#include "ViewCellsManager.h" #include "RenderSimulator.h" #include "Mesh.h" #include "Triangle3.h" #include "ViewCell.h" #include "Environment.h" #include "X3dParser.h" #include "ViewCellBsp.h" #include "KdTree.h" #include "VspKdTree.h" #include "Exporter.h" #include "VspBspTree.h" #include "ViewCellsParser.h" #include "Beam.h" #include "VssPreprocessor.h" #include "RssPreprocessor.h" #define SAMPLE_AFTER_SUBDIVISION 0 ViewCellsManager::ViewCellsManager(): mRenderer(NULL), mInitialSamples(0), mConstructionSamples(0), mPostProcessSamples(0), mVisualizationSamples(0), mTotalAreaValid(false), mTotalArea(0.0f), mViewCellsFinished(false), mMaxPvsSize(9999999), mMinPvsSize(0), // one means only empty view cells are invalid mMaxPvsRatio(1.0) { mViewSpaceBox.Initialize(); ParseEnvironment(); mViewCellsTree = new ViewCellsTree(this); } void ViewCellsManager::ParseEnvironment() { // visualization stuff environment->GetBoolValue("ViewCells.Visualization.exportRays", mExportRays); environment->GetBoolValue("ViewCells.Visualization.exportGeometry", mExportGeometry); environment->GetFloatValue("ViewCells.maxPvsRatio", mMaxPvsRatio); bool emptyViewCells = false; environment->GetBoolValue("ViewCells.pruneEmptyViewCells", emptyViewCells); environment->GetBoolValue("ViewCells.processOnlyValidViewCells", mOnlyValidViewCells); environment->GetIntValue("ViewCells.Construction.samples", mConstructionSamples); environment->GetIntValue("ViewCells.PostProcess.samples", mPostProcessSamples); environment->GetBoolValue("ViewCells.PostProcess.useRaysForMerge", mUseRaysForMerge); environment->GetIntValue("ViewCells.Visualization.samples", mVisualizationSamples); environment->GetIntValue("ViewCells.Construction.samplesPerPass", mSamplesPerPass); environment->GetBoolValue("ViewCells.exportToFile", mExportViewCells); environment->GetIntValue("ViewCells.active", mNumActiveViewCells); environment->GetBoolValue("ViewCells.PostProcess.compress", mCompressViewCells); environment->GetBoolValue("ViewCells.Visualization.useCuttingPlane", mUseCuttingPlaneForViz); environment->GetBoolValue("ViewCells.PostProcess.merge", mMergeViewCells); mMinPvsSize = emptyViewCells ? 1 : 0; char buf[50]; environment->GetStringValue("ViewCells.Visualization.colorCode", buf); if (strcmp(buf, "PVS") == 0) mColorCode = 1; else if (strcmp(buf, "MergedLeaves") == 0) mColorCode = 2; else if (strcmp(buf, "MergedTreeDiff") == 0) mColorCode = 3; else mColorCode = 0; Debug << "colorCode: " << mColorCode << endl; } ViewCellsManager::~ViewCellsManager() { DEL_PTR(mRenderer); if (!ViewCellsTreeConstructed()) CLEAR_CONTAINER(mViewCells); else DEL_PTR(mViewCellsTree); CLEAR_CONTAINER(mMeshContainer); } int ViewCellsManager::CastPassSamples(const int samplesPerPass, const int sampleType, VssRayContainer &passSamples) const { SimpleRayContainer simpleRays; preprocessor->GenerateRays(samplesPerPass, sampleType, simpleRays); // shoot simple ray and add it to importance samples preprocessor->CastRays(simpleRays, passSamples); return (int)passSamples.size(); } /// helper function which destroys rays or copies them into the output ray container inline void addOutRays(VssRayContainer &rays, VssRayContainer *outRays) { cout << "disposing samples ... "; long startTime = GetTime(); int n = (int)rays.size(); if (outRays) { VssRayContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = rays.end(); for (it = rays.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { outRays->push_back(*it); } } else { CLEAR_CONTAINER(rays); } cout << "finished" << endl; Debug << "disposed " << n << " samples in " << TimeDiff(startTime, GetTime()) * 1e-3 << " secs" << endl; } int ViewCellsManager::Construct(Preprocessor *preprocessor, VssRayContainer *outRays) { int numSamples = 0; SimpleRayContainer simpleRays; VssRayContainer initialSamples; cout << "view cell construction: casting " << mInitialSamples << " initial samples ... "; //-- construction rays => we use uniform samples for this CastPassSamples(mInitialSamples, //Preprocessor::DIRECTION_BASED_DISTRIBUTION, Preprocessor::SPATIAL_BOX_BASED_DISTRIBUTION, initialSamples); cout << "finished" << endl; // construct view cells const int numInitialSamples = ConstructSubdivision(preprocessor->mObjects, initialSamples); numSamples += numInitialSamples; // rays can be passed or deleted addOutRays(initialSamples, outRays); //-- guided rays are used for further sampling const int n = mConstructionSamples; //+initialSamples; bool dirSamples = false; while (numSamples < n) { cout << "casting " << mSamplesPerPass << " samples of " << n << " ... "; VssRayContainer constructionSamples; const int samplingType = dirSamples ? Preprocessor::DIRECTION_BASED_DISTRIBUTION : Preprocessor::SPATIAL_BOX_BASED_DISTRIBUTION; if (0) dirSamples = !dirSamples; // toggle sampling method numSamples += CastPassSamples(mSamplesPerPass, samplingType, constructionSamples); cout << "finished" << endl; cout << "computing sample contribution for " << (int)constructionSamples.size() << " samples ... "; // TODO: leak? if (SAMPLE_AFTER_SUBDIVISION) ComputeSampleContributions(constructionSamples, true, false); cout << "finished" << endl; addOutRays(constructionSamples, outRays); cout << "total samples: " << numSamples << endl; } //-- post processing VssRayContainer postProcessSamples; //-- construction rays => we use uniform samples for this CastPassSamples(mPostProcessSamples, Preprocessor::DIRECTION_BASED_DISTRIBUTION, postProcessSamples); cout << "starting post processing and visualization" << endl; // store viewCells for postprocessing const bool storeViewCells = true; if (SAMPLE_AFTER_SUBDIVISION) ComputeSampleContributions(postProcessSamples, true, storeViewCells); // merge the view cells PostProcess(preprocessor->mObjects, postProcessSamples); //-- visualization VssRayContainer visualizationSamples; //-- construction rays => we use uniform samples for this CastPassSamples(mVisualizationSamples, Preprocessor::DIRECTION_BASED_DISTRIBUTION, visualizationSamples); if (SAMPLE_AFTER_SUBDIVISION) ComputeSampleContributions(visualizationSamples, true, storeViewCells); //Debug << "visualizationsamples: " << mVisualizationSamples << " " << visualizationSamples.size() << endl; // different visualizations Visualize(preprocessor->mObjects, visualizationSamples); addOutRays(visualizationSamples, outRays); return numSamples; } bool ViewCellsManager::CheckValidity(ViewCell *vc, int minPvsSize, int maxPvsSize) const { if ((vc->GetPvs().GetSize() > maxPvsSize) || (vc->GetPvs().GetSize() < minPvsSize)) { return false; } return true; } bool ViewCellsManager::ViewCellsTreeConstructed() const { return mViewCellsTree->GetRoot(); } void ViewCellsManager::SetValidity(ViewCell *vc, int minPvs, int maxPvs) const { vc->SetValid(CheckValidity(vc, minPvs, maxPvs)); } void ViewCellsManager::SetValidity( int minPvsSize, int maxPvsSize) const { ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = mViewCells.end(); for (it = mViewCells.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { SetValidity(*it, minPvsSize, maxPvsSize); } } void ViewCellsManager::SetValidityPercentage( const float minValid, const float maxValid ) { sort(mViewCells.begin(), mViewCells.end(), ViewCell::SmallerPvs); int start = mViewCells.size()*minValid; int end = mViewCells.size()*maxValid; for (int i=0; i < mViewCells.size(); i++) mViewCells[i]->SetValid(i >= start && i <= end); } int ViewCellsManager::CountValidViewcells() const { ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = mViewCells.end(); int valid = 0; for (it = mViewCells.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { if ((*it)->GetValid()) valid++; } return valid; } bool ViewCellsManager::LoadViewCellsGeometry(const string filename) { X3dParser parser; environment->GetFloatValue("ViewCells.height", parser.mViewCellHeight); bool success = parser.ParseFile(filename, *this); Debug << (int)mViewCells.size() << " view cells loaded" << endl; return success; } bool ViewCellsManager::GetViewPoint(Vector3 &viewPoint) const { viewPoint = mViewSpaceBox.GetRandomPoint(); return true; } float ViewCellsManager::GetViewSpaceVolume() { return mViewSpaceBox.GetVolume() * (2.0f * sqr((float)M_PI)); } bool ViewCellsManager::ViewPointValid(const Vector3 &viewPoint) const { if (!ViewCellsConstructed()) return mViewSpaceBox.IsInside(viewPoint); else { if (!mViewSpaceBox.IsInside(viewPoint)) return false; ViewCell *viewcell = GetViewCell(viewPoint); if (!viewcell || !viewcell->GetValid()) return false; } return true; } float ViewCellsManager::ComputeSampleContributions(const VssRayContainer &rays, const bool addRays, const bool storeViewCells ) { // view cells not yet constructed if (!ViewCellsConstructed()) return 0.0f; VssRayContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = rays.end(); float sum = 0.0f; for (it = rays.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { sum += ComputeSampleContributions(*(*it), addRays, storeViewCells); //ComputeSampleContributions(*(*it), addRays); // sum += (*it)->mPvsContribution; } return sum; } void ViewCellsManager::EvaluateViewCellsStats() { mViewCellsStats.Reset(); ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = mViewCells.end(); for (it = mViewCells.