source: obsolete/tags/VUT/0.4/GtpVisibilityPreprocessor/support/xerces/include/xercesc/internal/SGXMLScanner.hpp @ 358

Revision 358, 13.6 KB checked in by bittner, 19 years ago (diff)

xerces added

2 * Copyright 2002,2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
18 * $Log: SGXMLScanner.hpp,v $
19 * Revision 1.21  2004/09/27 21:04:38  knoaman
20 * Update SGXMLScanner to allow access of data and methods to XSAXMLScanner
21 *
22 * Revision 1.20  2004/09/08 13:56:13  peiyongz
23 * Apache License Version 2.0
24 *
25 * Revision 1.19  2004/05/25 18:09:51  peiyongz
26 * XML1.0 3rd: 4.2.2 ...Since escaping is not always a fully reversible process,
27 * it must be performed only when absolutely necessary and as late as possible
28 * in a processing chain...
29 *
30 * Revision 1.18  2004/04/13 16:56:58  peiyongz
31 * IdentityConstraintHandler
32 *
33 * Revision 1.17  2004/04/07 14:14:08  peiyongz
34 * make resolveSystemId virutal
35 *
36 * Revision 1.16  2004/01/29 11:46:30  cargilld
37 * Code cleanup changes to get rid of various compiler diagnostic messages.
38 *
39 * Revision 1.15  2003/11/28 19:54:31  knoaman
40 * PSVIElement update
41 *
42 * Revision 1.14  2003/11/27 22:52:37  knoaman
43 * PSVIElement implementation
44 *
45 * Revision 1.13  2003/11/27 06:10:31  neilg
46 * PSVIAttribute implementation
47 *
48 * Revision 1.12  2003/11/26 16:20:00  knoaman
49 * Store XSModel.
50 *
51 * Revision 1.11  2003/11/24 05:09:38  neilg
52 * implement new, statless, method for detecting duplicate attributes
53 *
54 * Revision 1.10  2003/10/22 20:22:30  knoaman
55 * Prepare for annotation support.
56 *
57 * Revision 1.9  2003/09/22 19:51:41  neilg
58 * scanners should maintain their own pools of undeclared elements, rather than requiring grammars to do this.  This makes grammar objects stateless with regard to validation.
59 *
60 * Revision 1.8  2003/07/10 19:47:23  peiyongz
61 * Stateless Grammar: Initialize scanner with grammarResolver,
62 *                                creating grammar through grammarPool
63 *
64 * Revision 1.7  2003/05/16 21:36:57  knoaman
65 * Memory manager implementation: Modify constructors to pass in the memory manager.
66 *
67 * Revision 1.6  2003/05/15 18:26:29  knoaman
68 * Partial implementation of the configurable memory manager.
69 *
70 * Revision 1.5  2003/03/07 18:08:58  tng
71 * Return a reference instead of void for operator=
72 *
73 * Revision 1.4  2003/01/29 19:59:35  gareth
74 * we now detect when elements and attributes are validated/ the result of the validation and store that information.
75 *
76 * Revision 1.3  2003/01/15 15:49:49  knoaman
77 * Change constant declaration name to match its value.
78 *
79 * Revision 1.2  2003/01/13 16:30:18  knoaman
80 * [Bug 14469] Validator doesn't enforce xsd:key.
81 *
82 * Revision 1.1  2002/12/05 16:19:27  knoaman
83 * Initial check-in.
84 *
85 */
88#if !defined(SGXMLSCANNER_HPP)
91#include <xercesc/internal/XMLScanner.hpp>
92#include <xercesc/util/KVStringPair.hpp>
93#include <xercesc/util/ValueHashTableOf.hpp>
94#include <xercesc/util/RefHash3KeysIdPool.hpp>
95#include <xercesc/validators/common/Grammar.hpp>
96#include <xercesc/validators/schema/SchemaElementDecl.hpp>
101class SchemaGrammar;
102class SchemaValidator;
103class IdentityConstraintHandler;
104class IdentityConstraint;
105class ContentLeafNameTypeVector;
106class SchemaAttDef;
107class XMLContentModel;
108class XSModel;
109class PSVIAttributeList;
110class PSVIElement;
112//  This is a scanner class, which process XML Schema grammar.
