1 | #ifndef _AxisAlignedBox3_H__
2 | #define _AxisAlignedBox3_H__
3 |
4 | #include "Rectangle3.h"
5 | #include "Matrix4x4.h"
6 | #include "Vector3.h"
7 | #include "Plane3.h"
8 |
9 | class Ray;
10 | class Polygon3;
11 | class Mesh;
12 | // --------------------------------------------------------
13 | // CAABox class.
14 | // This is a box in 3-space, defined by min and max
15 | // corner vectors. Many useful operations are defined
16 | // on this
17 | // --------------------------------------------------------
18 | class AxisAlignedBox3
19 | {
20 | protected:
21 | Vector3 mMin, mMax;
22 | public:
23 | // Constructors.
24 | AxisAlignedBox3() { }
25 | AxisAlignedBox3(const Vector3 &nMin, const Vector3 &nMax)
26 | {
27 | mMin = nMin; mMax = nMax;
28 | }
29 |
30 | // AxisAlignedBox3(const Vector3 ¢er, const float radius):min(center - Vector3(radius)),
31 | // max(center + Vector3(radius)) {}
32 |
33 | // initialization to the non existing bounding box
34 | void Initialize() {
35 | mMin = Vector3(MAXFLOAT);
36 | mMax = Vector3(-MAXFLOAT);
37 | }
38 |
39 | // The center of the box
40 | Vector3 Center() const { return 0.5 * (mMin + mMax); }
41 |
42 | // The diagonal of the box
43 | Vector3 Diagonal() const { return (mMax -mMin); }
44 |
45 | float Center(const int axis) const {
46 | return 0.5f * (mMin[axis] + mMax[axis]);
47 | }
48 |
49 | float Min(const int axis) const {
50 | return mMin[axis];
51 | }
52 |
53 | float Max(const int axis) const {
54 | return mMax[axis];
55 | }
56 |
57 | float Size(const int axis) const {
58 | return Max(axis) - Min(axis);
59 | }
60 |
61 | // Read-only const access tomMin and max vectors using references
62 | const Vector3& Min() const { return mMin;}
63 | const Vector3& Max() const { return mMax;}
64 |
65 | void Enlarge (const Vector3 &v) {
66 | mMax += v;
67 | mMin -= v;
68 | }
69 |
70 |
71 | void SetMin(const Vector3 &v) {
72 | mMin = v;
73 | }
74 |
75 | void SetMax(const Vector3 &v) {
76 | mMax = v;
77 | }
78 |
79 | void SetMin(int axis, const float value) {
80 | mMin[axis] = value;
81 | }
82 |
83 | void SetMax(int axis, const float value) {
84 | mMax[axis] = value;
85 | }
86 |
87 | // Decrease box by given splitting plane
88 | void Reduce(int axis, int right, float value) {
89 | if ( (value >=mMin[axis]) && (value <= mMax[axis]) )
90 | if (right)
91 | mMin[axis] = value;
92 | else
93 | mMax[axis] = value;
94 | }
95 |
96 | // the size of the box along all the axes
97 | Vector3 Size() const { return mMax - mMin; }
98 |
99 | // Return whether the box is unbounded. Unbounded boxes appear
100 | // when unbounded objects such as quadric surfaces are included.
101 | bool Unbounded() const;
102 |
103 | // Expand the axis-aligned box to include the given object.