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { mViewCellsTree->UpdateViewCellsStats(*it, mViewCellsStats); } } void ViewCellsManager::EvaluateRenderStatistics(float &totalRenderCost, float &expectedRenderCost, float &deviation, float &variance, int &totalPvs, float &avgRenderCost) { ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = mViewCells.end(); //-- compute expected value totalRenderCost = 0; totalPvs = 0; for (it = mViewCells.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { ViewCell *vc = *it; totalRenderCost += vc->GetPvs().GetSize() * vc->GetVolume(); totalPvs += (int)vc->GetPvs().GetSize(); } // normalize with view space box totalRenderCost /= mViewSpaceBox.GetVolume(); expectedRenderCost = totalRenderCost / (float)mViewCells.size(); avgRenderCost = totalPvs / (float)mViewCells.size(); //-- compute standard defiation variance = 0; deviation = 0; for (it = mViewCells.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { ViewCell *vc = *it; float renderCost = vc->GetPvs().GetSize() * vc->GetVolume(); float dev; if (1) dev = fabs(avgRenderCost - (float)vc->GetPvs().GetSize()); else dev = fabs(expectedRenderCost - renderCost); deviation += dev; variance += dev * dev; } variance /= (float)mViewCells.size(); deviation /= (float)mViewCells.size(); } void ViewCellsManager::AddViewCell(ViewCell *viewCell) { mViewCells.push_back(viewCell); } float ViewCellsManager::GetArea(ViewCell *viewCell) const { return viewCell->GetArea(); } float ViewCellsManager::GetVolume(ViewCell *viewCell) const { return viewCell->GetVolume(); } void ViewCellsManager::DeriveViewCells(const ObjectContainer &objects, ViewCellContainer &viewCells, const int maxViewCells) const { // maximal max viewcells int limit = maxViewCells > 0 ? Min((int)objects.size(), maxViewCells) : (int)objects.size(); for (int i = 0; i < limit; ++ i) { Intersectable *object = objects[i]; // extract the mesh instances if (object->Type() == Intersectable::MESH_INSTANCE) { MeshInstance *inst = dynamic_cast(object); ViewCell *viewCell = GenerateViewCell(inst->GetMesh()); viewCells.push_back(viewCell); } //TODO: transformed meshes } } ViewCell *ViewCellsManager::ExtrudeViewCell(const Triangle3 &baseTri, const float height) const { // one mesh per view cell Mesh *mesh = new Mesh(); //-- construct prism // bottom mesh->mFaces.push_back(new Face(2,1,0)); // top mesh->mFaces.push_back(new Face(3,4,5)); // sides mesh->mFaces.push_back(new Face(1, 4, 3, 0)); mesh->mFaces.push_back(new Face(2, 5, 4, 1)); mesh->mFaces.push_back(new Face(3, 5, 2, 0)); //--- extrude new vertices for top of prism Vector3 triNorm = baseTri.GetNormal(); Triangle3 topTri; // add base vertices and calculate top vertices for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i) mesh->mVertices.push_back(baseTri.mVertices[i]); // add top vertices for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i) mesh->mVertices.push_back(baseTri.mVertices[i] + height * triNorm); mesh->Preprocess(); return GenerateViewCell(mesh); } void ViewCellsManager::FinalizeViewCells(const bool createMesh) { ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = mViewCells.end(); for (it = mViewCells.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { Finalize(*it, createMesh); } mTotalAreaValid = false; } void ViewCellsManager::Finalize(ViewCell *viewCell, const bool createMesh) { // implemented in subclasses } ViewCellInterior *ViewCellsManager::MergeViewCells(ViewCell *left, ViewCell *right) const { // generate parent view cell ViewCellInterior *vc = new ViewCellInterior();//GenerateViewCell(); vc->GetPvs() = left->GetPvs(); // merge pvs vc->GetPvs().Merge(right->GetPvs()); //-- merge ray sets if (0) { stable_sort(left->mPiercingRays.begin(), left->mPiercingRays.end()); stable_sort(right->mPiercingRays.begin(), right->mPiercingRays.end()); std::merge(left->mPiercingRays.begin(), left->mPiercingRays.end(), right->mPiercingRays.begin(), right->mPiercingRays.end(), vc->mPiercingRays.begin()); } vc->SetupChildLink(left); vc->SetupChildLink(right); return vc; } ViewCellInterior *ViewCellsManager::MergeViewCells(ViewCellContainer &children) const { ViewCellInterior *vc = new ViewCellInterior();//GenerateViewCell(); ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = children.end(); for (it = children.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { // merge pvs vc->GetPvs().Merge((*it)->GetPvs()); vc->SetupChildLink(*it); } return vc; } void ViewCellsManager::SetRenderer(Renderer *renderer) { mRenderer = renderer; } ViewCellsTree *ViewCellsManager::GetViewCellsTree() { return mViewCellsTree; } void ViewCellsManager::SetVisualizationSamples(const int visSamples) { mVisualizationSamples = visSamples; } void ViewCellsManager::SetConstructionSamples(const int constructionSamples) { mConstructionSamples = constructionSamples; } void ViewCellsManager::SetInitialSamples(const int initialSamples) { mInitialSamples = initialSamples; } void ViewCellsManager::SetPostProcessSamples(const int postProcessSamples) { mPostProcessSamples = postProcessSamples; } int ViewCellsManager::GetVisualizationSamples() const { return mVisualizationSamples; } int ViewCellsManager::GetConstructionSamples() const { return mConstructionSamples; } int ViewCellsManager::GetPostProcessSamples() const { return mPostProcessSamples; } void ViewCellsManager::GetPvsStatistics(PvsStatistics &stat) { ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it = mViewCells.begin(); stat.viewcells = 0; stat.minPvs = 100000000; stat.maxPvs = 0; stat.avgPvs = 0.0f; for (; it != mViewCells.end(); ++it) { ViewCell *viewcell = *it; int pvsSize = viewcell->GetPvs().GetSize(); if ( pvsSize < stat.minPvs) stat.minPvs = pvsSize; if (pvsSize > stat.maxPvs) stat.maxPvs = pvsSize; stat.avgPvs += pvsSize; stat.viewcells++; } if (stat.viewcells) stat.avgPvs/=stat.viewcells; } void ViewCellsManager::PrintPvsStatistics(ostream &s) { s<<"############# Viewcell PVS STAT ##################\n"; PvsStatistics pvsStat; GetPvsStatistics(pvsStat); s<<"#AVG_PVS\n"<GetIntValue("ViewCells.Visualization.cuttingPlaneAxis", axis); Vector3 normal(0,0,0); normal[axis] = 1; mCuttingPlane = Plane3(normal, point); } AxisAlignedBox3 ViewCellsManager::GetViewSpaceBox() const { return mViewSpaceBox; } void ViewCellsManager::ResetViewCells() { mViewCells.clear(); CollectViewCells(); mViewCellsStats.Reset(); EvaluateViewCellsStats(); // has to be recomputed mTotalAreaValid = false; } int ViewCellsManager::GetMaxPvsSize() const { return mMaxPvsSize; } void ViewCellsManager::AddSampleContributions(const VssRayContainer &rays) { if (!ViewCellsConstructed()) return; VssRayContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = rays.end(); for (it = rays.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { AddSampleContributions(*(*it)); } } int ViewCellsManager::GetMinPvsSize() const { return mMinPvsSize; } float ViewCellsManager::GetMaxPvsRatio() const { return mMaxPvsRatio; } void ViewCellsManager::AddSampleContributions(VssRay &ray) { // assumes viewcells have been stored... ViewCellContainer *viewcells = &ray.mViewCells; ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it; for (it = viewcells->begin(); it != viewcells->end(); ++it) { ViewCell *viewcell = *it; if (viewcell->GetValid()) { // if ray not outside of view space viewcell->GetPvs().AddSample(ray.mTerminationObject, ray.mPdf); } } } float ViewCellsManager::ComputeSampleContributions(VssRay &ray, const bool addRays, const bool storeViewCells) { ViewCellContainer viewcells; ray.mPvsContribution = 0; ray.mRelativePvsContribution = 0.0f; static Ray hray; hray.Init(ray); //hray.mFlags |= Ray::CULL_BACKFACES; //Ray hray(ray); float tmin = 0, tmax = 1.0; if (!GetViewSpaceBox().GetRaySegment(hray, tmin, tmax) || (tmin > tmax)) return 0; Vector3 origin = hray.Extrap(tmin); Vector3 termination = hray.Extrap(tmax); CastLineSegment(origin, termination, viewcells); //Debug << "constribution: " << (int)viewcells.size() << endl; // copy viewcells memory efficiently //const bool storeViewcells = !addRays; if (storeViewCells) { ray.mViewCells.reserve(viewcells.size()); ray.mViewCells = viewcells; } ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it = viewcells.begin(); for (; it != viewcells.end(); ++it) { ViewCell *viewcell = *it; if (viewcell->GetValid()) { // if ray not outside of view space float contribution; if (viewcell->GetPvs().GetSampleContribution(ray.mTerminationObject, ray.mPdf, contribution )) ray.mPvsContribution++; ray.mRelativePvsContribution += contribution; } } if (addRays) for (it = viewcells.begin(); it != viewcells.end(); ++it) { ViewCell *viewcell = *it; if (viewcell->GetValid()) { // if ray not outside of view space viewcell->GetPvs().AddSample(ray.mTerminationObject, ray.mPdf); } } return ray.mRelativePvsContribution; } void ViewCellsManager::GetRaySets(const VssRayContainer &sourceRays, const int maxSize, VssRayContainer &usedRays, VssRayContainer *savedRays) const { const int limit = min(maxSize, (int)sourceRays.size()); const float prop = (float)limit / ((float)sourceRays.size() + Limits::Small); VssRayContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = sourceRays.end(); for (it = sourceRays.