source: obsolete/tags/VUT/0.4/GtpVisibilityPreprocessor/support/xerces/samples/PParse/PParse.cpp @ 358

Revision 358, 12.6 KB checked in by bittner, 19 years ago (diff)

xerces added

2 * Copyright 1999-2001,2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
18 * $Log: PParse.cpp,v $
19 * Revision 1.18  2004/09/08 13:55:32  peiyongz
20 * Apache License Version 2.0
21 *
22 * Revision 1.17  2004/09/02 14:59:29  cargilld
23 * Add OutOfMemoryException block to samples.
24 *
25 * Revision 1.16  2003/08/07 21:21:38  neilg
26 * fix segmentation faults that may arise when the parser throws exceptions during document parsing.  In general, XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate() should not be called from within a catch statement.
27 *
28 * Revision 1.15  2003/05/30 09:36:35  gareth
29 * Use new macros for iostream.h and std:: issues.
30 *
31 * Revision 1.14  2002/04/17 20:18:08  tng
32 * [Bug 7493] The word "occured" is misspelled and it is a global error.
33 *
34 * Revision 1.13  2002/02/01 22:37:38  peiyongz
35 * sane_include
36 *
37 * Revision 1.12  2001/10/25 15:18:33  tng
38 * delete the parser before XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate.
39 *
40 * Revision 1.11  2001/10/19 18:52:04  tng
41 * Since PParse can take any XML file as input file, it shouldn't hardcode to expect 16 elements.
42 * Change it to work similar to SAXCount which just prints the number of elements, characters, attributes ... etc.
43 * And other modification for consistent help display and return code across samples.
44 *
45 * Revision 1.10  2001/08/01 19:11:01  tng
46 * Add full schema constraint checking flag to the samples and the parser.
47 *
48 * Revision 1.9  2001/05/11 13:24:55  tng
49 * Copyright update.
50 *
51 * Revision 1.8  2001/05/03 15:59:48  tng
52 * Schema: samples update with schema
53 *
54 * Revision 1.7  2000/06/20 02:23:08  rahulj
55 * Help message added by Joe Polastre.
56 *
57 * Revision 1.6  2000/03/03 01:29:31  roddey
58 * Added a scanReset()/parseReset() method to the scanner and
59 * parsers, to allow for reset after early exit from a progressive parse.
60 * Added calls to new Terminate() call to all of the samples. Improved
61 * documentation in SAX and DOM parsers.
62 *
63 * Revision 1.5  2000/03/02 19:53:44  roddey
64 * This checkin includes many changes done while waiting for the
65 * 1.1.0 code to be finished. I can't list them all here, but a list is
66 * available elsewhere.
67 *
68 * Revision 1.4  2000/02/11 02:37:48  abagchi
69 * Removed StrX::transcode
70 *
71 * Revision 1.3  2000/02/06 07:47:20  rahulj
72 * Year 2K copyright swat.
73 *
74 * Revision 1.2  2000/01/12 00:27:00  roddey
75 * Updates to work with the new URL and input source scheme.
76 *
77 * Revision  1999/11/09 01:09:45  twl
78 * Initial checkin
79 *
80 * Revision 1.5  1999/11/08 20:43:38  rahul
81 * Swat for adding in Product name and CVS comment log variable.
82 *
83 */
86// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
87//  This sample program demonstrates the progressive parse capabilities of
88//  the parser system. It allows you to do a scanFirst() call followed by
89//  a loop which calls scanNext(). You can drop out when you've found what
90//  ever it is you want. In our little test, our event handler looks for
91//  16 new elements then sets a flag to indicate its found what it wants.
92//  At that point, our progressive parse loop below exits.
94//  The parameters are:
96//      [-?]            - Show usage and exit
97//      [-v=xxx]        - Validation scheme [always | never | auto*]
98//      [-n]            - Enable namespace processing
99//      [-s]            - Enable schema processing
100//      [-f]            - Enable full schema constraint checking
101//      filename        - The path to the XML file to parse
103//  * = Default if not provided explicitly
104//  These are non-case sensitive
105// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
108// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
109//  Includes
110// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
111#include <xercesc/util/PlatformUtils.hpp>
112#include <xercesc/framework/XMLPScanToken.hpp>
113#include <xercesc/parsers/SAXParser.hpp>
114#include "PParse.hpp"
115#include <xercesc/util/OutOfMemoryException.hpp>
117// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
118//  Local data
120//  xmlFile
121//      The path to the file to parser. Set via command line.
123//  doNamespaces
124//      Indicates whether namespace processing should be done.
126//  doSchema
127//      Indicates whether schema processing should be done.
129//  schemaFullChecking
130//      Indicates whether full schema constraint checking should be done.
132//  valScheme
133//      Indicates what validation scheme to use. It defaults to 'auto', but
134//      can be set via the -v= command.
135// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
136static char*     xmlFile         = 0;
137static bool     doNamespaces       = false;
138static bool     doSchema           = false;
139static bool     schemaFullChecking = false;
140static SAXParser::ValSchemes    valScheme       = SAXParser::Val_Auto;
144// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
145//  Local helper methods
146// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
147static void usage()
149    XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "\nUsage:\n"
150            "    PParse [options] <XML file>\n\n"
151            "This program demonstrates the progressive parse capabilities of\n"
152                 "the parser system. It allows you to do a scanFirst() call followed by\n"
153            "a loop which calls scanNext(). You can drop out when you've found what\n"
154            "ever it is you want. In our little test, our event handler looks for\n"
155            "16 new elements then sets a flag to indicate its found what it wants.\n"
156            "At that point, our progressive parse loop exits.\n\n"
157            "Options:\n"
158            "      -v=xxx        - Validation scheme [always | never | auto*].\n"
159            "      -n            - Enable namespace processing [default is off].\n"
160            "      -s            - Enable schema processing [default is off].\n"
161            "      -f            - Enable full schema constraint checking [default is off].\n"
162            "      -?            - Show this help.\n\n"
163            "  * = Default if not provided explicitly.\n"
164         <<  XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;
169// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
170//  Program entry point
171// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
172int main(int argC, char* argV[])
174    // Initialize the XML4C system
