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2  author = "K. Bala and J. Dorsey and S. Teller",
3  title = "Bounded-Error Interactive Ray Tracing",
4  pages = "1--17",
5  institution = "MIT",
6  year = 1998,
7  month = mar,
8  number = "MIT LCS TR-748",
9  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0183",
13  pages =        "C--29--C--54",
14  year =         "1998",
15  title =        "Adaptive Supersampling in Object Space Using Pyramidal Rays",
16  author =       "J. Genetti and D. Gordon and G. Williams",
17  url =          "http://",
18  language =     "en",
19  booktitle =    "Computer Graphics Forum",
20  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0182",
24  pages =        "C--311--C--324",
25  year =         "1995",
26  title =        "Using Procedural {RenderMan} Shaders for Global
27                 Illumination",
28  author =       "Philipp Slusallek and Thomas Pflaum and Hans-Peter
29                 Seidel",
30  url =          "",
31  language =     "en",
32  abstract =     "Global illumination techniques like radiosity or
33                 Monte-Carlo ray-tracing are becoming standard features
34                 of rendering systems. However, there is currently no
35                 accepted interface format which supports an appropriate
36                 physically-based scene description. In this paper we
37                 present extensions to the well-known RenderMan
38                 interface, which allow for a physically based scene
39                 description and support advanced global illumination
40                 techniques. Special emphasis has been laid on the
41                 support for procedural descriptions of reflection and
42                 emission by RenderMan surface shaders. So far, they
43                 could not be used with most global illumination
44                 algorithms. The extensions have been implemented in a
45                 physically-based rendering system and are illustrated
46                 with examples.",
47  editor =       "F. Post and M. G{\"{o}}bel",
48  booktitle =    "Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings EUROGRAPHICS
49                 '95)",
50  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0181",             
54  author =       "Koji Nakamaru and Yoshio Ohno",
55  title =        "{Breadth-First Ray Tracing Utilizing Uniform Spatial
56                 Subdivision}",
57  journal =      "IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer
58                 Graphics",
59  volume =       "3",
60  number =       "4",
61  month =        oct,
62  year =         "1997",
63  pages =        "316--328",
64  abstract =     "Breadth-first ray tracing is based on the idea of
65                 exchanging the roles of rays and objects. For scenes
66                 with a large number of objects, it may be profitable to
67                 form a set of rays and compare each object in turn
68                 against this set. By doing so, thrashing, due to disk
69                 access, can be minimized. In this paper, we present
70                 ways to combine breadth-first methods with traditional
71                 efficient algorithms, along with new schemes to
72                 minimize accessing objects stored on disk. Experimental
73                 analysis, including comparisons with depth-first ray
74                 tracing, shows that large databases can be handled
75                 efficiently with this approach.",
76  keywords =     "breadth-first ray tracing, uniform spatial
77                 subdivision",
78  tvcg-abstract-url = "",
79  tvcg-pdf-url = "",
80 who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0180",
84  author =       "Gershon Elber and {Jung-Ju} Choi and {Myung-Soo} Kim",
85  title =        "Ruled Tracing",
86  journal =      "The Visual Computer",
87  year =         "1997",
88  volume =       "13",
89  number =       "2",
90  pages =        "78--94",
91  publisher =    "Springer-Verlag",
92  note =         "ISSN 0178-2789",
93  annote =       "The traditional ray-tracing technique based on a
94                 ray-surface intersection is reduced to a ruled or
95                 developable surface-surface intersection problem. That
96                 enables direct freeform surface rendering. By
97                 exploiting the spatial coherence gained in the
98                 ruled/developable surface-tracing approach presented,
99                 the emulation of shadows, specular reflections, and/or
100                 refractions in a freeform surface environment can all
101                 be implemented efficiently. The approach provides a
102                 direct freeform surface-rendering alternative to ray
103                 tracing. An implementation of a direct freeform surface
104                 renderer that emulates shadows as well as specular
105                 reflections is discussed. This renderer processes
106                 isoparametric curves as its basic building block,
107                 eliminating the need for polygonal approximation.",
108  keywords =     "Ray tracing, light wavefronts, direct freeform surface
109                 rendering, shadow computation, reflection/refraction",
110 who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0179",
114  author =       "Horace H. S. Ip and Ken C. K. Law and Gabriel K. P.
115                 Fung",
116  title =        "Epipolar plane space subdivision method in
117                 stereoscopic ray tracing",
118  journal =      "The Visual Computer",
119  year =         "1997",
120  volume =       "13",
121  number =       "6",
122  pages =        "247--264",
123  publisher =    "Springer-Verlag",
124  note =         "ISSN 0178-2789",
125  keywords =     "ray tracing, stereoscopic rendering, epipolar
126                 geometry",
127  annote =       "This paper presents a novel space subdivision scheme
128                 based on epipolar geometry. It is particularly suited
129                 to stereoscopic ray tracing in the backprojection
130                 method. The resulting rendering algorithm gives a
131                 substantial speed improvement over generating stereo
132                 pair images separately, and the generated stereo images
133                 are effectively identical to those generated
134                 separately. In this work, the generation of
135                 stereoscopic images is accelerated by two methods,
136                 namely stereoscopic backprojection and epipolar
137                 plane-space subdivision. The performance of our
138                 algorithm is evaluated and compared with the octree
139                 algorithm. Experimental results demonstrating the
140                 efficiency of the approach are presented.",
141 who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0178",
145  author =       "H. K. Choi and C. M. Kyung",
146  title =        "{PYSHA}: a shadow-testing acceleration scheme for ray
147                 tracing",
148  journal =      "Computer-aided design",
149  volume =       "24",
150  number =       "2",
151  month =        feb,
152  year =         "1992",
153  note =         "hybrid scheme of light buffer and grid subdivision
154                 with cost comparison on the fly",
155 who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0177",
159  author =       "A. Sherstyuk",
160  title =        "Ray-tracing implicit surfaces: a generalized approach",
161  year =         "1996",
162  type =         "Technical Report",
163  number =       "1996/290",
164  institution =  "Monash University",
165  keywords =     "implicit surfaces, ray-tracing",
166  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0176",
170  author =       "Jon Genetti and Dan Gordon",
171  title =        "Ray Tracing with Adaptive Supersampling in Object
172                 Space",
173  year =         "1993",
174  month =        may,
175  booktitle =    "Proceedings of Graphics Interface '93",
176  publisher =    "Canadian Information Processing Society",
177  pages =        "70--77",
178  address =      "Toronto, Ontario",
179  keywords =     "sampling, antialiasing, penumbrae",
180  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0175",
184  author =       "Richard A. Redner and Mark E. Lee and Samuel P.
185                 Uselton",
186  title =        "Smooth {B}-Spline Illumination Maps for Bidirectional
187                 Ray Tracing",
188  journal =      "ACM Transactions on Graphics",
189  volume =       "14",
190  number =       "4",
191  pages =        "337--362",
192  month =        oct,
193  year =         "1995",
194  coden =        "ATGRDF",
195  ISSN =         "0730-0301",
196  bibdate =      "Mon May 26 09:17:43 1997",
197  url =          "",
198  abstract =     "In this paper we introduce B-spline illumination maps
199                 and their generalizations and extensions for use in
200                 realistic image generation algorithms. The B-spline
201                 lighting functions (i.e., illumination maps) are
202                 defined as weighted probability density functions. The
203                 lighting functions can be estimated from random data
204                 and may be used in bidirectional distributed ray
205                 tracing programs as well as radiosity oriented
206                 algorithms. The use of these lighting functions in a
207                 bidirectional ray tracing system that can handle
208                 dispersion as well as the focusing of light through
209                 lenses is presented.",
210  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
211  keywords =     "algorithms; theory",
212  subject =      "{\bf I.3.7}: Computing Methodologies, COMPUTER
213                 GRAPHICS, Three-Dimensional Graphics and Realism,
214                 Visible line/surface algorithms.",
215  note =         "Corrections to Figures 4--9 are available on the
216                 World-Wide Web at path=",
217  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0174",
221  author =       "Mark E. Lee and Richard A. Redner and Samuel P.
222                 Uselton",
223  editor =       "B. A. Barsky",
224  title =        "Statistically Optimized Sampling for Distributed Ray
225                 Tracing",
226  journal =      "Computer Graphics",
227  volume =       "19",
228  number =       "3",
229  pages =        "61--67",
230  month =        jul,
231  year =         "1985",
232  coden =        "CGRADI, CPGPBZ",
233  ISSN =         "0097-8930",
234  annote =       "Cook, Porter, and Carpenter coined the phrase
235                 ``distributed ray tracing'' to describe a technique for
236                 using each ray of a super-sampled ray tracing procedure
237                 as a sample in several dimensions to achieve effects
238                 such as penumbras and motion blur in addition to
239                 spatial antialiasing. The shade to be displayed at a
240                 pixel is a weighted integral of the image function. The
241                 purpose of using many rays per pixel is to estimate the
242                 value of this integral. In this work, a relationship
243                 between the number of sample rays and the quality of
244                 the estimate of this integral is derived. Furthermore,
245                 the number of rays required does not depend on the
246                 dimensionality of the space being sampled, but only on
247                 the variance of the multi-dimensional image function.
248                 The algorithm has been optimized through the use of
249                 statistical testing and stratified sampling.",
250  conference =   "held in San Francisco, CA; 22--26 July 1985",
251  keywords =     "I37 ray-tracing, distributed, I3m optimization, I37
252                 motion blur, stratified point sampling, ray tracing
253                 anti aliasing stochastic",
254  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0173",
258  author =       "Don P. Mitchell",
259  title =        "Ray Tracing and Irregularities of Distribution",
260  year =         "1992",
261  month =        may,
262  journal =      "Third Eurographics Workshop on Rendering",
263  pages =        "61--69",
264  address =      "Bristol, UK",
265  keywords =     "monte carlo",
266  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0172",
270  author = "Robert L. Cook and Thomas Porter and Loren Carpenter", 
271  title = "Distributed Ray Tracing",
272  booktitle = "Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '84 Proceedings)",
273  month = jul,
274  year = "1984",
275  pages = "137-45",
276  keywords = "monte carlo, stochastic, penumbrae, depth of field, motion blur,
277             antialiasing",
278  comments = "also in Tutorial: Computer Graphics: Image Synthesis,
279              Computer Society Press, Washington, 1988, pp. 139-147",
280  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0171",
284  author =       "John Amanatides",
285  title =        "Ray Tracing with Cones",
286  pages =        "129--135",
287  booktitle =      "Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '84 Proceedings)",
288  volume =       "18",
289  number =       "3",
290  year =         "1984",
291  month =        jul,   
292  conference =   "held in Minneapolis, Minnesota; 23--27 July 1984",
293  keywords =     "cone tracing, antialiasing, I35 Ray Tracing",
294  annote =       "ray tracing spheres and polygons with circular conical
295                 rays A technique for antialiasing in ray tracing is
296                 presented which utilizes cones instead of rays. Cones
297                 prevent problems generally associated with point
298                 sampling, and therefore allow for more natural images.
299                 The mathematics involved seem only ``pretty'' for
300                 spherical objects, so an acid test has yet to be
301                 performed. \\ A new approach to ray tracing is
302                 introduced. The definition of a ``ray'' is extended
303                 into a cone by including information on the spread
304                 angle and the virtual origin. The advantages of this
305                 approach, which tries to model light propagation with
306                 more fidelity, include a better method of antialiasing,
307                 a way of calculating fuzzy shadows and dull
308                 reflections, a method of calculating the correct level
309                 of detail in a procedural model and texture map, and
310                 finally, a procedure for faster intersection
311                 calculation.",
312  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0170",
316  author =       "Mikio Shinya and Tokiichiro Takahashi and Seiichiro
317                 Naito",
318  title =        "Principles and Applications of Pencil Tracing",
319  pages =        "45--54",   
320  booktitle =      "Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '87 Proceedings)",
321  volume =       "21",
322  number =       "4",
323  year =         "1987",
324  month =        jul,
325  editor =       "Maureen C. Stone",
326  conference =   "held in Anaheim, California; 27 -- 31 July 1987",     
327  keywords =     "ray tracing, paraxial theory",
328  annote =       "Pencil tracing, a new approach to ray tracing, is
329                 introduced for faster image synthesis with more
330                 physical fidelity. The paraxial approximation theory
331                 for efficiently tracing a pencil of rays is described
332                 and analysis of its errors is conducted to insure the
333                 accuracy required for pencil tracing. The paraxial
334                 approximation is formulated from a 4x4 matrix (a system
335                 matrix) that provides the basis for pencil tracing and
336                 a variety of ray tracing techniques, such as beam
337                 tracing, ray tracing with cones, ray-object
338                 intersection tolerance, and a lighting model for
339                 reflection and refraction. In the error analysis,
340                 functions that estimate approximation errors and
341                 determine a constraint on the spread angle of a pencil
342                 are given. \\ The theory results in the following fast
343                 ray tracing algorithms; ray tracing using a system
344                 matrix, ray interpolation, and extended `beam tracing'
345                 using a `generalized perspective transform.' Some
346                 experiments are described to show their advantages. A
347                 lighting model is also developed to calculate the
348                 illuminance for refracted and reflected light.",
349  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0169",
353  author =       "Don P. Mitchell",
354  title =        "Generating Antialiased Images at Low Sampling
355                 Densities",
356  pages =        "65--72",
357  booktitle =      "Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '87 Proceedings)",
358  volume =       "21",
359  number =       "4",
360  year =         "1987",
361  month =        jul,
362  editor =       "Maureen C. Stone",
363  conference =   "held in Anaheim, California; 27 -- 31 July 1987",
364  keywords =     "adaptive sampling, antialiasing, filtering, noise
365                 perception, nonuniform sampling, ray tracing,
366                 reconstruction",
367  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0168",
371  author =       "Paul S. Heckbert and Pat Hanrahan",
372  title =        "Beam Tracing Polygonal Objects",
373  journal =      "Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH'84 Proceedings)",
374  volume =       "18",
375  number =       "3",
376  pages =        "119--127",
377  month =        jul,
378  year =         "1984",
379  coden =        "CGRADI, CPGPBZ",
380  ISSN =         "0097-8930",
381  annote =       "Weiler-Atherton algorithm applied to ray tracing.
382                 Heckbert and Hanrahan present an elegant image space
383                 algorithm for rendering objects composed of polygonal
384                 facets. It utilizes image coherence and generates a
385                 final picture consisting of polygons. \\ Ray tracing
386                 has produced some of the most realistic computer
387                 generated pictures to date. They contain surface
388                 texturing, local shading, shadows, reflections, and
389                 refractions. The major disadvantage of ray tracing
390                 results from its point-sampling approach. Because
391                 calculation proceeds {\em ab initio} at each pixel it
392                 is very CPU intensive and may contain noticeable
393                 aliasing artifacts. It is difficult to take advantage
394                 of spatial coherence because the shapes of reflections
395                 and refractions from curved surfaces are so complex. \\
396                 In this paper we describe an algorithm that utilizes
397                 the spatial coherence of polygonal environments by
398                 combining features of both image and object space
399                 hidden surface algorithms. Instead of tracing
400                 infinitesimally thin rays of light, we sweep areas
401                 through a scene to form ``beams.'' This technique works
402                 particularly well for polygonal models since for this
403                 case the reflections are linear transformation, and
404                 refractions are often approximately so. \\ The
405                 recursive beam tracer begins by sweeping the projection
406                 plane through the scene. Beam-surface intersections are
407                 computed using two-dimensional polygonal set operations
408                 and an occlusion algorithm similar to the
409                 Weiler-Atherton hidden surface algorithm. For each
410                 beam-polygon intersection the beam is fragmented and
411                 new beams created for the reflected and transmitted
412                 swath of light. These sub-beams are redirected with a
413                 4x4 matrix transformation and recursively traced. This
414                 beam tree is an object space representation of the
415                 entire picture.",
416  conference =   "held in Minneapolis, Minnesota; 23--27 July 1984",
417  keywords =     "polygon, ray tracing beam antialiasing,
418                 Weiler-Atherton polygon clipping",
419  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0167",
423  author =       "John M. Snyder and Alan H. Barr",
424  title =        "Ray Tracing Complex Models Containing Surface
425                 Tessellations",
426  pages =        "119--128",
427  booktitle =      "Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '87 Proceedings)",
428  volume =       "21",
429  number =       "4",
430  year =         "1987",
431  month =        jul,
432  editor =       "Maureen C. Stone",
433  conference =   "held in Anaheim, California; 27 -- 31 July 1987",   
434  keywords =     "parametric surface, triangle, list, 3d grid",
435  annote =       "An approach to ray tracing complex models containing
436                 mathematically defined surfaces is presented.
