1 | // ================================================================
2 | // $Id$
3 | // ****************************************************************
4 | //
5 | // Initial coding by
6 | /**
7 | @author Jiri Bittner
8 | */
9 |
10 | #ifndef __VSSTREE_H__
11 | #define __VSSTREE_H__
12 |
13 | // Standard headers
14 | #include <iomanip>
15 | #include <vector>
16 | #include <functional>
17 | #include <stack>
18 |
19 |
20 | // User headers
21 | #include "VssRay.h"
22 | #include "AxisAlignedBox3.h"
23 |
24 |
25 | #define USE_KDNODE_VECTORS 1
26 | #define _RSS_STATISTICS
28 |
29 |
30 | #include "Statistics.h"
31 |
32 | // --------------------------------------------------------------
33 | // Static statistics for kd-tree search
34 | // --------------------------------------------------------------
35 | class VssStatistics :
36 | public StatisticsBase
37 | {
38 | public:
39 | // total number of nodes
40 | int nodes;
41 | // number of splits along each of the axes
42 | int splits[7];
43 | // totals number of rays
44 | int rays;
45 | // total number of query domains
46 | int queryDomains;
47 | // total number of ray references
48 | int rayRefs;
49 | // refs in non empty leafs
50 | int rayRefsNonZeroQuery;
51 | // total number of query references
52 | int queryDomainRefs;
53 | // nodes with zero queries
54 | int zeroQueryNodes;
55 | // max depth nodes
56 | int maxDepthNodes;
57 | // max depth nodes
58 | int minCostNodes;
59 | // max number of rays per node
60 | int maxRayRefs;
61 | // number of dynamically added ray refs
62 | int addedRayRefs;
63 | // number of dynamically removed ray refs
64 | int removedRayRefs;
65 |
66 | // Constructor
67 | VssStatistics() {
68 | Reset();
69 | }
70 |
71 | int Nodes() const {return nodes;}
72 | int Interior() const { return nodes/2; }
73 | int Leaves() const { return (nodes/2) + 1; }
74 |
75 | void Reset() {
76 | nodes = 0;
77 | for (int i=0; i<7; i++)
78 | splits[i] = 0;
79 | rays = queryDomains = 0;
80 | rayRefs = rayRefsNonZeroQuery = queryDomainRefs = 0;
81 | zeroQueryNodes = 0;
82 | maxDepthNodes = 0;
83 | minCostNodes = 0;
84 | maxRayRefs = 0;
85 | addedRayRefs = removedRayRefs = 0;
86 | }
87 |
88 |
89 | void
90 | Print(ostream &app) const;
91 |
92 | friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &s, const VssStatistics &stat) {
93 | stat.Print(s);
94 | return s;
95 | }
96 |
97 | };
98 |
99 |
100 | // --------------------------------------------------------------
101 | // For sorting rays
102 | // --------------------------------------------------------------
103 | struct SSortableEntry
104 | {
105 | enum EType {
106 | ERayMin,
107 | ERayMax
108 | };
109 |
110 | int type;
111 | float value;
112 | void *data;
113 |
114 | SSortableEntry() {}
115 | SSortableEntry(const int t, const float v, void *d):type(t),
116 | value(v),
117 | data(d) {}
118 |
119 | friend bool operator<(const SSortableEntry &a, const SSortableEntry &b) {
120 | return a.value < b.value;
121 | }
122 | };
123 |
124 |
125 | class VssTreeInterior;
126 |
127 |
128 | // --------------------------------------------------------------
129 | // KD-tree node - abstract class
130 | // --------------------------------------------------------------
131 | class VssTreeNode
132 | {
133 | public:
134 |
135 | #define USE_FIXEDPOINT_T 1
136 |
137 | struct RayInfo
138 | {
139 | // pointer to the actual ray
140 | VssRay *mRay;
141 |
142 | // endpoints - do we need them?
