1 | #ifndef __PVS_H
2 | #define __PVS_H
3 |
4 | #include <map>
5 |
6 | class KdNode;
7 | class BspNode;
8 | class Ray;
9 | class Intersectable;
10 | class ViewCellKdNode;
11 |
12 | template<typename T>
13 | struct LtSample {
14 | bool operator()(const T a, const T b) const
15 | {
16 | return a < b;
17 | }
18 | };
19 |
20 | //typedef std::map<T *, PvsData<T>, LtSample<T>> PvsMap<T>;
21 |
22 | template<typename T>
23 | struct PvsData {
24 | int mVisibleSamples;
25 | PvsData<T>() {}
26 | PvsData<T>(const int samples): mVisibleSamples(samples) {}
27 | };
28 |
29 | template<typename T>
30 | class Pvs
31 | {
32 | public:
33 | Pvs(): mSamples(0), mEntries() {}
34 |
35 | int mSamples;
36 |
37 | int Compress() {return 0;}
38 | int GetSize() const {return (int)mEntries.size();}
39 | bool Empty() const {return mEntries.size() == 0;}
40 | /** Merges pvs of a and pvs of b into this pvs.
41 | */
42 | void Merge(const Pvs<T> &a, const Pvs<T> &b);
43 | /** Difference of pvs to pvs b.
44 | @returns number of different entries.
45 | */
46 | int Diff(const Pvs<T> &b);
47 |
48 | PvsData<T> *Find(T sample);
49 | bool AddSample(T sample, float &contribution);
50 | int AddSample(T sample);
51 |
52 | void GetData(const int index, T &entry, PvsData<T> &data);
53 | std::map<T, PvsData<T>, LtSample<T> > mEntries;
54 | };
55 |
56 | template <typename T>
57 | int Pvs<T>::Diff(const Pvs<T> &b)
58 | {
59 | int dif = 0;
60 |
61 | std::map<T, PvsData<T>, LtSample<T> >::const_iterator it;
62 |
63 | for (it = b.mEntries.begin(); it != b.mEntries.end(); ++ it)
64 | {
65 | PvsData<T> *data = Find((*it).first);
66 | if (!data) ++ dif;
67 | }
68 |
69 | return dif;
70 | }
71 |
72 | template <typename T>
73 | void Pvs<T>::Merge(const Pvs<T> &a, const Pvs<T> &b)
74 | {
75 | std::map<T, PvsData<T>, LtSample<T> >::const_iterator it;
76 |
77 | // todo: copy all elements instead of inserting
78 | for (it = a.mEntries.begin(); it != a.mEntries.end(); ++ it)
79 | {
80 | mEntries.insert(*it);
81 | }
82 |
83 | for (it = b.mEntries.begin(); it != b.mEntries.end(); ++ it)
84 | {
85 | PvsData<T> *data = Find((*it).first);
86 |
87 | if (data)
88 | data->mVisibleSamples += (*it).second.mVisibleSamples;
89 | else
90 | mEntries.insert(*it);
91 | }
92 | }
93 |
94 | template <typename T>
95 | PvsData<T> *Pvs<T>::Find(T sample)
96 | {
97 | std::map<T, PvsData<T>, LtSample<T> >::iterator i = mEntries.find(sample);
98 | if (i != mEntries.end()) {
99 | return &(*i).second;
100 | } else
101 | return NULL;
102 | }
103 |
104 | template <typename T>
105 | void Pvs<T>::GetData(const int index,
106 | T &entry,
107 | PvsData<T> &data)
108 | {
109 | std::map<T, PvsData<T>, LtSample<T> >::iterator i = mEntries.begin();
110 | for (int k = 0; k != index && i != mEntries.end(); i++, k++);
111 |
112 | entry = (*i).first;
113 | data = (*i).second;
114 | }
115 |
116 | template <typename T>
117 | int Pvs<T>::AddSample(T sample)
118 | {
119 | float dummy;
120 | return AddSample(sample, dummy) ? 1 : 0;
121 | }
122 |
123 | template <typename T>
124 | bool Pvs<T>::AddSample(T sample, float &contribution)
125 | {
126 | PvsData<T> *data = Find(sample);
127 |
128 | if (data) {
129 | data->mVisibleSamples++;
130 | contribution = 1.0f/data->mVisibleSamples;
131 | return false;
132 | }
133 | else {
134 | mEntries[sample] = PvsData<T>(1);
135 | contribution = 1.0f;
136 | return true;
137 | }
138 | }
139 |
140 | /** Class instantiating the Pvs template for kd tree nodes.
141 | */
142 | class KdPvs: public Pvs<KdNode *>
143 | {
144 | int Compress();
145 | };
146 |
147 | typedef std::map<KdNode *, PvsData<KdNode *>, LtSample<KdNode *> > KdPvsMap;
148 | typedef std::map<ViewCellKdNode *, PvsData<ViewCellKdNode *>, LtSample<ViewCellKdNode *> > ViewCellKdPvsMap;
149 | typedef std::map<Intersectable *, PvsData<Intersectable *>, LtSample<Intersectable *> > ViewCellPvsMap;
150 | typedef PvsData<Intersectable *> ViewCellPvsData;
151 | typedef PvsData<KdNode *> KdPvsData;
152 | typedef Pvs<ViewCellKdNode *> ViewCellKdPvs;
153 | typedef Pvs<Intersectable *> ViewCellPvs;
154 |
155 |
156 | #endif
157 |