437                 Parametric and implicit surfaces, and boolean
438                 combinations of these, are first tessellated into
439                 triangles. The resulting triangles from many such
440                 surfaces are organized into a hierarchy of lists and 3D
441                 grids, allowing efficient calculation of ray/model
442                 intersections. \\ The technique has been used to ray
443                 trace models containing billions of triangles and
444                 surfaces never before traced. The organizing scheme
445                 developed is also independently useful for efficiently
446                 ray tracing any any complex model, whether or not it
447                 contains surfaces tessellations.",
448  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0166",
452  author =       "Hao-Ren Ke and Ruei-Chuan Chang",
453  title =        "An Efficient Hierarchical Traversal Algorithm for Ray
454                 Tracing",
455  journal =      "Visual Computer",
456  volume =       "10",
457  number =       "2",
458  pages =        "79--87",
459  year =         "1993",
460  keywords =     "efficiency",
461  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0165",
465  author =       "H. R. Ke and R. C. Chang",
466  title =        "Ray-cast volume rendering accelerated by incremental
467                 trilinear interpolation and cell templates",
468  journal =      "The Visual Computer",
469  year =         "1995",
470  volume =       "11",
471  number =       "6",
472  publisher =    "Springer-Verlag",
473  pages =        "297--308",
474  note =         "ISSN 0178-2789",
475  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0164",
479  author =       "Hao-ren Ke and Ruei-Chuan Chang",
480  title =        "Sample buffer: {A} progressive refinement ray-casting
481                 algorithm for volume rendering",
482  journal =      "Computers and Graphics",
483  volume =       "17",
484  number =       "3",
485  pages =        "277--283",
486  month =        may # "--" # jun,
487  year =         "1993",
488  coden =        "COGRD2",
489  ISSN =         "0097-8493",
490  bibdate =      "Fri Feb 07 11:04:26 1997",
491  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
492  affiliation =  "Natl Chiao Tung Univ",
493  affiliationaddress = "Hsinchu, Taiwan",
494  classification = "723.5; 741.2; 902.1; 921.6",
495  journalabr =   "Comput Graphics (Pergamon)",
496  keywords =     "Algorithms; Color; Image processing; Image quality;
497                 Interpolation; Opacity; Ray casting algorithm; Sample
498                 buffer; Three dimensional computer graphics; Transfer
499                 functions; Transparency; Visualization; Volume data
500                 rendering; Volume visualization",
501  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0163",
505  author =       "K. Sung",
506  title =        "A {DDA} Octree Traversal Algorithm for Ray Tracing",
507  pages =        "73--85",   
508  booktitle =    "Eurographics '91",
509  year =         "1991",
510  month =        sep,
511  editor =       "Werner Purgathofer",
512  publisher =    "North-Holland",
513  conference =   "European Computer Graphics Conference and Exhibition;
514                 held in Vienna, Austria; 2-6 September 1991",
515  keywords =     "ray tracing",
516  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0162",
520  author =       "S. Coquillart",
521  title =        "An Improvement of the Ray-Tracing Algorithm",
522  booktitle =      "Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics '85
523                 Proceedings)",
524  volume =       "4",
525  number =       "3",
526  pages =        "77--88",
527  year =         "1985",
528  month =        sep,
529  publisher =    "North-Holland",
530  conference =   "European Computer Graphics Conference and Exhibition 
531                 in Bath, England; 28 -- 29 March 1985",
532  annote =       "This paper describes an improvement of the ray-tracing
533                 algorithm. The new method takes advantage of a data
534                 structure which allows us to consider only the closest
535                 objects to the path of the ray. This technique can be
536                 applied to primary and secondary rays. Using this
537                 method, the run-time depends more on the complexity of
538                 the generated picture than on the complexity of the
539                 scene.",
540  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0161",
544  author =       "A. Augusto Sousa and Antonio M. C. Costa and Fernando
545                 N. Ferreira",
546  title =        "Interactive Ray-Tracing for Image Production with
547                 Increasing Realism",
548  pages =        "449--457",
549  booktitle =    "Eurographics '90",
550  year =         "1990",
551  month =        sep,
552  editor =       "C. E. Vandoni and D. A. Duce",
553  publisher =    "North-Holland",
554  conference =   "European Computer Graphics Conference and Exhibition;
555                 held in Montreux, Switzerland; 3 -- 7 September 1990",
556  keywords =     "rendering, interactive ray tracing, increasing
557                 realism, modular and paralle architectures,
558                 transputers, parallel processing",
559  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0160",
563  author =       "L. Richard Speer",
564  title =        "A New Subdivision Method for High-speed, Memory
565                 Efficient Ray Shooting",
566  booktitle =    "Third Eurographics Workshop on Rendering",
567  pages =        "45--60",
568  address =      "Bristol, UK",
569  month =        may,
570  year =         "1992",
571  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0159",
575  author =       "J-L. Maillot and L. Carraro and B. Peroche",
576  title =        "Progressive Ray Tracing",
577  year =         "1992",
578  month =        may,
579  journal =      "Third Eurographics Workshop on Rendering",
580  pages =        "9--20",
581  address =      "Bristol, UK",
582  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0158",
586  author =       "A. Sherstyuk",
587  title =        "Fast Ray Tracing of Implicit Surfaces",
588  year =         "1998",
589  type =         "Technical Report",
590  number =       "1998/04",
591  institution =  "Monash University",
592  keywords =     "implicit surfaces, ray-tracing",
593  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0157",
597  author =       "A. Sherstyuk",
598  title =        "Shells, crabs and seahorses: expanding the modeling power
599                  of implicit surfaces",
600  year =         "1997",
601  type =         "Technical Report",
602  number =       "1997/330",
603  institution =  "Monash University",
604  keywords =     "natural forms, convolution surfaces, geometric modelling,
605                  implicit surfaces",
606  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0156",
610  author =       "J. McCormack and A. Sherstyuk",
611  title =        "Creating and Rendering Convolution Surfaces",
612  year =         "1997",
613  type =         "Technical Report",
614  number =       "1997/324",
615  institution =  "Monash University",
616  keywords =     "convolution surfaces, geometric modelling, implicit surfaces,
617                  ray-tracing",
618  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0155",
622  author =       "Paul S. Heckbert",
623  title =        "Ray Tracing {JELL}-{O} ({R}) Brand Gelatin",
624  booktitle =    "Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '87 Proceedings)",
625  pages =        "73--4",
626  month =        jul,
627  year =         "1987",
628  keywords =     "lattice algorithm, Jell-O (TM), gelatin",
629  note =         "revision appears in CACM, Vol. 31, \#2, Feb. 1988, p.
630                 130-134 Published as Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '87
631                 Proceedings), volume 21, number 4",
632  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0154",
636  author =       "Ph. Slusallek and Th. Pflaum and H.-P. Seidel",
637  title =        "Implementing {RenderMan} --- Practice, Problems and
638                 Enhancements",
639  volume =       "13",
640  number =       "3",
641  pages =        "C/443--C/454",
642  month =        "????",
643  year =         "1994",
644  coden =        "CGFODY",
645  ISSN =         "0167-7055",
646  bibdate =      "Mon Apr 14 10:23:20 MDT 1997",
647  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
648  classification = "C6130B (Graphics techniques); C6150E (General
649                 utility programs); C6180 (User interfaces)",
650  conflocation = "Oslo, Norway; 12-16 Sept. 1994",
651  conftitle =    "15th Annual Conference and Exhibition.
652                 EUROGRAPHICS'94",
653  corpsource =   "Comput. Graphics Group, Erlangen Univ., Germany",
654  keywords =     "interfaces; rendering (computer graphics); Rendering
655                 systems; rendering systems; RenderMan; Shading
656                 Language; solid modelling; user",
657  thesaurus =    "Rendering [computer graphics]; Solid modelling; User
658                 interfaces",
659  treatment =    "A Application; P Practical",
660  url =          "",
661  language =     "en",
662  abstract =     "The RenderMan interface has been proposed as a general
663                 interface to rendering systems, yet only a few
664                 implementations of the interface exist. In this paper
665                 we describe the implementation of the RenderMan
666                 interface on a general rendering architecture that
667                 supports various rendering algorithms. Speci,cally we
668                 discuss the implementation of the RenderMan Shading
669                 Language and its integration into our rendering
670                 architecture. Special attention is focused on the
671                 problems that we have encountered and how they can be
672                 solved. Additionally, we suggest extensions and
673                 enhancements to the current interface de,nition, which
674                 would make RenderMan easier to implement and more
675                 ,exible to use.",
676  journal =      "Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Eurographics '94)",
677  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0153",
681  author =       "Holly E. Rushmeier and Charles Patterson and Aravindan
682                 Veerasamy",
683  title =        "Geometric Simplification for Indirect Illumination
684                 Calculations",
685  booktitle =    "Proc. Graphics Interface '93",
686  publisher =    "Canadian Inf. Proc. Soc.",
687  address =      "Toronto, Ontario",
688  month =        may,
689  year =         "1993",
690  pages =        "227--236",
691  keywords =     "Monte Carlo, progressive refinement, ray tracing,
692                 multiresolution modeling",
693  note = "",
694  annote =       "multiresolution model creation (clustering) not fully
695                 automated",
696  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0152",
700  author =       "Peter Shirley and Kelvin Sung and William Brown",
701  title =        "A Ray Tracing Framework for Global Illumination
702                 Systems",
703  pages =        "117--128",
704  booktitle =    "Proceedings of Graphics Interface '91",
705  year =         "1991",
706  month =        jun,
707  conference =   "held in Calgary, Alberta; 3-7 June 1991",
708  keywords =     "ray tracing, radiosity, object-oriented design,
709                 software components, zonal method, visual realism",
710  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0151",
714  author =       "L. {Szirmay-Kalos} and G. Marton",
715  title =        "On the Complexity of Ray Shooting",
716  booktitle =    "Dagstuhl Seminar on Rendering, 1996",
717  year =         "1996",
718  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0150",
722  author =       "Willem F. Bronsvoort",
723  title =        "Direct Display Algorithms for Solid Modelling",
724  month =        jun,
725  year =         "1990",
726  type =         "Ph.D. Thesis",
727  school =       "Delft University of Technology",
728  annote =       "Advisor: Denis J. McConalogue In this thesis
729                 algorithms are discussed for displaying geometric
730                 models of three-dimensional objects. An important use
731                 of such algorithms is in CAD/CAM-systems to give the
732                 designer insight in the shape of the design. \\ Of
733                 particular concern here are direct display algorithms
734                 for constructive solid geometry models and generalized
735                 cylinders. `Direct' in this context means that a solid
736                 object is displayed without the need to convert its
737                 model into a boundary representation providing the
738                 information about faces, edges and vertices required by
739                 the standard display algorithms. \\ For constructive
740                 solid geometry models, the starting point is a
741                 collection of primitive objects, such as cubes, spheres
742                 and cylinders, that can be combined into more complex
743                 objects with set operations. The two alternatives for
744                 displaying such models, namely conversion into a
745                 boundary representation followed by display with a
746                 standard algorithm, and direct display with an adapted
747                 algorithm, are weighed. An overview of direct display
748                 algorithms for constructive solid geometry models is
749                 also given. \\ Generalized cylinders are objects
750                 defined by an arbitrary two-dimensional contour, or
751                 cross-section, and an arbitrary three-dimensional
752                 trajectory along which to sweep the contour. With
753                 profiled generalized cylinders, the contour can be
754                 scaaed along the trajectory in two perpendicular
755                 directions according to two profile curves. An exact
756                 definition of such objects is given. Here also the
757                 alternative for display, namely conversion into a
758                 boundary representation followed by display with a
759                 standard algorithm, and direct display with a special
760                 algorithm, are compared. \\ Finally, some conclusions
761                 are drawn, and directions for further research on
762                 direct display algorithms for solid models are
763                 identified.",
764  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0149",
768  author =       "J. T. Kajiya",
769  title =        "New Techniques For Ray Tracing Procedurally Defined
770                 Objects",
771  pages =        "91--102",
772  booktitle =      "Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '83 Proceedings)",
773  volume =       "17",
774  number =       "3",
775  year =         "1983",
776  month =        jul,
777  conference =   "held in Detroit, Michigan; 25--29 July 1983",
778  keywords =     "I37 fractal surfaces, I37 prisms, I37 ray tracing, I37
779                 surfaces of revolution, ray tracing intersect,
780                 procedural models, fractals, revolution, prisms",
781  annote =       "Also appears in {\bf Tutorial: Computer Graphics:
782                 Image Synthesis}, Kenneth I. Joy, Charles W. Grant,
783                 Nelson L. Max, and Lansing Hatfield (eds.), Computer
784                 Society Press, Washington, 1988, p. 168-188. \\ We
785                 present new algorithms for efficient ray tracing of
786                 three procedurally defined objects: fractal surfaces,
787                 prisms, and surfaces of revolution. The fractal surface
788                 algorithm performs recursive subdivision adaptively.
789                 Subsurfaces which cannot intersect a given ray are
790                 culled from further consideration. The prism algorithm
791                 transforms the three-dimensional ray-surface
792                 intersection problem into a two-dimensional ray-curve
793                 intersection problem, which is solved by the method of
794                 strip trees. The surface-of-revolution algorithm
795                 transforms the three-dimensional ray-surface
796                 intersection problem into a two-dimensional curve-curve
797                 intersection problem, which again is solved by strip
798                 trees. \\ Kajiya presents good solid methods for ray
799                 tracing various models which are represented
800                 procedurally. Fractals are ray traced as they are
801                 built, which keeps unseen fractal surfaces from being
802                 evolved. Prisms are ray traced in a fairly simple
803                 fashion. A clever use of geometric transforms is used
804                 to ray trace surfaces of revolution. Makes good use of
805                 strip trees (see Ballard).",
806  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0148",
810  author =       "Pat Hanrahan",
811  title =        "Ray Tracing Algebraic Surfaces",
812  journal =      "Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '83 Proceedings)",
813  volume =       "17",
814  number =       "3",
815  pages =        "83--90",
816  month =        jul,
817  year =         "1983",
818  coden =        "CGRADI, CPGPBZ",
819  ISSN =         "0097-8930",
820  annote =       "numerical techniques for finding roots of polynomials
821                 \\ Many interesting surfaces can be written as
822                 polynomial functions of the spatial coordinates, often
823                 of low degree. We present a method based on a ray
824                 casting algorithm, extended to work in more than three
825                 dimensions, to produce pictures of these surfaces. The
826                 method uses a symbolic algebra system to automatically
827                 derive the equation of intersection between the ray and
828                 the surface and then solves this equation using an
829                 exact polynomial root finding algorithm. \\ Included
830                 are illustrations of the cusp catastrophe surface, and
831                 two unusually shaped quartic surfaces, Kummer's
832                 quadruple and Steiner's surface.",
833  conference =   "held in Detroit, Michigan; 25--29 July 1983",
834  keywords =     "root finding, algebraic surface, ray tracing intersect
835                 blob, I33 ray tracing, I37 algebraic surface",
836  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0147",
840  title =        "Ray-Tracing Procedural Displacement Shaders",
841  author =       "Wolfgang Heidrich and Hans-Peter Seidel",
842  booktitle =    "Graphics Interface",
843  year =         "1998",
844  month =        jun,
845  pages =        "8--16",
846  url =          "",
847  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0146",
851  author = "P. Gonzalez and F. Gisbert",
852  title = "Object and Ray Coherence in the Optimization of the
853           Ray Tracing Algorithm",
854  booktitle = "Proceedings of Computer Graphics International '98 (CGI'98)",
855  year = "1998",
856  month = jun,
857  pages = "264--267",
858  address = "Hannover, Germany",
859  publisher = "IEEE, NY",
860  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0145",
864  author =       "Tomas M{\"{o}}ller and Ben Trumbore",
865  title =        "Fast, Minimum Storage Ray-Triangle Intersection",
866  journal =      "Journal of Graphics Tools",
867  year =         "1997",
868  volume =       "2",
869  number =       "1",
870  note =         "ISSN 1086-7651",
871  annote =       "We present a clean algorithm for determining whether a
872                 ray intersects a triangle. The algorithm translates the
873                 origin of the ray and then changes the base to yield a
874                 vector (t u v)T, where t is the distance to the plane
875                 in which the triangle lies and (u,v) represents the
876                 coordinates inside the triangle. One advantage of this
877                 method is that the plane equation need not be computed
878                 on the fly nor be stored, which can amount to
879                 significant memory savings for triangle meshes. As we
880                 found our method to be comparable in speed to previous
881                 methods, we believe it is the fastest ray-triangle
882                 intersection routine for triangles that do not have
883                 precomputed plane equations.",
884  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0144",
888  author =       "Ron Pulleyblank and John Kapenga",
889  title =        "The Feasibility of a {VLSI} Chip for Ray Tracing
890                 Bicubic Patches",
891  pages =        "33--44",
892  journal =      "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications",
893  volume =       "7",
894  number =       "3",
895  year =         "1987",
896  month =        mar,
897  keywords =     "bicubic patch",
898  annote =       "Also appears as ``A VLSI Chip for Ray Tracing Bicubic
899                 Patches'' in {\bf Advances in Computer Graphics
900                 Hardware I}, W. Stra\mbox{\ss}er (ed.), 1987, p.
901                 125-140. \\ In this article we explore the possibility
902                 of a VLSI chip for ray tracing bicubic patches in
903                 B\'{e}zier form. The purpose of the chip is to
904                 calculate the intersection point of a ray with the
905                 bicubic patch to a specified level of accuracy,
906                 returning parameter values $(u,v)$ specifing the
907                 location of the intersection on the patch, and a
908                 parameter value, $t$, which specifies the location of
909                 the intersection on the ray. The intersection is
910                 calculated by successively subdividing the patch and
911                 computing the intersection of the ray with a bounding
912                 box of each subpatch until the bounding volume meets
913                 the accuracy requirement. There are two operating
914                 modes: one in which only the nearest intersection is
915                 found, and another in which all intersections are
916                 found. This algorithm (and the chip) correctly handle
917                 the difficult cases of the ray tangentially
918                 intersecting a planar patch and intersections of the
919                 ray at a silhouette edge of the patch. Estimates
920                 indicate that such a chip could be implemented with
921                 2-micron NMOS (N-type metal oxide semiconductor) and
922                 could compute patch-ray intersections at the rate of
923                 one every 15 microseconds for patches that are
924                 prescaled and specified to a 12-bit fixed point for
925                 each of the $x, y$, and $z$ components. A version
926                 capable of handling 24-bit patches could compute
927                 patch-ray intersections at the rate of one every 140
928                 microseconds. Calculations of the normal at the
929                 intersection point could be performed with the addition
930                 of Re scalar subtractions and six scalar multiplies.
931                 Images drawn using a software version of the algorithm
932                 are presented and discussed.",
933   who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0143",
937  author =       "Andrew Pearce and David Jevans",
938  title =        "Exploiting Shadow Coherence in Ray Tracing",
939  pages =        "109--116",
940  booktitle =    "Proceedings of Graphics Interface '91",
941  year =         "1991",
942  month =        jun,
943  conference =   "held in Calgary, Alberta; 3-7 June 1991",
944  keywords =     "ray tracing, shadow testing, shadow caching, spatial
945                 subdivision",
946  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0142",
950  author =       "Eric A. Haines and Donald P. Greenberg",
951  title =        "The Light Buffer: {A} Ray Tracer Shadow Testing
952                 Accelerator",
953  pages =        "6--16",
954  journal =      "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications",
955  volume =       "6",
956  number =       "9",
957  year =         "1986",
958  month =        sep,
959  keywords =     "shading, ray tracing, shadows, ray tracing shadow
960                 cull",
961  abstract =     "In one area of computer graphics, realistic image
962                 synthesis, the ultimate goal is to produce a picture
963                 indistinguishable from a photograph of a real
964                 environment. A particularly powerful technique for
965                 simulating light reflection---an important element in
966                 creating this realism---is called ray tracing. This
967                 method produces images of excellent quality, but
968                 suffers from lengthy computation time that limits its
969                 practical use. \\ This article presents a new method to
970                 reduce shadow testing time during ray tracing. The
971                 technique involves generating light buffers, each of
972                 which partition the environment with respect to an
973                 individual light source. These partition descriptions
974                 are then used during shadow testing to quickly
975                 determine a small subset of objects that may have to be
976                 tested for intersection. \\ The results of timing tests
977                 illustrate the beneficial performance of these
978                 techniques. The tests compare the standard ray-tracing
979                 algorithm to light buffers of varying resolution.",
980  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0141",
984  author =       "Peter Shirley",
985  title =        "A Ray Tracing Method for Illumination Calculation in
986                 Diffuse-Specular Scenes",
987  pages =        "205--212",
988  booktitle =      "Proceedings of Graphics Interface '90",
989  year =         "1990",
990  month =        may,
991  conference =   "held in Halifax, Nova Scotia; 14-18 May 1990",
992  keywords =     "bump mapping, illumination, radiosity, radiance, ray
993                 tracing, realism, stratified sampling, texture
994                 mapping",
995  annote =       "Several ways of improving the realism of the results
996                 of traditional ray tracing are presented. The essential
997                 physical quantities of spectral radiant power and
998                 spectral radiance and their use in lighting
999                 calculations are discussed. Global illumination terms
1000                 are derived by employing illumination ray tracing for
1001                 calculation of quickly changing indirect lighting
1002                 components, and radiosity ray tracing for slowly
1003                 changing indirect lighting components. Direct lighting
1004                 is calculated during the viewing phase allowing the use
1005                 of bump maps. Finally, a method is introduced that
1006                 reduces the total number of shadow rays to no more than
1007                 the total number of viewing rays for a given picture.",
1008  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0140",
1012  author =       "Peter Shirley and Changyaw Wang",
1013  title =        "Direct lighting calculation by Monte Carlo
1014                 integration",
1015  booktitle =    "Eurographics Workshop on Rendering",
1016  year =         "1991",
1017  conference =   "held in Barcelona, Spain; 13-15 May 1991",
1018  keywords =     "monte carlo, illumination",
1019  annote =       "Application of Monte Carlo techniques for rendering
1020                 scenes with multiple light sources. Only one shadow ray
1021                 per viewing ray is used. Some issues for the design of
1022                 probability densities for light sources are given.",
1023  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0139",
1027  author =       "Peter Shirley and Changyaw Wang and Kurt Zimmerman",
1028  title =        "{Monte Carlo} Techniques for Direct Lighting
1029                 Calculations",
1030  journal =      "ACM Transactions on Graphics",
1031  volume =       "15",
1032  number =       "1",
1033  pages =        "1--36",
1034  month =        jan,
1035  year =         "1996",
1036  coden =        "ATGRDF",
1037  ISSN =         "0730-0301",
1038  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 24 07:49:27 1996",
1039  url =          ",
1040       ",
1041  abstract =     "In a distributed ray tracer, the sampling strategy is
1042                 the crucial part of the direct lighting calculation.