175    try
176    {
177         XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize();
178    }
180    catch (const XMLException& toCatch)
181    {
182         XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cerr << "Error during initialization! :\n"
183              << StrX(toCatch.getMessage()) << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;
184         return 1;
185    }
187    // Check command line and extract arguments.
188    if (argC < 2)
189    {
190        usage();
191        XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate();
192        return 1;
193    }
195    // See if non validating dom parser configuration is requested.
196    int parmInd;
197    for (parmInd = 1; parmInd < argC; parmInd++)
198    {
199        // Break out on first parm not starting with a dash
200        if (argV[parmInd][0] != '-')
201            break;
203        // Watch for special case help request
204        if (!strcmp(argV[parmInd], "-?"))
205        {
206            usage();
207            XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate();
208            return 2;
209        }
210         else if (!strncmp(argV[parmInd], "-v=", 3)
211              ||  !strncmp(argV[parmInd], "-V=", 3))
212        {
213            const char* const parm = &argV[parmInd][3];
215            if (!strcmp(parm, "never"))
216                valScheme = SAXParser::Val_Never;
217            else if (!strcmp(parm, "auto"))
218                valScheme = SAXParser::Val_Auto;
219            else if (!strcmp(parm, "always"))
220                valScheme = SAXParser::Val_Always;
221            else
222            {
223                XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cerr << "Unknown -v= value: " << parm << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;
224                XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate();
225                return 2;
226            }
227        }
228         else if (!strcmp(argV[parmInd], "-n")
229              ||  !strcmp(argV[parmInd], "-N"))
230        {
231            doNamespaces = true;
232        }
233         else if (!strcmp(argV[parmInd], "-s")
234              ||  !strcmp(argV[parmInd], "-S"))
235        {
236            doSchema = true;
237        }
238         else if (!strcmp(argV[parmInd], "-f")
239              ||  !strcmp(argV[parmInd], "-F"))
240        {
241            schemaFullChecking = true;
242        }
243        else
244        {
245            XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cerr << "Unknown option '" << argV[parmInd]
246                << "', ignoring it\n" << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;
247        }
248    }
250    //
251    //  And now we have to have only one parameter left and it must be
252    //  the file name.
253    //
254    if (parmInd + 1 != argC)
255    {
256        usage();
257        XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate();
258        return 1;
259    }
260    xmlFile = argV[parmInd];
261    int errorCount = 0;
263    //
264    //  Create a SAX parser object to use and create our SAX event handlers
265    //  and plug them in.
266    //
267    SAXParser* parser = new SAXParser;
268    PParseHandlers handler;
269    parser->setDocumentHandler(&handler);
270    parser->setErrorHandler(&handler);
271    parser->setValidationScheme(valScheme);
272    parser->setDoNamespaces(doNamespaces);
273    parser->setDoSchema(doSchema);
274    parser->setValidationSchemaFullChecking(schemaFullChecking);
276    //
277    //  Ok, lets do the progressive parse loop. On each time around the
278    //  loop, we look and see if the handler has found what its looking
279    //  for. When it does, we fall out then.
280    //
281    unsigned long duration;
282    int errorCode = 0;
283    try
284    {
285        // Create a progressive scan token
286        XMLPScanToken token;
288        const unsigned long startMillis = XMLPlatformUtils::getCurrentMillis();
289        if (!parser->parseFirst(xmlFile, token))
290        {
291            XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cerr << "scanFirst() failed\n" << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;
292            XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate();
293            return 1;
294        }
296        //
297        //  We started ok, so lets call scanNext() until we find what we want
298        //  or hit the end.
299        //
300        bool gotMore = true;
301        while (gotMore && !parser->getErrorCount())
302            gotMore = parser->parseNext(token);
304        const unsigned long endMillis = XMLPlatformUtils::getCurrentMillis();
305        duration = endMillis - startMillis;
307        errorCount = parser->getErrorCount();
308        //
309        //  Reset the parser-> In this simple progrma, since we just exit
310        //  now, its not technically required. But, in programs which
311        //  would remain open, you should reset after a progressive parse
312        //  in case you broke out before the end of the file. This insures
313        //  that all opened files, sockets, etc... are closed.
314        //
315        parser->parseReset(token);
316    }
317    catch (const OutOfMemoryException&)
318    {
319        XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cerr << "OutOfMemoryException" << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;
320        errorCode = 5;
321    }
322    catch (const XMLException& toCatch)
323    {
324        XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cerr << "\nAn error occurred: '" << xmlFile << "'\n"
325             << "Exception message is: \n"
326             << StrX(toCatch.getMessage())
327             << "\n" << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;
328        errorCode = 4;
329    }
331    if(errorCode) {
332        XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate();
333        return errorCode;
334    }
336    if (!errorCount) {
337        XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << xmlFile << ": " << duration << " ms ("
338            << handler.getElementCount() << " elems, "
339            << handler.getAttrCount() << " attrs, "
340            << handler.getSpaceCount() << " spaces, "
341            << handler.getCharacterCount() << " chars)" << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;
342    }
344    //
345    //  Delete the parser itself.  Must be done prior to calling Terminate, below.
346    //
347    delete parser;
349    // And call the termination method
350    XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate();
352    if (errorCount > 0)
353        return 4;
354    else
355        return 0;
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