/* * The Apache Software License, Version 1.1 * * Copyright (c) 2001 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights * reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, * if any, must include the following acknowledgment: * "This product includes software developed by the * Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/)." * Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, * if and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear. * * 4. The names "Xerces" and "Apache Software Foundation" must * not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without prior written permission. For written * permission, please contact apache\@apache.org. * * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache", * nor may "Apache" appear in their name, without prior written * permission of the Apache Software Foundation. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION OR * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF * USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * ==================================================================== * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation, and was * originally based on software copyright (c) 2001, International * Business Machines, Inc., http://www.ibm.com . For more information * on the Apache Software Foundation, please see * . */ /* * $Id: SchemaSymbols.hpp,v 1.6 2004/01/29 11:52:31 cargilld Exp $ */ #if !defined(SCHEMASYMBOLS_HPP) #define SCHEMASYMBOLS_HPP #include XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_BEGIN /* * Collection of symbols used to parse a Schema Grammar */ class VALIDATORS_EXPORT SchemaSymbols { public : // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constant data // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- static const XMLCh fgURI_XSI[]; static const XMLCh fgURI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA[]; static const XMLCh fgXSI_SCHEMALOCACTION[]; static const XMLCh fgXSI_NONAMESPACESCHEMALOCACTION[]; static const XMLCh fgXSI_TYPE[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_ALL[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_ANNOTATION[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_ANY[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_WILDCARD[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_ANYATTRIBUTE[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_APPINFO[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_ATTRIBUTE[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_ATTRIBUTEGROUP[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_CHOICE[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_COMPLEXTYPE[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_CONTENT[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_DOCUMENTATION[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_DURATION[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_ELEMENT[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_ENCODING[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_ENUMERATION[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_FIELD[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_WHITESPACE[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_GROUP[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_IMPORT[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_INCLUDE[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_REDEFINE[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_KEY[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_KEYREF[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_LENGTH[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_MAXEXCLUSIVE[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_MAXINCLUSIVE[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_MAXLENGTH[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_MINEXCLUSIVE[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_MININCLUSIVE[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_MINLENGTH[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_NOTATION[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_PATTERN[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_PERIOD[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_TOTALDIGITS[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_FRACTIONDIGITS[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_SCHEMA[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_SELECTOR[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_SEQUENCE[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_SIMPLETYPE[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_UNION[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_LIST[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_UNIQUE[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_COMPLEXCONTENT[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_SIMPLECONTENT[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_RESTRICTION[]; static const XMLCh fgELT_EXTENSION[]; static