1043                 Monte Carlo integration with importance sampling is
1044                 used to carry out this calculation. Importance sampling
1045                 involves the design of integrand-specific probability
1046                 density functions that are used to generate sample
1047                 points for the numerical quadrature. Probability
1048                 density functions are presented that aid in the direct
1049                 lighting calculation from luminaires of various simple
1050                 shapes. A method for defining a probability density
1051                 function over a set of luminaires is presented that
1052                 allows the direct lighting calculation to be carried
1053                 out with a number of sample points that is independent
1054                 of the number of luminaires.",
1055  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1056  keywords =     "algorithms; design; theory",
1057  subject =      "{\bf G.3}: Mathematics of Computing, PROBABILITY AND
1058                 STATISTICS. {\bf G.1.4}: Mathematics of Computing,
1059                 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS, Quadrature and Numerical
1060                 Differentiation. {\bf I.3.0}: Computing Methodologies,
1061                 COMPUTER GRAPHICS, General. {\bf I.4.1}: Computing
1062                 Methodologies, IMAGE PROCESSING, Digitization,
1063                 Sampling.",
1064   who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0138",
1068  author =       "Peter Shirley and Changyaw Wang",
1069  month =        may,
1070  year =         "1992",
1071  title =        "Distribution {Ray} {Tracing}: {Theory} and
1072                 {Practice}",
1073  booktitle =    "Third Eurographics Workshop on Rendering",
1074  pages =        "33--43",
1075  address =      "Bristol, UK",
1076  keywords =     "Monte Carlo",
1077  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0137",
1081  author =       "F. Kenton Musgrave and Craig E. Kolb and Robert S.
1082                 Mace",
1083  editor =       "Jeffrey Lane",
1084  title =        "The Synthesis and Rendering of Eroded Fractal
1085                 Terrains",
1086  journal =      "Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '89 Proceedings)",
1087  volume =       "23",
1088  number =       "3",
1089  pages =        "41--50",
1090  month =        jul,
1091  year =         "1989",
1092  coden =        "CGRADI, CPGPBZ",
1093  ISSN =         "0097-8930",
1094  annote =       "info on efficiently ray tracing height fields \\ In
1095                 standard fractal terrain models based on fractional
1096                 Brownian motion the statistical character of the
1097                 surface is, by design, the same everywhere. A new
1098                 approach to the synthesis of fractal terrain height
1099                 fields is presented which, in contrast to previous
1100                 techniques, features locally independent control of the
1101                 frequencies composing the surface, and thus local
1102                 control of fractal dimension and other statistical
1103                 characteristics. The new technique, termed {\em noise
1104                 synthesis}, is intermediate in difficulty of
1105                 implementation, between simple stochastic subdivision
1106                 and Fourier filtering or generalized stochastic
1107                 subdivision, and does not suffer the drawbacks of
1108                 creases or periodicity. Varying the local crossover
1109                 scale of fractal character or the fractal dimension
1110                 with altitude or other functions yields more realistic
1111                 first approximations to eroded landscapes. A simple
1112                 physical erosion model is then suggested which
1113                 simulates hydraulic and thermal erosion processes to
1114                 create global stream/valley networks and talus slopes.
1115                 Finally, an efficient ray tracing algorithm for general
1116                 height fields, of which most fractal terrains are a
1117                 subset, is presented.",
1118  conference =   "held in Boston, Massachusetts; 31 July -- 4 August
1119                 1989",
1120  keywords =     "fractal, terrain models, stochastic subdivision,
1121                 fractional Brownian motion, fractal dimension,
1122                 lacunarity, crossover scale, erosion models, height
1123                 fields, ray tracing",
1124  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0136",
1128  author =       "F. Kenton Musgrave",
1129  title =        "Prisms and rainbows: a dispersion model for computer
1130                 graphics",
1131  pages =        "227--234",
1132  booktitle =      "Proceedings of Graphics Interface '89",
1133  year =         "1989",
1134  month =        jun,
1135  conference =   "held in London, Ontario; 19-23 June 1989",
1136  keywords =     "refraction, stochastic sampling, distributed ray
1137                 tracing, spectrum, color gamut",
1138  annote =       "{\em Dispersion} is the spreading of refracted light
1139                 into its component colors or spectrum. A model of
1140                 refraction including dispersion is developed using the
1141                 techniques of distributed ray tracing. Two models of
1142                 the rainbow, one empirical or impressionistic, the
1143                 other purely physical, are developed using the results
1144                 of the dispersion model. The problem of representing
1145                 the spectrum of monochromatic colors using the rgb
1146                 primaries of the graphics color monitor is addressed.",
1147  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0135",
1151  author =       "F. Kenton Musgrave",
1152  title =        "Grid Tracing: Fast Ray Tracing for Height Fields",
1153  year =         "1988",
1154  type =         "Technical Report",
1155  number =       "YALEU/DCS/RR-639",
1156  institution =  "Yale University Dept. of Computer Science Research",
1157  keywords =     "parallel processing",
1158  annote =       "An implementation of ray tracing using Linda. \\ A
1159                 fast algorithm for ray tracing height fields is
1160                 presented. The algorithm employs a modified Bresenham
1161                 DDA to traverse a two dimensional array of height
1162                 values. At each cell the altitude of the ray is
1163                 compared with the heights of the four corners of the
1164                 cell; ray/object intersections need only be calculated
1165                 when the altitude of the ray is in the range of those
1166                 heights. The average number of ray/object intersections
1167                 performed is about two per ray; the two objects tested
1168                 for intersection are located in $O(\sqrt{N-1})$ time
1169                 where $N$ is the number of height values in the
1170                 field.",
1171  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0134",
1175  author =       "John Chapman and Thomas W. Calvert and John Dill",
1176  title =        "Exploiting Temporal Coherence in Ray Tracing",
1177  booktitle =    "Proceedings of Graphics Interface '90",
1178  pages =        "196--204",
1179  publisher =    "Canadian Information Processing Society",
1180  address =      "Toronto, Ontario",
1181  month =        may,
1182  year =         "1990",
1183  keywords =     "animation, temporal coherence",
1184  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0133",
1188  author =       "Andrew Woo and John Amanatides",
1189  title =        "Voxel Occlusion Testing: {A} Shadow Determination
1190                 Accelerator for Ray Tracing",
1191  pages =        "213--220",
1192  booktitle =    "Proceedings of Graphics Interface '90",
1193  year =         "1990",
1194  month =        may,
1195  conference =   "held in Halifax, Nova Scotia; 14-18 May 1990",
1196  keywords =     "grid, intersection culling, occlusion, penumbra, ray
1197                 tracing, shadows, umbra, voxel traversal",
1198  annote =       "A shadow determination accelerator for ray tracing is
1199                 presented. It is built on top of the uniform voxel
1200                 traversal grid structure. The accelerator proves to be
1201                 rather efficient, requires little additional memory and
1202                 the worst case scenario per shadow determination just
1203                 reduces down to traditional voxel traversal. It can
1204                 also be extended to model linear, area lights, as well
1205                 as atmospheric shadows.",
1206  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0132",
1210  author =       "David Jevans",
1211  title =        "Object Space Temporal Coherence for Ray Tracing",
1212  booktitle =    "Proceedings of Graphics Interface '92",
1213  pages =        "176--183",
1214  publisher =    "Canadian Information Processing Society",
1215  address =      "Toronto, Ontario",
1216  month =        may,
1217  year =         "1992",
1218  keywords =     "temporal coherence, efficiency, space subdivision",
1219  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0131",
1223  author =       "Andrew Woo",
1224  title =        "Ray tracing polygons using spatial subdivision",
1225  pages =        "184--191",
1226  booktitle =    "Proceedings of Graphics Interface '92",
1227  year =         "1992",
1228  month =        may,
1229  conference =   "held in Vancouver, B.C.; 11-15 May 1992",
1230  keywords =     "intersection culling, subdivision, voxel traversal",
1231  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0130",
1235  author =       "Gabor Marton",
1236  editor =       "H.P. Seidel, B. Girod, H. Niemann",
1237  title =        "Surfaces for Ray Tracing: A Fast View-Dependent Algorithm",
1238  booktitle =    "Proceedings of 3D Image Analysis and Synthesis '97",
1239  pages =        "19--26",
1240  year =         "1997",
1241  month =   nov,
1242  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0129",
1246  author =       "Gabor Marton",
1247  editor =       "Alan W. Paeth",
1248  title =        "Acceleration of Ray Tracing via Voronoi Diagrams",
1249  booktitle =    "Graphics Gems V",
1250  pages =        "268--284",
1251  publisher =    "Academic Press",
1252  address =      "Boston MA",
1253  year =         "1995",
1254  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0128",
1258  author =       "Tomas Moeller",
1259  editor =       "Alan W. Paeth",
1260  title =        "A Linear-time simple bounding volume algorithm",
1261  booktitle =    "Graphics Gems V",
1262  pages =        "242--257",
1263  publisher =    "Academic Press",
1264  address =      "Boston MA",
1265  year =         "1995",
1266  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0127",
1270  author =       "Xiaolin Wu",
1271  editor =       "David Kirk",
1272  title =        "A Linear-time simple bounding volume algorithm",
1273  booktitle =    "Graphics Gems III",
1274  pages =        "301-306",
1275  publisher =    "Academic Press",
1276  address =      "San Diego",
1277  year =         "1992",
1278  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0126",
1282 author = "K.R. Subramanian and D.S. Fussel",
1283  title = "Applying Space Subdivision Techniques to Volume Rendering",
1284  pages = 9,
1285  institution = "The University of Texas at Austin",
1286  year = 1991,
1287  note = "from WWW",
1288  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0125",
1292  author = "K.R. Subramanian and D.S. Fussel",
1293  title = "A Search Structure based on K-d Trees for Efficient Ray Tracing",
1294  pages = 39,
1295  institution = "The University of Texas at Austin",
1296  year = 1992,
1297  number = "Tx 78712-1188",
1298  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0124",
1302  author = "K.R. Subramanian and D.S. Fussel",
1303  title = "Factors Affecting Performance of Ray Tracing Hierarchies",
1304  pages = 27,
1305  institution = "The University of Texas at Austin",
1306  year = 1990,
1307  month = jul,
1308  number = "Tx 78712",
1309  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0123",
1313  author = "N.C. Duc",
1314  title = "An exploration of coherence-based acceleration methods
1315using the ray tracing kernel G/GX",
1316  year = 1997,
1317  month = mar,
1318  note = "from WWW",
1319  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0122",
1323  author =       "E. Groeller",
1324  title =        "Oct-tracing animation sequences",
1325  pages =        "96--101",
1326  booktitle =    "Summer school in computer graphics in Bratislava (SCCG93)",
1327  year =         "1993",
1328  month =        jun,
1329  keywords =     "ray tracing",
1330  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0121",
1334  author =       "J. Martinka",
1335  title =        "Pouzitie octree struktury na urychlenie metody ray tracing",
1336  booktitle =    "Winter School of Computer Graphics 1994",
1337  year =         "1994",
1338  month =        "feb",
1339  pages =        "106--112",
1340  note =         "held at University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech
1341                 Republic, February 1994",
1342  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0120",
1346  author =       "I. Kolingerova",
1347  title =        "Vyuziti dualniho prostoru pro metodu sledovani paprsku",
1348  booktitle =    "Winter School of Computer Graphics 1992",
1349  year =         "1992",
1350  month =        "feb",
1351  pages =        "66--80",
1352  note =         "held at University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech
1353                 Republic, February 1992",
1354  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0119",
1358  author="J. Arvo",
1359  title="Linear-time Voxel Walking for Octrees",
1360  journal="Ray Tracing News (available at htpp://
1362  year="1988",
1363  editor = "Eric Haines",
1364  volume="1",
1365  number="5",
1366  pages="",
1367  owner  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0118",
1371  author =       "M. \v{S}r\'{a}mek",
1372  title =        "Ray tracing volume data with subvoxel precision",
1373  booktitle =    "Winter School of Computer Graphics 1992",
1374  year =         "1992",
1375  month =        feb,
1376  pages = "47--65",
1377  note =         "held at University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech
1378                 Republic, February 1992",
1379  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0117",
1383  author = "Roland Schregle",
1384  title = "t\_{}DistLight A Distributed Light Source Class for the Minimal Ray Tracer",
1385  year = 1996,
1386  month = sep,
1387  note = "from WWW",
1388  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0116",
1392  author =       "Wolfgang Stuerzlinger and R.F. Tobler",
1393  title =        "Two Optimization Methods for Raytracing",
1394  pages =        "104--107",
1395  booktitle =    "Summer school in computer graphics in Bratislava (SCCG94)",
1396  year =         "1994",
1397  month =        jun,
1398  keywords =     "ray tracing",
1399  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0115",
1403  author =    "Matthew Quail",
1404  title =     "Space Time Ray Tracing using Ray Classification",
1405  howpublished = "Bachelor thesis",
1406  year =      "1996",
1407  month =     nov,
1408  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0114",
1412  author =       "Wolfgang Stuerzlinger",
1413  title =        "Bounding Volume Construction using Point Clouds",
1414  pages =        "239--246",
1415  booktitle =    "Summer school in computer graphics in Bratislava (SCCG96)",
1416  year =         "1996",
1417  month =        jun,
1418  keywords =     "bounding volume, bounding volume hierarchy, ray tracing",
1419  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0113",
1423  author = "Otto J.A. Smith",
1424  title = "Ray-Tracing with Affine Transforms",
1425  year = 1995,
1426  month = jan,
1427  note = "from WWW",
1428  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0112",
1432  author = "S. Cak",
1433  title = "An Effective Rendering System for Visual Realism",
1434  year = 1996,
1435  month = dec,
1436  note = "from WWW",
1437  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0111",
1441  author =       "N.C. Duc",
1442  title =        "Adaptives Verfahren zur Beschleunigung der generativen
1443                  3D-Grafikberechnung",
1444  school =       "Technical University Dresden",
1445  year =         "1996",
1446  month =     "july",
1447  note =      "in German",
1448  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0110",
1452  author = "D.W. Fellner",
1453  title = "Extensible Image Synthesis",
1454  pages = "1--18",
1455  year = 1993,
1456  month = apr,
1457  note = "from WWW",
1458  anote = "similar to RT-0108",
1459  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0109",
1463  author = "D.W. Fellner",
1464  title = "Extensible Image Synthesis",
1465  pages = "1--14",
1466  year = 1993,
1467  month = apr,
1468  note = "from WWW",
1469  anote = "similar to RT-0109",
1470  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0108",
1474  author = "F.A. Aguado and F. F. Perez and A. Formella",
1475  title = "Fast Ray Tracing for Microcellular and Indoor Environments",
1476  pages = "1--4",
1477  year = 1996,
1478  month = mar,
1479  note = "concerns radio waves",
1480  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0107",
1484  author = "S. Teller and K. Bala and J. Dorsey",
1485  title = "Conservative Interpolants for Ray Tracing",
1486  pages = "1--13",
1487  institution = "MIT",
1488  year = 1996,
1489  month = apr,
1490  number = "MIT/LCS/TM-549",
1491  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0106",
1495  author =       "Andrew Woo",
1496  editor =       "Andrew S. Glassner",
1497  title =        "Fast Ray-Box Intersection",
1498  booktitle =    "Graphics Gems",
1499  pages =        "395--396",
1500  publisher =    "Academic Press",
1501  address =      "San Diego",
1502  year =         "1990",
1503  keywords =     "efficiency",
1504  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0105",
1508  author =       "Andrew Woo",
1509  editor =       "Andrew S. Glassner",
1510  title =        "Fast Ray-Polygon Intersection",
1511  booktitle =    "Graphics Gems",
1512  pages =        "394",
1513  publisher =    "Academic Press",
1514  address =      "San Diego",
1515  year =         "1990",
1516  keywords =     "efficiency",
1517  note =         "includes code",
1518  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0104",
1522  author =       "Eric Haines",
1523  editor =       "James Arvo",
1524  title =        "Fast Ray-Convex Polyhedron Intersection",
1525  booktitle =    "Graphics Gems II",
1526  pages =        "247--250",
1527  publisher =    "Academic Press",
1528  address =      "San Diego",
1529  year =         "1991",
1530  keywords =     "efficiency",
1531  note =         "includes code",
1532  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0103",
1536  author =       "Jack Ritter",
1537  editor =       "Andrew S. Glassner",
1538  title =        "A Simple Ray Rejection Test",
1539  booktitle =    "Graphics Gems",
1540  pages =        "385--386",
1541  publisher =    "Academic Press",
1542  address =      "San Diego",
1543  year =         "1990",
1544  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-00102",
1548  author =       "Joseph M. Cychosz",
1549  editor =       "David Kirk",
1550  title =        "Use of Residency Masks and Object Space Partitioning
1551                 to Eliminate Ray-Object Intersection Calculations",
1552  booktitle =    "Graphics Gems III",
1553  pages =        "284--287",
1554  publisher =    "Academic Press",
1555  address =      "San Diego",
1556  year =         "1992",
1557  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0101",
1561  author =       "Eric Haines",
1562  editor =       "James Arvo",
1563  title =        "Efficiency Improvements for Hierarchy Traversal",
1564  booktitle =    "Graphics Gems II",
1565  pages =        "267--273",
1566  publisher =    "Academic Press",
1567  address =      "San Diego",
1568  year =         "1991",
1569  keywords =     "efficiency",
1570  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0100",
1574  author =       "Andrew Pearce",
1575  editor =       "James Arvo",
1576  title =        "A Recursive Shadow Voxel Cache for Ray Tracing",
1577  booktitle =    "Graphics Gems II",
1578  pages =        "273--274",
1579  publisher =    "Academic Press",
1580  address =      "San Diego",
1581  year =         "1991",
1582  keywords =     "efficiency",
1583  note =         "includes code",
1584  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0099",
1588  author =       "Andrew Pearce",
1589  editor =       "James Arvo",
1590  title =        "Avoiding Incorrect Shadow Intersections for Ray
1591                 Tracing",
1592  booktitle =    "Graphics Gems II",
1593  pages =        "275--276",
1594  publisher =    "Academic Press",
1595  address =      "San Diego",
1596  year =         "1991",
1597  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0098",
1601  author =       "Douglas Voorhies and David Kirk",
1602  editor =       "James Arvo",
1603  title =        "Ray-Triangle Intersection Using Binary Recursive
1604                 Subdivision",
1605  booktitle =    "Graphics Gems II",
1606  pages =        "257--263",
1607  publisher =    "Academic Press",
1608  address =      "San Diego",
1609  year =         "1991",
1610  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0097",
1614  author =       "David Kirk and James Arvo",
1615  editor =       "James Arvo",
1616  title =        "Improved Ray Tagging for Voxel-Based Ray Tracing",
1617  booktitle =    "Graphics Gems II",
1618  pages =        "264--266",
1619  publisher =    "Academic Press",
1620  address =      "San Diego",
1621  year =         "1991",
1622  keywords =     "efficiency",
1623  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0096",
1627  author =       "Daniel Cohen",
1628  editor =       "Paul Heckbert",
1629  booktitle =    "Graphics Gems IV",
1630  title =        "Voxel Traversal along a 3{D} Line",
1631  publisher =    "Academic Press",
1632  address =      "Boston",
1633  pages =        "366--369",
1634  year =         "1994",
1635  keywords =     "digital line drawing, grid traversal, ray tracing,
1636                 scan conversion",
1637  summary =      "Visits all the voxels along a 3D line segment with
1638                 integer endpoints, something like a 3D Bresenham's
1639                 algorithm. This code could be modified to take
1640                 endpoints with fixed point coordinates. Then the
1641                 algorithm could be very useful for ray tracing, when a
1642                 uniform grid is being used as a spatial data structure
1643                 for optimization, or for volume rendering of grid data.