144 | short mMinT, mMaxT;
145 | #else
146 | float mMinT, mMaxT;
147 | #endif
148 |
149 | RayInfo():mRay(NULL) {}
150 |
151 | RayInfo(VssRay *r):mRay(r), mMinT(0),
153 | #define FIXEDPOINT_ONE 0x7FFE
154 | // mMaxT(0xFFFF)
156 | #else
157 | mMaxT(1.0f)
158 | #endif
159 | {}
160 |
161 | RayInfo(VssRay *r,
162 | const float _min,
163 | const float _max
164 | ):mRay(r) {
165 | SetMinT(_min);
166 | SetMaxT(_max);
167 | }
168 |
169 | RayInfo(VssRay *r,
170 | const short _min,
171 | const float _max
172 | ):mRay(r), mMinT(_min) {
173 | SetMaxT(_max);
174 | }
175 |
176 | RayInfo(VssRay *r,
177 | const float _min,
178 | const short _max
179 | ):mRay(r), mMaxT(_max) {
180 | SetMinT(_min);
181 | }
182 |
183 | friend bool operator<(const RayInfo &a, const RayInfo &b) {
184 | return a.mRay < b.mRay;
185 | }
186 |
187 |
188 | float ExtrapOrigin(const int axis) const {
189 | return mRay->GetOrigin(axis) + GetMinT()*mRay->GetDir(axis);
190 | }
191 |
192 | float ExtrapTermination(const int axis) const {
193 | return mRay->GetOrigin(axis) + GetMaxT()*mRay->GetDir(axis);
194 | }
195 |
197 | float GetMinT () const { return mMinT/(float)(FIXEDPOINT_ONE); }
198 | float GetMaxT () const { return mMaxT/(float)(FIXEDPOINT_ONE); }
199 |
200 | void SetMinT (const float t) {
201 | mMinT = (short) (t*(float)(FIXEDPOINT_ONE));
202 | }
203 |
204 | void SetMaxT (const float t) {
205 | mMaxT = (short) (t*(float)(FIXEDPOINT_ONE));
206 | mMaxT++;
207 | // if (mMaxT!=0xFFFF)
208 | // mMaxT++;
209 | }
210 | #else
211 | float GetMinT () const { return mMinT; }
212 | float GetMaxT () const { return mMaxT; }
213 |
214 | void SetMinT (const float t) { mMinT = t; }
215 | void SetMaxT (const float t) { mMaxT = t; }
216 | #endif
217 | };
218 |
219 |
220 | typedef vector<RayInfo> RayInfoContainer;
221 |
222 | enum { EInterior, ELeaf };
223 |
224 | /////////////////////////////////
225 | // The actual data goes here
226 |
227 | // link to the parent
228 | VssTreeInterior *parent;
229 |
231 |
232 | // splitting axis
233 | char axis;
234 |
235 | // depth
236 | unsigned char depth;
237 |
238 | // short depth;
239 | //
240 | /////////////////////////////////
241 |
242 | inline VssTreeNode(VssTreeInterior *p);
243 |
244 |
245 | virtual ~VssTreeNode() {};
246 | virtual int Type() const = 0;
247 |
248 |
249 | bool IsLeaf() const { return axis == -1; }
250 |
251 | virtual void Print(ostream &s) const = 0;
252 |
253 | virtual int GetAccessTime() {
254 | return 0x7FFFFFF;
255 | }
256 |
257 |
258 |
259 | };
260 |
261 | // --------------------------------------------------------------
262 | // KD-tree node - interior node
263 | // --------------------------------------------------------------
264 | class VssTreeInterior :
265 | public VssTreeNode
266 | {
267 | public:
268 | // plane in local modelling coordinates
269 | float position;
270 |
271 | // pointers to children
272 | VssTreeNode *back, *front;
273 |
274 | // the bbox of the node
275 | AxisAlignedBox3 bbox;
276 |
277 | // the bbox of the node
278 | AxisAlignedBox3 dirBBox;
279 |
280 | // data for caching
281 | long accesses;
282 | long lastAccessTime;
283 |
284 | VssTreeInterior(VssTreeInterior *p):VssTreeNode(p),
285 | back(NULL),
286 | front(NULL),
287 | accesses(0),
288 | lastAccessTime(-1)
289 | { }
290 |
291 | virtual int GetAccessTime() {
292 | return lastAccessTime;
293 | }
294 |
295 | void SetupChildLinks(VssTreeNode *b, VssTreeNode *f) {
296 | back = b;
297 | front = f;
298 | b->parent = f->parent = this;
299 | }
300 |
301 | void ReplaceChildLink(VssTreeNode *oldChild, VssTreeNode *newChild) {
302 | if (back == oldChild)
303 | back = newChild;
304 | else
305 | front = newChild;
306 | }
307 |