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { if (Random(1.0f) < prop) usedRays.push_back(*it); else if (savedRays) savedRays->push_back(*it); } } float ViewCellsManager::GetRendercost(ViewCell *viewCell, float objRendercost) const { return mViewCellsTree->GetPvsSize(viewCell) * objRendercost; } float ViewCellsManager::GetAccVcArea() { // if already computed if (mTotalAreaValid) return mTotalArea; mTotalArea = 0; ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = mViewCells.end(); for (it = mViewCells.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { //Debug << "area: " << GetArea(*it); mTotalArea += GetArea(*it); } mTotalAreaValid = true; return mTotalArea; } void ViewCellsManager::PrintStatistics(ostream &s) const { s << mViewCellsStats << endl; } void ViewCellsManager::CreateUniqueViewCellIds() { for (int i = 0; i < (int)mViewCells.size(); ++ i) mViewCells[i]->SetId(i); } void ViewCellsManager::ExportViewCellsForViz(Exporter *exporter) const { ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = mViewCells.end(); for (it = mViewCells.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { if (!mOnlyValidViewCells || (*it)->GetValid()) { ExportColor(exporter, *it); ExportViewCellGeometry(exporter, *it, mUseCuttingPlaneForViz ? &mCuttingPlane : NULL); } } } void ViewCellsManager::CreateViewCellMeshes() { // convert to meshes ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = mViewCells.end(); for (it = mViewCells.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { if (!(*it)->GetMesh()) CreateMesh(*it); } } bool ViewCellsManager::ExportViewCells(const string filename) { return false; } void ViewCellsManager::CollectViewCells(const int n) { mNumActiveViewCells = n; mViewCells.clear(); CollectViewCells(); } /**********************************************************************/ /* BspViewCellsManager implementation */ /**********************************************************************/ BspViewCellsManager::BspViewCellsManager(BspTree *bspTree): ViewCellsManager(), mBspTree(bspTree) { environment->GetIntValue("BspTree.Construction.samples", mInitialSamples); mBspTree->SetViewCellsManager(this); mBspTree->mViewCellsTree = mViewCellsTree; } bool BspViewCellsManager::ViewCellsConstructed() const { return mBspTree->GetRoot() != NULL; } ViewCell *BspViewCellsManager::GenerateViewCell(Mesh *mesh) const { return new BspViewCell(mesh); } int BspViewCellsManager::ConstructSubdivision(const ObjectContainer &objects, const VssRayContainer &rays) { // if view cells were already constructed if (ViewCellsConstructed()) return 0; int sampleContributions = 0; // construct view cells using the collected samples RayContainer constructionRays; VssRayContainer savedRays; const int limit = min(mInitialSamples, (int)rays.size()); VssRayContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = rays.end(); const float prop = (float)limit / ((float)rays.size() + Limits::Small); for (it = rays.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { if (Random(1.0f) < prop) constructionRays.push_back(new Ray(*(*it))); else savedRays.push_back(*it); } if (mViewCells.empty()) { // no view cells loaded mBspTree->Construct(objects, constructionRays, &mViewSpaceBox); // collect final view cells mBspTree->CollectViewCells(mViewCells); } else { mBspTree->Construct(mViewCells); } // destroy rays created only for construction CLEAR_CONTAINER(constructionRays); Debug << mBspTree->GetStatistics() << endl; //EvaluateViewCellsStats(); Debug << "\nView cells after construction:\n" << mViewCellsStats << endl; // recast rest of the rays ComputeSampleContributions(savedRays, true, false); ResetViewCells(); Debug << "\nView cells after " << (int)savedRays.size() << " samples:\n" << mViewCellsStats << endl; if (1) // export initial view cells { cout << "exporting initial view cells (=leaves) ... "; Exporter *exporter = Exporter::GetExporter("view_cells.x3d"); if (exporter) { if (0 && mExportRays) exporter->ExportRays(rays, RgbColor(1, 1, 1)); if (mExportGeometry) exporter->ExportGeometry(objects); //exporter->SetWireframe(); exporter->SetFilled(); ExportViewCellsForViz(exporter); delete exporter; } cout << "finished" << endl; } return sampleContributions; } void BspViewCellsManager::CollectViewCells() { // view cells tree constructed if (!ViewCellsTreeConstructed()) { mBspTree->CollectViewCells(mViewCells); } else { // we can use the view cells tree hierarchy to get the right set mViewCellsTree->CollectBestViewCellSet(mViewCells, mNumActiveViewCells); } } float BspViewCellsManager::GetProbability(ViewCell *viewCell) { // compute view cell area as subsititute for probability if (1) return GetVolume(viewCell) / GetViewSpaceBox().GetVolume(); else return GetArea(viewCell) / GetAccVcArea(); } int BspViewCellsManager::CastLineSegment(const Vector3 &origin, const Vector3 &termination, ViewCellContainer &viewcells) { return mBspTree->CastLineSegment(origin, termination, viewcells); } int BspViewCellsManager::PostProcess(const ObjectContainer &objects, const VssRayContainer &rays) { if (!ViewCellsConstructed()) { Debug << "view cells not constructed" << endl; return 0; } // view cells already finished before post processing step (i.e. because they were loaded) if (mViewCellsFinished) { FinalizeViewCells(true); EvaluateViewCellsStats(); return 0; } //-- post processing of bsp view cells int vcSize = 0; int pvsSize = 0; EvaluateViewCellsStats(); Debug << "\noriginal view cell partition:\n" << mViewCellsStats << endl; mRenderer->RenderScene(); SimulationStatistics ss; dynamic_cast(mRenderer)->GetStatistics(ss); Debug << ss << endl; //-- merge view cells int merged; if (mMergeViewCells) { cout << "starting post processing using " << mPostProcessSamples << " samples ... "; long startTime = GetTime(); VssRayContainer postProcessRays; GetRaySets(rays, mPostProcessSamples, postProcessRays); merged = mViewCellsTree->ConstructMergeTree(rays, objects); //-- stats and visualizations cout << "finished" << endl; cout << "merged " << merged << " view cells in " << TimeDiff(startTime, GetTime()) *1e-3 << " secs" << endl; Debug << "Postprocessing: Merged " << merged << " view cells in " << TimeDiff(startTime, GetTime()) *1e-3 << " secs" << "using " << (int)rays.size() << " samples" << endl << endl; } // reset view cells and stats ResetViewCells(); Debug << "\nView cells after merge:\n" << mViewCellsStats << endl; int savedColorCode = mColorCode; //BspLeaf::NewMail(); if (1) // export merged view cells { mColorCode = 0; Exporter *exporter = Exporter::GetExporter("merged_view_cells.x3d"); cout << "exporting view cells after merge ... "; if (exporter) { if (mExportGeometry) exporter->ExportGeometry(objects); //exporter->SetWireframe(); exporter->SetFilled(); ExportViewCellsForViz(exporter); delete exporter; } cout << "finished" << endl; } if (1) // export merged view cells { mColorCode = 1; Exporter *exporter = Exporter::GetExporter("merged_view_cells_pvs.x3d"); cout << "exporting view cells after merge (pvs size) ... "; if (exporter) { //exporter->SetWireframe(); if (mExportGeometry) exporter->ExportGeometry(objects); //exporter->SetWireframe(); exporter->SetFilled(); ExportViewCellsForViz(exporter); delete exporter; } cout << "finished" << endl; } mColorCode = savedColorCode; FinalizeViewCells(true); // write view cells to disc if (mExportViewCells) { char buff[100]; environment->GetStringValue("ViewCells.filename", buff); string vcFilename(buff); ExportViewCells(buff); } return merged; } BspViewCellsManager::~BspViewCellsManager() { } int BspViewCellsManager::GetType() const { return BSP; } void BspViewCellsManager::Visualize(const ObjectContainer &objects, const VssRayContainer &sampleRays) { if (!ViewCellsConstructed()) return; int savedColorCode = mColorCode; if (1) // export final view cells { mColorCode = 1; Exporter *exporter = Exporter::GetExporter("final_view_cells.x3d"); cout << "exporting view cells after merge (pvs size) ... "; if (exporter) { //exporter->SetWireframe(); if (mExportGeometry) exporter->ExportGeometry(objects); //exporter->SetWireframe(); exporter->SetFilled(); ExportViewCellsForViz(exporter); delete exporter; } cout << "finished" << endl; } mColorCode = savedColorCode; //-- visualization of the BSP splits bool exportSplits = false; environment->GetBoolValue("BspTree.Visualization.exportSplits", exportSplits); if (exportSplits) { cout << "exporting splits ... "; ExportSplits(objects); cout << "finished" << endl; } // export single view cells ExportBspPvs(objects); } inline bool vc_gt(ViewCell *a, ViewCell *b) { return a->GetPvs().GetSize() > b->GetPvs().GetSize(); } void BspViewCellsManager::ExportSplits(const ObjectContainer &objects) { Exporter *exporter = Exporter::GetExporter("bsp_splits.x3d"); if (exporter) { //exporter->SetFilled(); if (mExportGeometry) exporter->ExportGeometry(objects); Material m; m.mDiffuseColor = RgbColor(1, 0, 0); exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); exporter->SetWireframe(); exporter->ExportBspSplits(*mBspTree, true); //NOTE: take forced material, else big scenes cannot be viewed m.mDiffuseColor = RgbColor(0, 1, 0); exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); //exporter->ResetForcedMaterial(); delete exporter; } } void BspViewCellsManager::ExportBspPvs(const ObjectContainer &objects) { const int leafOut = 10; ViewCell::NewMail(); //-- some rays for output const int raysOut = min((int)mBspRays.size(), mVisualizationSamples); cout << "visualization using " << mVisualizationSamples << " samples" << endl; Debug << "\nOutput view cells: " << endl; // sort view cells to get largest view cells if (0) stable_sort(mViewCells.begin(), mViewCells.end(), vc_gt); int limit = min(leafOut, (int)mViewCells.size()); for (int i = 0; i < limit; ++ i) { cout << "creating output for view cell " << i << " ... "; VssRayContainer vcRays; Intersectable::NewMail(); ViewCell *vc; if (0) vc = mViewCells[i]; else vc = mViewCells[Random((int)mViewCells.size())]; cout << "creating output for view cell " << i << " ... "; if(0) { // check whether we can add the current ray to the output rays for (int k = 0; k < raysOut; ++ k) { BspRay *ray = mBspRays[k]; for (int j = 0; j < (int)ray->intersections.size(); ++ j) { BspLeaf *leaf = ray->intersections[j].mLeaf; if (vc == leaf->GetViewCell()) vcRays.push_back(ray->vssRay); } } } //bspLeaves[j]->Mail(); char s[64]; sprintf(s, "bsp-pvs%04d.x3d", i); Exporter *exporter = Exporter::GetExporter(s); exporter->SetWireframe(); Material m;//= RandomMaterial(); m.mDiffuseColor = RgbColor(0, 1, 0); exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); ExportViewCellGeometry(exporter, vc); // export rays piercing this view cell exporter->ExportRays(vcRays, RgbColor(0, 1, 0)); m.mDiffuseColor = RgbColor(1, 0, 0); exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); ObjectPvsMap::const_iterator it, it_end = vc->GetPvs().mEntries.end(); exporter->SetFilled(); // output PVS of view cell for (it = vc->GetPvs().mEntries.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { Intersectable *intersect = (*it).first; if (!intersect->Mailed()) { Material m = RandomMaterial(); exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); exporter->ExportIntersectable(intersect); intersect->Mail(); } } DEL_PTR(exporter); cout << "finished" << endl; } Debug << endl; } void BspViewCellsManager::ExportColor(Exporter *exporter, ViewCell *vc) const { const bool vcValid = CheckValidity(vc, mMinPvsSize, mMaxPvsSize); float importance = 0; static Material m; switch (mColorCode) { case 0: // Random { if (vcValid) { m.mDiffuseColor.r = 0.5f + RandomValue(0.0f, 0.5f); m.mDiffuseColor.g = 0.5f + RandomValue(0.0f, 0.5f); m.mDiffuseColor.b = 0.5f + RandomValue(0.0f, 0.5f); } else { m.mDiffuseColor.r = 0.0f; m.mDiffuseColor.g = 1.0f; m.mDiffuseColor.b = 0.0f; } exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); return; } case 1: // pvs { importance = (float)vc->GetPvs().GetSize() / (float)mViewCellsStats.maxPvs; } break; case 2: // merges { int lSize = mViewCellsTree->GetSize(vc); importance = (float)lSize / (float)mViewCellsStats.maxLeaves; } //break; case 3: // merge tree differene { // TODO //importance = (float)GetMaxTreeDiff(vc) / // (float)(mVspBspTree->GetStatistics().maxDepth * 2); } break; default: break; } // special color code for invalid view cells m.mDiffuseColor.r = importance; m.mDiffuseColor.g = 1.0f - m.mDiffuseColor.r; m.mDiffuseColor.b = vcValid ? 1.0f : 0.0f; //Debug << "importance: " << importance << endl; exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); } void BspViewCellsManager::ExportViewCellGeometry(Exporter *exporter, ViewCell *vc, const Plane3 *cuttingPlane) const { if (vc->GetMesh()) { exporter->ExportMesh(vc->GetMesh()); return; } BspNodeGeometry geom; mBspTree->ConstructGeometry(vc, geom); if (cuttingPlane) { BspNodeGeometry front; BspNodeGeometry back; geom.SplitGeometry(front, back, *cuttingPlane, mViewSpaceBox, 0.0001f); if ((int)back.mPolys.size() >= 3) exporter->ExportPolygons(back.mPolys); } else { exporter->ExportPolygons(geom.mPolys); } } void BspViewCellsManager::CreateMesh(ViewCell *vc) { if (vc->GetMesh()) delete vc->GetMesh(); BspNodeGeometry geom; mBspTree->ConstructGeometry(vc, geom); Mesh *mesh = new Mesh(); geom.AddToMesh(*mesh); vc->SetMesh(mesh); mMeshContainer.push_back(mesh); } void BspViewCellsManager::Finalize(ViewCell *viewCell, const bool createMesh) { CreateMesh(viewCell); float area = 0; float volume = 0; ViewCellContainer leaves; mViewCellsTree->CollectLeaves(viewCell, leaves); ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = leaves.end(); for (it = leaves.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { BspNodeGeometry geom; BspLeaf *leaf = dynamic_cast(*it)->mLeaf; mBspTree->ConstructGeometry(leaf, geom); area += geom.GetArea(); volume += geom.GetVolume(); } viewCell->SetVolume(volume); viewCell->SetArea(area); } ViewCell *BspViewCellsManager::GetViewCell(const Vector3 &point) const { if (!mBspTree) return NULL; if (!mViewSpaceBox.IsInside(point)) return NULL; return mBspTree->GetViewCell(point); } void BspViewCellsManager::CollectMergeCandidates(const VssRayContainer &rays, vector &candidates) { cout << "collecting merge candidates ... " << endl; if (mUseRaysForMerge) { mBspTree->CollectMergeCandidates(rays, candidates); } else { vector leaves; mBspTree->CollectLeaves(leaves); mBspTree->CollectMergeCandidates(leaves, candidates); } cout << "fininshed collecting candidates" << endl; } bool BspViewCellsManager::ExportViewCells(const string filename) { cout << "exporting view cells to xml ... "; std::ofstream stream; // for output we need unique ids for each view cell CreateUniqueViewCellIds(); stream.open(filename.c_str()); stream << ""<" << endl; //-- the view space bounding box stream << "" << endl; //-- the type of the view cells hierarchy //stream << "" << endl; stream << "" << endl; // write vsp bsp here because can use same tree and is bug free //-- load the view cells itself, i.e., the ids and the pvs stream << "" << endl; #if 0 ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = mViewCells.end(); for (it = mViewCells.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) ExportViewCell(*it, stream); #else mViewCellsTree->Export(stream); #endif stream << "" << endl; //-- load the hierarchy stream << "" << endl; mBspTree->Export(stream); stream << endl << "" << endl; stream << "" << endl; stream.close(); cout << "finished" << endl; return true; } void BspViewCellsManager::AddCurrentViewCellsToHierarchy() { ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = mViewCells.end(); for (it = mViewCells.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { ViewCell *vc = *it; ViewCellContainer leaves; mViewCellsTree->CollectLeaves(vc, leaves); ViewCellContainer::const_iterator lit, lit_end = leaves.end(); for (lit = leaves.begin(); lit != lit_end; ++ lit) { BspViewCell *bspVc = dynamic_cast(*lit); bspVc->mLeaf->SetViewCell(vc); } } } void BspViewCellsManager::CreateMergeHierarchy() { TraversalQueue tQueue; tQueue.push(TraversalData(mBspTree->GetRoot(), NULL)); while (!tQueue.empty()) { TraversalData tData = tQueue.top(); tQueue.pop(); if (tData.mNode->IsLeaf()) { ViewCell *viewCell = dynamic_cast(tData.mNode)->GetViewCell(); viewCell->SetMergeCost((float)tData.mNode->mTimeStamp); if (tData.mParentViewCell) { tData.mParentViewCell->SetupChildLink(viewCell); // probagate up pvs mViewCellsTree->PropagateUpPvs(viewCell); } } else { BspInterior *interior = dynamic_cast(tData.mNode); ViewCellInterior *viewCellInterior = new ViewCellInterior(); viewCellInterior->SetMergeCost((float)tData.mNode->mTimeStamp); tQueue.push(TraversalData(interior->GetBack(), viewCellInterior)); tQueue.push(TraversalData(interior->GetFront(), viewCellInterior)); if (tData.mParentViewCell) tData.mParentViewCell->SetupChildLink(viewCellInterior); } } } /************************************************************************/ /* KdViewCellsManager implementation */ /************************************************************************/ KdViewCellsManager::KdViewCellsManager(KdTree *kdTree): ViewCellsManager(), mKdTree(kdTree), mKdPvsDepth(100) { } float KdViewCellsManager::GetProbability(ViewCell *viewCell) { // compute view cell area / volume as subsititute for probability if (0) return GetArea(viewCell) / GetViewSpaceBox().SurfaceArea(); else return GetVolume(viewCell) / GetViewSpaceBox().GetVolume(); } void KdViewCellsManager::CollectViewCells() { //mKdTree->CollectViewCells(mViewCells); TODO } int KdViewCellsManager::ConstructSubdivision(const ObjectContainer &objects, const VssRayContainer &rays) { // if view cells already constructed if (ViewCellsConstructed()) return 0; mKdTree->Construct(); mTotalAreaValid = false; // create the view cells mKdTree->CreateAndCollectViewCells(mViewCells); // cast rays ComputeSampleContributions(rays, true, false); EvaluateViewCellsStats(); Debug << "\nView cells after construction:\n" << mViewCellsStats << endl; return 