1644                 Contains C code.",
1645  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0095",
1649  author =       "Irene GARGANTINI and J. H. G. REDEKOP",
1650  title =        "Evaluating Exact Intersections of an Octree with Full
1651                 Rays using only Radix-Sort and Meet Operations",
1652  booktitle =    "Compugraphics '95",
1653  pages =        "278--284",
1654  year =         "1995",
1655  month =        dec,
1656  editor =       "Harold P. Santo",
1657  note =         "ISBN 972-8342-00-4",
1658  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0094",
1662  author =       "L. {Szirmay-Kalos} and G. Marton",
1663  title =        "On the Limitations of Worst--case Optimal Ray Shooting Algorithms",
1664  booktitle =    "Winter School of Computer Graphics 1997",
1665  year =         "1997",
1666  month =        feb,
1667  pages =        "562--571",
1668  note =         "held at University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech
1669                 Republic, 14-18 February 1997",
1670  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0093",
1674  author =       "Paul S. Strauss",
1675  title =        "A Realistic Lighting Model for Computer Animators",
1676  journal =      "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications",
1677  pages =        "56--64",
1678  volume =       "10",
1679  number =       "6",
1680  month =        nov,
1681  year =         "1990",
1682  keywords =     "modeling, lighting model, Torrance-Sparrow, Cook,
1683                 Phong",
1684  annote =       "Phong's illumination model is simple and widely used.
1685                 However it is incomplete. Torrance-Sparrow and Cook's
1686                 models produce results closer to the reality but its
1687                 many parameters, often dependent between themselves,
1688                 are difficult to tune to obtain desired results.
1689                 Moreover inconsistencies can arise for given choices of
1690                 parameters. Strauss introduces a reformulation of the
1691                 standard illumination functions, trying to restrict the
1692                 values of the parameters between 0 and 1 and to make
1693                 them as independent as possible. This should make
1694                 illumination easier for non-expert while an expert or
1695                 someone desiring ``unrealistic'' effects could be
1696                 penalized.",
1697  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0092",
1701  author =       "Pavel Zemcik and Alan Chalmers",
1702  title =        "Optimised {CSG} Tree Evaluation for Space
1703                 Subdivision",
1704  journal =      "Com{\-}pu{\-}ter Graphics Forum",
1705  volume =       "14",
1706  number =       "2",
1707  pages =        "139--146",
1708  month =        jun,
1709  year =         "1995",
1710  coden =        "CGFODY",
1711  ISSN =         "0167-7055",
1712  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 17 15:44:38 MST 1998",
1713  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1714  affiliation =  "Technical Univ of Brno",
1715  affiliationaddress = "Czech",
1716  classification = "721.1; 723.2; 723.5; 921; 921.5; C4260
1717                 (Computational geometry); C6120 (File organisation);
1718                 C6130B (Graphics techniques)",
1719  corpsource =   "Tech. Univ. of Brno, Czech Republic",
1720  journalabr =   "Comput Graphics Forum",
1721  keywords =     "Binary tree; Binary tree, Optimised CSG tree
1722                 evaluation; Complex scenes; complex scenes;
1723                 computational; computational geometry; Computational
1724                 methods; Computational requirements; Computer graphics;
1725                 computer graphics; Computer graphics; computer
1726                 graphics; Computer images; Computer selection and
1727                 evaluation; Constructive solid geometry; constructive
1728                 solid geometry; Constructive solid geometry;
1729                 constructive solid geometry; Data structures; Geometry;
1730                 images; optimised CSG tree evaluation; Optimization;
1731                 photorealistic; Photorealistic images; ray; Ray object
1732                 intersection evaluations; Ray tracing; ray tracing; Ray
1733                 tracing; Realistic computer images; realistic computer
1734                 images; realistic images; Rendering; rendering;
1735                 rendering (computer graphics); requirements; solid
1736                 modelling; Space subdivision; space subdivision; Space
1737                 subdivision; Status tree approach; status tree
1738                 approach; structures; tracing; tree data",
1739  thesaurus =    "Computational geometry; Ray tracing; Realistic images;
1740                 Rendering [computer graphics]; Solid modelling; Tree
1741                 data structures",
1742  treatment =    "P Practical; T Theoretical or Mathematical",
1743  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0091",
1747  author =       "Michael Gervautz",
1748  title =        "Consistent schemes for addressing surfaces when ray
1749                 tracing transparent {CSG} objects",
1750  journal =      "Com{\-}pu{\-}ter Graphics Forum",
1751  volume =       "11",
1752  number =       "4",
1753  pages =        "203--211",
1754  month =        oct,
1755  year =         "1992",
1756  coden =        "CGFODY",
1757  ISSN =         "0167-7055",
1758  bibdate =      "Mon Apr 14 10:23:20 MDT 1997",
1759  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1760  affiliation =  "Technical Univ Vienna",
1761  affiliationaddress = "Vienna, Austria",
1762  classification = "723.1; 723.2; 741.1; 921.4; 931.2; C4260
1763                 (Computational geometry); C6130B (Graphics
1764                 techniques)",
1765  corpsource =   "Inst. for Comput. Graphics, Tech. Univ. Vienna,
1766                 Austria",
1767  keywords =     "Asymmetric CSG-operators; asymmetric CSG-operators;
1768                 Classification (of information); classification scheme;
1769                 Classification scheme; classification scheme;
1770                 computational geometry; constructive solid geometry;
1771                 Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) modelling; CSG
1772                 modelling; CSG trees; Data representation, Constructive
1773                 solid geometry; geometrical optics; Geometry; Graphic
1774                 primitives; Image processing; Light refraction;
1775                 Material boundaries; material boundaries; material
1776                 properties; Material properties; material properties;
1777                 Mathematical models; Mathematical operators; objects;
1778                 properties; ray tracing; Ray tracing; Refraction;
1779                 refraction; Set theory; shading; Shading; shading;
1780                 solid modelling; surface; Surface properties; Surfaces;
1781                 Three dimensional computer graphics; Transparency;
1782                 transparent CSG; Transparent CSG objects; Trees
1783                 (mathematics); Unambiguous model; unambiguous model;
1784                 Visualization",
1785  thesaurus =    "Computational geometry; Geometrical optics; Solid
1786                 modelling",
1787  treatment =    "P Practical; T Theoretical or Mathematical",
1788  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0090",
1792  author =       "T. Horvath and G. Marton and P. Risztics and L.
1793                 Szirmay-Kalos",
1794  title =        "Ray coherence between a sphere and a convex
1795                 polyhedron",
1796  journal =      "Com{\-}pu{\-}ter Graphics Forum",
1797  volume =       "11",
1798  number =       "2",
1799  pages =        "163--172",
1800  month =        jun,
1801  year =         "1992",
1802  coden =        "CGFODY",
1803  ISSN =         "0167-7055",
1804  bibdate =      "Mon Apr 14 10:23:20 MDT 1997",
1805  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1806  classification = "C4240 (Programming and algorithm theory); C4260
1807                 (Computational geometry); C6130B (Graphics
1808                 techniques)",
1809  corpsource =   "Dept. of Process Control, Tech. Univ. of Budapest,
1810                 Hungary",
1811  keywords =     "computational complexity; computational geometry;
1812                 computer; Convex polyhedron; convex polyhedron;
1813                 graphics; ray; ray coherence theorems; Ray coherence
1814                 theorems; Ray tracing algorithms; Sphere; sphere;
1815                 tracing algorithms",
1816  thesaurus =    "Computational complexity; Computational geometry;
1817                 Computer graphics",
1818  treatment =    "T Theoretical or Mathematical",
1819  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0089",
1823  author =       "Gill Barequet and Bernard Chazelle and Leonidas J.
1824                 Guibas and Joseph S. B. Mitchell and Ayellet Tal",
1825  title =        "{BOXTREE}: {A} Hierarchical Representation for
1826                 Surfaces in {3D}",
1827  journal =      "Com{\-}pu{\-}ter Graphics Forum",
1828  volume =       "15",
1829  number =       "3",
1830  pages =        "C387--C396, C484",
1831  month =        sep,
1832  year =         "1996",
1833  coden =        "CGFODY",
1834  ISSN =         "0167-7055",
1835  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 17 15:44:38 MST 1998",
1836  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1837  affiliation =  "Tel Aviv Univ",
1838  affiliationaddress = "Tel Aviv, Isr",
1839  affiliationaddress = "Isr",
1840  classification = "723.2; 723.5; 921.4; C4260 (Computational geometry);
1841                 C6120 (File organisation); C6130B (Graphics
1842                 techniques)",
1843  conference =   "Proceedings of the 1996 17th Annual Conference and
1844                 Exhibition of the European Association for Computer
1845                 Graphics, EUROGRAPHICS'96",
1846  conflocation = "Poitiers, France; 26-30 Aug. 1996",
1847  conftitle =    "European Association for Computer Graphics 17th Annual
1848                 Conference and Exhibition. EUROGRAPHICS '96",
1849  corpsource =   "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Tel Aviv Univ., Israel",
1850  journalabr =   "Comput Graphics Forum",
1851  keywords =     "Boxtree; Collision detection; Computational geometry;
1852                 Data structures; Hierarchical systems; Octrees;
1853                 Piecewise linear techniques; Ray shooting; Ray tracing;
1854                 Surfaces; Three dimensional computer graphics",
1855  keywords =     "3D representation; boxtree; BOXTREE; BSP trees;
1856                 collision detection; Collision detection; computational
1857                 geometry; Computational geometry; Data structures; data
1858                 structures; hierarchical representation; Hierarchical
1859                 systems; meshed surfaces; nested boxes; octrees;
1860                 Octrees; Piecewise linear techniques; R-trees; Ray
1861                 shooting; ray tracing; Ray tracing; ray tracing;
1862                 surface fitting; Surfaces; Three dimensional computer
1863                 graphics; three dimensional representation; tree; tree
1864                 data structure; triangulated surfaces",
1865  meetingaddress = "Poitiers, Fr",
1866  meetingdate =  "Aug 26--30 1996",
1867  meetingdate2 = "08/26--30/96",
1868  sponsor =      "CNRS; ERCIM; BARCO; EDF; SUN; et al",
1869  sponsororg =   "CNRS; BARCO; Electr. France; et al",
1870  treatment =    "P Practical; T Theoretical or Mathematical",
1871  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0088",
1875  author =       "Robert ENDL",
1876  title =        "An Object-Oriented Ray Tracing Architecture for the
1877                 Analysis of Ray-Generators in Spatial Subdivisions",
1878  booktitle =    "Compugraphics '95",
1879  pages =        "268--277",
1880  year =         "1995",
1881  month =        dec,
1882  editor =       "Harold P. Santo",
1883  note =         "ISBN 972-8342-00-4",
1884  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0087",
1888  author =       "Matt Pharr and Craig Kolb and Reid Gershbein and Pat
1889                 Hanrahan",
1890  title =        "Rendering Complex Scenes with Memory-Coherent Ray
1891                 Tracing",
1892  booktitle =    "SIGGRAPH 97 Conference Proceedings",
1893  editor =       "Turner Whitted",
1894  series =       "Annual Conference Series",
1895  year =         "1997",
1896  organization = "ACM SIGGRAPH",
1897  publisher =    "Addison Wesley",
1898  month =        aug,
1899  pages =        "101--108",
1900  note =         "ISBN 0-89791-896-7",
1901  keywords =     "scene data management, caching, computation
1902                 re-ordering, coherence",
1903  annote =       "Simulating realistic lighting and rendering complex
1904                 scenes are usually considered separate problems with
1905                 incompatible solutions. Accurate lighting calculations
1906                 are typically performed using ray tracing algorithms,
1907                 which require that the entire scene database reside in
1908                 memory to perform well. Conversely, most systems
1909                 capable of rendering complex scenes use scan-conversion
1910                 algorithms that access memory coherently, but are
1911                 unable to incorporate sophisticated illumination. We
1912                 have developed algorithms that use caching and lazy
1913                 creation of texture and geometry to manage scene
1914                 complexity. To improve cache performance, we increase
1915                 locality of reference by dynamically reordering the
1916                 rendering computation based on the contents of the
1917                 cache. We have used these algorithms to compute images
1918                 of scenes containing millions of primitives, while
1919                 storing ten percent of the scene description in memory.
1920                 Thus, a machine of a given memory capacity can render
1921                 realistic scenes that are an order of magnitude more
1922                 complex than was previously possible.",
1923  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0086",
1927  author =       "Devendra Kalra and Alan H. Barr",
1928  title =        "Guaranteed Ray Intersections with Implicit Surfaces",
1929  pages =        "297--306",
1930  booktitle = "SIGGRAPH '89 Proceedings",
1931  journal =      "Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '89 Proceedings)",
1932  volume =       "23",
1933  number =       "3",
1934  year =         "1989",
1935  month =        jul,
1936  editor =       "Jeffrey Lane",
1937  conference =   "held in Boston, Massachusetts; 31 July -- 4 August
1938                 1989",
1939  keywords =     "implicit surfaces, ray tracing, rendering, sampling,
1940                 subdivision, Lipschitz constant, root finding",
1941  annote =       "Automatic interval finding for implicit surface
1942                 intersection \\ In this paper, we present a robust and
1943                 mathematically sound ray-intersection algorithm for
1944                 implicit surfaces. The algorithm is guaranteed to
1945                 numerically find the nearest intersection of the
1946                 surface with a ray, and is guaranteed not to miss fine
1947                 features of the surface. It does not require fine
1948                 tuning or human choice of interactive parameters.
1949                 Instead, it requires two upper bounds: ``L'' that
1950                 limits the net rate of change of the implicit surface
1951                 function $f(x,y,z)$ and ``G'' that limits the rate of
1952                 change of the gradient. An implicit surface with these
1953                 rate limits is referred to as an ``LG-implicit
1954                 surface.'' \\ Existing schemes to intersect a ray with
1955                 an implicit surface have typically been guaranteed to
1956                 work only for a limited set of implicit functions, such
1957                 as quadric surfaces or polynomials, or else have been
1958                 ad-hoc and have not been guaranteed to work. Our
1959                 technique significanty extends the ability to intersect
1960                 rays with implicit surfaces in a guaranteed fashion.",
1961  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0085",
1965  author =       "Andrew Woo",
1966  title =        "Efficient shadow computations in ray tracing",
1967  journal =      "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications",
1968  volume =       "13",
1969  number =       "5",
1970  pages =        "78--83",
1971  month =        sep,
1972  year =         "1993",
1973  coden =        "ICGADZ",
1974  ISSN =         "0272-1716",
1975  bibdate =      "Fri Jan 5 07:58:42 MST 1996",
1976  abstract =     "Two simple techniques speed up shadows in ray tracing.
1977                 Both require little memory and easily extend to other
1978                 types. One can also benefit radiosity- related
1979                 computations.",
1980  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1981  annote =       "Two simple techniques speed up shadows in ray tracing.
