#include "Ray.h" #include "Plane3.h" // ========================================================= // Ray .. static item used for generation of unique ID for // each instantiated ray // it has to start from 1, since 0 is default and for the first // ray initial value 0 will not work .. V.H. // The value 0 is reserved for particular purpose - the rays // that are converted to canonical space and thus the mailbox // rayID identification does not work for them! int Ray::genID = 1; // Precompute some Ray parameters. Most of them is used for // ropes traversal. void Ray::Init() { // if (mType == LOCAL_RAY) // intersections.reserve(1); // else // intersections.reserve(10); // apply the standard precomputation Precompute(); } void Ray::Precompute() { // initialize inverted dir invDir.SetValue(0.0); SetId(); } void Ray::SetLoc(const Vector3 &l) { loc = l; } // make such operation to slightly change the ray direction // in case any component of ray direction is zero. void Ray::CorrectZeroComponents() { const float eps = 1e-6; // it does change the ray direction very slightly, // but the size direction vector is not practically changed if (fabs(dir.x) < eps) { if (dir.x < 0.0) dir.x = -eps; else dir.x = eps; } if (fabs(dir.y) < eps) { if (dir.y < 0.0) dir.y = -eps; else dir.y = eps; } if (fabs(dir.z) < eps) { if (dir.z < 0.0) dir.z = -eps; else dir.z = eps; } } void Ray::ComputeInvertedDir() const { if ( (invDir.x != 0.0) || (invDir.y != 0.0) || (invDir.z != 0.0) ) return; // has been already precomputed const float eps = 1e-6; const float invEps = 1e6; // it does change the ray direction very slightly, // but the size direction vector is not practically changed if (fabs(dir.x) < eps) { if (dir.x < 0.0) invDir.x = -invEps; else invDir.x = invEps; } else invDir.x = 1.0 / dir.x; if (fabs(dir.y) < eps) { if (dir.y < 0.0) invDir.y = -invEps; else invDir.y = invEps; } else invDir.y = 1.0 / dir.y; if (fabs(dir.z) < eps) { if (dir.z < 0.0) invDir.z = -invEps; else invDir.z = invEps; } else invDir.z = 1.0 / dir.z; return; } void PassingRaySet::Reset() { for (int i=0; i < 3*Resolution*Resolution; i++) mDirectionalContributions[i] = 0; mRays = 0; mContributions = 0; } void PassingRaySet::AddRay(const Ray &ray, const int contributions) { int i = GetEntryIndex(ray.GetDir()); mRays++; mContributions += contributions; mDirectionalContributions[i] += contributions; } int PassingRaySet::GetEntryIndex(const Vector3 &direction) const { // get face int axis = direction.DrivingAxis(); Vector3 dir; float k = direction[axis]; if ( k < 0.0f) k = -k; dir = direction/k; float x, y; dir.ExtractVerts(&x, &y, axis); int ix = (x + 1.0f)*0.5f*Resolution; int iy = (y + 1.0f)*0.5f*Resolution; return Resolution*(Resolution*axis + iy) + ix; } int Ray::ClassifyPlane(const Plane3 &plane, float minT, float maxT) { Vector3 entp = Extrap(minT); Vector3 extp = Extrap(maxT); int entSide = plane.Side(entp); int extSide = plane.Side(extp); if ((entSide == 0) && (extSide == 0)) { return Plane3::COINCIDENT; } else if ((entSide <= 0) && (entSide <= 0)) { return Plane3::BACK_SIDE; } else if ((entSide >= 0) && (entSide >= 0)) { return Plane3::FRONT_SIDE; } return Plane3::SPLIT; } ostream & operator<<(ostream &s, const PassingRaySet &set) { s<<"Ray Set #rays="<