#include "Plane3.h" #include "ViewCellBsp.h" #include "Mesh.h" #include "common.h" #include "ViewCell.h" #include "Environment.h" #include "Polygon3.h" #include "Ray.h" #include "AxisAlignedBox3.h" #include #include #include #include "Exporter.h" #include "Plane3.h" int BspTree::sTermMaxPolygons = 10; int BspTree::sTermMaxDepth = 20; int BspTree::sMaxCandidates = 10; int BspTree::sSplitPlaneStrategy = BALANCED_POLYS; int BspTree::sConstructionMethod = FROM_INPUT_VIEW_CELLS; int BspTree::sTermMaxPolysForAxisAligned = 50; int BspTree::sTermMaxObjectsForAxisAligned = 50; int BspTree::sTermMaxRaysForAxisAligned = -1; int BspTree::sTermMaxRays = -1; int BspTree::sMinPvsDif = 10; float BspTree::sCt_div_ci = 1.0f; float BspTree::sSplitBorder = 1.0f; float BspTree::sMaxCostRatio = 0.9f; //-- factors for bsp tree split plane heuristics float BspTree::sLeastSplitsFactor = 1.0f; float BspTree::sBalancedPolysFactor = 1.0f; float BspTree::sBalancedViewCellsFactor = 1.0f; // NOTE: very important criterium for 2.5d scenes float BspTree::sVerticalSplitsFactor = 1.0f; float BspTree::sLargestPolyAreaFactor = 1.0f; float BspTree::sBlockedRaysFactor = 1.0f; float BspTree::sLeastRaySplitsFactor = 1.0f; float BspTree::sBalancedRaysFactor = 1.0f; float BspTree::sPvsFactor = 1.0f; bool BspTree::sStoreSplitPolys = false; int BspNode::mailID = 1; /** Evaluates split plane classification with respect to the plane's contribution for a minimum number splits in the tree. */ float BspTree::sLeastPolySplitsTable[] = {0, 0, 1, 0}; /** Evaluates split plane classification with respect to the plane's contribution for a balanced tree. */ float BspTree::sBalancedPolysTable[] = {1, -1, 0, 0}; /** Evaluates split plane classification with respect to the plane's contribution for a minimum number of ray splits. */ float BspTree::sLeastRaySplitsTable[] = {0, 0, 1, 1, 0}; /** Evaluates split plane classification with respect to the plane's contribution for balanced rays. */ float BspTree::sBalancedRaysTable[] = {1, -1, 0, 0, 0}; /****************************************************************/ /* class BspNode implementation */ /****************************************************************/ BspNode::BspNode(): mParent(NULL), mPolygons(NULL) {} BspNode::BspNode(BspInterior *parent): mParent(parent), mPolygons(NULL) {} BspNode::~BspNode() { if (mPolygons) { CLEAR_CONTAINER(*mPolygons); DEL_PTR(mPolygons); } } bool BspNode::IsRoot() const { return mParent == NULL; } BspInterior *BspNode::GetParent() { return mParent; } void BspNode::SetParent(BspInterior *parent) { mParent = parent; } PolygonContainer *BspNode::GetPolygons() { if (!mPolygons) mPolygons = new PolygonContainer(); return mPolygons; } void BspNode::ProcessPolygons(PolygonContainer *polys, bool storePolys) { if (storePolys) { while (!polys->empty()) { GetPolygons()->push_back(polys->back()); polys->pop_back(); } } else CLEAR_CONTAINER(*polys); } /****************************************************************/ /* class BspInterior implementation */ /****************************************************************/ BspInterior::BspInterior(const Plane3 &plane): mPlane(plane), mFront(NULL), mBack(NULL) {} bool BspInterior::IsLeaf() const { return false; } BspNode *BspInterior::GetBack() { return mBack; } BspNode *BspInterior::GetFront() { return mFront; } Plane3 *BspInterior::GetPlane() { return &mPlane; } void BspInterior::ReplaceChildLink(BspNode *oldChild, BspNode *newChild) { if (mBack == oldChild) mBack = newChild; else mFront = newChild; } void BspInterior::SetupChildLinks(BspNode *b, BspNode *f) { mBack = b; mFront = f; } void BspInterior::ProcessPolygon(Polygon3 **poly, const bool storePolys) { if (storePolys) GetPolygons()->push_back(*poly); else DEL_PTR(*poly); } int BspInterior::SplitPolygons(PolygonContainer &polys, PolygonContainer &frontPolys, PolygonContainer &backPolys, PolygonContainer &coincident, const bool storePolys) { Polygon3 *splitPoly = NULL; int splits = 0; #ifdef _Debug Debug << "splitting polygons of node " << this << " with plane " << mPlane << endl; #endif while (!polys.empty()) { Polygon3 *poly = polys.back(); polys.pop_back(); //Debug << "New polygon with plane: " << poly->GetSupportingPlane() << "\n"; // classify polygon const int cf = poly->ClassifyPlane(mPlane); Polygon3 *front_piece = NULL; Polygon3 *back_piece = NULL; VertexContainer splitVertices; switch (cf) { case Polygon3::COINCIDENT: coincident.push_back(poly); break; case Polygon3::FRONT_SIDE: frontPolys.push_back(poly); break; case Polygon3::BACK_SIDE: backPolys.push_back(poly); break; case Polygon3::SPLIT: front_piece = new Polygon3(poly->mParent); back_piece = new Polygon3(poly->mParent); //-- split polygon into front and back part poly->Split(mPlane, *front_piece, *back_piece, splitVertices); ++ splits; // increase number of splits //-- inherit rays from parent polygon for blocked ray criterium poly->InheritRays(*front_piece, *back_piece); //Debug << "p: " << poly->mPiercingRays.size() << " f: " << front_piece->mPiercingRays.size() << " b: " << back_piece->mPiercingRays.size() << endl; // check if polygons still valid if (front_piece->Valid()) frontPolys.push_back(front_piece); else DEL_PTR(front_piece); if (back_piece->Valid()) backPolys.push_back(back_piece); else DEL_PTR(back_piece); #ifdef _DEBUG Debug << "split " << *poly << endl << *front_piece << endl << *back_piece << endl; #endif ProcessPolygon(&poly, storePolys); break; default: Debug << "SHOULD NEVER COME HERE\n"; break; } } return splits; } /****************************************************************/ /* class BspLeaf implementation */ /****************************************************************/ BspLeaf::BspLeaf(): mViewCell(NULL) { } BspLeaf::BspLeaf(BspViewCell *viewCell): mViewCell(viewCell) { } BspLeaf::BspLeaf(BspInterior *parent): BspNode(parent), mViewCell(NULL) {} BspLeaf::BspLeaf(BspInterior *parent, BspViewCell *viewCell): BspNode(parent), mViewCell(viewCell) { } BspViewCell *BspLeaf::GetViewCell() const { return mViewCell; } void BspLeaf::SetViewCell(BspViewCell *viewCell) { mViewCell = viewCell; } bool BspLeaf::IsLeaf() const { return true; } void BspLeaf::GenerateViewCell(const BoundedRayContainer &rays, int &sampleContributions, int &contributingSamples) { sampleContributions = 0; contributingSamples = 0; mViewCell = dynamic_cast(ViewCell::Generate()); mViewCell->mBspLeaves.push_back(this); BoundedRayContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = rays.end(); // add contributions from samples to the PVS for (it = rays.