0; } bool KdViewCellsManager::ViewCellsConstructed() const { return mKdTree->GetRoot() != NULL; } int KdViewCellsManager::PostProcess(const ObjectContainer &objects, const VssRayContainer &rays) { return 0; } void KdViewCellsManager::Visualize(const ObjectContainer &objects, const VssRayContainer &sampleRays) { if (!ViewCellsConstructed()) return; // using view cells instead of the kd PVS of objects const bool useViewCells = true; bool exportRays = false; int limit = min(mVisualizationSamples, (int)sampleRays.size()); const int pvsOut = min((int)objects.size(), 10); VssRayContainer *rays = new VssRayContainer[pvsOut]; if (useViewCells) { const int leafOut = 10; ViewCell::NewMail(); //-- some rays for output const int raysOut = min((int)sampleRays.size(), mVisualizationSamples); Debug << "visualization using " << raysOut << " samples" << endl; //-- some random view cells and rays for output vector kdLeaves; for (int i = 0; i < leafOut; ++ i) kdLeaves.push_back(dynamic_cast(mKdTree->GetRandomLeaf())); for (int i = 0; i < kdLeaves.size(); ++ i) { KdLeaf *leaf = kdLeaves[i]; RayContainer vcRays; cout << "creating output for view cell " << i << " ... "; #if 0 // check whether we can add the current ray to the output rays for (int k = 0; k < raysOut; ++ k) { Ray *ray = sampleRays[k]; for (int j = 0; j < (int)ray->bspIntersections.size(); ++ j) { BspLeaf *leaf2 = ray->bspIntersections[j].mLeaf; if (leaf->GetViewCell() == leaf2->GetViewCell()) { vcRays.push_back(ray); } } } #endif Intersectable::NewMail(); ViewCell *vc = leaf->mViewCell; //bspLeaves[j]->Mail(); char s[64]; sprintf(s, "kd-pvs%04d.x3d", i); Exporter *exporter = Exporter::GetExporter(s); exporter->SetFilled(); exporter->SetWireframe(); //exporter->SetFilled(); Material m;//= RandomMaterial(); m.mDiffuseColor = RgbColor(1, 1, 0); exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); AxisAlignedBox3 box = mKdTree->GetBox(leaf); exporter->ExportBox(box); // export rays piercing this view cell exporter->ExportRays(vcRays, 1000, RgbColor(0, 1, 0)); m.mDiffuseColor = RgbColor(1, 0, 0); exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); // exporter->SetWireframe(); exporter->SetFilled(); ObjectPvsMap::iterator it, it_end = vc->GetPvs().mEntries.end(); // output PVS of view cell for (it = vc->GetPvs().mEntries.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { Intersectable *intersect = (*it).first; if (!intersect->Mailed()) { exporter->ExportIntersectable(intersect); intersect->Mail(); } } DEL_PTR(exporter); cout << "finished" << endl; } DEL_PTR(rays); } else // using kd PVS of objects { for (int i = 0; i < limit; ++ i) { VssRay *ray = sampleRays[i]; // check whether we can add this to the rays for (int j = 0; j < pvsOut; j++) { if (objects[j] == ray->mTerminationObject) { rays[j].push_back(ray); } } } if (exportRays) { Exporter *exporter = NULL; exporter = Exporter::GetExporter("sample-rays.x3d"); exporter->SetWireframe(); exporter->ExportKdTree(*mKdTree); for (i=0; i < pvsOut; i++) exporter->ExportRays(rays[i], RgbColor(1, 0, 0)); exporter->SetFilled(); delete exporter; } for (int k=0; k < pvsOut; k++) { Intersectable *object = objects[k]; char s[64]; sprintf(s, "sample-pvs%04d.x3d", k); Exporter *exporter = Exporter::GetExporter(s); exporter->SetWireframe(); KdPvsMap::iterator i = object->mKdPvs.mEntries.begin(); Intersectable::NewMail(); // avoid adding the object to the list object->Mail(); ObjectContainer visibleObjects; for (; i != object->mKdPvs.mEntries.end(); i++) { KdNode *node = (*i).first; exporter->ExportBox(mKdTree->GetBox(node)); mKdTree->CollectObjects(node, visibleObjects); } exporter->ExportRays(rays[k], RgbColor(0, 1, 0)); exporter->SetFilled(); for (int j = 0; j < visibleObjects.size(); j++) exporter->ExportIntersectable(visibleObjects[j]); Material m; m.mDiffuseColor = RgbColor(1, 0, 0); exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); exporter->ExportIntersectable(object); delete exporter; } } } void KdViewCellsManager::ExportColor(Exporter *exporter, ViewCell *vc) const { // TODO } ViewCell *KdViewCellsManager::GenerateViewCell(Mesh *mesh) const { return new KdViewCell(mesh); } void KdViewCellsManager::ExportViewCellGeometry(Exporter *exporter, ViewCell *vc, const Plane3 *cuttingPlane) const { ViewCellContainer leaves; mViewCellsTree->CollectLeaves(vc, leaves); ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = leaves.end(); for (it = leaves.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { KdViewCell *kdVc = dynamic_cast(*it); exporter->ExportBox(mKdTree->GetBox(kdVc->mLeaf)); } } int KdViewCellsManager::GetType() const { return ViewCellsManager::KD; } KdNode *KdViewCellsManager::GetNodeForPvs(KdLeaf *leaf) { KdNode *node = leaf; while (node->mParent && node->mDepth > mKdPvsDepth) node = node->mParent; return node; } int KdViewCellsManager::CastLineSegment(const Vector3 &origin, const Vector3 &termination, ViewCellContainer &viewcells) { return mKdTree->CastLineSegment(origin, termination, viewcells); } void KdViewCellsManager::CreateMesh(ViewCell *vc) { // TODO } void KdViewCellsManager::CollectMergeCandidates(const VssRayContainer &rays, vector &candidates) { // TODO } /**********************************************************************/ /* VspKdViewCellsManager implementation */ /**********************************************************************/ VspKdViewCellsManager::VspKdViewCellsManager(VspKdTree *vspKdTree): ViewCellsManager(), mVspKdTree(vspKdTree) { environment->GetIntValue("VspKdTree.Construction.samples", mInitialSamples); mVspKdTree->SetViewCellsManager(this); } float VspKdViewCellsManager::GetProbability(ViewCell *viewCell) { // compute view cell area / volume as subsititute for probability if (0) return GetArea(viewCell) / GetViewSpaceBox().SurfaceArea(); else return GetVolume(viewCell) / GetViewSpaceBox().GetVolume(); } void VspKdViewCellsManager::CollectViewCells() { mVspKdTree->CollectViewCells(mViewCells); } int VspKdViewCellsManager::ConstructSubdivision(const ObjectContainer &objects, const VssRayContainer &rays) { // if view cells already constructed if (ViewCellsConstructed()) return 0; VssRayContainer constructionRays; VssRayContainer savedRays; GetRaySets(rays, mInitialSamples, constructionRays, &savedRays); Debug << "constructing vsp kd tree using " << (int)constructionRays.size() << " samples" << endl; mVspKdTree->Construct(constructionRays, &mViewSpaceBox); Debug << mVspKdTree->GetStatistics() << endl; // export leaf building blocks ExportLeaves(objects, rays); // finally merge kd leaf building blocks to view cells const int merged = mVspKdTree->MergeViewCells(rays); // collapse siblings belonging to the same view cell mVspKdTree->RefineViewCells(rays); // collapse siblings belonging to the same view cell mVspKdTree->CollapseTree(); // evaluale view cell stats ResetViewCells(); Debug << "\nView cells after construction:\n" << mViewCellsStats << endl; long startTime = GetTime(); // recast rest of rays ComputeSampleContributions(savedRays, true, false); Debug << "Computed remaining ray contribution in " << TimeDiff(startTime, GetTime()) * 1e-3 << " secs" << endl; return merged; } bool VspKdViewCellsManager::ViewCellsConstructed() const { return mVspKdTree->GetRoot() != NULL; } ViewCell *VspKdViewCellsManager::GenerateViewCell(Mesh *mesh) const { return new VspKdViewCell(mesh); } int VspKdViewCellsManager::PostProcess(const ObjectContainer &objects, const VssRayContainer &rays) { if (!ViewCellsConstructed()) return 0; // recalculate stats EvaluateViewCellsStats(); return 0; } void VspKdViewCellsManager::ExportLeaves(const ObjectContainer &objects, const VssRayContainer &sampleRays) { if (!ViewCellsConstructed()) return; //-- export leaf building blocks Exporter *exporter = Exporter::GetExporter("vspkdtree.x3d"); if (!exporter) return; if (mExportGeometry) exporter->ExportGeometry(objects); //exporter->SetWireframe(); //exporter->ExportVspKdTree(*mVspKdTree, mVspKdTree->GetStatistics().maxPvsSize); exporter->ExportVspKdTree(*mVspKdTree); if (mExportRays) { const float prob = (float)mVisualizationSamples / ((float)sampleRays.size() + Limits::Small); exporter->SetWireframe(); //-- collect uniformly distributed rays VssRayContainer rays; for (int i = 0; i < sampleRays.size(); ++ i) { if (RandomValue(0,1) < prob) rays.push_back(sampleRays[i]); } exporter->ExportRays(rays, RgbColor(1, 0, 0)); } delete exporter; } void VspKdViewCellsManager::Visualize(const ObjectContainer &objects, const VssRayContainer &sampleRays) { if (!ViewCellsConstructed()) return; //-- export single view cells for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++ i) { char s[64]; sprintf(s, "vsp_viewcell%04d.x3d", i); Exporter *exporter = Exporter::GetExporter(s); const int idx = (int)RandomValue(0.0, (Real)((int)mViewCells.size() - 1)); VspKdViewCell *vc = dynamic_cast(mViewCells[idx]); //-- export geometry Material m; m.mDiffuseColor = RgbColor(0, 1, 1); exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); exporter->SetWireframe(); ExportViewCellGeometry(exporter, vc); //-- export stored rays if (mExportRays) { ViewCellContainer leaves; mViewCellsTree->CollectLeaves(vc, leaves); ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = leaves.end(); for (it = leaves.