104 | void Include(const Vector3 &newpt);
105 | void Include(const Polygon3 &newpoly);
106 | void Include(const AxisAlignedBox3 &bbox);
107 | void Include(Mesh *mesh);
108 | // Expand the axis-aligned box to include given values in particular axis
109 | void Include(const int &axis, const float &newBound);
110 |
111 |
112 | int
113 | Side(const Plane3 &plane) const;
114 |
115 | // Overlap returns 1 if the two axis-aligned boxes overlap .. even weakly
116 | friend inline bool Overlap(const AxisAlignedBox3 &, const AxisAlignedBox3 &);
117 |
118 | // Overlap returns 1 if the two axis-aligned boxes overlap .. only strongly
119 | friend inline bool OverlapS(const AxisAlignedBox3 &,const AxisAlignedBox3 &);
120 |
121 | // Overlap returns 1 if the two axis-aligned boxes overlap for a given
122 | // epsilon. If eps > 0.0, then the boxes has to have the real intersection
123 | // box, if eps < 0.0, then the boxes need not intersect really, they
124 | // can be at eps distance in the projection
125 | friend inline bool Overlap(const AxisAlignedBox3 &,
126 | const AxisAlignedBox3 &,
127 | float eps);
128 |
129 | // Includes returns true if a includes b (completely
130 | bool Includes(const AxisAlignedBox3 &b) const;
131 |
132 | virtual int IsInside(const Vector3 &v) const;
133 |
134 | // Test if the box is really sensefull
135 | virtual bool IsCorrect();
136 |
137 | // To answer true requires the box of real volume of non-zero value
138 | bool IsSingularOrIncorrect() const;
139 |
140 | // When the box is not of non-zero or negative surface area
141 | bool IsCorrectAndNotPoint() const;
142 |
143 | // Returns true when the box degenerates to a point
144 | bool IsPoint() const;
145 |
146 | void Scale(const float scale) {
147 | Vector3 newSize = Size()*(scale*0.5f);
148 | Vector3 center = Center();
149 | mMin = center - newSize;
150 | mMax = center + newSize;
151 | }
152 |
153 | void
154 | GetSqrDistances(const Vector3 &point,
155 | float &minDistance,
156 | float &maxDistance
157 | ) const;
158 |
159 | // returns true, when the sphere specified by the origin and radius
160 | // fully contains the box
161 | bool IsFullyContainedInSphere(const Vector3 ¢er, float radius) const;
162 |
163 | // returns true, when the volume of the sphere and volume of the
164 | // axis aligned box has no intersection
165 | bool HasNoIntersectionWithSphere(const Vector3 ¢er,
166 | float radius) const;
167 |
168 |
169 | // Given a sphere described by the center and radius,
170 | // the fullowing function returns:
171 | // -1 ... the sphere and the box are completely separate
172 | // 0 ... the sphere and the box only partially overlap
173 | // 1 ... the sphere contains fully the box
174 | // Note: the case when box fully contains the sphere is not reported
175 | // since it was not required.
176 | int MutualPositionWithSphere(const Vector3 ¢er, float radius) const;
177 |
178 | // Given a cube described by the center and half-size (radius),
179 | // the following function returns:
180 | // -1 ... the cube and the box are completely separate
181 | // 0 ... the cube and the box only partially overlap
182 | // 1 ... the cube contains fully the box
183 | int MutualPositionWithCube(const Vector3 ¢er, float halfSize) const;
184 |
185 |
186 | Vector3 GetRandomPoint() const {
187 | Vector3 size = Size();
188 | return mMin + Vector3(RandomValue(0.0f, size.x),
189 | RandomValue(0.0f, size.y),
190 | RandomValue(0.0f, size.z));
191 | }
192 |
193 |
194 | Vector3 GetPoint(const Vector3 &p) const {
195 | return mMin + p*Size();
196 | }
197 |
198 | // Returns the smallest axis-aligned box that includes all points
199 | // inside the two given boxes.
200 | friend inline AxisAlignedBox3 Union(const AxisAlignedBox3 &x,
201 | const AxisAlignedBox3 &y);
202 |
203 | // Returns the intersection of two axis-aligned boxes.
204 | friend inline AxisAlignedBox3 Intersect(const AxisAlignedBox3 &x,
205 | const AxisAlignedBox3 &y);
206 |
207 | // Given 4x4 matrix, transform the current box to new one.
208 | friend inline AxisAlignedBox3 Transform(const AxisAlignedBox3 &box,
209 | const Matrix4x4 &tform);
210 |
211 |
212 | // returns true when two boxes are completely equal
213 | friend inline int operator== (const AxisAlignedBox3 &A, const AxisAlignedBox3 &B);
214 |
215 | virtual float SurfaceArea() const;
216 | virtual float GetVolume() const {
217 | return (mMax.x - mMin.x) * (mMax.y - mMin.y) * (mMax.z - mMin.z);
218 | }
219 |
220 | // Six faces are distuinguished by their name.
221 | enum EFaces { ID_Back = 0, ID_Left = 1, ID_Bottom = 2, ID_Front = 3,
222 | ID_Right = 4, ID_Top = 5};
223 |
224 | int
225 | ComputeMinMaxT(const Vector3 &origin,
226 | const Vector3 &direction,
227 | float *tmin,
228 | float *tmax) const;
229 |
230 | // Compute tmin and tmax for a ray, whenever required .. need not pierce box
231 | int ComputeMinMaxT(const Ray &ray, float *tmin, float *tmax) const;
232 |
233 | // Compute tmin and tmax for a ray, whenever required .. need not pierce box
234 | int ComputeMinMaxT(const Ray &ray,
235 | float *tmin,
236 | float *tmax,
237 | EFaces &entryFace,
238 | EFaces &exitFace) const;
239 |
240 | // If a ray pierces the box .. returns 1, otherwise 0.