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { int contribution = 0; Ray *ray = (*it)->mRay; if (!ray->intersections.empty()) { contribution += mViewCell->GetPvs().AddSample(ray->intersections[0].mObject); } contribution += mViewCell->GetPvs().AddSample(ray->sourceObject.mObject); if (contribution > 0) { sampleContributions += contribution; ++ contributingSamples; } ray->bspLeaves.push_back(this); } } /****************************************************************/ /* class BspTree implementation */ /****************************************************************/ BspTree::BspTree(ViewCell *viewCell): mRootCell(viewCell), mRoot(NULL), mGenerateViewCells(false), mStorePiercingRays(true) { Randomize(); // initialise random generator for heuristics } const BspTreeStatistics &BspTree::GetStatistics() const { return mStat; } void BspTreeStatistics::Print(ostream &app) const { app << "===== BspTree statistics ===============\n"; app << setprecision(4); app << "#N_NODES ( Number of nodes )\n" << nodes << "\n"; app << "#N_INTERIORS ( Number of interior nodes )\n" << Interior() << "\n"; app << "#N_LEAVES ( Number of leaves )\n" << Leaves() << "\n"; app << "#N_SPLITS ( Number of splits )\n" << splits << "\n"; app << "#N_PMAXDEPTHLEAVES ( Percentage of leaves at maxdepth )\n"<< maxDepthNodes * 100 / (double)Leaves() << endl; app << "#N_PMAXDEPTH ( Maximal reached depth )\n" << maxDepth << endl; app << "#N_PMINDEPTH ( Minimal reached depth )\n" << minDepth << endl; app << "#AVGDEPTH ( average depth )\n" << AvgDepth() << endl; app << "#N_INPUT_POLYGONS (number of input polygons )\n" << polys << endl; app << "#N_PVS: " << pvs << endl; app << "#N_ROUTPUT_INPUT_POLYGONS ( ratio polygons after subdivision / input polygons )\n" << (polys + splits) / (double)polys << endl; app << "===== END OF BspTree statistics ==========\n"; } BspTree::~BspTree() { std::stack tStack; tStack.push(mRoot); while (!tStack.empty()) { BspNode *node = tStack.top(); tStack.pop(); if (!node->IsLeaf()) { BspInterior *interior = dynamic_cast(node); // push the children on the stack (there are always two children) tStack.push(interior->GetBack()); tStack.push(interior->GetFront()); } DEL_PTR(node); } } void BspTree::InsertViewCell(ViewCell *viewCell) { PolygonContainer *polys = new PolygonContainer(); // extract polygons that guide the split process mStat.polys += AddMeshToPolygons(viewCell->GetMesh(), *polys, viewCell); mBox.Include(viewCell->GetBox()); // add to BSP aabb InsertPolygons(polys); } void BspTree::InsertPolygons(PolygonContainer *polys) { std::stack tStack; // traverse existing tree or create new tree if (!mRoot) mRoot = new BspLeaf(); tStack.push(BspTraversalData(mRoot, polys, 0, mRootCell, new BoundedRayContainer())); while (!tStack.empty()) { // filter polygons donw the tree BspTraversalData tData = tStack.top(); tStack.pop(); if (!tData.mNode->IsLeaf()) { BspInterior *interior = dynamic_cast(tData.mNode); //-- filter view cell polygons down the tree until a leaf is reached if (!tData.mPolygons->empty()) { PolygonContainer *frontPolys = new PolygonContainer(); PolygonContainer *backPolys = new PolygonContainer(); PolygonContainer coincident; int splits = 0; // split viewcell polygons with respect to split plane splits += interior->SplitPolygons(*tData.mPolygons, *frontPolys, *backPolys, coincident, sStoreSplitPolys); // extract view cells associated with the split polygons ViewCell *frontViewCell = mRootCell; ViewCell *backViewCell = mRootCell; if (!mGenerateViewCells) { ExtractViewCells(&backViewCell, &frontViewCell, coincident, interior->mPlane, frontPolys->empty(), backPolys->empty()); } // don't need coincident polygons anymore interior->ProcessPolygons(&coincident, sStoreSplitPolys); mStat.splits += splits; // push the children on the stack tStack.push(BspTraversalData(interior->GetFront(), frontPolys, tData.mDepth + 1, frontViewCell, tData.mRays)); tStack.push(BspTraversalData(interior->GetBack(), backPolys, tData.mDepth + 1, backViewCell, new BoundedRayContainer())); } // cleanup DEL_PTR(tData.mPolygons); } else { // reached leaf => subdivide current viewcell BspNode *subRoot = Subdivide(tStack, tData); } } } int BspTree::AddMeshToPolygons(Mesh *mesh, PolygonContainer &polys, MeshInstance *parent) { FaceContainer::const_iterator fi; // copy the face data to polygons for (fi = mesh->mFaces.begin(); fi != mesh->mFaces.end(); ++ fi) { Polygon3 *poly = new Polygon3((*fi), mesh); if (poly->Valid()) { poly->mParent = parent; // set parent intersectable polys.push_back(poly); } else DEL_PTR(poly); } return (int)mesh->mFaces.size(); } int BspTree::AddToPolygonSoup(const ViewCellContainer &viewCells, PolygonContainer &polys, int maxObjects) { int limit = (maxObjects > 0) ? Min((int)viewCells.size(), maxObjects) : (int)viewCells.size(); int polysSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < limit; ++ i) { if (viewCells[i]->GetMesh()) // copy the mesh data to polygons { mBox.Include(viewCells[i]->GetBox()); // add to BSP tree aabb polysSize += AddMeshToPolygons(viewCells[i]->GetMesh(), polys, viewCells[i]); } } return polysSize; } int BspTree::AddToPolygonSoup(const ObjectContainer &objects, PolygonContainer &polys, int maxObjects) { int limit = (maxObjects > 0) ? Min((int)objects.size(), maxObjects) : (int)objects.size(); for (int i = 0; i < limit; ++i) { Intersectable *object = objects[i];//*it; Mesh *mesh = NULL; switch (object->Type()) // extract the meshes { case Intersectable::MESH_INSTANCE: mesh = dynamic_cast(object)->GetMesh(); break; case Intersectable::VIEW_CELL: mesh = dynamic_cast(object)->GetMesh(); break; // TODO: handle transformed mesh instances default: Debug << "intersectable type not supported" << endl; break; } if (mesh) // copy the mesh data to polygons { mBox.Include(object->GetBox()); // add to BSP tree aabb AddMeshToPolygons(mesh, polys, mRootCell); } } return (int)polys.size(); } void BspTree::Construct(const ViewCellContainer &viewCells) { mStat.nodes = 1; mBox.Initialize(); // initialise bsp tree bounding box // copy view cell meshes into one big polygon soup PolygonContainer *polys = new PolygonContainer(); mStat.polys = AddToPolygonSoup(viewCells, *polys); // construct tree from the view cell polygons Construct(polys, new BoundedRayContainer()); } void BspTree::Construct(const ObjectContainer &objects) { mStat.nodes = 1; mBox.Initialize(); // initialise bsp tree bounding box PolygonContainer *polys = new PolygonContainer(); // copy mesh instance polygons into one big polygon soup mStat.polys = AddToPolygonSoup(objects, *polys); // construct tree from polygon soup Construct(polys, new BoundedRayContainer()); } void BspTree::Construct(const RayContainer &sampleRays) { mStat.nodes = 1; mBox.Initialize(); // initialise BSP tree bounding box PolygonContainer *polys = new PolygonContainer(); BoundedRayContainer *rays = new BoundedRayContainer(); RayContainer::const_iterator rit, rit_end = sampleRays.end(); long startTime = GetTime(); Debug << "**** Extracting polygons from rays ****\n"; std::map facePolyMap; //-- extract polygons intersected by the rays for (rit = sampleRays.begin(); rit != rit_end; ++ rit) { Ray *ray = *rit; // get ray-face intersection. Store polygon representing the rays together // with rays intersecting the face. if (!ray->intersections.empty()) { MeshInstance *obj = dynamic_cast(ray->intersections[0].mObject); Face *face = obj->GetMesh()->mFaces[ray->intersections[0].mFace]; std::map::iterator it = facePolyMap.find(face); if (it != facePolyMap.end()) { //store rays if needed for heuristics if (sSplitPlaneStrategy & BLOCKED_RAYS) (*it).second->mPiercingRays.push_back(ray); } else { //store rays if needed for heuristics Polygon3 *poly = new Polygon3(face, obj->GetMesh()); poly->mParent = obj; polys->push_back(poly); if (sSplitPlaneStrategy & BLOCKED_RAYS) poly->mPiercingRays.push_back(ray); facePolyMap[face] = poly; } } } facePolyMap.clear(); // compue bounding box Polygon3::IncludeInBox(*polys, mBox); //-- store rays for (rit = sampleRays.begin(); rit != rit_end; ++ rit) { Ray *ray = *rit; ray->SetId(-1); // reset id float minT, maxT; if (BoundRay(*ray, minT, maxT)) rays->push_back(new BoundedRay(ray, minT, maxT)); } mStat.polys = (int)polys->size(); Debug << "**** Finished polygon extraction ****" << endl; Debug << (int)polys->size() << " polys extracted from " << (int)rays->size() << " rays" << endl; Debug << "extraction time: " << TimeDiff(startTime, GetTime())*1e-3 << "s" << endl; Construct(polys, rays); } void BspTree::Construct(PolygonContainer *polys, BoundedRayContainer *rays) { std::stack tStack; mRoot = new BspLeaf(); BspTraversalData tData(mRoot, polys, 0, mRootCell, rays); tStack.push(tData); long startTime = GetTime(); cout << "**** Contructing bsp tree ****\n"; while (!tStack.empty()) { tData = tStack.top(); tStack.pop(); // subdivide leaf node BspNode *subRoot = Subdivide(tStack, tData); } cout << "**** Finished tree construction ****\n"; Debug << "BSP tree contruction time: " << TimeDiff(startTime, GetTime())*1e-3 << "s" << endl; } BspNode *BspTree::Subdivide(BspTraversalStack &tStack, BspTraversalData &tData) { //-- terminate traversal if (((int)tData.mPolygons->size() <= sTermMaxPolygons) || ((int)tData.mRays->size() <= sTermMaxRays) || (tData.mDepth >= sTermMaxDepth)) { BspLeaf *leaf = dynamic_cast(tData.mNode); // generate new view cell for each leaf if (mGenerateViewCells) { int conSamp, sampCon; leaf->GenerateViewCell(*tData.mRays, conSamp, sampCon); mStat.contributingSamples += conSamp; mStat.sampleContributions += sampCon; } else { // add view cell to leaf leaf->SetViewCell(dynamic_cast(tData.mViewCell)); leaf->mViewCell->mBspLeaves.push_back(leaf); } EvaluateLeafStats(tData); //-- clean up // remaining polygons are discarded or added to node leaf->ProcessPolygons(tData.mPolygons, sStoreSplitPolys); DEL_PTR(tData.mPolygons); // discard rays CLEAR_CONTAINER(*tData.mRays); DEL_PTR(tData.mRays); return leaf; } //-- continue subdivision PolygonContainer coincident; PolygonContainer *frontPolys = new PolygonContainer(); PolygonContainer *backPolys = new PolygonContainer(); BoundedRayContainer *frontRays = new BoundedRayContainer(); BoundedRayContainer *backRays = new BoundedRayContainer(); // create new interior node and two leaf nodes BspInterior *interior = SubdivideNode(dynamic_cast(tData.mNode), *tData.mPolygons, *frontPolys, *backPolys, coincident, *tData.mRays, *frontRays, *backRays); ViewCell *frontViewCell = mRootCell; ViewCell *backViewCell = mRootCell; #ifdef _DEBUG if (frontPolys->empty() && backPolys->empty() && (coincident.size() > 2)) { for (PolygonContainer::iterator it = coincident.begin(); it != coincident.end(); ++it) Debug << (*it) << " " << (*it)->GetArea() << " " << (*it)->mParent << endl ; Debug << endl;} #endif // extract view cells from coincident polygons according to plane normal // only if front or back polygons are empty if (!mGenerateViewCells) { ExtractViewCells(&backViewCell, &frontViewCell, coincident, interior->mPlane, backPolys->empty(), frontPolys->empty()); } // don't need coincident polygons anymore interior->ProcessPolygons(&coincident, sStoreSplitPolys); // push the children on the stack tStack.push(BspTraversalData(interior->GetBack(), backPolys, tData.mDepth + 1, backViewCell, backRays)); tStack.push(BspTraversalData(interior->GetFront(), frontPolys, tData.mDepth + 1, frontViewCell, frontRays)); // cleanup DEL_PTR(tData.mNode); DEL_PTR(tData.mPolygons); DEL_PTR(tData.mRays); return interior; } void BspTree::ExtractViewCells(ViewCell **backViewCell, ViewCell **frontViewCell, const PolygonContainer &coincident, const Plane3 splitPlane, const bool extractBack, const bool extractFront) const { bool foundFront = !extractFront, foundBack = !extractBack; PolygonContainer::const_iterator it = coincident.begin(), it_end = coincident.end(); //-- find first view cells in front and back leafs for (; !