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { VspKdViewCell *vspKdVc = dynamic_cast(*it); VspKdLeaf *leaf = vspKdVc->mLeaf; AxisAlignedBox3 box = mVspKdTree->GetBBox(leaf); VssRayContainer vssRays; VssRayContainer castRays; VssRayContainer initRays; leaf->GetRays(vssRays); VssRayContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = vssRays.end(); const float prop = 200.0f / (float)vssRays.size(); for (it = vssRays.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { if (Random(1) < prop) if ((*it)->mTerminationObject == NULL) castRays.push_back(*it); else initRays.push_back(*it); } exporter->ExportRays(castRays, RgbColor(1, 0, 0)); exporter->ExportRays(initRays, RgbColor(0, 1, 0)); } } //-- output PVS of view cell m.mDiffuseColor = RgbColor(1, 0, 0); exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); Intersectable::NewMail(); ObjectPvsMap::const_iterator it, it_end = vc->GetPvs().mEntries.end(); exporter->SetFilled(); for (it = vc->GetPvs().mEntries.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { Intersectable *intersect = (*it).first; if (!intersect->Mailed()) { Material m = RandomMaterial(); exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); exporter->ExportIntersectable(intersect); intersect->Mail(); } } delete exporter; } //-- export final view cells Exporter *exporter = Exporter::GetExporter("vspkdtree_merged.x3d"); //if (exportGeometry) exporter->SetWireframe(); //else exporter->SetFilled(); ExportViewCellsForViz(exporter); if (mExportGeometry) { exporter->SetFilled(); exporter->ExportGeometry(objects); } if (mExportRays) { const float prob = (float)mVisualizationSamples / ((float)sampleRays.size() + Limits::Small); exporter->SetWireframe(); VssRayContainer rays; for (int i = 0; i < sampleRays.size(); ++ i) { if (RandomValue(0,1) < prob) rays.push_back(sampleRays[i]); } exporter->ExportRays(rays, RgbColor(1, 0, 0)); } delete exporter; } int VspKdViewCellsManager::GetType() const { return VSP_KD; } int VspKdViewCellsManager::CastLineSegment(const Vector3 &origin, const Vector3 &termination, ViewCellContainer &viewcells) { return mVspKdTree->CastLineSegment(origin, termination, viewcells); } void VspKdViewCellsManager::ExportColor(Exporter *exporter, ViewCell *vc) const { if (mColorCode == 0) // Random color return; float importance = 0; switch (mColorCode) { case 1: // pvs { importance = (float)vc->GetPvs().GetSize() / (float)mViewCellsStats.maxPvs; } break; case 2: // merged leaves { int lSize = mViewCellsTree->GetSize(vc); importance = (float)lSize / (float)mViewCellsStats.maxLeaves; } break; case 3: // merged tree depth difference { //importance = (float)GetMaxTreeDiff(vc) / // (float)(mVspBspTree->GetStatistics().maxDepth * 2); } break; default: break; } Material m; m.mDiffuseColor.b = 1.0f; m.mDiffuseColor.r = importance; m.mDiffuseColor.g = 1.0f - m.mDiffuseColor.r; //Debug << "importance: " << importance << endl; exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); } void VspKdViewCellsManager::ExportViewCellGeometry(Exporter *exporter, ViewCell *vc, const Plane3 *cuttingPlane) const { VspKdViewCell *kdVc = dynamic_cast(vc); Mesh m; ViewCellContainer leaves; mViewCellsTree->CollectLeaves(vc, leaves); ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = leaves.end(); for (it = leaves.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { VspKdLeaf *l = dynamic_cast(*it)->mLeaf; mVspKdTree->GetBBox(l).AddBoxToMesh(&m); } exporter->ExportMesh(&m); } void VspKdViewCellsManager::CreateMesh(ViewCell *vc) { //TODO } void VspKdViewCellsManager::CollectMergeCandidates(const VssRayContainer &rays, vector &candidates) { // TODO } /**************************************************************************/ /* VspBspViewCellsManager implementation */ /**************************************************************************/ VspBspViewCellsManager::VspBspViewCellsManager(VspBspTree *vspBspTree): ViewCellsManager(), mVspBspTree(vspBspTree) { environment->GetIntValue("VspBspTree.Construction.samples", mInitialSamples); mVspBspTree->SetViewCellsManager(this); mVspBspTree->mViewCellsTree = mViewCellsTree; } VspBspViewCellsManager::~VspBspViewCellsManager() { } float VspBspViewCellsManager::GetProbability(ViewCell *viewCell) { if (0 && mVspBspTree->mUseAreaForPvs) return GetArea(viewCell) / GetAccVcArea(); else return GetVolume(viewCell) / mViewSpaceBox.GetVolume(); } void VspBspViewCellsManager::CollectViewCells() { // view cells tree constructed if (!ViewCellsTreeConstructed()) { mVspBspTree->CollectViewCells(mViewCells, false); } else { // we can use the view cells tree hierarchy to get the right set mViewCellsTree->CollectBestViewCellSet(mViewCells, mNumActiveViewCells); } } bool VspBspViewCellsManager::ViewCellsConstructed() const { return mVspBspTree->GetRoot() != NULL; } ViewCell *VspBspViewCellsManager::GenerateViewCell(Mesh *mesh) const { return new BspViewCell(mesh); } /*void VspBspViewCellsManager::CollectNodes(ViewCell *vc, vectornodes) { void ViewCellsTree::CollectLeaves(ViewCell *vc, vector &nodes) const if (vc->IsLeaf()) { BspViewCell *bvc = dynamic_cast(vc); nodes->push_back(bvc->mLeaf); } else { ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = interior->mChildren.end(); for (it = interior->mChildren.begin; it != it_end; ++ it) { vector mynodes; CollectNodes(*it, mynodes); if (mynodes[0]->GetParent() && (mynodes[0]->GetParent() == mynodes[1]->GetParent())) { nodes.push_back(nodes[0]->GetParent()); } } } }*/ int VspBspViewCellsManager::ConstructSubdivision(const ObjectContainer &objects, const VssRayContainer &rays) { // if view cells were already constructed if (ViewCellsConstructed()) return 0; Debug << "Constructing bsp view cells" << endl; int sampleContributions = 0; VssRayContainer sampleRays; int limit = min (mInitialSamples, (int)rays.size()); VssRayContainer constructionRays; VssRayContainer savedRays; Debug << "samples used for subdivision: " << mInitialSamples << " rays: " << (int)rays.size() << endl; GetRaySets(rays, mInitialSamples, constructionRays, &savedRays); Debug << "initial rays: " << (int)constructionRays.size() << endl; Debug << "saved rays: " << (int)savedRays.size() << endl; mMaxPvsSize = (int)(mMaxPvsRatio * (float)objects.size()); mVspBspTree->Construct(constructionRays, &mViewSpaceBox); Debug << mVspBspTree->GetStatistics() << endl; // collapse invalid regions cout << "collapsing invalid tree regions ... "; long startTime = GetTime(); int collapsedLeaves = mVspBspTree->CollapseTree(); Debug << "collapsed in " << TimeDiff(startTime, GetTime()) * 1e-3 << " seconds" << endl; cout << "finished" << endl; cout << "reseting view cell stats ... "; ResetViewCells(); cout << "finished" << endl; Debug << "\nView cells after construction:\n" << mViewCellsStats << endl; if (0) // export initial view cells { cout << "exporting initial view cells (=leaves) ... "; Exporter *exporter = Exporter::GetExporter("view_cells.x3d"); if (exporter) { if (0 && mExportRays) exporter->ExportRays(rays, RgbColor(1, 1, 1)); if (mExportGeometry) exporter->ExportGeometry(objects); //exporter->SetWireframe(); exporter->SetFilled(); ExportViewCellsForViz(exporter); delete exporter; } cout << "finished" << endl; } startTime = GetTime(); // reset view cells and stats ResetViewCells(); cout << "Computing remaining ray contributions ... "; // recast rest of rays if (SAMPLE_AFTER_SUBDIVISION) ComputeSampleContributions(savedRays, true, false); cout << "finished" << endl; Debug << "Computed remaining ray contribution in " << TimeDiff(startTime, GetTime()) * 1e-3 << " secs" << endl; cout << "construction finished" << endl; return sampleContributions; } void VspBspViewCellsManager::MergeViewCells(const VssRayContainer &rays, const ObjectContainer &objects) { //-- post processing of bsp view cells int vcSize = 0; int pvsSize = 0; mRenderer->RenderScene(); SimulationStatistics ss; dynamic_cast(mRenderer)->GetStatistics(ss); Debug << ss << endl; //-- merge or subdivide view cells int merged = 0; if (mMergeViewCells) { cout << "starting merge using " << mPostProcessSamples << " samples ... " << endl; long startTime = GetTime(); // TODO: should be done BEFORE the ray casting merged = mViewCellsTree->ConstructMergeTree(rays, objects); //-- stats and visualizations cout << "finished merging" << endl; cout << "merged " << merged << " view cells in " << TimeDiff(startTime, GetTime()) *1e-3 << " secs" << endl; Debug << "Postprocessing: Merged " << merged << " view cells in " << TimeDiff(startTime, GetTime()) *1e-3 << " secs" << endl << endl; } int savedColorCode = mColorCode; //BspLeaf::NewMail(); if (0) // export merged view cells { mColorCode = 0; cout << "reseting view cells ... "; ResetViewCells(); cout << "finished" << endl; Exporter *exporter = Exporter::GetExporter("merged_view_cells.x3d"); Debug << "\nView cells after merge:\n" << mViewCellsStats << endl; cout << "exporting view cells after merge ... "; if (exporter) { if (0) exporter->SetWireframe(); else exporter->SetFilled(); ExportViewCellsForViz(exporter); if (mExportGeometry) { Material m; m.mDiffuseColor = RgbColor(0, 1, 0); exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); exporter->SetFilled(); exporter->ExportGeometry(objects); } delete exporter; } cout << "finished" << endl; } if (0) // export merged view cells using pvs coding { mColorCode = 1; Exporter *exporter = Exporter::GetExporter("merged_view_cells_pvs.x3d"); cout << "exporting view cells after merge (pvs size) ... "; if (exporter) { if (0) exporter->SetWireframe(); else exporter->SetFilled(); ExportViewCellsForViz(exporter); if (mExportGeometry) { Material m; m.mDiffuseColor = RgbColor(0, 1, 0); exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); exporter->SetFilled(); exporter->ExportGeometry(objects); } delete exporter; } cout << "finished" << endl; } mColorCode = savedColorCode; } bool VspBspViewCellsManager::EqualToSpatialNode(ViewCell *viewCell) const { return GetSpatialNode(viewCell) != NULL; } BspNode *VspBspViewCellsManager::GetSpatialNode(ViewCell *viewCell) const { if (!viewCell->IsLeaf()) { BspViewCell *bspVc = dynamic_cast(viewCell); return bspVc->mLeaf; } else { ViewCellInterior *interior = dynamic_cast(viewCell); // cannot be node of binary tree if (interior->mChildren.size() != 2) return NULL; ViewCell *left = interior->mChildren[0]; ViewCell *right = interior->mChildren[1]; BspNode *leftNode = GetSpatialNode(left); BspNode *rightNode = GetSpatialNode(right); if (leftNode && rightNode && leftNode->IsSibling(rightNode)) { return leftNode->GetParent(); } } return NULL; } void VspBspViewCellsManager::RefineViewCells(const VssRayContainer &rays, const ObjectContainer &objects) { Debug << "render time before refine:" << endl; mRenderer->RenderScene(); SimulationStatistics ss; dynamic_cast(mRenderer)->GetStatistics(ss); Debug << ss << endl; cout << "Refining the merged view cells ... "; long startTime = GetTime(); // refining the merged view cells const int refined = mViewCellsTree->RefineViewCells(rays, objects); //-- stats and visualizations cout << "finished" << endl; cout << "refined " << refined << " view cells in " << TimeDiff(startTime, GetTime()) *1e-3 << " secs" << endl; Debug << "Postprocessing: refined " << refined << " view cells in " << TimeDiff(startTime, GetTime()) *1e-3 << " secs" << endl << endl; } int VspBspViewCellsManager::PostProcess(const ObjectContainer &objects, const VssRayContainer &rays) { if (!ViewCellsConstructed()) { Debug << "postprocess error: no view cells constructed" << endl; return 0; } // view cells already finished before post processing step // (i.e. because they were loaded) if (mViewCellsFinished) { FinalizeViewCells(true); EvaluateViewCellsStats(); return 0; } // check if new view cells turned invalid SetValidity(mMinPvsSize, mMaxPvsSize); // update valid view space according to valid view cells mVspBspTree->ValidateTree(); // recompute view cell statistics mViewCellsStats.Reset(); EvaluateViewCellsStats(); // has to be recomputed mTotalAreaValid = false; VssRayContainer postProcessRays; GetRaySets(rays, mPostProcessSamples, postProcessRays); Debug << "post processing using " << (int)postProcessRays.size() << " samples" << endl; Debug << "\nview cell partition after sampling:\n" << mViewCellsStats << endl << endl; // should maybe be done here to allow merge working with area or volume // and to correct the rendering statistics if (0) { FinalizeViewCells(false); } //-- merge the individual view cells MergeViewCells(postProcessRays, objects); //-- refines the merged view cells if (0) RefineViewCells(postProcessRays, objects); //-- render simulation after merge cout << "\nevaluating bsp view cells render time before compress ... "; dynamic_cast(mRenderer)->RenderScene(); SimulationStatistics ss; dynamic_cast(mRenderer)->GetStatistics(ss); cout << " finished" << endl; cout << ss << endl; Debug << ss << endl; //-- compression if (ViewCellsTreeConstructed() && mCompressViewCells) { int pvsEntries = mViewCellsTree->GetNumPvsEntries(mViewCellsTree->GetRoot()); Debug << "number of entries before compress: " << pvsEntries << endl; mViewCellsTree->CompressViewCellsPvs(); pvsEntries = mViewCellsTree->GetNumPvsEntries(mViewCellsTree->GetRoot()); Debug << "number of entries after compress: " << pvsEntries << endl; } // collapse sibling leaves that share the same view cell if (0) mVspBspTree->CollapseTree(); // recompute view cell list and statistics ResetViewCells(); // real meshes are only contructed only at this stage FinalizeViewCells(true); // write view cells to disc if (mExportViewCells) { char buff[100]; environment->GetStringValue("ViewCells.filename", buff); string vcFilename(buff); ExportViewCells(buff); } return 0; } int VspBspViewCellsManager::GetType() const { return VSP_BSP; } void VspBspViewCellsManager::CreateMergeHierarchy() { TraversalQueue tQueue; tQueue.push(TraversalData(mVspBspTree->GetRoot(), NULL)); while (!tQueue.empty()) { TraversalData tData = tQueue.top(); tQueue.pop(); if (tData.mNode->IsLeaf()) { ViewCell *viewCell = dynamic_cast(tData.mNode)->GetViewCell(); if (tData.mParentViewCell) { tData.mParentViewCell->SetupChildLink(viewCell); // probagate up pvs mViewCellsTree->PropagateUpPvs(viewCell); } } else { BspInterior *interior = dynamic_cast(tData.mNode); ViewCellInterior *viewCellInterior = new ViewCellInterior(); tQueue.push(TraversalData(interior->GetBack(), viewCellInterior)); tQueue.push(TraversalData(interior->GetFront(), viewCellInterior)); if (tData.mParentViewCell) tData.mParentViewCell->SetupChildLink(viewCellInterior); } } } bool VspBspViewCellsManager::GetViewPoint(Vector3 &viewPoint) const { if (!ViewCellsConstructed()) return ViewCellsManager::GetViewPoint(viewPoint); // TODO: set reasonable limit const int limit = 20; for (int i = 0; i < limit; ++ i) { viewPoint = mViewSpaceBox.GetRandomPoint(); if (mVspBspTree->ViewPointValid(viewPoint)) { return true; } } Debug << "failed to find valid view point, taking " << viewPoint << endl; return false; } bool VspBspViewCellsManager::ViewPointValid(const Vector3 &viewPoint) const { // $$JB -> implemented in viewcellsmanager (slower, but allows dynamic // validy update in preprocessor for all managers) return ViewCellsManager::ViewPointValid(viewPoint); // return mViewSpaceBox.IsInside(viewPoint) && // mVspBspTree->ViewPointValid(viewPoint); } void VspBspViewCellsManager::Visualize(const ObjectContainer &objects, const VssRayContainer &sampleRays) { if (!ViewCellsConstructed()) return; VssRayContainer visRays; GetRaySets(sampleRays, mVisualizationSamples, visRays); if (0) // export view cells { // hack pvs int savedColorCode = mColorCode; mColorCode = 1; Exporter *exporter = Exporter::GetExporter("final_view_cells.x3d"); if (exporter) { cout << "exporting view cells after post process ... "; if (0) { exporter->SetWireframe(); exporter->ExportBox(mViewSpaceBox); exporter->SetFilled(); } if (mExportGeometry) { exporter->ExportGeometry(objects); } // export rays if (mExportRays) { exporter->ExportRays(visRays, RgbColor(0, 1, 0)); } ExportViewCellsForViz(exporter); delete exporter; cout << "finished" << endl; } mColorCode = savedColorCode; } if (0) { cout << "exporting depth map ... "; Exporter *exporter = Exporter::GetExporter("depth_map.x3d"); if (exporter) { if (1) { exporter->SetWireframe(); exporter->ExportBox(mViewSpaceBox); exporter->SetFilled(); } if (mExportGeometry) { exporter->ExportGeometry(objects); } const int maxDepth = mVspBspTree->mBspStats.maxDepth; ViewCellContainer::const_iterator vit, vit_end = mViewCells.end(); for (vit = mViewCells.begin(); vit != mViewCells.end(); ++ vit) { ViewCell *vc = *vit; ViewCellContainer leaves; mViewCellsTree->CollectLeaves(vc, leaves); ViewCellContainer::const_iterator lit, lit_end = leaves.end(); for (lit = leaves.begin(); lit != lit_end; ++ lit) { BspLeaf *leaf = dynamic_cast(*lit)->mLeaf; Material m; float relDepth = (float)leaf->GetDepth() / (float)maxDepth; m.mDiffuseColor.r = relDepth; m.mDiffuseColor.g = 0.0f; m.mDiffuseColor.b = 1.0f - relDepth; exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); BspNodeGeometry geom; mVspBspTree->ConstructGeometry(leaf, geom); exporter->ExportPolygons(geom.mPolys); } } delete exporter; } cout << "finished" << endl; } //-- visualization of the BSP splits bool exportSplits = false; environment->GetBoolValue("VspBspTree.Visualization.exportSplits", exportSplits); if (exportSplits) { cout << "exporting splits ... "; ExportSplits(objects, visRays); cout << "finished" << endl; } //-- export single view cells ExportBspPvs(objects, visRays); } void VspBspViewCellsManager::ExportSplits(const ObjectContainer &objects, const VssRayContainer &rays) { Exporter *exporter = Exporter::GetExporter("bsp_splits.x3d"); if (exporter) { Material m; m.mDiffuseColor = RgbColor(1, 0, 0); exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); exporter->SetWireframe(); exporter->ExportBspSplits(*mVspBspTree, true); // take forced material, else big scenes cannot be viewed m.mDiffuseColor = RgbColor(0, 1, 0); exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); exporter->SetFilled(); exporter->ResetForcedMaterial(); // export rays if (mExportRays) exporter->ExportRays(rays, RgbColor(1, 1, 0)); if (mExportGeometry) exporter->ExportGeometry(objects); delete exporter; } } void VspBspViewCellsManager::ExportBspPvs(const ObjectContainer &objects, const VssRayContainer &rays) { const int leafOut = 10; ViewCell::NewMail(); cout << "visualization using " << mVisualizationSamples << " samples" << endl; Debug << "\nOutput view cells: " << endl; // sort view cells to visualize the largest view cells if (0) stable_sort(mViewCells.begin(), mViewCells.end(), vc_gt); int limit = min(leafOut, (int)mViewCells.size()); int raysOut; //-- some rays for output if (1) raysOut = min((int)rays.size(), mVisualizationSamples); for (int i = 0; i < limit; ++ i) { cout << "creating output for view cell " << i << " ... "; VssRayContainer vcRays; Intersectable::NewMail(); ViewCell *vc; if (0) // largest view cell pvs first vc = mViewCells[i]; else vc = mViewCells[Random((int)mViewCells.size())]; vector leaves; mViewCellsTree->CollectLeaves(vc, leaves); if (1) { // check whether we can add the current ray to the output rays for (int k = 0; k < raysOut; ++ k) { VssRay *ray = rays[k]; for (int j = 0; j < (int)ray->mViewCells.size(); ++ j) { ViewCell *rayvc = ray->mViewCells[j]; if (leaves[0] == rayvc) vcRays.push_back(ray); } } } //bspLeaves[j]->Mail(); char s[64]; sprintf(s, "bsp-pvs%04d.x3d", i); Exporter *exporter = Exporter::GetExporter(s); exporter->SetWireframe(); Material m;//= RandomMaterial(); m.mDiffuseColor = RgbColor(0, 1, 0); exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); ExportViewCellGeometry(exporter, vc); Debug << i << ": pvs size=" << (int)mViewCellsTree->GetPvsSize(vc) << ", piercing rays=" << (int)vcRays.size() << endl; // << ", leaves=" << (int)vc->mLeaves.size() << endl; //-- export rays piercing this view cell if (1) { exporter->ExportRays(vcRays, RgbColor(1, 1, 1)); } else { ViewCellContainer leaves; mViewCellsTree->CollectLeaves(vc, leaves); ViewCellContainer::const_iterator lit, lit_end = leaves.end(); for (lit = leaves.begin(); lit != lit_end; ++ lit) { BspLeaf *l = dynamic_cast(*lit)->mLeaf; exporter->ExportRays(l->mVssRays); } } m.mDiffuseColor = RgbColor(1, 0, 0); exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); ObjectPvsMap::const_iterator it, it_end = vc->GetPvs().mEntries.end(); exporter->SetFilled(); // output PVS of view cell for (it = vc->GetPvs().mEntries.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { Intersectable *intersect = (*it).first; if (!intersect->Mailed()) { Material m = RandomMaterial(); exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); exporter->ExportIntersectable(intersect); intersect->Mail(); } } DEL_PTR(exporter); cout << "finished" << endl; } Debug << endl; } int VspBspViewCellsManager::CastLineSegment(const Vector3 &origin, const Vector3 &termination, ViewCellContainer &viewcells) { return mVspBspTree->CastLineSegment(origin, termination, viewcells); } void VspBspViewCellsManager::ExportColor(Exporter *exporter, ViewCell *vc) const { const bool vcValid = CheckValidity(vc, mMinPvsSize, mMaxPvsSize); float importance = 0; static Material m; switch (mColorCode) { case 0: // Random { if (vcValid) { m.mDiffuseColor.r = 0.5f + RandomValue(0.0f, 0.5f); m.mDiffuseColor.g = 0.5f + RandomValue(0.0f, 0.5f); m.mDiffuseColor.b = 0.5f + RandomValue(0.f, 0.5f); } else { m.mDiffuseColor.r = 0.0f; m.mDiffuseColor.g = 1.0f; m.mDiffuseColor.b = 0.0f; } exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); return; } case 1: // pvs { importance = (float)vc->GetPvs().GetSize() / (float)mViewCellsStats.maxPvs; } break; case 2: // merges { int lSize = mViewCellsTree->GetSize(vc); importance = (float)lSize / (float)mViewCellsStats.maxLeaves; } break; case 3: // merge tree differene { importance = (float)GetMaxTreeDiff(vc) / (float)(mVspBspTree->GetStatistics().maxDepth * 2); } break; default: break; } // special color code for invalid view cells m.mDiffuseColor.r = importance; m.mDiffuseColor.g = 1.0f - m.mDiffuseColor.r; m.mDiffuseColor.b = vcValid ? 1.0f : 0.0f; //Debug << "importance: " << importance << endl; exporter->SetForcedMaterial(m); } void VspBspViewCellsManager::ExportViewCellGeometry(Exporter *exporter, ViewCell *vc, const Plane3 *cuttingPlane) const { if (vc->GetMesh()) { exporter->ExportMesh(vc->GetMesh()); return; } if (cuttingPlane) { ViewCellContainer leaves; mViewCellsTree->CollectLeaves(vc, leaves); ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = leaves.end(); for (it = leaves.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { BspNodeGeometry geom; BspNodeGeometry front; BspNodeGeometry back; BspLeaf *leaf = dynamic_cast(*it)->mLeaf; mVspBspTree->ConstructGeometry(leaf, geom); geom.SplitGeometry(front, back, *cuttingPlane, mViewSpaceBox, 0.0001f); if ((int)back.mPolys.size() >= 3) exporter->ExportPolygons(back.mPolys); } } else { BspNodeGeometry geom; mVspBspTree->ConstructGeometry(vc, geom); exporter->ExportPolygons(geom.mPolys); } } int VspBspViewCellsManager::GetMaxTreeDiff(ViewCell *vc) const { ViewCellContainer leaves; mViewCellsTree->CollectLeaves(vc, leaves); int maxDist = 0; // compute max height difference for (int i = 0; i < (int)leaves.size(); ++ i) for (int j = 0; j < (int)leaves.size(); ++ j) { BspLeaf *leaf = dynamic_cast(leaves[i])->mLeaf; if (i != j) { BspLeaf *leaf2 =dynamic_cast(leaves[j])->mLeaf; int dist = mVspBspTree->TreeDistance(leaf, leaf2); if (dist > maxDist) maxDist = dist; } } return maxDist; } ViewCell *VspBspViewCellsManager::GetViewCell(const Vector3 &point) const { if (!mVspBspTree) return NULL; if (!mViewSpaceBox.IsInside(point)) return NULL; return mVspBspTree->GetViewCell(point); } void VspBspViewCellsManager::CreateMesh(ViewCell *vc) { if (vc->GetMesh()) delete vc->GetMesh(); BspNodeGeometry geom; mVspBspTree->ConstructGeometry(vc, geom); Mesh *mesh = new Mesh(); geom.AddToMesh(*mesh); vc->SetMesh(mesh); mMeshContainer.push_back(mesh); } ViewCellsManager *ViewCellsManager::LoadViewCells(const string filename, ObjectContainer *objects) { ViewCellsParser parser; ViewCellsManager *vm = NULL; if (parser.ParseFile(filename, &vm, objects)) { //vm->PrepareLoadedViewCells(); vm->ResetViewCells(); vm->mViewCellsFinished = true; vm->mMaxPvsSize = (int)objects->size(); vm->FinalizeViewCells(true); Debug << (int)vm->mViewCells.size() << " view cells loaded" << endl; } else { Debug << "failed loading view cells" << endl; DEL_PTR(vm); } return vm; } inline bool ilt(Intersectable *obj1, Intersectable *obj2) { return obj1->mId < obj2->mId; } bool VspBspViewCellsManager::ExportViewCells(const string filename) { cout << "exporting view cells to xml ... "; std::ofstream stream; // for output we need unique ids for each view cell CreateUniqueViewCellIds(); stream.open(filename.c_str()); stream << ""<" << endl; //-- the view space bounding box stream << "" << endl; //-- the type of the view cells hierarchy stream << "" << endl; //-- load the view cells itself, i.e., the ids and the pvs stream << "" << endl; #if 0 ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = mViewCells.end(); for (it = mViewCells.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) ExportViewCell(*it, stream); #else mViewCellsTree->Export(stream); #endif stream << "" << endl; //-- load the hierarchy stream << "" << endl; mVspBspTree->Export(stream); stream << endl << "" << endl; stream << "" << endl; stream.close(); cout << "finished" << endl; return true; } int VspBspViewCellsManager::CastBeam(Beam &beam) { return mVspBspTree->CastBeam(beam); } void VspBspViewCellsManager::Finalize(ViewCell *viewCell, const bool createMesh) { CreateMesh(viewCell); float area = 0; float volume = 0; ViewCellContainer leaves; mViewCellsTree->CollectLeaves(viewCell, leaves); ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = leaves.end(); for (it = leaves.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { BspNodeGeometry geom; BspLeaf *leaf = dynamic_cast(*it)->mLeaf; mVspBspTree->ConstructGeometry(leaf, geom); area += geom.GetArea(); volume += geom.GetVolume(); } viewCell->SetVolume(volume); viewCell->SetArea(area); } void VspBspViewCellsManager::PrepareLoadedViewCells() { // TODO: do I still need this here? if (0) mVspBspTree->RepairViewCellsLeafLists(); } void VspBspViewCellsManager::CollectMergeCandidates(const VssRayContainer &rays, vector &candidates) { cout << "collecting merge candidates ... " << endl; if (mUseRaysForMerge) { mVspBspTree->CollectMergeCandidates(rays, candidates); } else { vector leaves; mVspBspTree->CollectLeaves(leaves); mVspBspTree->CollectMergeCandidates(leaves, candidates); } cout << "fininshed collecting candidates" << endl; } void VspBspViewCellsManager::AddCurrentViewCellsToHierarchy() { ViewCellContainer::const_iterator it, it_end = mViewCells.end(); for (it = mViewCells.begin(); it != it_end; ++ it) { } } ////////////////////////////////// ViewCellsManager *ViewCellsManagerFactory::Create(const string mName) { //TODO return NULL;// new VspBspViewCellsManager(); }