const XMLCh fgATT_ABSTRACT[]; static const XMLCh fgATT_ATTRIBUTEFORMDEFAULT[]; static const XMLCh fgATT_BASE[]; static const XMLCh fgATT_ITEMTYPE[]; static const XMLCh fgATT_MEMBERTYPES[]; static const XMLCh fgATT_BLOCK[]; static const XMLCh fgATT_BLOCKDEFAULT[]; static const XMLCh fgATT_DEFAULT[]; static const XMLCh fgATT_ELEMENTFORMDEFAULT[]; static const XMLCh fgATT_SUBSTITUTIONGROUP[]; static const XMLCh fgATT_FINAL[]; static const XMLCh fgATT_FINALDEFAULT[]; static const XMLCh fgATT_FIXED[]; static const XMLCh fgATT_FORM[]; static const XMLCh fgATT_ID[]; static const XMLCh fgATT_MAXOCCURS[]; static const XMLCh fgATT_MINOCCURS[]; static const XMLCh fgATT_NAME[]; static const XMLCh fgATT_NAMESPACE[]; static const XMLCh fgATT_NILL[]; static const XMLCh fgATT_NILLABLE[]; static const XMLCh fgATT_PROCESSCONTENTS[]; static const XMLCh fgATT_REF[]; static const XMLCh fgATT_REFER[]; static const XMLCh fgATT_SCHEMALOCATION[]; static const XMLCh fgATT_SOURCE[]; static const XMLCh fgATT_SYSTEM[]; static const XMLCh fgATT_PUBLIC[]; static const XMLCh fgATT_TARGETNAMESPACE[]; static const XMLCh fgATT_TYPE[]; static const XMLCh fgATT_USE[]; static const XMLCh fgATT_VALUE[]; static const XMLCh fgATT_MIXED[]; static const XMLCh fgATT_VERSION[]; static const XMLCh fgATT_XPATH[]; static const XMLCh fgATTVAL_TWOPOUNDANY[]; static const XMLCh fgATTVAL_TWOPOUNDLOCAL[]; static const XMLCh fgATTVAL_TWOPOUNDOTHER[]; static const XMLCh fgATTVAL_TWOPOUNDTRAGETNAMESPACE[]; static const XMLCh fgATTVAL_POUNDALL[]; static const XMLCh fgATTVAL_BASE64[]; static const XMLCh fgATTVAL_BOOLEAN[]; static const XMLCh fgATTVAL_DEFAULT[]; static const XMLCh fgATTVAL_ELEMENTONLY[]; static const XMLCh fgATTVAL_EMPTY[]; static const XMLCh fgATTVAL_EXTENSION[]; static const XMLCh fgATTVAL_FALSE[]; static const XMLCh fgATTVAL_FIXED[]; static const XMLCh fgATTVAL_HEX[]; static const XMLCh fgATTVAL_ID[]; static const XMLCh fgATTVAL_LAX[]; static const XMLCh fgATTVAL_MAXLENGTH[]; static const XMLCh fgATTVAL_MINLENGTH[]; static const XMLCh fgATTVAL_MIXED[]; static const XMLCh fgATTVAL_NCNAME[]; static const XMLCh fgATTVAL_OPTIONAL[]; static const XMLCh fgATTVAL_PROHIBITED[]; static const XMLCh fgATTVAL_QNAME[]; static const XMLCh fgATTVAL_QUALIFIED[]; static const XMLCh fgATTVAL_REQUIRED[]; static const XMLCh fgATTVAL_RESTRICTION[]; static const XMLCh fgATTVAL_SKIP[]; static const XMLCh fgATTVAL_STRICT[]; static const XMLCh fgATTVAL_STRING[]; static const XMLCh fgATTVAL_TEXTONLY[]; static const XMLCh fgATTVAL_TIMEDURATION[]; static const XMLCh fgATTVAL_TRUE[]; static const XMLCh fgATTVAL_UNQUALIFIED[]; static const XMLCh fgATTVAL_URI[]; static const XMLCh fgATTVAL_URIREFERENCE[]; static const XMLCh fgATTVAL_SUBSTITUTIONGROUP[]; static const XMLCh fgATTVAL_SUBSTITUTION[]; static const XMLCh fgATTVAL_ANYTYPE[]; static const XMLCh fgWS_PRESERVE[]; static const XMLCh fgWS_COLLAPSE[]; static const XMLCh fgWS_REPLACE[]; static const XMLCh fgDT_STRING[]; static const XMLCh fgDT_TOKEN[]; static const XMLCh fgDT_LANGUAGE[]; static const XMLCh fgDT_NAME[]; static const XMLCh fgDT_NCNAME[]; static const XMLCh fgDT_INTEGER[]; static const XMLCh fgDT_DECIMAL[]; static const XMLCh fgDT_BOOLEAN[]; static const XMLCh fgDT_NONPOSITIVEINTEGER[]; static const XMLCh fgDT_NEGATIVEINTEGER[]; static const XMLCh fgDT_LONG[]; static const XMLCh fgDT_INT[]; static const XMLCh fgDT_SHORT[]; static const XMLCh fgDT_BYTE[]; static const XMLCh fgDT_NONNEGATIVEINTEGER[]; static const XMLCh fgDT_ULONG[]; static const XMLCh fgDT_UINT[]; static const XMLCh fgDT_USHORT[]; static const XMLCh fgDT_UBYTE[]; static const XMLCh fgDT_POSITIVEINTEGER[]; //datetime static const XMLCh fgDT_DATETIME[]; static const XMLCh fgDT_DATE[]; static const XMLCh fgDT_TIME[]; static const XMLCh fgDT_DURATION[]; static const XMLCh fgDT_DAY[]; static const XMLCh fgDT_MONTH[]; static const XMLCh fgDT_MONTHDAY[]; static const XMLCh fgDT_YEAR[]; static const XMLCh fgDT_YEARMONTH[]; static const XMLCh fgDT_BASE64BINARY[]; static const XMLCh fgDT_HEXBINARY[]; static const XMLCh fgDT_FLOAT[]; static const XMLCh fgDT_DOUBLE[]; static const XMLCh fgDT_URIREFERENCE[]; static const XMLCh fgDT_ANYURI[]; static const XMLCh fgDT_QNAME[]; static const XMLCh fgDT_NORMALIZEDSTRING[]; static const XMLCh fgDT_ANYSIMPLETYPE[]; static const XMLCh fgRegEx_XOption[]; static const XMLCh fgRedefIdentifier[]; static const int fgINT_MIN_VALUE; static const int fgINT_MAX_VALUE; enum { XSD_EMPTYSET = 0, XSD_SUBSTITUTION = 1, XSD_EXTENSION = 2, XSD_RESTRICTION = 4, XSD_LIST = 8, XSD_UNION = 16, XSD_ENUMERATION = 32 }; // group orders enum { XSD_CHOICE = 0, XSD_SEQUENCE= 1, XSD_ALL = 2 }; enum { XSD_UNBOUNDED = -1, XSD_NILLABLE = 1, XSD_ABSTRACT = 2, XSD_FIXED = 4 }; private: // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Unimplemented constructors and operators // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SchemaSymbols(); }; XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_END #endif /** * End of file SchemaSymbols.hpp */