/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/ Copyright (c) 2000-2005 The OGRE Team Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*************************************************************************** terrainrenderable.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Sat Oct 5 2002 copyright : (C) 2002 by Jon Anderson email : janders@users.sf.net Enhancements 2003 - 2004 (C) The OGRE Team ***************************************************************************/ #include "OgreTerrainRenderable.h" #include "OgreSceneNode.h" #include "OgreRenderQueue.h" #include "OgreRenderOperation.h" #include "OgreCamera.h" #include "OgreRoot.h" #include "OgreTerrainSceneManager.h" #include "OgreLogManager.h" #include "OgreStringConverter.h" #include "OgreViewport.h" #include "OgreException.h" namespace Ogre { //----------------------------------------------------------------------- #define MAIN_BINDING 0 #define DELTA_BINDING 1 //----------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------- TerrainBufferCache TerrainRenderable::msIndexCache; String TerrainRenderable::mType = "TerrainMipMap"; LevelArray TerrainRenderable::mLevelIndex; bool TerrainRenderable::mLevelInit = false; const TerrainOptions* TerrainRenderable::msOptions = 0; #ifdef GTP_VISIBILITY_MODIFIED_OGRE int TerrainRenderable::msCurrentRenderLevelIndex = 0; #endif // GTP_VISIBILITY_MODIFIED_OGRE //----------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------- TerrainRenderable::TerrainRenderable(const String& name) : Renderable(), mTerrain(0), mName(name), mDeltaBuffers(0), mPositionBuffer(0) { mForcedRenderLevel = -1; mLastNextLevel = -1; // Default query flags to top bit so users can exclude it if they wish mQueryFlags = SceneManager::WORLD_GEOMETRY_QUERY_MASK; mMinLevelDistSqr = 0; mInit = false; MovableObject::mCastShadows = false; for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { mNeighbors[ i ] = 0; } _initLevelIndexes(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- TerrainRenderable::~TerrainRenderable() { deleteGeometry(); _destroyLevelIndexes(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void TerrainRenderable::deleteGeometry() { if(mTerrain) delete mTerrain; if (mPositionBuffer) delete [] mPositionBuffer; if (mDeltaBuffers) delete [] mDeltaBuffers; if ( mMinLevelDistSqr != 0 ) delete [] mMinLevelDistSqr; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void TerrainRenderable::initialise(int startx, int startz, Real* pageHeightData) { if (!msOptions) msOptions = &(TerrainSceneManager::getOptions()); if ( msOptions->maxGeoMipMapLevel != 0 ) { int i = ( int ) 1 << ( msOptions->maxGeoMipMapLevel - 1 ) ; if ( ( i + 1 ) > msOptions->tileSize ) { printf( "Invalid maximum mipmap specifed, must be n, such that 2^(n-1)+1 < tileSize \n" ); return ; } } deleteGeometry(); //calculate min and max heights; Real min = 256000, max = 0; mTerrain = new VertexData; mTerrain->vertexStart = 0; mTerrain->vertexCount = msOptions->tileSize * msOptions->tileSize; VertexDeclaration* decl = mTerrain->vertexDeclaration; VertexBufferBinding* bind = mTerrain->vertexBufferBinding; // positions size_t offset = 0; decl->addElement(MAIN_BINDING, offset, VET_FLOAT3, VES_POSITION); offset += VertexElement::getTypeSize(VET_FLOAT3); if (TerrainSceneManager::getOptions().lit) { decl->addElement(MAIN_BINDING, offset, VET_FLOAT3, VES_NORMAL); offset += VertexElement::getTypeSize(VET_FLOAT3); } // texture coord sets decl->addElement(MAIN_BINDING, offset, VET_FLOAT2, VES_TEXTURE_COORDINATES, 0); offset += VertexElement::getTypeSize(VET_FLOAT2); decl->addElement(MAIN_BINDING, offset, VET_FLOAT2, VES_TEXTURE_COORDINATES, 1); offset += VertexElement::getTypeSize(VET_FLOAT2); if (TerrainSceneManager::getOptions().coloured) { decl->addElement(MAIN_BINDING, offset, VET_COLOUR, VES_DIFFUSE); offset += VertexElement::getTypeSize(VET_COLOUR); } // Create shared vertex buffer mMainBuffer = HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton().createVertexBuffer( decl->getVertexSize(MAIN_BINDING), mTerrain->vertexCount, HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY); // Create system memory copy with just positions in it, for use in simple reads mPositionBuffer = new float[mTerrain->vertexCount * 3]; bind->setBinding(MAIN_BINDING, mMainBuffer); if (msOptions->lodMorph) { // Create additional element for delta decl->addElement(DELTA_BINDING, 0, VET_FLOAT1, VES_BLEND_WEIGHTS); // NB binding is not set here, it is set when deriving the LOD } mInit = true; #ifdef GTP_VISIBILITY_MODIFIED_OGRE for (int i = 0; i < MAX_RENDERLEVEL_INDEX; ++i) { mRenderLevel[i] = 1; } #else mRenderLevel = 