113class XMLPARSER_EXPORT SGXMLScanner : public XMLScanner
115public :
116    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
117    //  Constructors and Destructor
118    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
119    SGXMLScanner
120    (
121        XMLValidator* const       valToAdopt
122        , GrammarResolver* const grammarResolver
123        , MemoryManager* const    manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager
124    );
125    SGXMLScanner
126    (
127        XMLDocumentHandler* const docHandler
128        , DocTypeHandler* const   docTypeHandler
129        , XMLEntityHandler* const entityHandler
130        , XMLErrorReporter* const errReporter
131        , XMLValidator* const     valToAdopt
132        , GrammarResolver* const  grammarResolver
133        , MemoryManager* const    manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager
134    );
135    virtual ~SGXMLScanner();
137    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
138    //  XMLScanner public virtual methods
139    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
140    virtual const XMLCh* getName() const;
141    virtual NameIdPool<DTDEntityDecl>* getEntityDeclPool();
142    virtual const NameIdPool<DTDEntityDecl>* getEntityDeclPool() const;
143    virtual unsigned int resolveQName
144    (
145        const   XMLCh* const        qName
146        ,       XMLBuffer&          prefixBufToFill
147        , const short               mode
148        ,       int&                prefixColonPos
149    );
150    virtual void scanDocument
151    (
152        const   InputSource&    src
153    );
154    virtual bool scanNext(XMLPScanToken& toFill);
155    virtual Grammar* loadGrammar
156    (
157        const   InputSource&    src
158        , const short           grammarType
159        , const bool            toCache = false
160    );
163    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
164    //  XMLScanner virtual methods
165    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
166    virtual void scanReset(const InputSource& src);
168    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
169    //  SGXMLScanner virtual methods
170    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
171    virtual bool scanStartTag(bool& gotData);
172    virtual void scanEndTag(bool& gotData);
174    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
175    //  Helper methods
176    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
177    unsigned int buildAttList
178    (
179        const   RefVectorOf<KVStringPair>&  providedAttrs
180        , const unsigned int                attCount
181        ,       XMLElementDecl*             elemDecl
182        ,       RefVectorOf<XMLAttr>&       toFill
183    );
184    bool laxElementValidation(QName* element, ContentLeafNameTypeVector* cv,
185                              const XMLContentModel* const cm,
186                              const unsigned int parentElemDepth);
187    unsigned int rawAttrScan
188    (
189        const   XMLCh* const                elemName
190        ,       RefVectorOf<KVStringPair>&  toFill
191        ,       bool&                       isEmpty
192    );
193    void updateNSMap
194    (
195        const   XMLCh* const    attrName
196        , const XMLCh* const    attrValue
197    );
198    unsigned int resolvePrefix
199    (
200        const   XMLCh* const        prefix
201        , const ElemStack::MapModes mode
202    );
203    void resizeElemState();
206    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
207    //  Data members
208    //
209    //  fRawAttrList
210    //      During the initial scan of the attributes we can only do a raw
211    //      scan for key/value pairs. So this vector is used to store them
212    //      until they can be processed (and put into fAttrList.)
213    //
214    //  fSchemaValidator
215    //      The Schema validator instance.
216    //
217    //  fSeeXsi
218    //      This flag indicates a schema has been seen.
219    //
220    //  fElemState
221    //  fElemStateSize
222    //      Stores an element next state from DFA content model - used for
223    //      wildcard validation
224    //
225    // fElemNonDeclPool
226    //      registry for elements without decls in the grammar
227    // fElemCount
228    //      count of the number of start tags seen so far (starts at 1).
229    //      Used for duplicate attribute detection/processing of required/defaulted attributes
230    // fAttDefRegistry
231    //      mapping from XMLAttDef instances to the count of the last
232    //      start tag where they were utilized.
233    // fUndeclaredAttrRegistryNS
234    //      mapping of namespaceId/localName pairs to the count of the last
235    //      start tag in which they occurred.