241 | // Computes the signed distances for case: tmin < tmax and tmax > 0
242 | int GetMinMaxT(const Ray &ray, float *tmin, float *tmax) const;
243 | // computes the signed distances for case: tmin < tmax and tmax > 0
244 | int GetMinMaxT(const Ray &ray, float *tmin, float *tmax,
245 | EFaces &entryFace, EFaces &exitFace) const;
246 |
247 | // Writes a brief description of the object, indenting by the given
248 | // number of spaces first.
249 | virtual void Describe(ostream& app, int ind) const;
250 |
251 | // For edge .. number <0..11> returns two incident vertices
252 | void GetEdge(const int edge, Vector3 *a, Vector3 *b) const;
253 |
254 | // Compute the coordinates of one vertex of the box for 0/1 in each axis
255 | // 0 .. smaller coordinates, 1 .. large coordinates
256 | Vector3 GetVertex(int xAxis, int yAxis, int zAxis) const;
257 |
258 | // Compute the vertex for number N=<0..7>, N = 4*x + 2*y + z, where
259 | // x,y,z are either 0 or 1; (0 .. lower coordinate, 1 .. large coordinate)
260 | // (xmin,ymin, zmin) .. N = 0, (xmax, ymax, zmax) .. N= 7
261 | void GetVertex(const int N, Vector3 &vertex) const;
262 |
263 | Vector3 GetVertex(const int N) const {
264 | Vector3 v;
265 | GetVertex(N, v);
266 | return v;
267 | }
268 |
269 | // Returns 1, if the box includes on arbitrary face a given box
270 | int IsPiercedByBox(const AxisAlignedBox3 &box, int &axis) const;
271 |
272 |
273 | int GetFaceVisibilityMask(const Vector3 &position) const;
274 | int GetFaceVisibilityMask(const Rectangle3 &rectangle) const;
275 |
276 | Rectangle3 GetFace(const int face) const;
277 |
278 | // For a given point returns the region, where the point is located
279 | // there are 27 regions (0..26) .. determined by the planes embedding in the
280 | // sides of the bounding box (0 .. lower the position of the box,
281 | // 1 .. inside the box, 2 .. greater than box). The region number is given as
282 | // R = 9*x + 3*y + z ; e.g. region .. inside the box is 13.
283 | int GetRegionID(const Vector3 &point) const;
284 |
285 | // Set the corner point of rectangle on the face of bounding box
286 | // given by the index number and the rectangle lying on this face
287 | // void GetFaceRectCorner(const CRectLeaf2D *rect, EFaces faceIndx,
288 | // const int &cornerIndx, Vector3 &cornerPoint);
289 |
290 | // Project the box to a plane given a normal vector of this plane. Computes
291 | // the surface area of projected silhouettes for parallel projection.
292 | float ProjectToPlaneSA(const Vector3 &normal) const;
293 |
294 | // Computes projected surface area of the box to a given viewing plane
295 | // given a viewpoint. This corresponds the probability, the box will
296 | // be hit by the ray .. moreover returns .. the region number (0-26).
297 | // the function supposes all the points lie of the box lies in the viewing
298 | // frustrum !!! The positive halfspace of viewplane has to contain
299 | // viewpoint. "projectionType" == 0 .. perspective projection,
300 | // == 1 .. parallel projection.
301 | float ProjectToPlaneSA(const Plane3 &viewplane,
302 | const Vector3 &viewpoint,
303 | int *tcase,
304 | const float &maxSA,
305 | int projectionType) const;
306 |
307 | // Computes projected surface area of the box to a given viewing plane
308 | // and viewpoint. It clipps the area by all the planes given .. they should
309 | // define the viewing frustrum. Variable tclip defines, which planes are
310 | // used for clipping, parameter 31 is the most general, clip all the plane.
311 | // 1 .. clip left, 2 .. clip top, 4 .. clip right, 8 .. clip bottom,
312 | // 16 .. clip supporting plane(its normal towards the viewing frustrum).