1982                 Both require little memory and easily extend to other
1983                 ray types. One can also benefit radiosity-related
1984                 computations.",
1985  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0084",
1989  author =       "Milos Sramek",
1990  title =        "An Algorithm for Fast Voxel Scene Traversal",
1991  booktitle =    "Winter School of Computer Graphics 1994",
1992  year =         "1994",
1993  month =        jan,
1994  note =         "held at University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech
1995                 Republic, 19-20 January 1994",
1996  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0083",
2000  author =       "Steven M. Rubin and Turner Whitted",
2001  title =        "A 3-Dimensional Representation for Fast Rendering of
2002                 Complex Scenes",
2003  pages =        "110--116",
2004  booktitle =      "SIGGRAPH '80 Proceedings",
2005  journal =      "Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '80 Proceedings)",
2006  volume =       "14",
2007  number =       "3",
2008  year =         "1980",
2009  month =        jul,
2010  keywords =     "bounding volume, ray tracing cull, graphical
2011                 data/base/structure representation, Methodologies,
2012                 Techniques, Modeling scene, Algorithmic Aspects surface
2013                 representation",
2014  annote =       "hierarchical bounding boxes, used to speed up ray
2015                 tracing and other algorithms \\ Hierarchical
2016                 representations of 3-dimensional objects are both time
2017                 and space efficient. They typically consist of trees
2018                 whose branches represent bounding volumes and whose
2019                 terminal nodes represent primitive object elements
2020                 (usually polygons). This paper describes a method
2021                 whereby the object space is represented entirely by a
2022                 hierarchical data structure consisting of bounding
2023                 volumes, with no other form of representation. This
2024                 homogeneity allows the visible surface rendering to be
2025                 performed simply and efficiently. \\ The bounding
2026                 volumes selected for this algorithm are parallelepipeds
2027                 oriented to minimize their sizes. With this
2028                 representation, any surface can be rendered since in
2029                 the limit the bounding volumes make up a point
2030                 representation of the object. The advantage is that the
2031                 visibility calculations consist only of a search
2032                 through the data structure to determine the
2033                 correspondence between terminal level bounding volumes
2034                 and the current pixel. For ray tracing algorithms, this
2035                 means that a simplified operation will produce the
2036                 point of intersection of each ray with the bounding
2037                 volumes. \\ Memory requirements are minimized by
2038                 expanding or fetching lower levels of the hierarchy
2039                 only when required. Because the viewing process has a
2040                 single operation and primitive type, the software and
2041                 hardware chosen to implement the search can be highly
2042                 optimized for very fast execution.",
2043  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0082",
2047  author =       "Y. P. Kuzmin",
2048  title =        "Ray Traversal of Spatial Structures",
2049  journal =      "Com{\-}pu{\-}ter Graphics Forum",
2050  volume =       "13",
2051  number =       "4",
2052  pages =        "223--227",
2053  month =        oct,
2054  year =         "1994",
2055  coden =        "CGFODY",
2056  ISSN =         "0167-7055",
2057  bibdate =      "Mon Apr 14 10:23:20 MDT 1997",
2058  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2059  classification = "C6130B (Graphics techniques)",
2060  corpsource =   "Dept. of Math. and Mech., Moscow State Univ., Russia",
2061  keywords =     "computer graphics; Efficient algorithm; efficient
2062                 algorithm; error accumulation; Error accumulation;
2063                 error accumulation; errors; hardware implementation;
2064                 Hardware implementation; hardware implementation;
2065                 hierarchical spatial; Hierarchical spatial structures;
2066                 integer operations; Integer operations; Logical
2067                 operations; logical operations; ray; ray casting; Ray
2068                 casting; ray casting; ray tracing; Ray tracing
2069                 acceleration; ray traversal; Ray traversal; Software
2070                 implementation; software implementation; structures;
2071                 tracing acceleration; uniform spatial structures;
2072                 Uniform spatial structures",
2073  thesaurus =    "Computer graphics; Errors; Ray tracing",
2074  treatment =    "P Practical; T Theoretical or Mathematical",
2075  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0081",
2079  author =       "Takaaki Akimoto and Kenji Mase and Yasuhito Suenaga",
2080  title =        "Pixel-selected ray tracing",
2081  journal =      "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications",
2082  volume =       "11",
2083  number =       "4",
2084  pages =        "14--22",
2085  month =        jul,
2086  year =         "1991",
2087  coden =        "ICGADZ",
2088  ISSN =         "0272-1716",
2089  bibdate =      "Sat Jan 25 06:42:48 MST 1997",
2090  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2091  affiliation =  "NTT Corp, Kanagawa, Japan",
2092  classification = "723; 741",
2093  journalabr =   "IEEE Comput Graphics Appl",
2094  keywords =     "Computer Graphics; Image Processing --- Image Coding;
2095                 Ray Tracing; ray tracing, acceleration; Three
2096                 Dimensional Graphics",
2097  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0080",
2102  author =       "M. D. J. McNeill and B. C. Shah and M.-P. Hebert and
2103                 P. F. Lister and R. L. Grimsdale",
2104  title =        "Performance of space subdivision techniques in ray
2105                 tracing",
2106  journal =      "Com{\-}pu{\-}ter Graphics Forum",
2107  volume =       "11",
2108  number =       "4",
2109  pages =        "213--220",
2110  month =        oct,
2111  year =         "1992",
2112  coden =        "CGFODY",
2113  ISSN =         "0167-7055",
2114  bibdate =      "Mon Apr 14 10:23:20 MDT 1997",
2115  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2116  affiliation =  "Univ of Sussex",
2117  affiliationaddress = "Brighton, Engl",
2118  classification = "721.1; 722.4; 723.1; 723.2; 921.5; C4240P (Parallel
2119                 programming and algorithm theory); C6120 (File
2120                 organisation); C6130B (Graphics techniques)",
2121  corpsource =   "Sch. of Eng., Sussex Univ., Brighton, UK",
2122  keywords =     "algorithm; Algorithms; Computational complexity;
2123                 computer graphics; Data structure; data structure; data
2124                 structures; Data structures; dynamic; dynamic building;
2125                 Dynamic building algorithm; Dynamic scenes; dynamic
2126                 structure building; Dynamic structure building; dynamic
2127                 structure building; Dynamic structure building
2128                 algorithms; geometrical optics; Image parallelism
2129                 performance; image parallelism performance; Image
2130                 processing; Image quality; Image synthesis, Ray
2131                 tracing; Optimization; parallel; parallel algorithms;
2132                 Parallel processing systems; Performance; processing
2133                 systems; ray tracing; Ray tracing; ray tracing;
2134                 rendering; Rendering; rendering; scenes; Space
2135                 subdivision algorithms; space subdivision algorithms;
2136                 Three dimensional computer graphics",
2137  thesaurus =    "Computer graphics; Data structures; Geometrical
2138                 optics; Parallel algorithms",
2139  treatment =    "P Practical; T Theoretical or Mathematical",
2140  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0079",
2144  author =       "Carlo H. Sequin and Eliot K. Smyrl",
2145  title =        "Parameterized Ray Tracing",
2146  pages =        "307--314",
2147  booktitle =    "SIGGRAPH '89 Proceedings",
2148  journal =      "Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '89 Proceedings)",
2149  volume =       "23",
2150  number =       "3",
2151  year =         "1989",
2152  month =        jul,
2153  editor =       "Jeffrey Lane",
2154  conference =   "held in Boston, Massachusetts; 31 July -- 4 August
2155                 1989",
2156  keywords =     "ray tracing, rendering, parameterization, surface
2157                 properties, runlength encoding, subexpression
2158                 elimination, hashing",
2159  annote =       "store ray tree data to allow quick material changes \\
2160                 The construction and refinement of a computer graphics
2161                 scene is unacceptably slow when using ray tracing. We
2162                 introduce a new technique to speed up the generation of
2163                 successive ray traced images when the geometry of the
2164                 scene remains constant and only the light source
2165                 intensities and the surface properties need to be
2166                 adjusted. When the scene is first traced, an expression
2167                 parameterized in the color of all lights and the
2168                 surface property coefficients of all objects is
2169                 calculated and stored for each pixel. Redisplaying a
2170                 scene with a new set of lights and colors then consists
2171                 of substituting values for the corresponding parameters
2172                 and re-evaluating the expressions for the pixels. This
2173                 parameter updating and redisplay takes only a few
2174                 seconds, as compared to the many minutes or hours
2175                 required to ray trace the entire scene again, but it
2176                 uses much more memory and disk space. With suitable
2177                 expression sharing, however, these storage needs can be
2178                 reduced to an acceptable level.",
2179  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0078",
2183  author =       "John C. Hart and Daniel J. Sandin and Louis H.
2184                 Kauffman",
2185  title =        "Ray Tracing Deterministic 3-{D} Fractals",
2186  pages =        "289--296",
2187  booktitle =      "Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '89 Proceedings)",
2188  volume =       "23",
2189  number =       "3",
2190  year =         "1989",
2191  month =        jul,
2192  editor =       "Jeffrey Lane",
2193  conference =   "held in Boston, Massachusetts; 31 July -- 4 August
2194                 1989",
2195  keywords =     "fractal",
2196  annote =       "As shown in 1982, Julia sets of quadratic functions as
2197                 well as many other deterministic fractals exist in
2198                 spaces of higher dimensionality than the complex plane.
2199                 Originally a boundary-tracking algorithm was used to
2200                 view these structures but required a large amount of
2201                 storage space to operate. By ray tracing these objects,
2202                 the storage facilities of a graphics workstation frame
2203                 buffer are sufficient. A short discussion of a specific
2204                 set of 3-D deterministic fractals precedes a full
2205                 description of a ray-tracing algorithm applied to these
2206                 objects. A comparision with the boundary-tracing method
2207                 and applications to other 3-D deterministic fractals
2208                 are also included.",
2209  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0077",
2213  author =       "G. Marton and L. {Szirmay-Kalos}",
2214  title =        "On Average-case Complexity of Ray Tracing Algorithms",
2215  booktitle =    "Winter School of Computer Graphics 1995",
2216  year =         "1995",
2217  month =        feb,
2218  note =         "held at University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech
2219                 Republic, 14-18 February 1995",
2220  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0076",
2224  author =       "James Painter and Kenneth Sloan",
2225  title =        "Antialiased Ray Tracing by Adaptive Progressive
2226                 Refinement",
2227  pages =        "281--288",
2228  booktitle =      "Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '89 Proceedings)",
2229  journal =      "Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '89 Proceedings)",
2230  volume =       "23",
2231  number =       "3",
2232  year =         "1989",
2233  month =        jul,
2234  editor =       "Jeffrey Lane",
2235  conference =   "held in Boston, Massachusetts; 31 July -- 4 August
2236                 1989",
2237  keywords =     "adaptive sampling, antialiasing, filtering,
2238                 progressive refinement, ray tracing",
2239  annote =       "We describe an antialiasing system for ray tracing
2240                 based on adaptive progressive refinement. The goals of
2241                 the system are to produce high quality antialiased
2242                 images at a modest average sample rate, and to refine
2243                 the image progressively so that the image is available
2244                 in a usable form early and is refined gradually toward
2245                 the final result. \\ The method proceeds by adaptive
2246                 stochastic sampling of the image plane, evaluation of
2247                 the samples by ray tracing, and image reconstruction
2248                 from the samples. Adaptive control of the sample
2249                 generation process is driven by three basic goals:
2250                 coverage of the image, location of features, and
2251                 confidence in the values at a distinguished ``pixel
2252                 level'' resolution. \\ A three-stage process of
2253                 interpolating, filtering, and resampling is used to
2254                 reconstruct a regular grid of display pixels. This
2255                 reconstruction can be either batch or incremental.",
2256  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0075",
2260  author =       "T. Foris and G. Marton and L. {Szirmay-Kalos}",
2261  title =        "Ray Shooting in Logarithmic Time",
2262  booktitle =    "Winter School of Computer Graphics 1996",
2263  year =         "1996",
2264  month =        feb,
2265  note =         "held at University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech
2266                 Republic, 12-16 February 1996",
2267  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0074",
2271  author =       "Michael Sweeney and Richard H. Bartels",
2272  title =        "Ray Tracing Free-Form {B}-Spline Surfaces",
2273  pages =        "41",
2274  journal =      "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications",
2275  volume =       "6",
2276  number =       "2",
2277  year =         "1986",
2278  month =        feb,
2279  annote =       "We present a method for using ray tracing to render
2280                 spline surfaces--one that is suitable for any object
2281                 generated from control vertices via tensor-product
2282                 B-splines. The method derives from Kajiya's work on ray
2283                 tracing procedurally defined surfaces and make use of
2284                 two preprocessing steps. One involves the
2285                 control-vertex refinement recurrences due to Riesenfeld
2286                 {\em et al}.\ and the second generates a tree of nested
2287                 bounding boxes. Intersection testing involves running
2288                 Kajiya's algorithm on the tree, followed by two or
2289                 three (on the average) iterations of Newton's method.",
2290  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0073",
2294  author =       "Matt Pharr and Pat Hanrahan",
2295  title =        "Geometry Caching for Ray-Tracing Displacement Maps",
2296  booktitle =    "Eurographics Rendering Workshop 1996",
2297  editor =       "Xavier Pueyo and Peter Schr{\"{o}}der",
2298  year =         "1996",
2299  organization = "Eurographics",
2300  publisher =    "Springer Wein",
2301  address =      "New York City, NY",
2302  month =        jun,
2303  pages =        "31--40",
2304  note =         "ISBN 3-211-82883-4",
2305  annote =       "We present a technique for rendering displacement
2306                 mapped geometry in a ray-tracing renderer. Displacement
2307                 mapping is an important technique for adding detail to
2308                 surface geometry in rendering systems. It allows
2309                 complex geometric variation to be added to simpler
2310                 geometry, without the cost in geometric complexity of
2311                 completely describing the nuances of the geometry at
2312                 modeling time and with the advantage that the detail
2313                 can be added adaptively at rendering time. The cost of
2314                 displacement mapping is geometric complexity. Renderers
2315                 that provide it must be able to efficiently render
2316                 scenes that have effectively millions of geometric
2317                 primitives. Scan-line renderers process primitives one
2318                 at a time, so this complexity doesn't tax them, but
2319                 traditional ray-tracing algorithms require random
2320                 access to the entire scene database, so any part of the
2321                 scene geometry may need to be available at any point
2322                 during rendering. If the displaced geometry is fully
2323                 instantiated in memory, it is straightforward to
2324                 intersect rays with it, but displacement mapping has
2325                 not yet been practical in ray-tracers due to the memory
2326                 cost of holding this much geometry. We introduce the
2327                 use of a geometry cache in order to handle the large
2328                 amounts of geometry created by displacement mapping. By
2329                 caching a subset of the geometry created and rendering
2330                 the image in a coherent manner, we are able to take
2331                 advantage of the fact that the rays spawned by
2332                 traditional ray-tracing algorithms are spatially
2333                 coherent. Using our algorithm, we have efficiently
2334                 rendered highly complex scenes while using a limited
2335                 amount of memory.",
2336  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0072",
2340  author =       "F. Kenton Musgrave",
2341  title =        "A Note on Ray Tracing Mirages",
2342  journal =      "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications",
2343  volume =       "10",
2344  number =       "6",
2345  pages =        "10--12",
2346  month =        nov,
2347  year =         "1990",
2348  coden =        "ICGADZ",
2349  ISSN =         "0272-1716",
2350  bibdate =      "Sat Jan 25 06:42:48 MST 1997",
2351  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2352  affiliation =  "Yale Univ, New Haven, CT, USA",
2353  annote =       "Discuss Berger's [berger90a] technique to render
2354                 mirages, stressing mirages come more from internal
2355                 interreflection than refraction.",
2356  classification = "723; 741",
2357  journalabr =   "IEEE Comput Graphics Appl",
2358  keywords =     "Bending Agent; Computer Graphics; Dispersive Ray
2359                 Tracing; Image Processing; Light --- Reflection; Mirage
2360                 Formation; mirages, internal reflection; Optics; Ray
2361                 Tracing Mirages; Total Internal Reflection",
2362  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0071",
2366  author =       "Marc Berger and Terry Trout and Nancy Levit",
2367  title =        "Ray Tracing Mirages",
2368  journal =      "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications",
2369  volume =       "10",
2370  number =       "3",
2371  pages =        "36--41",
2372  month =        may,
2373  year =         "1990",
2374  coden =        "ICGADZ",
2375  ISSN =         "0272-1716",
2376  bibdate =      "Sat Jan 25 06:42:48 MST 1997",
2377  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2378  affiliation =  "Univ of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA, Aust",
2379  annote =       "Ray tracing has been used extensively to produce
2380                 realistic images. Traditional algorithms simulate
2381                 various optical phenomena, including reflections,
2382                 refractions, and shadows. With all of these the
2383                 direction of the ray changes only when it intersects an
2384                 object. Atmospheric variations, however, can cause
2385                 light rays to bend, thereby changing their direction at
2386                 any time. Mirages are just one possible visual effect
2387                 of these bent rays. We generate mirages by sending rays
2388                 through an object with multiple air layers having
2389                 different refractive indices. As a ray enters this
2390                 virtual object, it strikes several air layers and
2391                 causes repeated bending of the ray, which results in
2392                 the mirage effect.",
2393  classification = "723; 741",
2394  journalabr =   "IEEE Comput Graphics Appl",
2395  keywords =     "Color; Computer Generated Images; Computer Graphics;
2396                 Image Processing --- Image Analysis; Mirages; ray
2397                 tracing; Ray Tracing",
2398  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0070",
2402  author =       "H. Maurel and Y. Duthen and R. Caubet",
2403  title =        "A {4D} ray tracing",
2404  journal =      "Com{\-}pu{\-}ter Graphics Forum",
2405  volume =       "12",
2406  number =       "3",
2407  pages =        "C285--C294",
2408  month =        "????",
2409  year =         "1993",
2410  coden =        "CGFODY",
2411  ISSN =         "0167-7055",
2412  bibdate =      "Mon Apr 14 10:23:20 MDT 1997",
2413  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2414  classification = "C4260 (Computational geometry); C6130B (Graphics
2415                 techniques)",
2416  conflocation = "Barcelona, Spain; 6-10 Sept. 1993",
2417  conftitle =    "European Association for Computer Graphics 14th Annual
2418                 Conference and Exhibition. EUROGRAPHICS '93",
2419  corpsource =   "Inst. de Recherche en Inf. de Toulouse, Univ. Paul
2420                 Sabatier, France",
2421  keywords =     "4D ray tracing; Animation sequences; animation
2422                 sequences; computer animation; graphics); illumination
2423                 calculations; Illumination calculations; illumination
2424                 calculations; intersection; Intersection; optical
2425                 event; Optical event; optical event; ray tracing;
2426                 rendering (computer; temporal coherence; Temporal
2427                 coherence",
2428  thesaurus =    "Computer animation; Ray tracing; Rendering [computer
2429                 graphics]",
2430  treatment =    "P Practical",
2431  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0069",
2435 author="G. Simiakakis",
2436 title ="Accelerating RayTracing with Directional Subdivision and
2437         Parallel Processing",
2438 school = "University of East Anglia",
2439 year = "1995",
2440 month = "october",
2441 note  = "available at\",
2442 who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0068",
2446  author="F. Cazals and C. Puech",
2447  title="Bucket-like space partitioning data-structures with
2448         applications to ray-tracing",
2449  booktitle="13th ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry",
2450  address="Nice",
2451  year="1997",
2452  pages="To Appear",
2453  who   = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0067",
2457      author =       "Frederik W. Jansen",
2458      editor =       "L. R. A. Kessener and F. J. Peters and M. L. P. van
2459                     Lierop",
2460      title =        "Data Structures for Ray Tracing",
2461      booktitle =    "Data Structures for Raster Graphics",
2462      pages =        "57--73",
2463      publisher =    "Springer-Verlag",
2464      address =      "New York",
2465      year =         "1986",
2466      keywords =     "efficiency, CSG, BSP tree, data structures",
2467      note =         "Eurographic Seminar",
2468      anote =         "overview of published algorithms for ray tracing using
2469                     spatial subdivision",
2470      where = " MAJI V STK !!!!!",
2471     who        = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0066",
2475  author= "Semwal S and Kvarnstrom H",
2476  title = "Directional Safe Zones \& Dual Extent Algorithms for Efficient
2477           Grid Traversal",
2478  booktitle = "Graphics Interface 97",
2479  year  = "1997",
2480  pages = "to appear",
2481  note  = "University of Colorado",
2482  who   = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0065",
2486  author =       "Marc Levoy",
2487  title =        "A Hybrid Ray Tracer for Rendering Polygon and Volume
2488                 Data",
2489  journal =      "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications",
2490  volume =       "10",
2491  number =       "2",
2492  pages =        "33--40",
2493  month =        mar,
2494  year =         "1990",
2495  coden =        "ICGADZ",
2496  ISSN =         "0272-1716",
2497  bibdate =      "Sat Jan 25 06:42:48 MST 1997",
2498  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2499  affiliation =  "Univ of North Carolina, Dep of Comput Sci, Chapel
2500                 Hill, NC, USA",
2501  annote =       "Volume rendering is a technique for visualizing
2502                 sampled functions of three spatial dimensions by
2503                 computing 2D projections of a colored semitransparent
2504                 volume. In this article I address the problem of
2505                 extending volume rendering to handle polygonally
2506                 defined objects. The solution I propose is a hybrid
2507                 ray-tracing algorithm. Rays are simultaneously cast
2508                 through a set of polygons and a volume data array.