236    //  fPSVIAttrList
237    //      PSVI attribute list implementation that needs to be
238    //      filled when a PSVIHandler is registered
239    //
240    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
241    bool                                    fSeeXsi;
242    Grammar::GrammarType                    fGrammarType;
243    unsigned int                            fElemStateSize;
244    unsigned int*                           fElemState;
245    XMLBuffer                               fContent;
246    ValueHashTableOf<XMLCh>*                fEntityTable;
247    RefVectorOf<KVStringPair>*              fRawAttrList;
248    SchemaGrammar*                          fSchemaGrammar;
249    SchemaValidator*                        fSchemaValidator;
250    IdentityConstraintHandler*              fICHandler;
251    RefHash3KeysIdPool<SchemaElementDecl>*  fElemNonDeclPool;
252    unsigned int                            fElemCount;
253    RefHashTableOf<unsigned int>*           fAttDefRegistry;
254    RefHash2KeysTableOf<unsigned int>*      fUndeclaredAttrRegistryNS;
255    PSVIAttributeList *                     fPSVIAttrList;
256    XSModel*                                fModel;
257    PSVIElement*                            fPSVIElement;
258    ValueStackOf<bool>*                     fErrorStack;
259    PSVIElemContext                         fPSVIElemContext;
261private :
262    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
263    //  Unimplemented constructors and operators
264    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
265    SGXMLScanner();
266    SGXMLScanner(const SGXMLScanner&);
267    SGXMLScanner& operator=(const SGXMLScanner&);
269    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
270    //  XMLScanner virtual methods
271    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
272    virtual void scanCDSection();
273    virtual void scanCharData(XMLBuffer& toToUse);
274    virtual EntityExpRes scanEntityRef
275    (
276        const   bool    inAttVal
277        ,       XMLCh&  firstCh
278        ,       XMLCh&  secondCh
279        ,       bool&   escaped
280    );
281    virtual void scanDocTypeDecl();
282    virtual void sendCharData(XMLBuffer& toSend);
283    virtual InputSource* resolveSystemId(const XMLCh* const sysId);
285    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
286    //  Private helper methods
287    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
288    void commonInit();
289    void cleanUp();
291    bool normalizeAttValue
292    (
293        const   XMLAttDef* const    attDef
294        , const XMLCh* const        attrName
295        , const XMLCh* const        value
296        ,       XMLBuffer&          toFill
297    );
298    bool normalizeAttRawValue
299    (
300        const   XMLCh* const        attrName
301        , const XMLCh* const        value
302        ,       XMLBuffer&          toFill
303    );
304    unsigned int resolvePrefix
305    (
306        const   XMLCh* const        prefix
307        ,       XMLBuffer&          uriBufToFill
308        , const ElemStack::MapModes mode
309    );
310    void scanRawAttrListforNameSpaces(int attCount);
311    void parseSchemaLocation(const XMLCh* const schemaLocationStr);
312    void resolveSchemaGrammar(const XMLCh* const loc, const XMLCh* const uri);
313    bool switchGrammar(const XMLCh* const newGrammarNameSpace);
314    bool anyAttributeValidation(SchemaAttDef* attWildCard,
315                                unsigned int uriId,
316                                bool& skipThisOne,
317                                bool& laxThisOne);
319    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
320    //  Private scanning methods
321    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
322    bool basicAttrValueScan
323    (
324        const   XMLCh* const    attrName
325        ,       XMLBuffer&      toFill
326    );
327    bool scanAttValue
328    (
329        const   XMLAttDef* const    attDef
330        ,       XMLBuffer&          toFill
331    );
332    bool scanContent();
334    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
335    //  IdentityConstraints Activation methods
336    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
337    inline bool toCheckIdentityConstraint()  const;
339    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
340    //  Grammar preparsing methods
341    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
342    Grammar* loadXMLSchemaGrammar(const InputSource& src, const bool toCache = false);
344    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
345    //  PSVI handling methods
346    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
347    void endElementPSVI(SchemaElementDecl* const elemDecl,
348                        DatatypeValidator* const memberDV);
349    void resetPSVIElemContext();
352inline const XMLCh* SGXMLScanner::getName() const
354    return XMLUni::fgSGXMLScanner;
357inline bool SGXMLScanner::toCheckIdentityConstraint()  const
359    return fValidate && fIdentityConstraintChecking && fICHandler;
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