313 | // "typeProjection" == 0 .. perspective projection,
314 | // == 1 .. parallel projection
315 | float ProjectToPlaneSA(const Plane3 &viewplane,
316 | const Vector3 &viewpoint,
317 | int *tcase, int &tclip,
318 | const Plane3 &leftPlane,
319 | const Plane3 &topPlane,
320 | const Plane3 &rightPlane,
321 | const Plane3 &bottomPlane,
322 | const Plane3 &suppPlane,
323 | const float &maxSA,
324 | int typeProjection) const;
325 |
326 | // Projects the box to a unit sphere enclosing a given viewpoint and
327 | // returns the solid angle of the box projected to a unit sphere
328 | float ProjectToSphereSA(const Vector3 &viewpoint, int *tcase) const;
329 |
330 | /** Returns vertex indices of edge.
331 | */
332 | void GetEdge(const int edge, int &aIdx, int &bIdx) const;
333 |
334 | /** Computes cross section of plane with box (i.e., bounds box).
335 | @returns the cross section
336 | */
337 | Polygon3 *CrossSection(const Plane3 &plane) const;
338 |
339 | /** Computes minimal and maximal t of ray, including the object intersections.
340 | @returns true if ray hits the bounding box.
341 | */
342 | bool GetRaySegment(const Ray &ray,
343 | float &minT,
344 | float &maxT) const;
345 |
346 | /** If the boxes are intersecting on a common face, this function
347 | returns the face intersection, false otherwise.
348 |
349 | @param neighbour the neighbouring box intersecting with this box.
350 | */
351 | bool GetIntersectionFace(Rectangle3 &face,
352 | const AxisAlignedBox3 &neighbour) const;
353 |
354 | /** Adds the box faces to the mesh.
355 | */
356 | void AddBoxToMesh(Mesh *mesh) const;
357 |
358 | #define __EXTENT_HACK
359 | // get the extent of face
360 | float GetExtent(const int &face) const {
361 | #if defined(__EXTENT_HACK) && defined(__VECTOR_HACK)
362 | return mMin[face];
363 | #else
364 | if (face < 3)
365 | return mMin[face];
366 | else
367 | return mMax[face-3];
368 | #endif
369 | }
370 |
371 | // The vertices that form boundaries of the projected bounding box
372 | // for all the regions possible, number of regions is 3^3 = 27,
373 | // since two parallel sides of bbox forms three disjoint spaces
374 | // the vertices are given in anti-clockwise order .. stopped by -1 elem.
375 | static const int bvertices[27][9];
376 |
377 | // The list of all faces visible from a given region (except region 13)
378 | // the faces are identified by triple: (axis, min-vertex, max-vertex),
379 | // that is maximaly three triples are defined. axis = 0 (x-axis),
380 | // axis = 1 (y-axis), axis = 2 (z-axis), -1 .. terminator. Is is always
381 | // true that: min-vertex < max-vertex for all coordinates excluding axis
382 | static const int bfaces[27][10];
383 |
384 | // The correct corners indexed starting from entry face to exit face
385 | // first index determines entry face, second index exit face, and
386 | // the two numbers (indx, inc) determines: ind = the index on the exit
387 | // face, when starting from the vertex 0 on entry face, 'inc' is
388 | // the increment when we go on entry face in order 0,1,2,3 to create
389 | // convex shaft with the rectangle on exit face. That is, inc = -1 or 1.
390 | static const int pairFaceRects[6][6][2];
391 |
392 | // The vertices that form CLOSEST points with respect to the region
393 | // for all the regions possible, number of regions is 3^3 = 27,
394 | // since two parallel sides of bbox forms three disjoint spaces.
395 | // The vertices are given in anti-clockwise order, stopped by -1 elem,
396 | // at most 8 points, at least 1 point.
397 | static const int cvertices[27][9];
398 | static const int csvertices[27][6];
399 |
400 | // The vertices that form FARTHEST points with respect to the region
401 | // for all the regions possible, number of regions is 3^3 = 27,
402 | // since two parallel sides of bbox forms three disjoint spaces.
403 | // The vertices are given in anti-clockwise order, stopped by -1 elem,
404 | // at most 8 points, at least 1 point.