(foundFront && foundBack) && (it != it_end); ++ it) { if (DotProd((*it)->GetNormal(), splitPlane.mNormal) > 0) { *backViewCell = dynamic_cast((*it)->mParent); foundBack = true; } else { *frontViewCell = dynamic_cast((*it)->mParent); foundFront = true; } } //if (extractFront && foundFront) Debug << "front view cell: " << *frontViewCell << endl; //if (extractBack && foundBack) Debug << "back view cell: " << *backViewCell << endl; } BspInterior *BspTree::SubdivideNode(BspLeaf *leaf, PolygonContainer &polys, PolygonContainer &frontPolys, PolygonContainer &backPolys, PolygonContainer &coincident, BoundedRayContainer &rays, BoundedRayContainer &frontRays, BoundedRayContainer &backRays) { mStat.nodes += 2; // select subdivision plane BspInterior *interior = new BspInterior(SelectPlane(leaf, polys, rays)); #ifdef _DEBUG Debug << interior << endl; #endif // subdivide rays into front and back rays SplitRays(interior->mPlane, rays, frontRays, backRays); // subdivide polygons with plane mStat.splits += interior->SplitPolygons(polys, frontPolys, backPolys, coincident, sStoreSplitPolys); BspInterior *parent = leaf->GetParent(); // replace a link from node's parent if (!leaf->IsRoot()) { parent->ReplaceChildLink(leaf, interior); interior->SetParent(parent); } else // new root { mRoot = interior; } // and setup child links interior->SetupChildLinks(new BspLeaf(interior), new BspLeaf(interior)); return interior; } void BspTree::SortSplitCandidates(const PolygonContainer &polys, const int axis, vector &splitCandidates) const { splitCandidates.clear(); int requestedSize = 2 * (int)polys.size(); // creates a sorted split candidates array splitCandidates.reserve(requestedSize); PolygonContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = polys.end(); AxisAlignedBox3 box; // insert all queries for(it = polys.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { box.Initialize(); box.Include(*(*it)); splitCandidates.push_back(SortableEntry(SortableEntry::POLY_MIN, box.Min(axis), *it)); splitCandidates.push_back(SortableEntry(SortableEntry::POLY_MAX, box.Max(axis), *it)); } stable_sort(splitCandidates.begin(), splitCandidates.end()); } float BspTree::BestCostRatio(const PolygonContainer &polys, const AxisAlignedBox3 &box, const int axis, float &position, int &objectsBack, int &objectsFront) const { vector splitCandidates; SortSplitCandidates(polys, axis, splitCandidates); // go through the lists, count the number of objects left and right // and evaluate the following cost funcion: // C = ct_div_ci + (ol + or)/queries int objectsLeft = 0, objectsRight = (int)polys.size(); float minBox = box.Min(axis); float maxBox = box.Max(axis); float boxArea = box.SurfaceArea(); float minBand = minBox + sSplitBorder * (maxBox - minBox); float maxBand = minBox + (1.0f - sSplitBorder) * (maxBox - minBox); float minSum = 1e20f; vector::const_iterator ci, ci_end = splitCandidates.end(); for(ci = splitCandidates.begin(); ci != ci_end; ++ ci) { switch ((*ci).type) { case SortableEntry::POLY_MIN: ++ objectsLeft; break; case SortableEntry::POLY_MAX: -- objectsRight; break; default: break; } if ((*ci).value > minBand && (*ci).value < maxBand) { AxisAlignedBox3 lbox = box; AxisAlignedBox3 rbox = box; lbox.SetMax(axis, (*ci).value); rbox.SetMin(axis, (*ci).value); float sum = objectsLeft * lbox.SurfaceArea() + objectsRight * rbox.SurfaceArea(); if (sum < minSum) { minSum = sum; position = (*ci).value; objectsBack = objectsLeft; objectsFront = objectsRight; } } } float oldCost = (float)polys.size(); float newCost = sCt_div_ci + minSum / boxArea; float ratio = newCost / oldCost; #if 0 Debug << "====================" << endl; Debug << "costRatio=" << ratio << " pos=" << position<<" t=" << (position - minBox)/(maxBox - minBox) << "\t o=(" << objectsBack << "," << objectsFront << ")" << endl; #endif return ratio; } bool BspTree::SelectAxisAlignedPlane(Plane3 &plane, const PolygonContainer &polys) const { AxisAlignedBox3 box; box.Initialize(); // create bounding box of region Polygon3::IncludeInBox(polys, box); int objectsBack = 0, objectsFront = 0; int axis = 0; float costRatio = MAX_FLOAT; Vector3 position; //-- area subdivision for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i) { float p = 0; float r = BestCostRatio(polys, box, i, p, objectsBack, objectsFront); if (r < costRatio) { costRatio = r; axis = i; position = p; } } if (costRatio >= sMaxCostRatio) return false; Vector3 norm(0,0,0); norm[axis] = 1.0f; plane = Plane3(norm, position); return true; } Plane3 BspTree::SelectPlane(BspLeaf *leaf, PolygonContainer &polys, const BoundedRayContainer &rays) { if (polys.empty()) { Debug << "Warning: No autopartition polygon candidate available\n"; // return axis aligned split AxisAlignedBox3 box; box.Initialize(); // create bounding box of region Polygon3::IncludeInBox(polys, box); const int axis = box.Size().DrivingAxis(); const Vector3 position = (box.Min()[axis] + box.Max()[axis])*0.5f; Vector3 norm(0,0,0); norm[axis] = 1.0f; return Plane3(norm, position); } if ((sSplitPlaneStrategy & AXIS_ALIGNED) && ((int)polys.size() > sTermMaxPolysForAxisAligned) && ((int)rays.size() > sTermMaxRaysForAxisAligned) && ((sTermMaxObjectsForAxisAligned < 0) || (Polygon3::CountIntersectables(polys) > sTermMaxObjectsForAxisAligned))) { Plane3 plane; if (SelectAxisAlignedPlane(plane, polys)) return plane; } // simplest strategy: just take next polygon if (sSplitPlaneStrategy & RANDOM_POLYGON) { return polys[Random((int)polys.size())]->GetSupportingPlane(); } // use heuristics to find appropriate plane return SelectPlaneHeuristics(polys, rays, sMaxCandidates); } Plane3 BspTree::SelectPlaneHeuristics(PolygonContainer &polys, const BoundedRayContainer &rays, const int maxTests) { float lowestCost = MAX_FLOAT; int bestPlaneIdx = 0; int limit = maxTests > 0 ? Min((int)polys.size(), maxTests) : (int)polys.size(); int candidateIdx = limit; for (int i = 0; i < limit; ++ i) { candidateIdx = GetNextCandidateIdx(candidateIdx, polys); Plane3 candidatePlane = polys[candidateIdx]->GetSupportingPlane(); // evaluate current candidate float candidateCost = SplitPlaneCost(candidatePlane, polys, rays); if (candidateCost < lowestCost) { bestPlaneIdx = candidateIdx; lowestCost = candidateCost; } } //Debug << "Plane lowest cost: " << lowestCost << endl; return polys[bestPlaneIdx]->GetSupportingPlane(); } int BspTree::GetNextCandidateIdx(int currentIdx, PolygonContainer &polys) { const int candidateIdx = Random(currentIdx --); // swap candidates to avoid testing same plane 2 times std::swap(polys[currentIdx], polys[candidateIdx]); /*Polygon3 *p = polys[candidateIdx]; polys[candidateIdx] = polys[currentIdx]; polys[currentIdx] = p;*/ return currentIdx; //return Random((int)polys.size()); } float BspTree::SplitPlaneCost(const Plane3 &candidatePlane, const PolygonContainer &polys) const { float val = 0; float sumBalancedPolys = 0; float sumSplits = 0; float sumPolyArea = 0; float sumBalancedViewCells = 0; float sumBlockedRays = 0; float totalBlockedRays = 0; //float totalArea = 0; int totalViewCells = 0; // need three unique ids for each type of view cell // for balanced view cells criterium ViewCell::NewMail(); const int backId = ViewCell::sMailId; ViewCell::NewMail(); const int frontId = ViewCell::sMailId; ViewCell::NewMail(); const int frontAndBackId = ViewCell::sMailId; PolygonContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = polys.end(); for (it = polys.