2509                 Samples of each are drawn at equally spaced intervals
2510                 along the rays, and the resulting colors and opacities
2511                 are composited together in depth-sorted order. To avoid
2512                 aliasing of polygonal edges at modest computational
2513                 expense, I use a form of selective supersampling. To
2514                 avoid errors in visibility at polygon-volume
2515                 intersections, I give special treatment to volume
2516                 samples lying immediately in front of and behind
2517                 polygons. I will evaluate the cost, image quality, and
2518                 versatility of the algorithm using data from 3D medical
2519                 imaging applications.",
2520  classification = "461; 723",
2521  journalabr =   "IEEE Comput Graphics Appl",
2522  keywords =     "Computer Graphics; Computer Programming ---
2523                 Algorithms; Medical Applications; Polygon Data; Ray
2524                 Tracing; Sampling; Selective Supersampling; Volume
2525                 Rendering; volume rendering",
2526  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0064",
2530  author =       "I. Gargantini and H. H. Atkinson",
2531  title =        "Ray tracing an octree: numerical evaluation of the
2532                 first intersection",
2533  journal =      "Com{\-}pu{\-}ter Graphics Forum",
2534  volume =       "12",
2535  number =       "4",
2536  pages =        "199--210",
2537  month =        oct,
2538  year =         "1993",
2539  coden =        "CGFODY",
2540  ISSN =         "0167-7055",
2541  bibdate =      "Mon Apr 14 10:23:20 MDT 1997",
2542  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2543  classification = "C1160 (Combinatorial mathematics); C4260
2544                 (Computational geometry); C6120 (File organisation);
2545                 C6130B (Graphics techniques)",
2546  corpsource =   "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Univ. of Western Ontario,
2547                 London, Ont., Canada",
2548  keywords =     "based region octree; Bisecting planes; bisecting
2549                 planes; computational geometry; data structures;
2550                 directed graphs; directed semi-infinite straight-line;
2551                 Directed semi-infinite straight-line; first; First
2552                 intersection; Floating-point arithmetic; floating-point
2553                 arithmetic; intersection; local ordering; Local
2554                 ordering; numerical accuracy; Numerical accuracy;
2555                 numerical accuracy; numerical evaluation; Numerical
2556                 evaluation; numerical evaluation; octree; Octree;
2557                 octree; pointer-; Pointer-based region octree; ray
2558                 tracing; Ray tracing; tree",
2559  thesaurus =    "Computational geometry; Directed graphs; Ray tracing;
2560                 Tree data structures",
2561  treatment =    "T Theoretical or Mathematical",
2562      who       = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0063",
2566        author =       "Mark J. Charney and Isaac D. Scherson",
2567        title =        "Efficient Traversal of Well-Behaved Hierarchicial
2568                       Trees of Extents for Ray-Tracing Complex Scenes",
2569        journal =      "The Visual Computer",
2570        pages =        "167--178",
2571        volume =       "6",
2572        number =       "3",
2573        month =        jun,
2574        year =         "1990",
2575        keywords =     "ray tracing, hierarchy, bounding volumes, tree of
2576                       extents, hte, hidden surface removal, traversal",
2577        annote =       "Traversal of hierarchical trees of extents (HTE)
2578                       requires computation of intersections between rays and
2579                       bounding volumes whose faces are parallel to the
2580                       cartesian axes. By redefining the HTE so that
2581                       non-overlapping bounding volumes are generated, a
2582                       well-behaved data structure is obtained in which
2583                       `geometrical coherence'' is applied to speed up its
2584                       traversal. We distinguish two types of bounding
2585                       volumes: {\em internal} boxes contain the ray's origin
2586                       while {\em external} bounding volumes do not contain
2587                       the ray's origin. To traverse the HTE, we look first to
2588                       polygons in the internal bounding volumes and external
2589                       boxes are dealt with only when no ray-polygon
2590                       intersection is found in internal nodes. As external
2591                       nodes in the HTE define pruned subtrees of external
2592                       bounding volumes, geometrical characteristics of the
2593                       boxes are exploited for HTE traversal. A coding scheme
2594                       allows a 6-bit code to determine which faces of a
2595                       bounding volume need to be tested for intersection.
2596                       Also, our well-behaved HTE allows for reuse of
2597                       intersection points at lower levels of the tree.",
2598        who     = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0062",
2602        author  = "D.Cohen and Z.Sheffer",
2603        title   = "Proximity clouds - an acceleration technique for 3D grid traversal",
2604        journal = "The Visual Computer",
2605        volume  = "11",
2606        pages   = "27-38",
2607        year    = "1994",
2608        keywords = "ray tracing, space subdivision, distance transformation,
2609                   distance map, grid traversal",
2610        who     = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0061",
2614        author  = "Arjan J. F. Kok and Frederik W. Jansen and C. Woodward",
2615        title   = "Efficient, Complete Radiosity Ray Tracing Using a
2616                   Shadow-Coherence Method",
2617        journal = "The Visual Computer",
2618        volume  = "10",
2619        pages   = "19--33",
2620        year    = "1993",
2621        month   = "oct",
2622        bibsource = "sig-11-1993",
2623        keywords = "rendering, radiosity, ray tracing, source selection,
2624                shadow coherence",
2625        who     = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0060",
2629        author =       "G. Wyvill and T. L. Kunii and Y. Shirai",
2630  title =        "Space Division for Ray Tracing in {CSG} (Constructive
2631                 Solid Geometry)",
2632  pages =        "28--34",
2633  journal =      "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications",
2634  volume =       "6",
2635  number =       "4",
2636  year =         "1986",
2637  month =        apr,
2638  keywords =     "I35 CSG, I35 trees (mathematics), I37 ray tracing",
2639  annote =       "A system of Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) enables
2640                 an engineering designer to compose three-dimensional
2641                 shapes by combining simpler ones. Definitions of such
2642                 objects are represented by tree structures or direct
2643                 acyclic graphs. \\ Most existing systems convert this
2644                 representation to a more conventional boundary
2645                 representation of the solids in order to render
2646                 pictures from the model. More recently, a number of
2647                 systems have been described that render the pictures
2648                 directly from the CSG structure. We describe such a
2649                 system. We render a scene by ray tracing from a
2650                 directed acyclic graph. This process is made efficient
2651                 for large models by using an adaptive method of space
2652                 division to reduce the number of intersection
2653                 calculations needed.",
2654  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0059",
2658      author =       "Arjan J. F. Kok and Frederik W. Jansen",
2659      title =        "Adaptive Sampling of Area Light Sources in Ray Tracing
2660                     Including Diffuse Interreflection",
2661      journal =      "Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics '92)",
2662      volume =       "11",
2663      number =       "3",
2664      address =      "Cambridge, UK",
2665      pages =        "289--298",
2666      month =        sep,
2667      year =         "1992",
2668      bibsource =    "sig-11-1994",
2669  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0058",
2673  author =       "Eric A. Haines",
2674  title =        "A Proposal for Standard Graphics Environments",
2675  journal =      "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications",
2676  volume =       "7",
2677  number =       "11",
2678  pages =        "3--5",
2679  month =        nov,
2680  year =         "1987",
2681  keywords =     "benchmark",
2682  note =         "also in SIGGRAPH '87, '88, '89 Introduction to Ray
2683                 Tracing course notes, code available via FTP from
2684       ",
2685  anote =         "renderer benchmarking environments and how to obtain
2686                 them",
2687  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0057",
2691      author =       "Andrew S. Glassner",
2692      title =        "Spacetime ray tracing for animation",
2693      journal =      "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications",
2694      pages =        "60--70",
2695      volume =       "8",
2696      number =       "2",
2697      month =        mar,
2698      year =         "1988",
2699      keywords =     "animation, ray tracing cull",
2700      annote =       "We are presenting techniques for the efficient ray
2701                     tracing of animated scenes. These techniques are based
2702                     on two central concepts: spacetime ray tracing, and a
2703                     hybrid adaptive subdivision/bounding volume technique
2704                     for generating efficient, nonoverlapping hierarchies of
2705                     bounding volumes. \\ In spacetime ray tracing, instead
2706                     of rendering dynamically moving objects in 3D space, we
2707                     render static objects in 4D spacetime. To support
2708                     spacetime ray tracing, we use 4-dimensional analogues
2709                     to familiar 3-dimensional ray-tracing techniques. \\
2710                     The new bounding volume hierarchy combines elements of
2711                     adaptive space subdivision and bounding volume
2712                     techniques. The quality of the hierarchy and its
2713                     nonoverlapping character make it an improvement over
2714                     previous algorithms, because both attributes reduce the
2715                     number of ray/object intersections that must be
2716                     computed. These savings are amplified in animation
2717                     because of the much higher cost of computing ray/object
2718                     intersections for motion-blurred animation. \\ We show
2719                     it is possible to ray trace large animations more
2720                     quickly with spacetime ray tracing using this hierarchy
2721                     than with straightforward frame-by-frame rendering.",
2722  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0056",
2725  author =       "Gershon Elber and {Jung-Ju} Choi and {Myung-Soo} Kim",
2726  title =        "Ruled Tracing",
2727  journal =      "The Visual Computer",
2728  year =         "1997",
2729  volume =       "13",
2730  number =       "2",
2731  pages =        "78--94",
2732  publisher =    "Springer-Verlag",
2733  note =         "ISSN 0178-2789",
2734  annote =       "The traditional ray-tracing technique based on a
2735                 ray-surface intersection is reduced to a ruled or
2736                 developable surface-surface intersection problem. That
2737                 enables direct freeform surface rendering. By
2738                 exploiting the spatial coherence gained in the
2739                 ruled/developable surface-tracing approach presented,
2740                 the emulation of shadows, specular reflections, and/or
2741                 refractions in a freeform surface environment can all
2742                 be implemented efficiently. The approach provides a
2743                 direct freeform surface-rendering alternative to ray
2744                 tracing. An implementation of a direct freeform surface
2745                 renderer that emulates shadows as well as specular
2746                 reflections is discussed. This renderer processes
2747                 isoparametric curves as its basic building block,
2748                 eliminating the need for polygonal approximation.",
2749  keywords =     "Ray tracing, light wavefronts, direct freeform surface
2750                 rendering, shadow computation, reflection/refraction",
2751  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0055",
2755  author =       "F. Cazals and G. Drettakis and C. Puech",
2756  title =        "Filtering, Clustering and Hierarchy Construction: {A}
2757                 New Solution for Ray-Tracing Complex Scenes",
2758  journal =      "Com{\-}pu{\-}ter Graphics Forum",
2759  volume =       "14",
2760  number =       "3",
2761  pages =        "C/371--382",
2762  year =         "1995",
2763  coden =        "CGFODY",
2764  ISSN =         "0167-7055",
2765  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 06:22:32 MDT 1996",
2766  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2767  classification = "C6130B (Graphics techniques); C6120 (File
2768                 organisation); C6115 (Programming support)",
2769  keywords =     "Hierarchy construction; Ray tracing; Complex scenes;
2770                 Data structures; Input objects; Clustering step;
2771                 Uniform grids; Memory requirements; Memory usage;
2772                 Computational efficiency; HUG",
2773  thesaurus =    "Automatic programming; Data structures; Ray tracing",
2774  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0054",
2778 author=        "G. Simiakakis and A. M. Day",
2779 title=         "Five-dimensional Adaptive Subdivision for Ray Tracing",
2780 journal   =    "Com{\-}pu{\-}ter Graphics Forum",
2781 volume    =    "13",
2782 number    =    "2",
2783 pages     =    "133--140",
2784 month     =    jun,
2785 year      =    "1994",
2786 coden     =    "CGFODY",
2787 ISSN      =    "0167-7055",
2788 bibdate   =    "Fri Sep 13 06:30:31 MDT 1996",
2789 acknowledgement  = ack-nhfb,
2790 classification = "C6130B (Graphics techniques)",
2791 keywords  =  "Five-dimensional adaptive subdivision; Ray tracing; Directional
2792               subdivision method; Memory saving scheme",
2793 pubcountry =   "UK",
2794 thesaurus =    "Computer graphics; Ray tracing",
2795 who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0053",
2799  author =       "Douglas Voorhies",
2800  editor =       "James Arvo",
2801  title =        "Space-Filling Curves and a Measure of Coherence",
2802  booktitle =    "Graphics Gems",
2803  pages =        "257--262",
2804  publisher =    "Academic Press",
2805  address =      "San Diego",
2806  year =         "1990",
2807  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0052",
2811  author =       "Roni Yagel and Daniel Cohen and Arie Kaufman",
2812  title =        "Discrete Ray Tracing",
2813  journal =      "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications",
2814  volume =       "12",
2815  number =       "5",
2816  pages =        "19--??",
2817  month =        sep,
2818  year =         "1992",
2819  coden =        "ICGADZ",
2820  ISSN =         "0272-1716",
2821  bibdate =      "Fri Jan 5 07:58:42 MST 1996",
2822  abstract =     "This ray tracing method, called 3D raster ray tracing,
2823                 is insensitive to a scene's complexity and thus
2824                 substantially improves computational speed over
2825                 existing algorithms.",
2826  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,   
2827  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0051",
2831  author =       "N. Stolte and R. Caubet",
2832  title =        "Discrete Ray Tracing High Resolution {3D} Grids",
2833  booktitle =    "Winter School of Computer Graphics 1995",
2834  year =         "1995",
2835  month =        feb,
2836  note =         "held at University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech
2837                 Republic, 14-18 February 1995",
2838  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0050",
2842  author =       "S. Campagna and Ph. Slusallek",
2843  title =        "Rendering of Quadric Surfaces According to the
2844                 RenderMan-Standard",
2845  number =       "5",
2846  institution =  "Universit{\"a}t Erlangen-N{\"u}rnberg",
2847  year =         "1996",
2848  abstract =     "Rendering of high-quality pictures has two basic
2849                 requirements: a renderer and a modeler. In practice,
2850                 only the modeler has to comunicate with the renderer.
2851                 Usually this is done by a specified file-format. Each
2852                 renderer capable of that format has to produce pictures
2853                 with exactly the desired surfaces, e.g. compared to a
2854                 reference-platform. One popular and powerful format is
2855                 the RenderMan Interface Bytestream Protocol by Pixar.
2856                 Unfortunately, its specification is ambiguous in some
2857                 cases. This paper clarifies the usage especially of the
2858                 geometric primitives according to the
2859                 RenderMan-Interface.",
2860  postscript-url = "",
2861  postscript-url-md5 = "0ad1de6e9d65add7b740cfff92a03238",
2862  evlib-url =    "",
2863  evlib-revision = "1st",
2864  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0049",
2868  author =       "S. Campagna and W. Heidrich and Ph. Slusallek",
2869  title =        "Rendering of Geometric Primitives According to the
2870                 RenderMan-Standard",
2871  number =       "5",
2872  institution =  "Universit{\"a}t Erlangen-N{\"u}rnberg",
2873  year =         "1996",
2874  abstract =     "Rendering of high-quality pictures has two basic
2875                 requirements: a renderer and a modeler. In practice,
2876                 only the modeler has to comunicate with the renderer.
2877                 Usually this is done by a specified file-format. Each
2878                 renderer capable of that format has to produce pictures
2879                 with exactly the desired surfaces, e.g. compared to a
2880                 reference-platform. One popular and powerful format is
2881                 the RenderMan Interface Bytestream Protocol by Pixar.
2882                 Unfortunately, its specification is ambiguous in some
2883                 cases. This paper clarifies the usage especially of the
2884                 geometric primitives according to the
2885                 RenderMan-Interface.",
2886  postscript-url = "",
2887  postscript-url-md5 = "0ad1de6e9d65add7b740cfff92a03238",
2888  evlib-url =    "",
2889  evlib-revision = "1st",
2890  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0048",
2894  author =       "Eric A. Haines and John R. Wallace",
2895  editor =       "P. Brunet and F. W. Jansen",
2896  title =        "Shaft Culling for Efficient Ray-Traced Radiosity",
2897  booktitle =    "Photorealistic Rendering in Computer Graphics
2898                 (Proceedings of the Second Eurographics Workshop on
2899                 Rendering)",
2900  publisher =    "Springer-Verlag",
2901  address =      "New York, NY",
2902  year =         "1994",
2903  keywords =     "ray tracing",
2904  note =         "also available via FTP from
2905       ",
2906  anote =         "also in ACM SIGGRAPH '91 Course Notes - Frontiers in
2907                 Rendering",
2908  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0047",
2912  author =       "Nathan Loofbourrow",
2913  title =        "Optimizing ray tracing with visual coherence",
2914  institution =  "Carnegie-Mellon University, Department of Computer
2915                 Science",
2916  number =       "CMU-CS-93-209",
2917  year =         "1993",
2918  keywords =     "adaptive sampling, nonuniform sampling, antialiasing,
2919                 filtering, progressive refinement",
2920  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0046",
2924  author =       "Gunter Raidl and Wilhelm Barth",
2925  title =        "Fast Adaptive Previewing by Ray Tracing",
2926  pages =        "(do not know)",
2927  booktitle =    "Summer school in computer graphics in Bratislava (SCCG96)",
2928  year =         "1996",
2929  month =        jun,
2930  keywords =     "ray tracing, previewing",
2931  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0045",
2935      author =       "J. David MacDonald and Kellogg S. Booth",
2936      title =        "Heuristics for Ray Tracing Using Space Subdivision",
2937      journal =      "Visual Computer",
2938      pages =        "153--65",
2939      publisher =    "Springer Verlag",
2940      year =         "1990",
2941      volume =       "6",
2942      number =       "6",
2943     who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0044",
2947      author =       "Kelvin Sung and Peter Shirley",
2948      editor =       "David Kirk",
2949      title =        "Ray Tracing with the {BSP} Tree",
2950      booktitle =    "Graphics Gems III",
2951      pages =        "271--274",
2952      publisher =    "Academic Press",
2953      address =      "San Diego",
2954      year =         "1992",
2955      keywords =     "efficiency, BSP tree, octree",
2956      note =         "includes code",
2957 who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0043",
2961 author =       "K. Y. Whang and J. W. Song and J. W. Chang and J. Y.
2962                 Kim and W. S. Cho and C. M. Park and I. Y. Song", 
2963 title =        "{Octree-R}: an adaptive octree for efficient ray tracing",
2964 journal =      "IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics", 
2965 year =         "1995", 
2966 volume =       "1",
2967 number =       "4",
2968 pages =        "343--349",
2969 month =        dec,
2970 note =         "ISSN 1077-2626",
2971 who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0042",
2975        author =       "Karl Kelvin Thompson",
2976        title =        "Ray tracing with amalgams",
2977        month =        may,
2978        year =         "1991",
2979        type =         "Ph.D. Thesis",
2980        school =       "University of Texas at Austin",
2981        annote =       "Supervisors: Alan Bovik and Donald Fussell; Traditional ray tracing
2982        databases that use bounding volumes attach only geometric properties (e.g.
2983        position, orientation, size) to each bounding volume. By also associating
2984        shading properties (e.g. color, translucency, reflectance) with each bounding
2985        volume, the database can become a multi-resolution database - a database that
2986        represents objects at different levels of detail. Specifically, the bounding
2987        region itself may be rendered to coarsely represent the objects inside it.
2988        With a minor extension to the traditional ray tracing algorithm, a ray tracing
2989        renderer can traverse such a database with fewer intersection tests per ray,
2990        improving antialiasing, and (arguably) better asymptotic time complexity. The
2991        enhanced database and algorithm are particularly suited to scenes containing a
2992        large number of primitives at a wide range of scales.",
2993  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0041",
2997        author =       "John G. Cleary and Geoff Wyvill",
2998        title =        "Analysis of an algorithm for fast ray tracing using
2999                       uniform space subdivision",
3000        journal =      "The Visual Computer",
3001        pages =        "65--83",
3002        volume =       "4",
3003        number =       "2",
3004        month =        jul,
3005        year =         "1988",
3006        keywords =     "rendering",
3007        annote =       "Ray tracing is becoming popular as the best method of
3008                       rendering high quality images from three dimensional
3009                       models. Unfortunately, the computational cost is high.