308 | virtual int Type() const { return EInterior; }
309 |
310 | virtual ~VssTreeInterior() {
311 | if (back)
312 | delete back;
313 | if (front)
314 | delete front;
315 | }
316 |
317 | virtual void Print(ostream &s) const {
318 | if (axis == 0)
319 | s<<"x ";
320 | else
321 | if (axis == 1)
322 | s<<"y ";
323 | else
324 | s<<"z ";
325 | s<<position<<" ";
326 | back->Print(s);
327 | front->Print(s);
328 | }
329 |
330 |
331 | int ComputeRayIntersection(const RayInfo &rayData,
332 | float &t
333 | ) {
334 |
335 | // intersect the ray with the plane
336 | float denom = rayData.mRay->GetDir(axis);
337 |
338 | if (fabs(denom) < 1e-20)
339 | //if (denom == 0.0f)
340 | return (rayData.mRay->GetOrigin(axis) > position) ? 1 : -1;
341 |
342 | t = (position - rayData.mRay->GetOrigin(axis))/denom;
343 |
344 | if (t < rayData.GetMinT())
345 | return (denom > 0) ? 1 : -1;
346 |
347 | if (t > rayData.GetMaxT())
348 | return (denom > 0) ? -1 : 1;
349 |
350 | return 0;
351 | }
352 |
353 | };
354 |
355 |
356 | // --------------------------------------------------------------
357 | // KD-tree node - leaf node
358 | // --------------------------------------------------------------
359 | class VssTreeLeaf :
360 | public VssTreeNode
361 | {
362 | public:
363 | static int mailID;
364 | int mailbox;
365 |
366 | RayInfoContainer rays;
367 |
368 |
369 | VssTreeLeaf(VssTreeInterior *p, const int n):VssTreeNode(p), rays() {
370 | rays.reserve(n);
371 | }
372 |
373 | virtual ~VssTreeLeaf() { }
374 |
375 | virtual int Type() const { return ELeaf; }
376 |
377 | virtual void Print(ostream &s) const {
378 | s<<endl<<"L: r="<<rays.size()<<endl;
379 | };
380 |
381 | void AddRay(const RayInfo &data) {
382 | rays.push_back(data);
383 | data.mRay->Ref();
384 | }
385 |
386 | void Mail() { mailbox = mailID; }
387 | static void NewMail() { mailID++; }
388 | bool Mailed() const { return mailbox == mailID; }
389 |
390 | bool Mailed(const int mail) {
391 | return mailbox >= mailID + mail;
392 | }
393 |
394 | };
395 |
396 | // Inline functions
397 | inline
398 | VssTreeNode::VssTreeNode(VssTreeInterior *p):
399 | parent(p), axis(-1), depth(p ? p->depth + 1 : 0) {}
400 |
401 |
402 |
403 | // ---------------------------------------------------------------
404 | // Main LSDS search class
405 | // ---------------------------------------------------------------
406 | class VssTree
407 | {
408 | struct TraversalData
409 | {
410 | VssTreeNode *node;
411 | AxisAlignedBox3 bbox;
412 | int depth;
413 | float priority;
414 |
415 | TraversalData() {}
416 |
417 | TraversalData(VssTreeNode *n, const float p):
418 | node(n), priority(p)
419 | {}
420 |
421 | TraversalData(VssTreeNode *n,
422 | const AxisAlignedBox3 &b,
423 | const int d):
424 | node(n), bbox(b), depth(d) {}
425 |
426 |
427 | // comparator for the
428 | struct less_priority : public
429 | binary_function<const TraversalData, const TraversalData, bool> {
430 |
431 | bool operator()(const TraversalData a, const TraversalData b) {
432 | return a.priority < b.priority;
433 | }
434 |
435 | };
436 |
437 | // ~TraversalData() {}
438 | // TraversalData(const TraversalData &s):node(s.node), bbox(s.bbox), depth(s.depth) {}
439 |
440 | friend bool operator<(const TraversalData &a,
441 | const TraversalData &b) {
442 | // return a.node->queries.size() < b.node->queries.size();
443 | VssTreeLeaf *leafa = (VssTreeLeaf *) a.node;
444 | VssTreeLeaf *leafb = (VssTreeLeaf *) b.node;
445 | // return leafa->rays.size()*a.bbox.GetVolume() < leafb->rays.size()*b.bbox.GetVolume();
446 | return
447 | leafa->rays.size()*a.bbox.GetVolume()
448 | <
449 | leafb->rays.size()*b.bbox.GetVolume();
450 | }
451 | };
452 |
453 | // simplified data for ray traversal only...