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { const int classification = (*it)->ClassifyPlane(candidatePlane); if (sSplitPlaneStrategy & BALANCED_POLYS) sumBalancedPolys += sBalancedPolysTable[classification]; if (sSplitPlaneStrategy & LEAST_SPLITS) sumSplits += sLeastPolySplitsTable[classification]; if (sSplitPlaneStrategy & LARGEST_POLY_AREA) { if (classification == Polygon3::COINCIDENT) sumPolyArea += (*it)->GetArea(); //totalArea += area; } if (sSplitPlaneStrategy & BLOCKED_RAYS) { const float blockedRays = (float)(*it)->mPiercingRays.size(); if (classification == Polygon3::COINCIDENT) sumBlockedRays += blockedRays; totalBlockedRays += blockedRays; } // assign view cells to back or front according to classificaion if (sSplitPlaneStrategy & BALANCED_VIEW_CELLS) { MeshInstance *viewCell = (*it)->mParent; // assure that we only count a view cell // once for the front and once for the back side of the plane if (classification == Polygon3::FRONT_SIDE) { if ((viewCell->mMailbox != frontId) && (viewCell->mMailbox != frontAndBackId)) { sumBalancedViewCells += 1.0; if (viewCell->mMailbox != backId) viewCell->mMailbox = frontId; else viewCell->mMailbox = frontAndBackId; ++ totalViewCells; } } else if (classification == Polygon3::BACK_SIDE) { if ((viewCell->mMailbox != backId) && (viewCell->mMailbox != frontAndBackId)) { sumBalancedViewCells -= 1.0; if (viewCell->mMailbox != frontId) viewCell->mMailbox = backId; else viewCell->mMailbox = frontAndBackId; ++ totalViewCells; } } } } // all values should be approx. between 0 and 1 so they can be combined // and scaled with the factors according to their importance if (sSplitPlaneStrategy & BALANCED_POLYS) val += sBalancedPolysFactor * fabs(sumBalancedPolys) / (float)polys.size(); if (sSplitPlaneStrategy & LEAST_SPLITS) val += sLeastSplitsFactor * sumSplits / (float)polys.size(); if (sSplitPlaneStrategy & LARGEST_POLY_AREA) // HACK: polys.size should be total area so scaling is between 0 and 1 val += sLargestPolyAreaFactor * (float)polys.size() / sumPolyArea; if (sSplitPlaneStrategy & BLOCKED_RAYS) if (totalBlockedRays != 0) val += sBlockedRaysFactor * (totalBlockedRays - sumBlockedRays) / totalBlockedRays; if (sSplitPlaneStrategy & BALANCED_VIEW_CELLS) if (totalViewCells != 0) val += sBalancedViewCellsFactor * fabs(sumBalancedViewCells) / (float)totalViewCells; return val; } bool BspTree::BoundRay(const Ray &ray, float &minT, float &maxT) const { maxT = 1e6; minT = 0; // test with tree bounding box if (!mBox.GetMinMaxT(ray, &minT, &maxT)) return false; if (minT < 0) // start ray from origin minT = 0; // bound ray or line segment if ((ray.GetType() == Ray::LOCAL_RAY) && !ray.intersections.empty() && (ray.intersections[0].mT <= maxT)) { maxT = ray.intersections[0].mT; } return true; } float BspTree::SplitPlaneCost(const Plane3 &candidatePlane, const BoundedRayContainer &rays) const { float val = 0; float sumBalancedRays = 0; float sumRaySplits = 0; float pvsSize = 0; float totalSize = 0; // need three unique ids for small pvs criterium Intersectable::NewMail(); const int backId = ViewCell::sMailId; Intersectable::NewMail(); const int frontId = ViewCell::sMailId; Intersectable::NewMail(); const int frontAndBackId = ViewCell::sMailId; //Debug << "f " << frontId << " b " << backId << " fb " << frontAndBackId << endl; BoundedRayContainer::const_iterator rit, rit_end = rays.end(); for (rit = rays.begin(); rit != rays.end(); ++ rit) { Ray *ray = (*rit)->mRay; const float minT = (*rit)->mMinT; const float maxT = (*rit)->mMaxT; const int cf = ray->ClassifyPlane(candidatePlane, minT, maxT); if (sSplitPlaneStrategy & LEAST_RAY_SPLITS) { sumBalancedRays += sBalancedRaysTable[cf]; } if (sSplitPlaneStrategy & BALANCED_RAYS) { sumRaySplits += sLeastRaySplitsTable[cf]; } if (sSplitPlaneStrategy & PVS) { vector::const_iterator it, it_end = ray->intersections.end(); if (!ray->intersections.empty()) { // assure that we only count a object // once for the front and once for the back side of the plane pvsSize += PvsValue(*ray->intersections[0].mObject, cf, frontId, backId, frontAndBackId); // always add 2 for each object (= maximal large PVS) //if (inc > 0.01) totalSize += 2.0; } //todo emerging obj } } if (sSplitPlaneStrategy & LEAST_RAY_SPLITS) if (!rays.empty()) val += sLeastRaySplitsFactor * sumRaySplits / (float)rays.size(); if (sSplitPlaneStrategy & BALANCED_RAYS) if (!rays.empty()) val += sBalancedRaysFactor * fabs(sumBalancedRays) / (float)rays.size(); if (sSplitPlaneStrategy & PVS) if (!rays.empty()) // HACK (should be maximal possible pvs) val += sPvsFactor * pvsSize / (float)rays.size(); //Debug << "pvs: " << pvsSize << " val " << val << endl; return val; } float BspTree::PvsValue(Intersectable &obj, const int cf, const int frontId, const int backId, const int frontAndBackId) const { float pvsVal = 0; if (cf == Ray::COINCIDENT) return pvsVal; if (cf == Ray::FRONT) { if ((obj.mMailbox != frontId) && (obj.mMailbox != frontAndBackId)) pvsVal = 1.0; if (obj.mMailbox != backId) obj.mMailbox = frontId; else obj.mMailbox = frontAndBackId; } else if (cf == Ray::BACK) { if ((obj.mMailbox != backId) && (obj.mMailbox != frontAndBackId)) { pvsVal = 1.0; if (obj.mMailbox != frontId) obj.mMailbox = backId; else obj.mMailbox = frontAndBackId; } } else if ((cf == Ray::FRONT_BACK) || (cf == Ray::BACK_FRONT)) { if ((obj.mMailbox == backId) || (obj.mMailbox == frontId)) pvsVal = 1.0; else if (obj.mMailbox != frontAndBackId) pvsVal = 2.0; obj.mMailbox = frontAndBackId; } return pvsVal; } float BspTree::SplitPlaneCost(const Plane3 &candidatePlane, const PolygonContainer &polys, const BoundedRayContainer &rays) const { float val = 0; if (sSplitPlaneStrategy & VERTICAL_AXIS) { Vector3 tinyAxis(0,0,0); tinyAxis[mBox.Size().TinyAxis()] = 1.0f; // we put a penalty on the dot product between the "tiny" vertical axis // and the split plane axis val += sVerticalSplitsFactor * fabs(DotProd(candidatePlane.mNormal, tinyAxis)); } // the following criteria loop over all polygons to find the cost value if ((sSplitPlaneStrategy & BALANCED_POLYS) || (sSplitPlaneStrategy & LEAST_SPLITS) || (sSplitPlaneStrategy & LARGEST_POLY_AREA) || (sSplitPlaneStrategy & BALANCED_VIEW_CELLS) || (sSplitPlaneStrategy & BLOCKED_RAYS)) { val += SplitPlaneCost(candidatePlane, polys); } // the following criteria loop over all rays to find the cost value if ((sSplitPlaneStrategy & BALANCED_RAYS) || (sSplitPlaneStrategy & LEAST_RAY_SPLITS) || (sSplitPlaneStrategy & PVS)) { val += SplitPlaneCost(candidatePlane, rays); } // return linear combination of the sums return val; } void BspTree::ParseEnvironment() { //-- parse bsp cell tree construction method char constructionMethodStr[60]; environment->GetStringValue("BspTree.Construction.input", constructionMethodStr); sConstructionMethod = FROM_INPUT_VIEW_CELLS; if (strcmp(constructionMethodStr, "fromViewCells") == 0) sConstructionMethod = FROM_INPUT_VIEW_CELLS; else if (strcmp(constructionMethodStr, "fromSceneGeometry") == 0) sConstructionMethod = FROM_SCENE_GEOMETRY; else if (strcmp(constructionMethodStr, "fromRays") == 0) sConstructionMethod = FROM_RAYS; else { cerr << "Wrong construction method " << constructionMethodStr << endl; exit(1); } Debug << "Construction method: " << constructionMethodStr << endl; //-- termination criteria for autopartition environment->GetIntValue("BspTree.Termination.maxDepth", sTermMaxDepth); environment->GetIntValue("BspTree.Termination.maxPolygons", sTermMaxPolygons); environment->GetIntValue("BspTree.Termination.maxRays", sTermMaxRays); //-- termination criteria for axis aligned split environment->GetFloatValue("BspTree.Termination.AxisAligned.ct_div_ci", sCt_div_ci); environment->GetFloatValue("BspTree.Termination.AxisAligned.maxCostRatio", sMaxCostRatio); environment->GetIntValue("BspTree.Termination.AxisAligned.maxPolys", sTermMaxPolysForAxisAligned); environment->GetIntValue("BspTree.Termination.AxisAligned.maxRays", sTermMaxRaysForAxisAligned); environment->GetIntValue("BspTree.Termination.AxisAligned.maxObjects", sTermMaxObjectsForAxisAligned); //-- partition criteria environment->GetIntValue("BspTree.maxCandidates", sMaxCandidates); environment->GetIntValue("BspTree.splitPlaneStrategy", sSplitPlaneStrategy); environment->GetFloatValue("BspTree.AxisAligned.splitBorder", sSplitBorder); environment->GetBoolValue("BspTree.storeSplitPolys", sStoreSplitPolys); environment->GetFloatValue("BspTree.Construction.sideTolerance", Vector3::sDistTolerance); Vector3::sDistToleranceSqrt = Vector3::sDistTolerance * Vector3::sDistTolerance; environment->GetIntValue("ViewCells.minPvsDif", sMinPvsDif); Debug << "BSP max depth: " << sTermMaxDepth << endl; Debug << "BSP max polys: " << sTermMaxPolygons << endl; Debug << "BSP max candidates: " << sMaxCandidates << endl; Debug << "Split plane strategy: "; if (sSplitPlaneStrategy & RANDOM_POLYGON) Debug << "random polygon "; if (sSplitPlaneStrategy & AXIS_ALIGNED) Debug << "axis aligned "; if (sSplitPlaneStrategy & LEAST_SPLITS) Debug << "least splits "; if (sSplitPlaneStrategy & BALANCED_POLYS) Debug << "balanced polygons "; if (sSplitPlaneStrategy & BALANCED_VIEW_CELLS) Debug << "balanced view cells "; if (sSplitPlaneStrategy & LARGEST_POLY_AREA) Debug << "largest polygon area "; if (sSplitPlaneStrategy & VERTICAL_AXIS) Debug << "vertical axis "; if (sSplitPlaneStrategy & BLOCKED_RAYS) Debug << "blocked rays "; if (sSplitPlaneStrategy & PVS) Debug << "pvs"; Debug << endl; } void BspTree::CollectLeaves(vector &leaves) { stack nodeStack; nodeStack.push(mRoot); while (!nodeStack.empty()) { BspNode *node = nodeStack.top(); nodeStack.pop(); if (node->IsLeaf()) { BspLeaf *leaf = (BspLeaf *)node; leaves.push_back(leaf); } else { BspInterior *interior = dynamic_cast(node); nodeStack.push(interior->GetBack()); nodeStack.push(interior->GetFront()); } } } AxisAlignedBox3 BspTree::GetBoundingBox() const { return mBox; } BspNode *BspTree::GetRoot() const { return mRoot; } void BspTree::EvaluateLeafStats(const BspTraversalData &data) { // the node became a leaf -> evaluate stats for leafs BspLeaf *leaf = dynamic_cast(data.mNode); if (data.mDepth >= sTermMaxDepth) ++ mStat.maxDepthNodes; // store maximal and minimal depth if (data.mDepth > mStat.maxDepth) mStat.maxDepth = data.mDepth; if (data.mDepth < mStat.minDepth) mStat.minDepth = data.mDepth; // accumulate depth to compute average mStat.accumDepth += data.mDepth; if (leaf->mViewCell != mRootCell) { ++ mStat.viewCells; mStat.pvs += leaf->mViewCell->GetPvs().GetSize(); } #ifdef _DEBUG Debug << "BSP stats: " << "Depth: " << data.mDepth << " (max: " << sTermMaxDepth << "), " << "#polygons: " << (int)data.mPolygons->size() << " (max: " << sTermMaxPolygons << "), " << "#rays: " << (int)data.mRays->size() << " (max: " << sTermMaxRays << ")" << endl; #endif } int BspTree::CastRay(Ray &ray) { int hits = 0; stack tStack; float maxt, mint; if (!BoundRay(ray, mint, maxt)) return 0; Intersectable::NewMail(); Vector3 entp = ray.Extrap(mint); Vector3 extp = ray.Extrap(maxt); BspNode *node = mRoot; BspNode *farChild = NULL; while (1) { if (!node->IsLeaf()) { BspInterior *in = (BspInterior *) node; Plane3 *splitPlane = in->GetPlane(); int entSide = splitPlane->Side(entp); int extSide = splitPlane->Side(extp); Vector3 intersection; if (entSide < 0) { node = in->GetBack(); if(extSide <= 0) // plane does not split ray => no far child continue; farChild = in->GetFront(); // plane splits ray } else if (entSide > 0) { node = in->GetFront(); if (extSide >= 0) // plane does not split ray => no far child continue; farChild = in->GetBack(); // plane splits ray } else // ray and plane are coincident // WHAT TO DO IN THIS CASE ? { node = in->GetFront(); continue; } // push data for far child tStack.push(BspRayTraversalData(farChild, extp, maxt)); // find intersection of ray segment with plane float t; extp = splitPlane->FindIntersection(ray.GetLoc(), extp, &t); maxt *= t; } else // reached leaf => intersection with view cell { BspLeaf *leaf = dynamic_cast(node); if (!leaf->mViewCell->Mailed()) { ray.bspLeaves.push_back(leaf); leaf->mViewCell->Mail(); ++ hits; } //-- fetch the next far child from the stack if (tStack.empty()) break; entp = extp; mint = maxt; // NOTE: need this? if (ray.GetType() == Ray::LINE_SEGMENT && mint > 1.0f) break; BspRayTraversalData &s = tStack.top(); node = s.mNode; extp = s.mExitPoint; maxt = s.mMaxT; tStack.pop(); } } return hits; } bool BspTree::Export(const string filename) { Exporter *exporter = Exporter::GetExporter(filename); if (exporter) { exporter->ExportBspTree(*this); return true; } return false; } void BspTree::CollectViewCells(ViewCellContainer &viewCells) const { stack nodeStack; nodeStack.push(mRoot); ViewCell::NewMail(); while (!nodeStack.empty()) { BspNode *node = nodeStack.top(); nodeStack.pop(); if (node->IsLeaf()) { ViewCell *viewCell = dynamic_cast(node)->mViewCell; if (!viewCell->Mailed()) { viewCell->Mail(); viewCells.push_back(viewCell); } } else { BspInterior *interior = dynamic_cast(node); nodeStack.push(interior->mFront); nodeStack.push(interior->mBack); } } } int BspTree::CountViewCellPvs() const { int count = 0; stack nodeStack; nodeStack.push(mRoot); ViewCell::NewMail(); // exclude root cell mRootCell->Mail(); while (!nodeStack.empty()) { BspNode *node = nodeStack.top(); nodeStack.pop(); if (node->IsLeaf()) { ViewCell *viewCell = dynamic_cast(node)->mViewCell; if (!viewCell->Mailed()) { viewCell->Mail(); count += viewCell->GetPvs().GetSize(); } } else { BspInterior *interior = dynamic_cast(node); nodeStack.push(interior->mFront); nodeStack.push(interior->mBack); } } return count; } bool BspTree::MergeViewCells(BspLeaf *front, BspLeaf *back) const { BspViewCell *viewCell = dynamic_cast(ViewCell::Merge(*front->mViewCell, *back->mViewCell)); if (!viewCell) return false; // change view cells of all leaves associated with the // previous view cells BspViewCell *fVc = front->mViewCell; BspViewCell *bVc = back->mViewCell; vector fLeaves = fVc->mBspLeaves; vector bLeaves = bVc->mBspLeaves; vector::const_iterator it; for (it = fLeaves.begin(); it != fLeaves.end(); ++ it) { (*it)->SetViewCell(viewCell); viewCell->mBspLeaves.push_back(*it); } for (it = bLeaves.begin(); it != bLeaves.end(); ++ it) { (*it)->SetViewCell(viewCell); viewCell->mBspLeaves.push_back(*it); } DEL_PTR(fVc); DEL_PTR(bVc); return true; } bool BspTree::ShouldMerge(BspLeaf *front, BspLeaf *back) const { ViewCell *fvc = front->mViewCell; ViewCell *bvc = back->mViewCell; if ((fvc == mRootCell) || (bvc == mRootCell) || (fvc == bvc)) return false; /*Debug << "merge (" << sMinPvsDif << ")" << endl; Debug << "size f: " << fvc->GetPvs().GetSize() << ", " << "size b: " << bvc->GetPvs().GetSize() << endl; Debug << "diff f: " << fvc->GetPvs().Diff(bvc->GetPvs()) << ", " << "diff b: " << bvc->GetPvs().Diff(fvc->GetPvs()) << endl;*/ if ((fvc->GetPvs().Diff(bvc->GetPvs()) < sMinPvsDif) && (bvc->GetPvs().Diff(fvc->GetPvs()) < sMinPvsDif)) return true; return false; } void BspTree::SetGenerateViewCells(int generateViewCells) { mGenerateViewCells = generateViewCells; } BspTreeStatistics &BspTree::GetStat() { return mStat; } int BspTree::SplitRays(const Plane3 &plane, BoundedRayContainer &rays, BoundedRayContainer &frontRays, BoundedRayContainer &backRays) { int splits = 0; while (!rays.empty()) { BoundedRay *bRay = rays.back(); Ray *ray = bRay->mRay; rays.pop_back(); const int cf = ray->ClassifyPlane(plane, bRay->mMinT, bRay->mMaxT); ray->SetId(cf); switch (cf) { case Ray::COINCIDENT: frontRays.push_back(bRay); break; case Ray::BACK: backRays.push_back(bRay); break; case Ray::FRONT: frontRays.push_back(bRay); break; case Ray::FRONT_BACK: { // find intersection of ray segment with plane const Vector3 extp = ray->Extrap(bRay->mMaxT); const float t = plane.FindT(ray->GetLoc(), extp); const float newT = t * bRay->mMaxT; frontRays.push_back(new BoundedRay(ray, bRay->mMinT, newT)); backRays.push_back(new BoundedRay(ray, newT, bRay->mMaxT)); DEL_PTR(bRay); ++ splits; } break; case Ray::BACK_FRONT: { // find intersection of ray segment with plane const Vector3 extp = ray->Extrap(bRay->mMaxT); const float t = plane.FindT(ray->GetLoc(), extp); const float newT = t * bRay->mMaxT; backRays.push_back(new BoundedRay(ray, bRay->mMinT, newT)); frontRays.push_back(new BoundedRay(ray, newT, bRay->mMaxT)); DEL_PTR(bRay); ++ splits; } break; default: Debug << "Should not come here" << endl; break; } } return splits; } void BspTree::ExtractSplitPlanes(BspNode *n, vector &planes, vector &sides) const { BspNode *lastNode; do { lastNode = n; // want to get planes defining geometry of this node => don't take // split plane of node itself n = n->GetParent(); if (n) { BspInterior *interior = dynamic_cast(n); planes.push_back(dynamic_cast(interior)->GetPlane()); sides.push_back(interior->mFront == lastNode); } } while (n); } struct Candidate { Polygon3 *mPoly; Plane3 mPlane; bool mSide; Candidate(Polygon3 *poly, const Plane3 &plane, const bool &side): mPoly(poly), mPlane(plane), mSide(side) {} }; void BspTree::AddHalfspace(PolygonContainer &cell, vector &planes, vector &sides, const Plane3 &halfspace, const bool side) const { Polygon3 *poly = GetBoundingBox().CrossSection(halfspace); bool inside = true; // polygon is split by all other planes for (int i = 0; (i < planes.size()) && inside; ++ i) { VertexContainer splitPts; Polygon3 *frontPoly, *backPoly; const int cf = poly->ClassifyPlane(planes[i]); // split new polygon with all previous planes switch (cf) { case Polygon3::SPLIT: frontPoly = new Polygon3(); backPoly = new Polygon3(); poly->Split(planes[i], *frontPoly, *backPoly, splitPts); DEL_PTR(poly); if(sides[i] == true) { poly = frontPoly; DEL_PTR(backPoly); } else { poly = backPoly; DEL_PTR(frontPoly); } inside = true; break; case Polygon3::BACK_SIDE: if (sides[i]) inside = false; break; case Polygon3::FRONT_SIDE: if (!sides[i]) inside = false; break; default: break; } } //-- plane poly splits all other candidates // some polygons may fall out => rebuild cell vector candidates; for (int i = 0; i < (int)cell.size(); ++ i) { candidates.push_back(Candidate(cell[i], planes[i], sides[i])); } cell.clear(); planes.clear(); sides.