3010                       Recently, a number of authors have reported on ways to
3011                       speed up this process by means of space subdivision
3012                       which is used to minimize the number of intersection
3013                       calculations. We describe such an algorithm together
3014                       with an analysis of the factors which affect its
3015                       performance. The critical operation of skipping an
3016                       empty space subdivision can be done very quickly, using
3017                       only integer addition and comparison. A theoretical
3018                       analysis of the algorithm is developed. It shows how
3019                       the space and time requirements vary with the number of
3020                       objects in the scene.",
3021  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0040",
3025  author =       "James R. Arvo",
3026  month =        aug,
3027  year =         "1986",
3028  title =        "Backward {Ray} {Tracing}",
3029  booktitle =    "ACM SIGGRAPH '86 Course Notes - Developments in Ray
3030                 Tracing",
3031  volume =       "12",
3032  keywords =     "light tracing",
3033  comments =     "also appeared in ACM SIGGRAPH '89 Course Notes -
3034                 Radiosity",
3035  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0039",
3039  author =       "Jung-Hong Chuang and Weun-Jier Hwang",
3040  title =        "A new space subdivision for ray tracing {CSG} solids",
3041  journal =      "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications",
3042  volume =       "15",
3043  number =       "6",
3044  pages =        "56--62",
3045  month =        nov,
3046  year =         "1995",
3047  coden =        "ICGADZ",
3048  ISSN =         "0272-1716",
3049  bibdate =      "Sat Jan 25 06:42:48 MST 1997",
3050  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
3051  affiliation =  "Natl Chiao Tung Univ",
3052  affiliationaddress = "Hsinchu, Taiwan",
3053  classification = "721.1; 722.2; 723.2; 723.5; 921.4",
3054  journalabr =   "IEEE Comput Graphics Appl",
3055  keywords =     "Algorithms; Computational complexity; Computational
3056                 methods; Computer graphics; Computer simulation;
3057                 Constructive solid geometry; Heuristic methods; Image
3058                 processing; Ray tracing; Space subdivision; Trees
3059                 (mathematics)",
3060 who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0038",
3064  author =       "Lawrence B. Wolff and David J. Kurlander",
3065  title =        "Ray Tracing with Polarization Parameters",
3066  journal =      "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications",
3067  pages =        "44--55",
3068  volume =       "10",
3069  number =       "6",
3070  month =        nov,
3071  year =         "1990",
3072  keywords =     "ray tracing, lighting model, Torrance-Sparrow,
3073                 Fresnel, polarization",
3074  annote =       "Implement a polarization scheme for the reflection off
3075                 surfaces with the Torrance-Sparrow illumination model.
3076                 They use a technique suggested by Emil Wolf, a 2x2
3077                 matrix that indicates the polarization state of the
3078                 wavelength. \\ We demonstrate that incorporating
3079                 polarization parameters into the lighting model can
3080                 enhance the physical realism of images rendered with a
3081                 ray tracer. Polarization effects can be importantin
3082                 certain scenes, and the difference in rendering even
3083                 simple scenes with and without proper treatment of
3084                 polarization can be rather striking. All light waves
3085                 possess a state of polarization, which changes almost
3086                 every time light reflects off a material surface. A
3087                 single reflection partially polarizes and may even
3088                 completely polarize previously unpolarized light.
3089                 Polarization influences the rendering of a scene
3090                 because the reflected radiant intensity depends largely
3091                 on the incident light wave's polarization state. \\ We
3092                 have incorporated Emil Wolf's coherence matrix
3093                 formalism for polarization into the Torrance-Sparrow
3094                 reflectance model. This combination enables elegant
3095                 quantitative derivations of the altered polarization
3096                 state of light upon reflection in a ray tracer.
3097                 Comparisons of identicala scenes rendered with a
3098                 conventional ray tracer and our ray tracer.
3099                 Incorporating a polarization model show that our method
3100                 renders specular interobject reflections more
3101                 accurately with respect to reflected radiance and
3102                 color.",
3103  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0037",
3107  author =       "R. Endl and M. Sommer",
3108  title =        "Classification of ray-generators in uniform
3109                 subdivisions and octrees for ray tracing",
3110  journal =      "Com{\-}pu{\-}ter Graphics Forum",
3111  volume =       "13",
3112  number =       "1",
3113  pages =        "3--19",
3114  month =        mar,
3115  year =         "1994",
3116  coden =        "CGFODY",
3117  ISSN =         "0167-7055",
3118  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 13 06:30:31 MDT 1996",
3119  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
3120  classification = "C6130B (Graphics techniques); C6120 (File
3121                 organisation); C6180 (User interfaces)",
3122  keywords =     "Ray-generator classification; Uniform subdivisions;
3123                 Octrees; Ray tracing; Spatial subdivisions; Ray-object
3124                 intersections; Ray-cell sequence generation;
3125                 X-ray-generators; Global time measurements; Random
3126                 rays; Ray cell initialization; Ray cell determination",
3127  pubcountry =   "UK",
3128  thesaurus =    "Computer graphics; Ray tracing; Tree data structures",
3129 who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0036",
3133        author =       "Jeffrey Goldsmith and John Salmon",
3134        title =        "Automatic Creation of Object Hierarchies for Ray
3135                       Tracing",
3136        pages =        "14--20",
3137        journal =      "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications",
3138        volume =       "7",
3139        number =       "5",
3140        year =         "1987",
3141        month =        may,
3142        keywords =     "ray tracing cull, bounding volume",
3143        annote =       "Intersection calculations dominate the run time of
3144                       canonical ray tracers. A common algorithm to reduce the
3145                       number of intersection tests required is the
3146                       intersection of rays with a tree of extents, rather
3147                       than the whole database of objects. A shortcomming of
3148                       this method is that these trees are difficult to
3149                       generate. Additionally, manually generated trees are
3150                       poor, greatly reducing the run-time improvement
3151                       available. We present methods for evaluation of these
3152                       trees in approximate number of intersection
3153                       calculations required and for automatic generation of
3154                       good trees. These methods run in $O(n \log n)$ expected
3155                       time where $n$ is the number of objects in the scene.
3156                       Some examples of speedup are reported.",
3157  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0035",
3161        author =       "James Arvo and David Kirk",
3162        title =        "Fast Ray Tracing by Ray Classification",
3163        pages =        "55--64",
3164        booktitle =    "(SIGGRAPH '87 Proceedings)",
3165        volume =       "21",
3166        number =       "4",
3167        year =         "1987",
3168        month =        jul,
3169        editor =       "Maureen C. Stone",
3170        conference =   "held in Anaheim, California; 27 -- 31 July 1987",
3171        keywords =     "visible surface algorithms, extent, bounding volume,
3172                       hierarchy, traversal, octree",
3173        annote =       "five dimensional space subdivision \\ We describe a
3174                       new approach to ray tracing which drastically reduces
3175                       the number of ray-object and ray-bounds intersection
3176                       calculations by means of 5-dimensional space
3177                       subdivision. Collections of rays originating from a
3178                       common 3D rectangular volume and directed through a 2D
3179                       solid angle are represented as hypercubes in 5-space. A
3180                       5D volume bounding the space of rays is dynamically
3181                       subdivided into hypercubes, each linked to a set of
3182                       objects which are candidates for intersection. Rays are
3183                       classified into unique hypercubes and checked for
3184                       intersection with the associated candidate object set.
3185                       We compare several techniques for object extent
3186                       testing, including boxes, spheres, plane-sets, and
3187                       convex poyhedra. In addition, we examine optimizations
3188                       made possible by the directional nature of the
3189                       algorithm, such as sorting, caching and backface
3190                       culling. Results indicate that this algorithm
3191                       significantly outperforms previous ray tracing
3192                       techniques, especially for complex environments.",
3193 who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0034",
3197  author =       "James Arvo",
3198  title =        "Ray Tracing with Meta-Hierarchies",
3199  year =         "1990",
3200  month =        aug,
3201  booktitle =    "SIGGRAPH '90 Advanced Topics in Ray Tracing course
3202                 notes",
3203  keywords =     "hierarchical space subdivision, octree, grid
3204                 subdivision",
3205  publisher = "ACM Press",
3206  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0033",
3210      author =       "Cassen T. and Subramanian K.R. and Michalewicz Z.",
3211      title =        "Near-Optimal Construction of Partitioning Trees by
3212                      Evolutionary Techniques",
3213      booktitle =    "Proceedings of Graphics Interface '95",
3214      pages =        "263--271",
3215      address =      "Canada",
3216      month =        jun,
3217      year =         "1995",
3218      keywords =     "BSP tree, genetic algorithms",
3219 who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0032",
3223        author =       "Hanan Samet",
3224        title =        "Implementing Ray Tracing with Octrees and Neighbor
3225                       Finding",
3226        journal =      "Computers and Graphics",
3227        volume =       "13",
3228        number =       "4",
3229        pages =        "445--60",
3230        year =         "1989",
3231        keywords =     "octree",
3232        note =         "includes code",
3233        anote = "A Ray Tracing implementation is described that is based on
3234                an octree representation of a scene. Rays are traced through
3235                the scene by calculating the blocks through which they pass.
3236                This calculation is performed in a bottom-up manner through
3237                the use of neighbor finding. The octrees are assumed to be
3238                implemented by a pointer representation.",
3239 who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0031",
3243  author =       "John R. Wallace and Kells A. Elmquist and Eric A.
3244                 Haines",
3245  title =        "A Ray Tracing Algorithm for Progressive Radiosity",
3246  pages =        "315--324",
3247  booktitle =      "SIGGRAPH '89 Proceedings",
3248  journal =      "Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '89 Proceedings)",
3249  year =         "1989",
3250  month =        jul,
3251  conference =   "held in Boston, Massachusetts; 31 July -- 4 August
3252                 1989",
3253  keywords =     "radiosity, ray tracing, progressive refinement,
3254                 distributed ray tracing, global illumination",
3255  annote =       "calculating form-factors via ray tracing to avoid
3256                 hemicube problems \\ A new method for computing
3257                 form-factors within a progressive radiosity approach is
3258                 presented. Previously, the progressive radiosity
3259                 approach has depended on the use of the hemi-cube
3260                 algorithm to determine form-factors. However, sampling
3261                 problems inherent in the hemi-cube algorithm limit its
3262                 usefulness for complex images. A more robust approach
3263                 is described in which ray tracing is used to perform
3264                 the numerical integration of the form-factor equation.
3265                 The approach is tailored to provide good, approximate
3266                 results for a low number of rays, while still providing
3267                 a smooth continuum of increasing accuracy for higher
3268                 number of rays. Quantitative comparisons between
3269                 analytically derived form-factors and ray traced
3270                 form-factors are presented.",
3271  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0030",
3276      author =       "Qunsheng Peng and Yining Zhu and Youdong Liang",
3277      title =        "A Fast Ray Tracing Algorithm Using Space Indexing
3278                     Techniques",
3279      pages =        "11--23",
3280      booktitle =    "Eurographics '87",
3281      year =         "1987",
3282      month =        aug,
3283      editor =       "G. Marechal",
3284      publisher =    "North-Holland",
3285      conference =   "European Computer Graphics Conference and Exhibition;
3286                     held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 24 -- 28 August
3287                     1987",
3288      keywords =     "octree",
3289      annote =       "A fast ray tracing algorithm is presented. Spatial
3290                     coherency is exploited by adopting a linear octree data
3291                     structure which corresponds to an adaptive partitioning
3292                     of space. A ray strides over a number of empty regions
3293                     aligning on its way and intersects the desired objects
3294                     directly. Efficiency of the algorithm is achieved by
3295                     decreasing the number of regions that the ray must be
3296                     checked with, by reducing the computations involved in
3297                     skipping an empty region and performing a binary search
3298                     to find the next region. An efficient algorithm based
3299                     on linear programming for mapping the whole environment
3300                     into a sorted linear octree is also described. Only the
3301                     terminal nodes containing boundary surfaces of objects
3302                     are explicitly represented, which not only shortens the
3303                     searching process but also leads to a considerable
3304                     saving on storage space.",
3305 who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0029",
3309      author =       "Gregory Ward",
3310      title =        "Adaptive shadow testing for ray tracing",
3311      booktitle =    "Eurographics Workshop on Rendering",
3312      year =         "1991",
3313      conference =   "held in Barcelona, Spain; 13-15 May 1991",
3314      annote =       "Method for reducing the number of shadow rays for
3315                     scenes with a large number of light sources. The
3316                     sources are sorted on their contribution, and only for
3317                     the most important sources rays are cast. The influence
3318                     of the other sources is estimated statistically. Tests
3319                     are done with different tolerances (threshold to
3320                     determine whether sources are important) and
3321                     certainties (rate of accuracy). The method gives good
3322                     reduction and is able to find the most important
3323                     shadows because it selects contrast as criterion.",
3324 who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0028",
3328 author = "B. S. S. Pradhan and A. Mukhopadhyay",
3329 title  = "Adaptive cell division for ray tracing",
3330 journal= "Computers and Graphics",
3331 volume = "15",
3332 number = "4",
3333 pages  = "549--552",
3334 year   = "1991",
3335 coden  = "COGRD2",
3336 ISSN   = "0097-8493",
3337 bibdate= "Wed Feb 5 07:22:58 MST 1997",
3338 acknowledgement= ack-nhfb,
3339 affiliation="Indian Inst of Technology",
3340 affiliationaddress="Kanpur, India",
3341 classification="723",
3342 journalabr="Comput Graphics (Pergamon)",
3343 keywords="Computer Graphics; Data Processing--Data Structures; Three Dimensional Graphics",
3344 who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0027",
3348        author =       "Isaac D. Scherson and Elisha Caspary",
3349        title =        "Data Structures and the Time Complexity of Ray
3350                       Tracing",
3351        pages =        "201--213",
3352        journal =      "The Visual Computer",
3353        volume =       "3",
3354        number =       "4",
3355        year =         "1987",
3356        month =        dec,
3357        annote =       "The time complexity of ray tracing is a function of
3358                       the data structures used for space division. Octree and
3359                       hierarchical extents have been suggested as effective
3360                       choices. In this paper, complexity parameters are
3361                       suggested to characterize images and show that both
3362                       octrees and hierarchies are appropriate choices if
3363                       given most favorable images. Also, a unified technique
3364                       is proposed and shown to be better than previous
3365                       methods for all images. Octrees and hierarchies are
3366                       particular cases of the new proposed algorithm.",
3367  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0026",
3371 author=        "Erik Reinhard and Arjan J. F. Kok and Frederik W. Jansen",
3372 title =        "Cost Prediction in Ray Tracing",
3373 booktitle=     "Rendering Techniques '96 (Proceedings of the Seventh Eurographics
3374                Workshop on Rendering)",
3375 pages=         "41--50",
3376 publisher=     "Springer-Verlag/Wien",
3377 address=       "New York, NY",
3378 year=          "1996",
3379 ISBN=          "3-211-82883-4",
3380  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0025",
3384        author =       "Olivier Devillers",
3385        title =        "The Macro-regions: an Efficient Space Subdivision
3386                       Structure for Ray Tracing",
3387        pages =        "27--38",
3388        booktitle =    "Eurographics '89",
3389        year =         "1989",
3390        month =        sep,
3391        editor =       "W. Hansmann and F. R. A. Hopgood and W. Strasser",
3392        publisher =    "Elsevier / North-Holland",
3393        conference =   "European Computer Graphics Conference and Exhibition;
3394                       h eld in , ; -- September 1989",
3395        annote =       "Ray tracing is the usual image synthesis technique
3396                       which allows rendering of specular effects. The use of
3397                       space subdivision for ray tracing optimization is
3398                       studied. A new method of subdivision is proposed: the
3399                       macro-regions. This structure allows a different
3400                       treatment of the regions with a low density of
3401                       information, and the regions with a high density of
3402                       information. A theoretical and practical study of space
3403                       subdivision methods--grid, octree--and the
3404                       macro-regions structure is presented.",
3405  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0024",
3409  author =       "N. Stolte and R. Caubet",
3410  title =        "Discrete Ray-Tracing of Huge Voxel Spaces",
3411  journal =      "Com{\-}pu{\-}ter Graphics Forum",
3412  volume =       "14",
3413  number =       "3",
3414  pages =        "C/383--C/394",
3415  month =        sep,
3416  year =         "1995",
3417  coden =        "CGFODY",
3418  ISSN =         "0167-7055",
3419  bibdate =      "Fri Jul 18 14:10:31 1997",
3420  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
3421  classification = "C1160 (Combinatorial mathematics); C5470
3422                 (Performance evaluation and testing); C6120 (File
3423                 organisation); C6130B (Graphics techniques)",
3424  conflocation = "Maastricht, Netherlands; 18 Aug.-1 Sept. 1995",
3425  conftitle =    "EUROGRAPHICS '95",
3426  corpsource =   "Inst. de Recherche en Inf. de Toulouse, France",
3427  keywords =     "3D; 3D grid resolution; discrete ray tracing voxel
3428                 spaces; Discrete ray tracing voxel spaces; discrete
3429                 traversal; Discrete traversal; discrete traversal; grid
3430                 resolution; Huge voxel spaces; huge voxel spaces;
3431                 memory problem; Memory problem; octree; Octree;
3432                 octrees; optimal times; Optimal times; optimal times;
3433                 performance evaluation; Practical visualization
3434                 algorithm; practical visualization algorithm; raster;
3435                 Raster ray tracing; ray tracing; three dimensional DDA;
3436                 Three dimensional DDA; three dimensional DDA",
3437  thesaurus =    "Octrees; Performance evaluation; Ray tracing",
3438  treatment =    "P Practical",
3439  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0023",
3444        author =       "Timothy L. Kay and James T. Kajiya",
3445        title =        "Ray Tracing Complex Scenes",
3446        pages =        "269--278",
3447        booktitle =    "SIGGRAPH '86 Proceedings)",
3448        journal =      "Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '86 Proceedings)",
3449        volume =       "20",
3450        number =       "4",
3451        year =         "1986",
3452        month =        aug,
3453        editor =       "David C. Evans and Rusell J. Athay",
3454        conference =   "held in Dallas, Texas, August 18--22, 1986",
3455        keywords =     "I37 ray tracing, cull, bounding volume",
3456        annote =       "A new algorithm for speeding up ray-object
3457                       intersection calculations is presented. Objects are
3458                       bounded by a new type of extent, which can be made to
3459                       fit convex hulls arbitrarily tightly. The objects are
3460                       placed into a hierarchy. A new hierarchy traversal
3461                       algorithm is presented which is efficient in the sense
3462                       that objects along the ray are queried in an efficient
3463                       order. \\ Results are presented which demonstrate that
3464                       our technique is several times faster than other
3465                       published algorithms. Furthermore, it is demonstrated
3466                       that it is currently possible to ray trace scenes
3467                       containing hundreds of thousands of objects.",
3468  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0022",
3472        author =       "Andrew S. Glassner",
3473        title =        "Space Subdivision For Fast Ray Tracing",
3474        pages =        "15--22",
3475        journal =      "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications",
3476        volume =       "4",
3477        number =       "10",
3478        year =         "1984",
3479        month =        oct,
3480        keywords =     "I35 Ray Tracing, culling, parallel processing,
3481                       bounding volume, octree",
3482        annote =       "use of octrees to speed intersection testing `If we
3483                       want to reduce the time spent on ray-object
3484                       intersections, we have at least two choices. We can
3485                       speed up the intersection process itself, possibly with
3486                       specialized hardware. Alternately, we can reduce the
3487                       number of ray-object intersections that must be made to
3488                       fully trace a given ray.''Goes onto to describe how to
3489                       use octrees to reduce the number of intersection tests.