405 | static const int fvertices[27][9];
406 | static const int fsvertices[27][9];
407 |
408 | // input and output operator with stream
409 | friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &s, const AxisAlignedBox3 &A);
410 | friend istream& operator>>(istream &s, AxisAlignedBox3 &A);
411 |
412 | protected:
413 | // definition of friend functions
414 | friend class Ray;
415 | };
416 |
417 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
418 | // Implementation of inline (member) functions
419 |
420 | inline bool
421 | Overlap(const AxisAlignedBox3 &x, const AxisAlignedBox3 &y)
422 | {
423 | if (x.mMax.x < y.mMin.x ||
424 | x.mMin.x > y.mMax.x ||
425 | x.mMax.y < y.mMin.y ||
426 | x.mMin.y > y.mMax.y ||
427 | x.mMax.z < y.mMin.z ||
428 | x.mMin.z > y.mMax.z) {
429 | return false;
430 | }
431 | return true;
432 | }
433 |
434 | inline bool
435 | OverlapS(const AxisAlignedBox3 &x, const AxisAlignedBox3 &y)
436 | {
437 | if (x.mMax.x <= y.mMin.x ||
438 | x.mMin.x >= y.mMax.x ||
439 | x.mMax.y <= y.mMin.y ||
440 | x.mMin.y >= y.mMax.y ||
441 | x.mMax.z <= y.mMin.z ||
442 | x.mMin.z >= y.mMax.z) {
443 | return false;
444 | }
445 | return true;
446 | }
447 |
448 | inline bool
449 | Overlap(const AxisAlignedBox3 &x, const AxisAlignedBox3 &y, float eps)
450 | {
451 | if ( (x.mMax.x - eps) < y.mMin.x ||
452 | (x.mMin.x + eps) > y.mMax.x ||
453 | (x.mMax.y - eps) < y.mMin.y ||
454 | (x.mMin.y + eps) > y.mMax.y ||
455 | (x.mMax.z - eps) < y.mMin.z ||
456 | (x.mMin.z + eps) > y.mMax.z ) {
457 | return false;
458 | }
459 | return true;
460 | }
461 |
462 | inline AxisAlignedBox3
463 | Intersect(const AxisAlignedBox3 &x, const AxisAlignedBox3 &y)
464 | {
465 | if (x.Unbounded())
466 | return y;
467 | else
468 | if (y.Unbounded())
469 | return x;
470 | AxisAlignedBox3 ret = x;
471 | if (Overlap(ret, y)) {
472 | Maximize(ret.mMin, y.mMin);
473 | Minimize(ret.mMax, y.mMax);
474 | return ret;
475 | }
476 | else // Null intersection.
477 | return AxisAlignedBox3(Vector3(0), Vector3(0));
478 | // return AxisAlignedBox3(Vector3(0), Vector3(-1));
479 | }
480 |
481 | inline AxisAlignedBox3
482 | Union(const AxisAlignedBox3 &x, const AxisAlignedBox3 &y)
483 | {
484 | Vector3 min = x.mMin;
485 | Vector3 max = x.mMax;
486 | Minimize(min, y.mMin);
487 | Maximize(max, y.mMax);
488 | return AxisAlignedBox3(min, max);
489 | }
490 |
491 | inline AxisAlignedBox3
492 | Transform(const AxisAlignedBox3 &box, const Matrix4x4 &tform)
493 | {
494 | Vector3 mmin(MAXFLOAT);
495 | Vector3 mmax(-MAXFLOAT);
496 |
497 | AxisAlignedBox3 ret(mmin, mmax);
498 | ret.Include(tform * Vector3(box.mMin.x, box.mMin.y, box.mMin.z));
499 | ret.Include(tform * Vector3(box.mMin.x, box.mMin.y, box.mMax.z));
500 | ret.Include(tform * Vector3(box.mMin.x, box.mMax.y, box.mMin.z));
501 | ret.Include(tform * Vector3(box.mMin.x, box.mMax.y, box.mMax.z));
502 | ret.Include(tform * Vector3(box.mMax.x, box.mMin.y, box.mMin.z));
503 | ret.Include(tform * Vector3(box.mMax.x, box.mMin.y, box.mMax.z));
504 | ret.Include(tform * Vector3(box.mMax.x, box.mMax.y, box.mMin.z));
505 | ret.Include(tform * Vector3(box.mMax.x, box.mMax.y, box.mMax.z));
506 | return ret;
507 | }
508 |
509 |
510 | inline int operator==(const AxisAlignedBox3 &A, const AxisAlignedBox3 &B)
511 | {
512 | return (A.mMin == B.mMin) && (A.mMax == B.mMax);
513 | }
514 |
515 |
516 |
517 |
518 |
519 | #endif