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < (int)candidates.size(); ++ i) { bool candidateInside = true; VertexContainer splitPts; Polygon3 *frontPoly, *backPoly; const int cf = poly->ClassifyPlane(halfspace); // split new polygon with all previous planes switch (cf) { case Polygon3::SPLIT: frontPoly = new Polygon3(); backPoly = new Polygon3(); poly->Split(halfspace, *frontPoly, *backPoly, splitPts); DEL_PTR(candidates[i].mPoly); if (sides[i] == true) { candidates[i].mPoly = frontPoly; DEL_PTR(backPoly); } else { candidates[i].mPoly = backPoly; DEL_PTR(frontPoly); } inside = true; break; case Polygon3::BACK_SIDE: if (candidates[i].mSide) candidateInside = false; break; case Polygon3::FRONT_SIDE: if (!candidates[i].mSide) candidateInside = false; break; default: break; } if (candidateInside) { cell.push_back(candidates[i].mPoly); sides.push_back(candidates[i].mSide); planes.push_back(candidates[i].mPlane); } else { DEL_PTR(candidates[i].mPoly); } } //-- finally add polygon if (inside) { cell.push_back(poly); planes.push_back(halfspace); sides.push_back(side); } else { DEL_PTR(poly); } } void BspTree::ConstructGeometry(BspNode *n, PolygonContainer &cell) const { stack tStack; vector planes; vector sides; ExtractSplitPlanes(n, planes, sides); PolygonContainer candidatePolys; // bounded planes are added to the polygons for (int i = 0; i < (int)planes.size(); ++ i) { candidatePolys.push_back(GetBoundingBox().CrossSection(*planes[i])); } // add faces of bounding box (also could be faces of the cell) for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++ i) { VertexContainer vertices; for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++ j) vertices.push_back(mBox.GetFace(i).mVertices[j]); candidatePolys.push_back(new Polygon3(vertices)); } for (int i = 0; i < (int)candidatePolys.size(); ++ i) { bool inside = true; // polygon is split by all other planes for (int j = 0; (j < planes.size()) && inside; ++ j) { Plane3 *plane = planes[j]; if (i == j) // same plane continue; VertexContainer splitPts; Polygon3 *frontPoly, *backPoly; const int cf = candidatePolys[i]->ClassifyPlane(*plane); switch (cf) { case Polygon3::SPLIT: frontPoly = new Polygon3(); backPoly = new Polygon3(); candidatePolys[i]->Split(*plane, *frontPoly, *backPoly, splitPts); DEL_PTR(candidatePolys[i]); if(sides[j] == true) { candidatePolys[i] = frontPoly; DEL_PTR(backPoly); } else { candidatePolys[i] = backPoly; DEL_PTR(frontPoly); } inside = true; break; case Polygon3::BACK_SIDE: if (sides[j]) inside = false; break; case Polygon3::FRONT_SIDE: if (!sides[j]) inside = false; break; default: break; } } if (inside) cell.push_back(candidatePolys[i]); else DEL_PTR(candidatePolys[i]); } } void BspTree::ConstructGeometry(BspViewCell *vc, PolygonContainer &cell) const { vector leaves = vc->mBspLeaves; vector::const_iterator it, it_end = leaves.end(); for (it = leaves.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) ConstructGeometry(*it, cell); } int BspTree::FindNeighbors(BspNode *n, vector &neighbors, const bool onlyUnmailed) const { PolygonContainer cell; ConstructGeometry(n, cell); stack nodeStack; nodeStack.push(mRoot); // planes needed to verify that we found neighbor leaf. vector planes; vector sides; ExtractSplitPlanes(n, planes, sides); while (!nodeStack.empty()) { BspNode *node = nodeStack.top(); nodeStack.pop(); if (node->IsLeaf()) { if (node != n && (!onlyUnmailed || !node->Mailed())) { // test all planes of current node on neighbour PolygonContainer neighborCandidate; ConstructGeometry(node, neighborCandidate); bool isAdjacent = true; for (int i = 0; (i < planes.size()) && isAdjacent; ++ i) { const int cf = Polygon3::ClassifyPlane(neighborCandidate, *planes[i]); if ((cf == Polygon3::BACK_SIDE) && sides[i]) isAdjacent = false; else if ((cf == Polygon3::FRONT_SIDE) && !sides[i]) isAdjacent = false; } if (isAdjacent) neighbors.push_back(dynamic_cast(node)); CLEAR_CONTAINER(neighborCandidate); } } else { BspInterior *interior = dynamic_cast(node); const int cf = Polygon3::ClassifyPlane(cell, interior->mPlane); if (cf == Polygon3::FRONT_SIDE) nodeStack.push(interior->mFront); else if (cf == Polygon3::BACK_SIDE) nodeStack.push(interior->mBack); else { // random decision nodeStack.push(interior->mBack); nodeStack.push(interior->mFront); } } } CLEAR_CONTAINER(cell); return (int)neighbors.size(); } BspLeaf *BspTree::GetRandomLeaf(const Plane3 &halfspace) { stack nodeStack; nodeStack.push(mRoot); int mask = rand(); while (!nodeStack.empty()) { BspNode *node = nodeStack.top(); nodeStack.pop(); if (node->IsLeaf()) { return dynamic_cast(node); } else { BspInterior *interior = dynamic_cast(node); BspNode *next; PolygonContainer cell; // todo: not very efficient: constructs full cell everytime ConstructGeometry(interior, cell); const int cf = Polygon3::ClassifyPlane(cell, halfspace); if (cf == Polygon3::BACK_SIDE) next = interior->mFront; else if (cf == Polygon3::FRONT_SIDE) next = interior->mFront; else { // random decision if (mask & 1) next = interior->mBack; else next = interior->mFront; mask = mask >> 1; } nodeStack.push(next); } } return NULL; } BspLeaf *BspTree::GetRandomLeaf(const bool onlyUnmailed) { stack nodeStack; nodeStack.push(mRoot); int mask = rand(); while (!nodeStack.empty()) { BspNode *node = nodeStack.top(); nodeStack.pop(); if (node->IsLeaf()) { if ( (!onlyUnmailed || !node->Mailed()) ) return dynamic_cast(node); } else { BspInterior *interior = dynamic_cast(node); // random decision if (mask & 1) nodeStack.push(interior->mBack); else nodeStack.push(interior->mFront); mask = mask >> 1; } } return NULL; } int BspTree::CountPvs(const BoundedRayContainer &rays) const { int pvsSize = 0; BoundedRayContainer::const_iterator rit, rit_end = rays.end(); vector::const_iterator lit; ViewCell::NewMail(); for (rit = rays.begin(); rit != rit_end; ++ rit) { Ray *ray = (*rit)->mRay; for (lit = ray->bspLeaves.begin(); lit != ray->bspLeaves.end(); ++ lit) { if ((*lit)->mViewCell->Mailed()) { pvsSize += (*lit)->mViewCell->GetPvs().GetSize(); } } } return pvsSize; }