1; #endif // GTP_VISIBILITY_MODIFIED_OGRE mMinLevelDistSqr = new Real[ msOptions->maxGeoMipMapLevel ]; int endx = startx + msOptions->tileSize; int endz = startz + msOptions->tileSize; Vector3 left, down, here; const VertexElement* poselem = decl->findElementBySemantic(VES_POSITION); const VertexElement* texelem0 = decl->findElementBySemantic(VES_TEXTURE_COORDINATES, 0); const VertexElement* texelem1 = decl->findElementBySemantic(VES_TEXTURE_COORDINATES, 1); float* pSysPos = mPositionBuffer; unsigned char* pBase = static_cast(mMainBuffer->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD)); for ( int j = startz; j < endz; j++ ) { for ( int i = startx; i < endx; i++ ) { float *pPos, *pTex0, *pTex1; poselem->baseVertexPointerToElement(pBase, &pPos); texelem0->baseVertexPointerToElement(pBase, &pTex0); texelem1->baseVertexPointerToElement(pBase, &pTex1); Real height = pageHeightData[j * msOptions->pageSize + i]; height = height * msOptions->scale.y; // scale height *pSysPos++ = *pPos++ = ( float ) i * msOptions->scale.x; //x *pSysPos++ = *pPos++ = height; // y *pSysPos++ = *pPos++ = ( float ) j * msOptions->scale.z; //z *pTex0++ = ( float ) i / ( float ) ( msOptions->pageSize - 1 ); *pTex0++ = ( float ) j / ( float ) ( msOptions->pageSize - 1 ); *pTex1++ = ( ( float ) i / ( float ) ( msOptions->tileSize - 1 ) ) * msOptions->detailTile; *pTex1++ = ( ( float ) j / ( float ) ( msOptions->tileSize - 1 ) ) * msOptions->detailTile; if ( height < min ) min = ( Real ) height; if ( height > max ) max = ( Real ) height; pBase += mMainBuffer->getVertexSize(); } } mMainBuffer->unlock(); mBounds.setExtents( ( Real ) startx * msOptions->scale.x, min, ( Real ) startz * msOptions->scale.z, ( Real ) ( endx - 1 ) * msOptions->scale.x, max, ( Real ) ( endz - 1 ) * msOptions->scale.z ); mCenter = Vector3( ( startx * msOptions->scale.x + (endx - 1) * msOptions->scale.x ) / 2, ( min + max ) / 2, ( startz * msOptions->scale.z + (endz - 1) * msOptions->scale.z ) / 2 ); // Create delta buffer list if required to morph if (msOptions->lodMorph) { // Create delta buffer for all except the lowest mip mDeltaBuffers = new HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr[msOptions->maxGeoMipMapLevel - 1]; } Real C = _calculateCFactor(); _calculateMinLevelDist2( C ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void TerrainRenderable::_getNormalAt( float x, float z, Vector3 * result ) { assert(msOptions->lit && "No normals present"); Vector3 here, left, down; here.x = x; here.y = getHeightAt( x, z ); here.z = z; left.x = x - 1; left.y = getHeightAt( x - 1, z ); left.z = z; down.x = x; down.y = getHeightAt( x, z + 1 ); down.z = z + 1; left = left - here; down = down - here; left.normalise(); down.normalise(); *result = left.crossProduct( down ); result -> normalise(); // result->x = - result->x; // result->y = - result->y; // result->z = - result->z; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void TerrainRenderable::_calculateNormals() { Vector3 norm; assert (msOptions->lit && "No normals present"); HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf = mTerrain->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(MAIN_BINDING); const VertexElement* elem = mTerrain->vertexDeclaration->findElementBySemantic(VES_NORMAL); unsigned char* pBase = static_cast( vbuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD) ); float* pNorm; for ( size_t j = 0; j < msOptions->tileSize; j++ ) { for ( size_t i = 0; i < msOptions->tileSize; i++ ) { _getNormalAt( _vertex( i, j, 0 ), _vertex( i, j, 2 ), &norm ); // printf( "Normal = %5f,%5f,%5f\n", norm.x, norm.y, norm.z ); elem->baseVertexPointerToElement(pBase, &pNorm); *pNorm++ = norm.x; *pNorm++ = norm.y; *pNorm++ = norm.z; pBase += vbuf->getVertexSize(); } } vbuf->unlock(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void TerrainRenderable::_notifyCurrentCamera( Camera* cam ) { if ( mForcedRenderLevel >= 0 ) { #ifdef GTP_VISIBILITY_MODIFIED_OGRE mRenderLevel[msCurrentRenderLevelIndex] = mForcedRenderLevel; #else mRenderLevel = mForcedRenderLevel; #endif // GTP_VISIBILITY_MODIFIED_OGRE return ; } Vector3 cpos = cam -> getDerivedPosition(); Vector3 diff = mCenter - cpos; Real L = diff.squaredLength(); #ifdef GTP_VISIBILITY_MODIFIED_OGRE mRenderLevel[msCurrentRenderLevelIndex] = -1;; #else mRenderLevel = -1; #endif // GTP_VISIBILITY_MODIFIED_OGRE for ( int i = 0; i < msOptions->maxGeoMipMapLevel; i++ ) { if ( mMinLevelDistSqr[ i ] > L ) { #ifdef GTP_VISIBILITY_MODIFIED_OGRE mRenderLevel[msCurrentRenderLevelIndex] = i - 1; #else mRenderLevel = i - 1; #endif // GTP_VISIBILITY_MODIFIED_OGRE break; } } #ifdef GTP_VISIBILITY_MODIFIED_OGRE if ( getRenderLevel() < 0 ) mRenderLevel[msCurrentRenderLevelIndex] = msOptions->maxGeoMipMapLevel - 1; #else if ( mRenderLevel < 0 ) mRenderLevel = msOptions->maxGeoMipMapLevel - 1; #endif // GTP_VISIBILITY_MODIFIED_OGRE if (msOptions->lodMorph) { // Get the next LOD level down #ifdef GTP_VISIBILITY_MODIFIED_OGRE int nextLevel = mNextLevelDown[getRenderLevel()]; #else int nextLevel = mNextLevelDown[mRenderLevel]; #endif // GTP_VISIBILITY_MODIFIED_OGRE if (nextLevel == 0) { // No next level, so never morph mLODMorphFactor = 0; } else { // Set the morph such that the morph happens in the last 0.25 of // the distance range #ifdef GTP_VISIBILITY_MODIFIED_OGRE Real range = mMinLevelDistSqr[nextLevel] - mMinLevelDistSqr[getRenderLevel()]; #else Real range = mMinLevelDistSqr[nextLevel] - mMinLevelDistSqr[mRenderLevel]; #endif // GTP_VISIBILITY_MODIFIED_OGRE if (range) { #ifdef GTP_VISIBILITY_MODIFIED_OGRE Real percent = (L - mMinLevelDistSqr[getRenderLevel()]) / range; #else Real percent = (L - mMinLevelDistSqr[mRenderLevel]) / range; #endif // GTP_VISIBILITY_MODIFIED_OGRE // scale result so that msLODMorphStart == 0, 1 == 1, clamp to 0 below that Real rescale = 1.0f / (1.0f - msOptions->lodMorphStart); mLODMorphFactor = std::max((percent - msOptions->lodMorphStart) * rescale, static_cast(0.0)); } else { // Identical ranges mLODMorphFactor = 0.0f; } assert(mLODMorphFactor >= 0 && mLODMorphFactor <= 1); } // Bind the correct delta buffer if it has changed // nextLevel - 1 since the first entry is for LOD 1 (since LOD 0 never needs it) if (mLastNextLevel != nextLevel) { if (nextLevel > 0) { mTerrain->vertexBufferBinding->setBinding(DELTA_BINDING, mDeltaBuffers[nextLevel - 1]); } else { // bind dummy (incase bindings checked) mTerrain->vertexBufferBinding->setBinding(DELTA_BINDING, mDeltaBuffers[0]); } } mLastNextLevel = nextLevel; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void TerrainRenderable::_updateRenderQueue( RenderQueue* queue ) { queue->addRenderable( this ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void TerrainRenderable::getRenderOperation( RenderOperation& op ) { //setup indexes for vertices and uvs... assert( mInit && "Uninitialized" ); op.useIndexes = true; op.operationType = msOptions->useTriStrips ? RenderOperation::OT_TRIANGLE_STRIP : RenderOperation::OT_TRIANGLE_LIST; op.vertexData = mTerrain; op.indexData = getIndexData(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void TerrainRenderable::getWorldTransforms( Matrix4* xform ) const { *xform = mParentNode->_getFullTransform(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const Quaternion& TerrainRenderable::getWorldOrientation(void) const { return mParentNode->_getDerivedOrientation(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const Vector3& TerrainRenderable::getWorldPosition(void) const { return mParentNode->_getDerivedPosition(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool TerrainRenderable::_checkSize( int n ) { for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { if ( ( ( 1 << i ) + 1 ) == n ) return true; } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void TerrainRenderable::_calculateMinLevelDist2( Real C ) { //level 0 has no delta. mMinLevelDistSqr[ 0 ] = 0; int i, j; for ( int level = 1; level < msOptions->maxGeoMipMapLevel; level++ ) { mMinLevelDistSqr[ level ] = 0; int step = 1 << level; // The step of the next higher LOD int higherstep = step >> 1; float* pDeltas = 0; if (msOptions->lodMorph) { // Create a set of delta values (store at index - 1 since 0 has none) mDeltaBuffers[level - 1] = createDeltaBuffer(); // Lock, but don't discard (we want the pre-initialised zeros) pDeltas = static_cast( mDeltaBuffers[level - 1]->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_NORMAL)); } for ( j = 0; j < msOptions->tileSize - step; j += step ) { for ( i = 0; i < msOptions->tileSize - step; i += step ) { /* Form planes relating to the lower detail tris to be produced For tri lists and even tri strip rows, they are this shape: x---x | / | x---x For odd tri strip rows, they are this shape: x---x | \ | x---x */ Vector3 v1(_vertex( i, j, 0 ), _vertex( i, j, 1 ), _vertex( i, j, 2 )); Vector3 v2(_vertex( i + step, j, 0 ), _vertex( i + step, j, 1 ), _vertex( i + step, j, 2 )); Vector3 v3(_vertex( i, j + step, 0 ), _vertex( i, j + step, 1 ), _vertex( i, j + step, 2 )); Vector3 v4(_vertex( i + step, j + step, 0 ), _vertex( i + step, j + step, 1 ), _vertex( i + step, j + step, 2 )); Plane t1, t2; bool backwardTri = false; if (!msOptions->useTriStrips || j % 2 == 0) { t1.redefine(v1, v3, v2); t2.redefine(v2, v3, v4); } else { t1.redefine(v1, v3, v4); t2.redefine(v1, v4, v2); backwardTri = true; } // include the bottommost row of vertices if this is the last row int zubound = (j == (msOptions->tileSize - step)? step : step - 1); for ( int z = 0; z <= zubound; z++ ) { // include the rightmost col of vertices if this is the last col int xubound = (i == (msOptions->tileSize - step)? step : step - 1); for ( int x = 0; x <= xubound; x++ ) { int fulldetailx = i + x; int fulldetailz = j + z; if ( fulldetailx % step == 0 && fulldetailz % step == 0 ) { // Skip, this one is a vertex at this level continue; } Real zpct = (Real)z / (Real)step; Real xpct = (Real)x / (Real)step; //interpolated height Vector3 actualPos( _vertex( fulldetailx, fulldetailz, 0 ), _vertex( fulldetailx, fulldetailz, 1 ), _vertex( fulldetailx, fulldetailz, 2 )); Real interp_h; // Determine which tri we're on if ((xpct + zpct <= 1.0f && !backwardTri) || (xpct + (1-zpct) <= 1.0f && backwardTri)) { // Solve for x/z interp_h = (-(t1.normal.x * actualPos.x) - t1.normal.z * actualPos.z - t1.d) / t1.normal.y; } else { // Second tri interp_h = (-(t2.normal.x * actualPos.x) - t2.normal.z * actualPos.z - t2.d) / t2.normal.y; } Real actual_h = _vertex( fulldetailx, fulldetailz, 1 ); Real delta = fabs( interp_h - actual_h ); Real D2 = delta * delta * C * C; if ( mMinLevelDistSqr[ level ] < D2 ) mMinLevelDistSqr[ level ] = D2; // Should be save height difference? // Don't morph along edges if (msOptions->lodMorph && fulldetailx != 0 && fulldetailx != (msOptions->tileSize - 1) && fulldetailz != 0 && fulldetailz != (msOptions->tileSize - 1) ) { // Save height difference pDeltas[fulldetailx + (fulldetailz * msOptions->tileSize)] = interp_h - actual_h; } } } } } // Unlock morph deltas if required if (msOptions->lodMorph) { mDeltaBuffers[level - 1]->unlock(); } } // Post validate the whole set for ( i = 1; i < msOptions->maxGeoMipMapLevel; i++ ) { // Make sure no LOD transition within the tile // This is especially a problem when using large tiles with flat areas /* Hmm, this can look bad on some areas, disable for now Vector3 delta(_vertex(0,0,0), mCenter.y, _vertex(0,0,2)); delta = delta - mCenter; Real minDist = delta.squaredLength(); mMinLevelDistSqr[ i ] = std::max(mMinLevelDistSqr[ i ], minDist); */ //make sure the levels are increasing... if ( mMinLevelDistSqr[ i ] < mMinLevelDistSqr[ i - 1 ] ) { mMinLevelDistSqr[ i ] = mMinLevelDistSqr[ i - 1 ]; } } // Now reverse traverse the list setting the 'next level down' Real lastDist = -1; int lastIndex = 0; for (i = msOptions->maxGeoMipMapLevel - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (i == msOptions->maxGeoMipMapLevel - 1) { // Last one is always 0 lastIndex = i; lastDist = mMinLevelDistSqr[i]; mNextLevelDown[i] = 0; } else { mNextLevelDown[i] = lastIndex; if (mMinLevelDistSqr[i] != lastDist) { lastIndex = i; lastDist = mMinLevelDistSqr[i]; } } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void TerrainRenderable::_initLevelIndexes() { if ( mLevelInit ) return ; if ( mLevelIndex.size() == 0 ) { for ( int i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) { mLevelIndex.push_back( new IndexMap() ); } } mLevelInit = true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void TerrainRenderable::_destroyLevelIndexes() { if ( mLevelInit ) { for ( int i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) { delete mLevelIndex[i]; } mLevelIndex.clear(); mLevelInit = false; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void TerrainRenderable::_adjustRenderLevel( int i ) { #ifdef GTP_VISIBILITY_MODIFIED_OGRE mRenderLevel[msCurrentRenderLevelIndex] = i; #else mRenderLevel = i; #endif // GTP_VISIBILITY_MODIFIED_OGRE } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Real TerrainRenderable::_calculateCFactor() { Real A, T; const TerrainOptions& opts = TerrainSceneManager::getOptions(); if (!opts.primaryCamera) { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND, "You have not created a camera yet!", "TerrainRenderable::_calculateCFactor"); } //A = 1 / Math::Tan(Math::AngleUnitsToRadians(opts.primaryCamera->getFOVy())); // Turn off detail compression at higher FOVs A = 1.0f; int vertRes = opts.primaryCamera->getViewport()->getActualHeight(); T = 2 * ( Real ) opts.maxPixelError / ( Real ) vertRes; return A / T; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- float TerrainRenderable::getHeightAt( float x, float z ) { Vector3 start; Vector3 end; start.x = _vertex( 0, 0, 0 ); start.y = _vertex( 0, 0, 1 ); start.z = _vertex( 0, 0, 2 ); end.x = _vertex( msOptions->tileSize - 1, msOptions->tileSize - 1, 0 ); end.y = _vertex( msOptions->tileSize - 1, msOptions->tileSize - 1, 1 ); end.z = _vertex( msOptions->tileSize - 1, msOptions->tileSize - 1, 2 ); /* Safety catch, if the point asked for is outside * of this tile, it will ask the appropriate tile */ if ( x < start.x ) { if ( mNeighbors[ WEST ] != 0 ) return mNeighbors[ WEST ] ->getHeightAt( x, z ); else x = start.x; } if ( x > end.x ) { if ( mNeighbors[ EAST ] != 0 ) return mNeighbors[ EAST ] ->getHeightAt( x, z ); else x = end.x; } if ( z < start.z ) { if ( mNeighbors[ NORTH ] != 0 ) return mNeighbors[ NORTH ] ->getHeightAt( x, z ); else z = start.z; } if ( z > end.z ) { if ( mNeighbors[ SOUTH ] != 0 ) return mNeighbors[ SOUTH ] ->getHeightAt( x, z ); else z = end.z; } float x_pct = ( x - start.x ) / ( end.x - start.x ); float z_pct = ( z - start.z ) / ( end.z - start.z ); float x_pt = x_pct * ( float ) ( msOptions->tileSize - 1 ); float z_pt = z_pct * ( float ) ( msOptions->tileSize - 1 ); int x_index = ( int ) x_pt; int z_index = ( int ) z_pt; // If we got to the far right / bottom edge, move one back if (x_index == msOptions->tileSize - 1) { --x_index; x_pct = 1.0f; } else { // get remainder x_pct = x_pt - x_index; } if (z_index == msOptions->tileSize - 1) { --z_index; z_pct = 1.0f; } else { z_pct = z_pt - z_index; } //bilinear interpolate to find the height. float t1 = _vertex( x_index, z_index, 1 ); float t2 = _vertex( x_index + 1, z_index, 1 ); float b1 = _vertex( x_index, z_index + 1, 1 ); float b2 = _vertex( x_index + 1, z_index + 1, 1 ); float midpoint = (b1 + t2) / 2.0; if (x_pct + z_pct <= 1) { b2 = midpoint + (midpoint - t1); } else { t1 = midpoint + (midpoint - b2); } float t = ( t1 * ( 1 - x_pct ) ) + ( t2 * ( x_pct ) ); float b = ( b1 * ( 1 - x_pct ) ) + ( b2 * ( x_pct ) ); float h = ( t * ( 1 - z_pct ) ) + ( b * ( z_pct ) ); return h; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool TerrainRenderable::intersectSegment( const Vector3 & start, const Vector3 & end, Vector3 * result ) { Vector3 dir = end - start; Vector3 ray = start; //special case... if ( dir.x == 0 && dir.z == 0 ) { if ( ray.y <= getHeightAt( ray.x, ray.z ) ) { if ( result != 0 ) * result = start; return true; } } dir.normalise(); //dir.x *= mScale.x; //dir.y *= mScale.y; //dir.z *= mScale.z; const Vector3 * corners = getBoundingBox().getAllCorners(); //start with the next one... ray += dir; while ( ! ( ( ray.x < corners[ 0 ].x ) || ( ray.x > corners[ 4 ].x ) || ( ray.z < corners[ 0 ].z ) || ( ray.z > corners[ 4 ].z ) ) ) { float h = getHeightAt( ray.x, ray.z ); if ( ray.y <= h ) { if ( result != 0 ) * result = ray; return true; } else { ray += dir; } } if ( ray.x < corners[ 0 ].x && mNeighbors[ WEST ] != 0 ) return mNeighbors[ WEST ] ->intersectSegment( ray, end, result ); else if ( ray.z < corners[ 0 ].z && mNeighbors[ NORTH ] != 0 ) return mNeighbors[ NORTH ] ->intersectSegment( ray, end, result ); else if ( ray.x > corners[ 4 ].x && mNeighbors[ EAST ] != 0 ) return mNeighbors[ EAST ] ->intersectSegment( ray, end, result ); else if ( ray.z > corners[ 4 ].z && mNeighbors[ SOUTH ] != 0 ) return mNeighbors[ SOUTH ] ->intersectSegment( ray, end, result ); else { if ( result != 0 ) * result = Vector3( -1, -1, -1 ); return false; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void TerrainRenderable::_generateVertexLighting( const Vector3 &sun, ColourValue ambient ) { Vector3 pt; Vector3 normal; Vector3 light; HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf = mTerrain->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(MAIN_BINDING); const VertexElement* elem = mTerrain->vertexDeclaration->findElementBySemantic(VES_DIFFUSE); //for each point in the terrain, see if it's in the line of sight for the sun. for ( size_t i = 0; i < msOptions->tileSize; i++ ) { for ( size_t j = 0; j < msOptions->tileSize; j++ ) { // printf( "Checking %f,%f,%f ", pt.x, pt.y, pt.z ); pt.x = _vertex( i, j, 0 ); pt.y = _vertex( i, j, 1 ); pt.z = _vertex( i, j, 2 ); light = sun - pt; light.normalise(); if ( ! intersectSegment( pt, sun, 0 ) ) { // _getNormalAt( _vertex( i, j, 0 ), _vertex( i, j, 2 ), &normal ); float l = light.dotProduct( normal ); ColourValue v; v.r = ambient.r + l; v.g = ambient.g + l; v.b = ambient.b + l; if ( v.r > 1 ) v.r = 1; if ( v.g > 1 ) v.g = 1; if ( v.b > 1 ) v.b = 1; if ( v.r < 0 ) v.r = 0; if ( v.g < 0 ) v.g = 0; if ( v.b < 0 ) v.b = 0; RGBA colour; Root::getSingleton().convertColourValue( v, &colour ); vbuf->writeData( (_index( i, j ) * vbuf->getVertexSize()) + elem->getOffset(), sizeof(RGBA), &colour); } else { RGBA colour; Root::getSingleton().convertColourValue( ambient, &colour ); vbuf->writeData( (_index( i, j ) * vbuf->getVertexSize()) + elem->getOffset(), sizeof(RGBA), &colour); } } } printf( "." ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Real TerrainRenderable::getSquaredViewDepth(const Camera* cam) const { Vector3 diff = mCenter - cam->getDerivedPosition(); // Use squared length to avoid square root return diff.squaredLength(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const LightList& TerrainRenderable::getLights(void) const { return getParentSceneNode()->findLights(this->getBoundingRadius()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- IndexData* TerrainRenderable::getIndexData(void) { unsigned int stitchFlags = 0; if ( mNeighbors[ EAST ] != 0 && mNeighbors[ EAST ] -> getRenderLevel() > getRenderLevel() ) { stitchFlags |= STITCH_EAST; stitchFlags |= (mNeighbors[ EAST ] -> getRenderLevel() - getRenderLevel()) << STITCH_EAST_SHIFT; } if ( mNeighbors[ WEST ] != 0 && mNeighbors[ WEST ] -> getRenderLevel() > getRenderLevel() ) { stitchFlags |= STITCH_WEST; stitchFlags |= (mNeighbors[ WEST ] -> getRenderLevel() - getRenderLevel()) << STITCH_WEST_SHIFT; } if ( mNeighbors[ NORTH ] != 0 && mNeighbors[ NORTH ] -> getRenderLevel() > getRenderLevel() ) { stitchFlags |= STITCH_NORTH; stitchFlags |= (mNeighbors[ NORTH ] -> getRenderLevel() - getRenderLevel()) << STITCH_NORTH_SHIFT; } if ( mNeighbors[ SOUTH ] != 0 && mNeighbors[ SOUTH ] -> getRenderLevel() > getRenderLevel() ) { stitchFlags |= STITCH_SOUTH; stitchFlags |= (mNeighbors[ SOUTH ] -> getRenderLevel() - getRenderLevel()) << STITCH_SOUTH_SHIFT; } // Check preexisting IndexMap::iterator ii = mLevelIndex[ getRenderLevel() ]->find( stitchFlags ); IndexData* indexData; if ( ii == mLevelIndex[ getRenderLevel() ]->end()) { // Create if (msOptions->useTriStrips) { indexData = generateTriStripIndexes(stitchFlags); } else { indexData = generateTriListIndexes(stitchFlags); } mLevelIndex[ getRenderLevel() ]->insert( IndexMap::value_type(stitchFlags, indexData)); } else { indexData = ii->second; } return indexData; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- IndexData* TerrainRenderable::generateTriStripIndexes(unsigned int stitchFlags) { // The step used for the current level int step = 1 << getRenderLevel(); // The step used for the lower level int lowstep = 1 << (getRenderLevel() + 1); int numIndexes = 0; // Calculate the number of indexes required // This is the number of 'cells' at this detail level x 2 // plus 3 degenerates to turn corners int numTrisAcross = (((msOptions->tileSize-1) / step) * 2) + 3; // Num indexes is number of tris + 2 int new_length = numTrisAcross * ((msOptions->tileSize-1) / step) + 2; //this is the maximum for a level. It wastes a little, but shouldn't be a problem. IndexData* indexData = new IndexData; indexData->indexBuffer = HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton().createIndexBuffer( HardwareIndexBuffer::IT_16BIT, new_length, HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY);//, false); msIndexCache.mCache.push_back( indexData ); unsigned short* pIdx = static_cast( indexData->indexBuffer->lock(0, indexData->indexBuffer->getSizeInBytes(), HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD)); // Stripified mesh for ( int j = 0; j < msOptions->tileSize - 1; j += step ) { int i; // Forward strip // We just do the |/ here, final | done after for ( i = 0; i < msOptions->tileSize - 1; i += step ) { int x[4], y[4]; x[0] = x[1] = i; x[2] = x[3] = i + step; y[0] = y[2] = j; y[1] = y[3] = j + step; if (j == 0 && (stitchFlags & STITCH_NORTH)) { // North reduction means rounding x[0] and x[2] if (x[0] % lowstep != 0) { // Since we know we only drop down one level of LOD, // removing 1 step of higher LOD should return to lower x[0] -= step; } if (x[2] % lowstep != 0) { x[2] -= step; } } // Never get a south tiling on a forward strip (always finish on // a backward strip) if (i == 0 && (stitchFlags & STITCH_WEST)) { // West reduction means rounding y[0] / y[1] if (y[0] % lowstep != 0) { y[0] -= step; } if (y[1] % lowstep != 0) { y[1] -= step; } } if (i == (msOptions->tileSize - 1 - step) && (stitchFlags & STITCH_EAST)) { // East tiling means rounding y[2] & y[3] if (y[2] % lowstep != 0) { y[2] -= step; } if (y[3] % lowstep != 0) { y[3] -= step; } } //triangles if (i == 0) { // Starter *pIdx++ = _index( x[0], y[0] ); numIndexes++; } *pIdx++ = _index( x[1], y[1] ); numIndexes++; *pIdx++ = _index( x[2], y[2] ); numIndexes++; if (i == msOptions->tileSize - 1 - step) { // Emit extra index to finish row *pIdx++ = _index( x[3], y[3] ); numIndexes++; if (j < msOptions->tileSize - 1 - step) { // Emit this index twice more (this is to turn around without // artefacts) // ** Hmm, looks like we can drop this and it's unnoticeable //*pIdx++ = _index( x[3], y[3] ); numIndexes++; //*pIdx++ = _index( x[3], y[3] ); numIndexes++; } } } // Increment row j += step; // Backward strip for ( i = msOptions->tileSize - 1; i > 0 ; i -= step ) { int x[4], y[4]; x[0] = x[1] = i; x[2] = x[3] = i - step; y[0] = y[2] = j; y[1] = y[3] = j + step; // Never get a north tiling on a backward strip (always // start on a forward strip) if (j == (msOptions->tileSize - 1 - step) && (stitchFlags & STITCH_SOUTH)) { // South reduction means rounding x[1] / x[3] if (x[1] % lowstep != 0) { x[1] -= step; } if (x[3] % lowstep != 0) { x[3] -= step; } } if (i == step && (stitchFlags & STITCH_WEST)) { // West tiling on backward strip is rounding of y[2] / y[3] if (y[2] % lowstep != 0) { y[2] -= step; } if (y[3] % lowstep != 0) { y[3] -= step; } } if (i == msOptions->tileSize - 1 && (stitchFlags & STITCH_EAST)) { // East tiling means rounding y[0] and y[1] on backward strip if (y[0] % lowstep != 0) { y[0] -= step; } if (y[1] % lowstep != 0) { y[1] -= step; } } //triangles if (i == msOptions->tileSize) { // Starter *pIdx++ = _index( x[0], y[0] ); numIndexes++; } *pIdx++ = _index( x[1], y[1] ); numIndexes++; *pIdx++ = _index( x[2], y[2] ); numIndexes++; if (i == step) { // Emit extra index to finish row *pIdx++ = _index( x[3], y[3] ); numIndexes++; if (j < msOptions->tileSize - 1 - step) { // Emit this index once more (this is to turn around) *pIdx++ = _index( x[3], y[3] ); numIndexes++; } } } } indexData->indexBuffer->unlock(); indexData->indexCount = numIndexes; indexData->indexStart = 0; return indexData; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- IndexData* TerrainRenderable::generateTriListIndexes(unsigned int stitchFlags) { int numIndexes = 0; int step = 1 << getRenderLevel(); IndexData* indexData = 0; int north = stitchFlags & STITCH_NORTH ? step : 0; int south = stitchFlags & STITCH_SOUTH ? step : 0; int east = stitchFlags & STITCH_EAST ? step : 0; int west = stitchFlags & STITCH_WEST ? step : 0; int new_length = ( msOptions->tileSize / step ) * ( msOptions->tileSize / step ) * 2 * 2 * 2 ; //this is the maximum for a level. It wastes a little, but shouldn't be a problem. indexData = new IndexData; indexData->indexBuffer = HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton().createIndexBuffer( HardwareIndexBuffer::IT_16BIT, new_length, HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY);//, false); msIndexCache.mCache.push_back( indexData ); unsigned short* pIdx = static_cast( indexData->indexBuffer->lock(0, indexData->indexBuffer->getSizeInBytes(), HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD)); // Do the core vertices, minus stitches for ( int j = north; j < msOptions->tileSize - 1 - south; j += step ) { for ( int i = west; i < msOptions->tileSize - 1 - east; i += step ) { //triangles *pIdx++ = _index( i, j ); numIndexes++; *pIdx++ = _index( i, j + step ); numIndexes++; *pIdx++ = _index( i + step, j ); numIndexes++; *pIdx++ = _index( i, j + step ); numIndexes++; *pIdx++ = _index( i + step, j + step ); numIndexes++; *pIdx++ = _index( i + step, j ); numIndexes++; } } // North stitching if ( north > 0 ) { numIndexes += stitchEdge(NORTH, getRenderLevel(), mNeighbors[NORTH]->getRenderLevel(), west > 0, east > 0, &pIdx); } // East stitching if ( east > 0 ) { numIndexes += stitchEdge(EAST, getRenderLevel(), mNeighbors[EAST]->getRenderLevel(), north > 0, south > 0, &pIdx); } // South stitching if ( south > 0 ) { numIndexes += stitchEdge(SOUTH, getRenderLevel(), mNeighbors[SOUTH]->getRenderLevel(), east > 0, west > 0, &pIdx); } // West stitching if ( west > 0 ) { numIndexes += stitchEdge(WEST, getRenderLevel(), mNeighbors[WEST]->getRenderLevel(), south > 0, north > 0, &pIdx); } indexData->indexBuffer->unlock(); indexData->indexCount = numIndexes; indexData->indexStart = 0; return indexData; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr TerrainRenderable::createDeltaBuffer(void) { // Delta buffer is a 1D float buffer of height offsets HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr buf = HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton().createVertexBuffer( VertexElement::getTypeSize(VET_FLOAT1), msOptions->tileSize * msOptions->tileSize, HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY); // Fill the buffer with zeros, we will only fill in delta void* pVoid = buf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD); memset(pVoid, 0, msOptions->tileSize * msOptions->tileSize * sizeof(float)); buf->unlock(); return buf; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void TerrainRenderable::_updateCustomGpuParameter( const GpuProgramParameters::AutoConstantEntry& constantEntry, GpuProgramParameters* params) const { if (constantEntry.data == MORPH_CUSTOM_PARAM_ID) { // Update morph LOD factor params->setConstant(constantEntry.index, mLODMorphFactor); } else { Renderable::_updateCustomGpuParameter(constantEntry, params); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- int TerrainRenderable::stitchEdge(Neighbor neighbor, int hiLOD, int loLOD, bool omitFirstTri, bool omitLastTri, unsigned short** ppIdx) { assert(loLOD > hiLOD); /* Now do the stitching; we can stitch from any level to any level. The stitch pattern is like this for each pair of vertices in the lower LOD (excuse the poor ascii art): lower LOD *-----------* |\ \ 3 / /| |1\2 \ / 4/5| *--*--*--*--* higher LOD The algorithm is, for each pair of lower LOD vertices: 1. Iterate over the higher LOD vertices, generating tris connected to the first lower LOD vertex, up to and including 1/2 the span of the lower LOD over the higher LOD (tris 1-2). Skip the first tri if it is on the edge of the tile and that edge is to be stitched itself. 2. Generate a single tri for the middle using the 2 lower LOD vertices and the middle vertex of the higher LOD (tri 3). 3. Iterate over the higher LOD vertices from 1/2 the span of the lower LOD to the end, generating tris connected to the second lower LOD vertex (tris 4-5). Skip the last tri if it is on the edge of a tile and that edge is to be stitched itself. The same algorithm works for all edges of the patch; stitching is done clockwise so that the origin and steps used change, but the general approach does not. */ // Get pointer to be updated unsigned short* pIdx = *ppIdx; // Work out the steps ie how to increment indexes // Step from one vertex to another in the high detail version int step = 1 << hiLOD; // Step from one vertex to another in the low detail version int superstep = 1 << loLOD; // Step half way between low detail steps int halfsuperstep = superstep >> 1; // Work out the starting points and sign of increments // We always work the strip clockwise int startx, starty, endx, rowstep; bool horizontal; switch(neighbor) { case NORTH: startx = starty = 0; endx = msOptions->tileSize - 1; rowstep = step; horizontal = true; break; case SOUTH: // invert x AND y direction, helps to keep same winding startx = starty = msOptions->tileSize - 1; endx = 0; rowstep = -step; step = -step; superstep = -superstep; halfsuperstep = -halfsuperstep; horizontal = true; break; case EAST: startx = 0; endx = msOptions->tileSize - 1; starty = msOptions->tileSize - 1; rowstep = -step; horizontal = false; break; case WEST: startx = msOptions->tileSize - 1; endx = 0; starty = 0; rowstep = step; step = -step; superstep = -superstep; halfsuperstep = -halfsuperstep; horizontal = false; break; }; int numIndexes = 0; for ( int j = startx; j != endx; j += superstep ) { int k; for (k = 0; k != halfsuperstep; k += step) { int jk = j + k; //skip the first bit of the corner? if ( j != startx || k != 0 || !omitFirstTri ) { if (horizontal) { *pIdx++ = _index( j , starty ); numIndexes++; *pIdx++ = _index( jk, starty + rowstep ); numIndexes++; *pIdx++ = _index( jk + step, starty + rowstep ); numIndexes++; } else { *pIdx++ = _index( starty, j ); numIndexes++; *pIdx++ = _index( starty + rowstep, jk ); numIndexes++; *pIdx++ = _index( starty + rowstep, jk + step); numIndexes++; } } } // Middle tri if (horizontal) { *pIdx++ = _index( j, starty ); numIndexes++; *pIdx++ = _index( j + halfsuperstep, starty + rowstep); numIndexes++; *pIdx++ = _index( j + superstep, starty ); numIndexes++; } else { *pIdx++ = _index( starty, j ); numIndexes++; *pIdx++ = _index( starty + rowstep, j + halfsuperstep ); numIndexes++; *pIdx++ = _index( starty, j + superstep ); numIndexes++; } for (k = halfsuperstep; k != superstep; k += step) { int jk = j + k; if ( j != endx - superstep || k != superstep - step || !omitLastTri ) { if (horizontal) { *pIdx++ = _index( j + superstep, starty ); numIndexes++; *pIdx++ = _index( jk, starty + rowstep ); numIndexes++; *pIdx++ = _index( jk + step, starty + rowstep ); numIndexes++; } else { *pIdx++ = _index( starty, j + superstep ); numIndexes++; *pIdx++ = _index( starty + rowstep, jk ); numIndexes++; *pIdx++ = _index( starty + rowstep, jk + step ); numIndexes++; } } } } *ppIdx = pIdx; return numIndexes; } #ifdef GTP_VISIBILITY_MODIFIED_OGRE //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void TerrainRenderable::ResetRenderLevelIndex() { msCurrentRenderLevelIndex = 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void TerrainRenderable::NextRenderLevelIndex() { if ((++ msCurrentRenderLevelIndex) > MAX_RENDERLEVEL_INDEX) msCurrentRenderLevelIndex = 0; } #endif // GTP_VISIBILITY_MODIFIED_OGRE } //namespace