3490                       Glassner proposes an octree as structure to partition
3491                       space for faster ray tracing. The solution is
3492                       interesting, but non-intuitive. It also has the problem
3493                       of splitting objects among many octree nodes. Hence,
3494                       the same object may be intersected multiple times per
3495                       ray. Bleh!",
3496  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0021",
3500        author =       "Ping-Kang Hsiung and Robert H. Thibadeau",
3501        title =        "Accelerating {ARTS}",
3502        journal =      "The Visual Computer",
3503        volume =       "8",
3504        number =       "3",
3505        pages =        "181--190",
3506        month =        mar,
3507        year =         "1992",
3508        keywords =     "grid subdivision, hierarchical subdivision",
3509        note =         "nested grid subdivision structures",
3510  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0020",
3514        author =       "Akira Fujimoto and Takayuki Tanaka and Kansei Iwata",
3515        title =        "{ARTS}: Accelerated Ray Tracing System",
3516        pages =        "16--26",
3517        journal =      "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications",
3518        volume =       "6",
3519        number =       "4",
3520        year =         "1986",
3521        keywords =     "ray tracing cull, parallel processing, octree",
3522        annote =       "Describes an encoding format, similar to octrees,
3523                       which allows ray tracing to become as fast as other
3524                       rendering methods for large databases. Good review of
3525                       other techniques used to speed up ray tracing. Their
3526                       method, SEADS (Spatially Enumerated Auxiliary Data
3527                       Structures), {provides an environment for ray tracing
3528                       that outpaces the hybrid octree approaches ... by an
3529                       order of magnitude. Various experimental results have
3530                       shown that the rendering time is virtually independent
3531                       of the number of objects in the scene. When the number
3532                       of objects is very large, ray tracing --- despite its
3533                       reputation for ineffiency --- actually becomes faster
3534                       than other rendering methods.} \\ In this paper, we
3535                       propose algorithms that address the two basic problems
3536                       encountered in generating continuous-tone images by ray
3537                       tracing: speed and aliasing. We examine previous
3538                       approaches to the problem and propose a scheme based on
3539                       the coherency of an auxiliary data structure imposed on
3540                       the original object domain. After investigating both
3541                       simple spatial enumeration and a hybrid octree
3542                       approach, we develop the 3DDDA, a 3D line generator,
3543                       for efficient traversing of both structures. \\ 3DDDA
3544                       provides an order of magnitude improvement in
3545                       processing speed compared to other known ray-tracing
3546                       methods. Processing time is found to be virtually
3547                       independent of the number of objects involved in the
3548                       scene. For large numbers of objects, this method
3549                       actually becomes faster than scan-line methods. To
3550                       remove jags from edges, a scheme for identifying edge
3551                       orientation and distance from pixel center to true edge
3552                       has been implemented. The time required for
3553                       antialiasing depends on the total length of the edges
3554                       encountered, but it is normally only a fractional
3555                       addition to the time needed to produce the scene
3556                       without antialiasing.",
3557  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0019",
3561        author =       "Kadi Bouatouch and M. O. Madani and Thierry Priol and
3562                       Bruno Arnaldi",
3563        title =        "A New Algorithm of Space Tracing Using a {CSG} Model",
3564        pages =        "65--78",
3565        booktitle =    "Eurographics '87",
3566        year =         "1987",
3567        month =        aug,
3568        editor =       "G. Marechal",
3569        publisher =    "North-Holland",
3570        conference =   "European Computer Graphics Conference and Exhibition;
3571                       held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 24 -- 28 August
3572                       1987",
3573        annote =       "This paper describes a new algorithm of space tracing.
3574                       Scenes are modeled by a CSG tree. Space is subdivided
3575                       regularly into 3D regions called boxes. With each box
3576                       is associated a subtree which is the restriction of the
3577                       whole scene CSG tree to primitives belonging to this
3578                       box. A 3D grid is ued to access boxes.",
3579  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0018",
3583  author =       "C. Bouville and R. Brusq and J. L. Dubois and I.
3584                 Marchal",
3585  title =        "Generating High Quality Pictures by Ray-Tracing",
3586  journal =      "Com{\-}pu{\-}ter Graphics Forum",
3587  volume =       "4",
3588  number =       "2",
3589  pages =        "87--99",
3590  month =        jun,
3591  year =         "1985",
3592  coden =        "CGFODY",
3593  ISSN =         "0167-7055",
3594  bibdate =      "Mon Apr 14 10:23:20 MDT 1997",
3595  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
3596  affiliation =  "Cent Commun d'Etudes de Telediffusion et
3597                 Telecommunications, Cesson-Sevigne, Fr",
3598  affiliationaddress = "Cent Commun d'Etudes de Telediffusion et
3599                 Telecommunications, Cesson-Sevigne, Fr",
3600  classification = "723; 741; 921; A4210D (Wave-front and ray tracing in
3601                 homogeneous media); C6130B (Graphics techniques)",
3602  corpsource =   "Centre Commun d'Etudes de Telediffusion et
3603                 Telecommun., Cesson-Sevigne, France",
3604  keywords =     "algebraic surfaces; bodies of revolution --- Surfaces;
3605                 casting; computational geometry; computer graphics;
3606                 computer graphics --- Imaging Techniques; full lighting
3607                 model; geometrical; high quality pictures developing;
3608                 illumination model; image processing; lighting models;
3609                 Mathematical Models; mathematical surface
3610                 representation, design; optics; parallel; picture
3611                 generation; processors; ray-; ray-casting technique;
3612                 ray-tracing; surface of revolution; theoretical
3613                 approach",
3614  subject =      "J.6 Computer Applications, COMPUTER-AIDED ENGINEERING,
3615                 Computer-aided design (CAD) \\ I.3.5 Computing
3616                 Methodologies, COMPUTER GRAPHICS, Computational
3617                 Geometry and Object Modeling, Curve, surface, solid,
3618                 and object representations",
3619  treatment =    "P Practical; T Theoretical or Mathematical",
3620  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0017",
3624  author =       "D. Thomas and Arun N. Netravali and D. S. Fox",
3625  title =        "Anti-aliased ray tracing with covers",
3626  pages =        "325--336",
3627  journal =      "Computer Graphics Forum",
3628  volume =       "8",
3629  number =       "4",
3630  month =        dec,
3631  year =         "1989",
3632  publisher =    "North-Holland",
3633  keywords =     "antialiasing",
3634  annote =       "A fast and effective object space method for
3635                 anti-aliasing ray-traced pictures is introduced.
3636                 Traditionally, anti-aliasing has been done using
3637                 super-sampling. However, this is costly since it
3638                 requires casting large numbers of rays to obtain sample
3639                 densities above the displayed pixel density. It is also
3640                 wasteful since much of the information in these samples
3641                 is discarded when they are filtered to yield the
3642                 anti-aliasing pixels. We avoid these problems by
3643                 performing the filtering in the object space using the
3644                 geometry of ray-surface intersections rather than by
3645                 casting extra rays. In addition, we only perform
3646                 filtering at a pixel if edges are nearby. We detect
3647                 these edges by observing the order in which the pixel's
3648                 rays pass through cover surfaces constructed just
3649                 inside and outside the surface of each object. Shadows,
3650                 reflections and refractions can be anti-aliased using
3651                 this method and a variety of object types can be
3652                 handled including ellipsoids, polyhedra, and objects
3653                 formed using set operations. \\ Our anti-aliasing gives
3654                 high image quality that can only be approached by using
3655                 super-sampling densities at least four times the
3656                 display pixel density. Moreover, since the overhead of
3657                 our method is small, it would take three to four times
3658                 as long to render an anti-aliased image using
3659                 super-sampling than it would with our method.
3660                 Furthermore, covers allow sampling densities less than
3661                 the displayed pixel density. When this is done,
3662                 anti-aliased images can be rendered twice as fast as
3663                 with no anti-aliasing and six to eight times as fast as
3664                 when super-sampling is used for anti-aliasing.",
3665  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0016",
3669  author =       "Swen Campagna and Philipp Slusallek and {Hans-Peter}
3670                 Seidel",
3671  title =        "Ray tracing of spline surfaces: {B}{\'{e}}zier
3672                 clipping, {C}hebyshev boxing, and bounding volume
3673                 hierarchy - a critical comparison with new results",
3674  journal =      "The Visual Computer",
3675  year =         "1997",
3676  volume =       "13",
3677  number =       "6",
3678  pages =        "265--282",
3679  publisher =    "Springer-Verlag",
3680  note =         "ISSN 0178-2789",
3681  keywords =     "ray tracing, spline surfaces, surface rendering",
3682  annote =       "Ray tracing is a well-known rendering technique for
3683                 producing high-quality and photorealistic pictures.
3684                 Spline surfaces are also well known and widely used.
3685                 Thus, there is the need for fast and robust methods for
3686                 computing the intersections of rays with these
3687                 surfaces. In this paper, we discuss and compare three
3688                 recent geometric algorithms for solving the ray-patch
3689                 intersection problem and present new results that are
3690                 helpful in dealing with this problem.",
3691  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0015",
3695  author =       "Hank Weghorst and Gary Hooper and Donald P.
3696                 Greenberg",
3697  title =        "Improved Computational Methods for Ray Tracing",
3698  journal =      "ACM Transactions on Graphics",
3699  volume =       "3",
3700  number =       "1",
3701  pages =        "52--69",
3702  month =        jan,
3703  year =         "1984",
3704  coden =        "ATGRDF",
3705  ISSN =         "0730-0301",
3706  annote =       "discussion of bounding volumes, hierarchical
3707                 structures and the `item buffer'' \\ This paper
3708                 describes algorithmic procedures that have been
3709                 implemented to reduce the computational expense of
3710                 producing ray-traced images. The selection of bounding
3711                 volumes is examined to reduce the computational cost of
3712                 the ray-intersection test. The use of object coherence,
3713                 which relies on a hierarchical description of the
3714                 environment, is then presented. Finally, since the
3715                 building of the ray-intersection trees is such a large
3716                 portion of the computation, a method using image
3717                 coherence is described. This visible-surface
3718                 preprocessing method, which is dependent upon the
3719                 creation of an `item buffer,'' takes advantage of {\em
3720                 a priori} image formation. Examples that indicate the
3721                 efficiency of these techniques for a variety of
3722                 representative environments are presented.",
3723  keywords =     "bounding volume; I35 Ray Tracing",
3724  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0014",
3728  author =       "Michael R. Kaplan",
3729  title =        "The Use of Spatial Coherence in Ray Tracing",
3730  booktitle =    "Techniques for Computer Graphics",
3731  pages =        "173--193",
3732  year =         "1987",
3733  editor =       "David E. Rogers and Ray A. Earnshaw",
3734  publisher =    "Springer Verlag",
3735  keywords =     "octree",
3736  annote =       "improved version of course notes article \\ Although
3737                 ray tracing has proven to be a valuable technique in
3738                 realistic image synthesis and a variety of other
3739                 disciplines, it traditionally has not been viable in
3740                 highly complex, unstructured environments. Spatial
3741                 coherence algorithms for ray tracing are proposed as a
3742                 solution to this problem, and the tradeoffs between
3743                 various spatial coherence schemes are discussed.",
3744  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0013",
3748        author =       "Maurice van der Zwaan and Erik Reinhard and Frederik
3749                       W. Jansen",
3750        title =        "Pyramid Clipping for Efficient Ray Traversal",
3751        booktitle =    "Proceedings of the Sixth Eurographics Rendering
3752                       Workshop",
3753        address =      "Dublin, Ireland",
3754        year =         "1995",
3755  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0012",
3759        author =       "Sig Badt Jr.",
3760        title =        "Two Algorithms for Taking Advantage of Temporal
3761                       Coherence in Ray Tracing",
3762        pages =        "123--132",
3763        journal =      "The Visual Computer",
3764        volume =       "4",
3765        number =       "3",
3766        year =         "1988",
3767        month =        sep,
3768        annote =       "The basic ray-tracing algorithm is adapted to make
3769                       ray-tracing faster for the production of motion
3770                       pictures. Two algorithms are presented. The image space
3771                       temporal coherence algorithm takes advantage of the
3772                       fact that motion picture images do not change very much
3773                       from frame to frame. The reprojection algorithm uses
3774                       information about the object space saved from the
3775                       previous frame to accelerate the processing of the
3776                       current frame. The reprojection algorithm is used when
3777                       the viewpoint of the current frame is changed by a
3778                       small amount from the viewpoint of the previous
3779                       frame.",
3780  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0011",
3784        author =       "John Amanatides and Andrew Woo",
3785        title =        "A fast voxel traversal algorithm for ray tracing",
3786        pages =        "3--10",
3787        booktitle =    "Eurographics '87",
3788        year =         "1987",
3789        month =        aug,
3790        editor =       "G. Marechal",
3791        publisher =    "North-Holland",
3792        conference =   "European Computer Graphics Conference and Exhibition;
3793                       held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 24 -- 28 August
3794                       1987",
3795        annote =       "uniform grid space subdivision \\ This paper discusses
3796                       a fast and simple voxel traversal algorithm through a
3797                       3D space partition. Going from one voxel to its
3798                       neighbor requires only two floating point comparisons
3799                       and one floating point addition. Also, multiple ray
3800                       intersections with objects that are in more than one
3801                       voxel are eliminated.",
3802  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0010",
3806  author =       "David Kirk and James Arvo",
3807  title =        "The Ray Tracing Kernel",
3808  pages =        "75--82",
3809  booktitle =    "Proceedings of Ausgraph '88",
3810  year =         "1988",
3811  annote =       "We describe a methodology for implementing a ray
3812                 tracer which provides both a convenient testbed for
3813                 developing new algorithms and a way to exploit the
3814                 growing number of acceleration techniques. These
3815                 benefits are a natural consequence of a collection of
3816                 data abstractions called the ``ray tracing kernel.'' By
3817                 defining an ``object'' in a broad sense, the kernel
3818                 allows a single abstraction to encapsulate a wide
3819                 spectrum of concepts including geometric primitives,
3820                 acceleration techniques, CSG operators, and object
3821                 transformations. Through hierarchical nesting of
3822                 instances of these objects we are able to construct and
3823                 efficiently render complex environments.",
3824  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0009",
3829  author =       "Alain Fournier and Pierre Poulin",
3830  title =        "A Ray Tracing Accelerator Based on a Hierarchy of 1{D}
3831                 Sorted Lists",
3832  year =         "1993",
3833  month =        may,
3834  booktitle =    "Proceedings of Graphics Interface '93",
3835  publisher =    "Canadian Information Processing Society",
3836  pages =        "53--61",
3837  address =      "Toronto, Ontario",
3838  keywords =     "efficiency",
3839  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0008",
3843  author =       "Jean-Philippe Thirion",
3844  title =        "{TRIES}: Data Structures Based on Binary
3845                 Representation for Ray Tracing",
3846  pages =        "531--541",
3847  booktitle =    "Eurographics '90",
3848  year =         "1990",
3849  month =        sep,
3850  editor =       "C. E. Vandoni and D. A. Duce",
3851  publisher =    "North-Holland",
3852  conference =   "European Computer Graphics Conference and Exhibition;
3853                 held in Montreux, Switzerland; 3 -- 7 September 1990",
3854  keywords =     "ray tracing, data structure, binary tree, boolean
3855                 operation, trie",
3856 who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0007",
3860 author       =         "K. R. Subramanian and Donald S. Fussell",
3861 title        =         "Automatic Termination Criteria for Ray Tracing  Hierarchies",
3862 pages        =         "93--100",
3863 booktitle    =         "Proceedings of Graphics Interface '91",
3864 year         =         "1991",
3865 month        =         jun,
3866 conference   =         "held in Calgary, Alberta; 3-7 June 1991",
3867 keywords     =         "ray tracing, bounding volume, extent, partitioning plane, search structure, traversal",
3868 who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0006",
3873    author = "A. Formella and C. Gill and V. Hofmeyer",
3874    title = "Fast Ray Tracing of Sequences by Ray History Evaluation",
3875    booktitle = "Proceedings of Computer Animation '94",
3876    conference = "Computer Animation '94",
3877    pages = "184--191",
3878    year = 1994,
3879    month = may,
3880    publisher = "IEEE Computer Society Press",
3881    who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0005",
3885        author =       "David Elliott Dauenhauer and Sudhanshu Kumar Semwal",
3886        title =        "Approximate Ray Tracing",
3887        pages =        "75--82",
3888        booktitle =      "Proceedings of Graphics Interface '90",
3889        year =         "1990",
3890        month =        may,
3891        conference =   "held in Halifax, Nova Scotia; 14-18 May 1990",
3892        keywords =     "shading, rendering algorithm",
3893        who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0004",
3897  author =       "F. Aguado and F.P. Fontan and A. Formella",
3898  title =      "Indoor and Outdoor Channel Simulator Based on Ray Tracing",
3899  journal =      "IEEE Transactions on Magnetics",
3900  year =         "1997",
3901  volume =       "33",
3902  number =       "2",
3903  publisher =    "",
3904  pages =        "1484--1487",
3905  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0003",
3909  author =       "A. Formella and C. Gill",
3910  title =        "Ray tracing: a quantitative analysis and a new
3911                 practical algorithm",
3912  journal =      "The Visual Computer",
3913  year =         "1995",
3914  volume =       "11",
3915  number =       "9",
3916  publisher =    "Springer-Verlag",
3917  pages =        "465--476",
3918  note =         "ISSN 0178-2789",
3919  who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0002",
3923 author=        "Kryzsztof S. Klimaszewski and Thomas W. Sederberg",
3924 title =        "Faster Ray Tracing Using Adaptive Grids",
3925 journal=       "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications",
3926 volume=        "17",
3927 number =       "1",
3928 pages  =       "42--51",
3929 month  =       jan # "\slash " # feb,
3930 year   =       "1997",
3931 coden  =       "ICGADZ",
3932 ISSN   =       "0272-1716",
3933 bibdate=       "Sat Jan 25 10:55:04 MST 1997",
3934 acknowledgement=ack-nhfb,
3935 who  = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0001",
3939  author = "Bomjun Kwon and Dae Seoung Kim and Kyung-Yong Chwa and
3940            Sung Yong Shin",
3941  title =        "Memory-Efficient Ray Classification for Visibility
3942                  Operations",
3943  journal =      "IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics",
3944  volume =       "4",
3945  number =       "3",
3946  month =        {jul--sep},
3947  year =         "1998",
3948  pages =        "193--201",
3949  abstract =     "",
3950  keywords =     "ray shooting, ray classification, ray tracing, rendering",
3951  who = "Havran Vlastimil: RT-0197",
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