); exporter->ResetForcedMaterial(); // export rays if (0) { RayContainer outRays; for (int i = 0; i < mSampleRays.size(); ++ i) { // only rays piercing geometry if (!mSampleRays[i]->intersections.empty()) outRays.push_back(mSampleRays[i]); } if (BspTree::sConstructionMethod == BspTree::FROM_RAYS) { // export rays exporter->ExportRays(outRays, 1000, RgbColor(1, 1, 0)); } } // export scene geometry if (0) { Material m;//= RandomMaterial(); m.mDiffuseColor = RgbColor(0, 1, 0); exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); exporter->SetWireframe(); for (int j = 0; j < objects.size(); ++ j) exporter->ExportIntersectable(objects[j]); } delete exporter; cout << "finished" << endl; } } void SamplingPreprocessor::ExportBspPvs(const ObjectContainer &objects) { //-- some random view cells and rays for output const int leafOut = 10; vector vcRays[leafOut]; vector bspLeaves; for (int i = 0; i < leafOut; ++ i) bspLeaves.push_back(mBspTree->GetRandomLeaf()); const int raysOut = min((int)mSampleRays.size(), 20000); // check whether we can add the current ray to the output rays for (int k = 0; k < raysOut; ++ k) { Ray *ray = mSampleRays[k]; for (int j = 0; j < (int)ray->bspLeaves.size(); ++ j) { for (int i = 0; i < (int)bspLeaves.size(); ++ i) { if (bspLeaves[i]->GetViewCell() == ray->bspLeaves[j]->GetViewCell()) { vcRays[i].push_back(*ray); } } } } ViewCell::NewMail(); for (int i = 0; i < bspLeaves.size(); ++ i) { Intersectable::NewMail(); ViewCell *vc = bspLeaves[i]->GetViewCell(); //bspLeaves[j]->Mail(); char s[64]; sprintf(s, "bsp-pvs%04d.x3d", i); Exporter *exporter = Exporter::GetExporter(s); exporter->SetFilled(); ViewCellPvsMap::iterator it = vc->GetPvs().mEntries.begin(); exporter->SetWireframe(); Material m;//= RandomMaterial(); m.mDiffuseColor = RgbColor(0, 1, 0); exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); if (vc->GetMesh()) exporter->ExportViewCell(vc); else { PolygonContainer cell; // export view cell mBspTree->ConstructGeometry(bspLeaves[i]->GetViewCell(), cell); exporter->ExportPolygons(cell); CLEAR_CONTAINER(cell); } Debug << i << ": pvs size=" << (int)vc->GetPvs().GetSize() << ", piercing rays=" << (int)vcRays[i].size() << endl; // export view cells if (0) { m.mDiffuseColor = RgbColor(1, 0, 1); exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); exporter->ExportViewCells(mViewCells); } // export rays piercing this view cell exporter->ExportRays(vcRays[i], 1000, RgbColor(0, 1, 0)); m.mDiffuseColor = RgbColor(1, 0, 0); exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); // output PVS of view cell for (; it != vc->GetPvs().mEntries.end(); ++ it) { Intersectable *intersect = (*it).first; if (!intersect->Mailed()) { exporter->ExportIntersectable(intersect); intersect->Mail(); } } // output rest of the objects if (0) { Material m;//= RandomMaterial(); m.mDiffuseColor = RgbColor(0, 0, 1); exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); for (int j = 0; j < objects.size(); ++ j) if (!objects[j]->Mailed()) { //if (j == 2198)m.mDiffuseColor = RgbColor(1, 0, 1); //else m.mDiffuseColor = RgbColor(1, 1, 0); exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); exporter->ExportIntersectable(objects[j]); objects[j]->Mail(); } } DEL_PTR(exporter); } }