454 |
455 | struct RayTraversalData {
456 |
457 | VssTreeNode::RayInfo rayData;
458 | VssTreeNode *node;
459 |
460 | RayTraversalData() {}
461 | RayTraversalData(VssTreeNode *n,
462 | const VssTreeNode::RayInfo &data):
463 | rayData(data), node(n) {}
464 | };
465 |
466 | public:
467 | /////////////////////////////
468 | // The core pointer
469 | VssTreeNode *root;
470 |
471 | /////////////////////////////
472 | // Basic properties
473 |
474 | // total number of nodes of the tree
475 | int nodes;
476 | // axis aligned bounding box of the scene
477 | AxisAlignedBox3 bbox;
478 |
479 | // axis aligned bounding box of directions
480 | AxisAlignedBox3 dirBBox;
481 |
482 | /////////////////////////////
483 | // Construction parameters
484 |
485 | // epsilon used for the construction
486 | float epsilon;
487 |
488 | // ratio between traversal and intersection costs
489 | float ct_div_ci;
490 | // max depth of the tree
491 | int termMaxDepth;
492 | // minimal cost of the node to still get subdivided
493 | int termMinCost;
494 | // minimal ratio of the volume of the cell and the query volume
495 | float termMinSize;
496 |
497 | // minimal cost imporvement to subdivide a node
498 | float maxCostRatio;
499 |
500 | // randomized construction
501 | bool randomize;
502 |
503 | // type of the splitting to use fo rthe tree construction
504 | enum {ESplitRegular, ESplitVolume, ESplitQueries };
505 | int splitType;
506 |
507 | // maximal size of the box on which the refdir splitting can be performed
508 | // (relative to the scene bbox
509 | float refDirBoxMaxSize;
510 |
511 | // maximum alovable memory in MB
512 | float maxTotalMemory;
513 |
514 | // maximum alovable memory for static kd tree in MB
515 | float maxStaticMemory;
516 |
517 | // this is used during the construction depending
518 | // on the type of the tree and queries...
519 | float maxMemory;
520 |
521 |
522 | // minimal acess time for collapse
523 | int accessTimeThreshold;
524 |
525 | // minimal depth at which to perform collapse
526 | int minCollapseDepth;
527 |
528 |
529 | // reusable array of split candidates
530 | vector<SSortableEntry> *splitCandidates;
531 | /////////////////////////////
532 |
533 | VssStatistics stat;
534 |
535 |
536 | VssTree();
537 | virtual ~VssTree();
538 |
539 | virtual void
540 | Construct(
541 | VssRayContainer &rays,
542 | const bool onlyStaticPart
543 | );
544 |
545 | // incemental construction
546 | virtual void UpdateRays(VssRayContainer &remove,
547 | VssRayContainer &add
548 | );
549 |
550 |
551 |
552 | VssTreeNode *
553 | Locate(const Vector3 &v);
554 |
555 | VssTreeNode *
556 | SubdivideNode(VssTreeLeaf *leaf,
557 | const AxisAlignedBox3 &box,
558 | AxisAlignedBox3 &backBox,
559 | AxisAlignedBox3 &frontBox
560 | );
561 |
562 | VssTreeNode *
563 | Subdivide(const TraversalData &tdata);
564 |
565 | int
566 | SelectPlane(VssTreeLeaf *leaf,
567 | const AxisAlignedBox3 &box,
568 | float &position
569 | );
570 |
571 | void
572 | SortSplitCandidates(
573 | VssTreeLeaf *node,
574 | const int axis
575 | );
576 |
577 |
578 | // return memory usage in MB
579 | float GetMemUsage() const {
580 | return
581 | (sizeof(VssTree) +
582 | stat.Leaves()*sizeof(VssTreeLeaf) +
583 | stat.Interior()*sizeof(VssTreeInterior) +
584 | stat.rayRefs*sizeof(VssTreeNode::RayInfo))/(1024.0f*1024.0f);
585 | }
586 |
587 | float GetRayMemUsage() const {
588 | return
589 | stat.rays*(sizeof(VssRay))/(1024.0f*1024.0f);
590 | }
591 |
592 |
593 | AxisAlignedBox3 GetBBox(const VssTreeNode *node) {
594 | if (node->parent == NULL)
595 | return bbox;
596 |
597 | if (!node->IsLeaf())
598 | return ((VssTreeInterior *)node)->bbox;
599 |
600 | if (node->parent->axis >= 3)
601 | return node->parent->bbox;
602 |
603 | AxisAlignedBox3 box(node->parent->bbox);
604 | if (node->parent->front == node)
605 | box.SetMin(node->parent->axis, node->parent->position);
606 | else
607 | box.SetMax(node->parent->axis, node->parent->position);
608 | return box;
609 | }
610 |
611 | AxisAlignedBox3 GetDirBBox(const VssTreeNode *node) {
612 |
613 | if (node->parent == NULL)
614 | return dirBBox;
615 |
616 | if (!node->IsLeaf() )
617 | return ((VssTreeInterior *)node)->dirBBox;
618 |
619 | if (node->parent->axis < 3)
620 | return node->parent->dirBBox;
621 |
622 | AxisAlignedBox3 dBBox(node->parent->dirBBox);
623 |
624 | if (node->parent->front == node)
625 | dBBox.SetMin(node->parent->axis - 3, node->parent->position);
626 | else
627 | dBBox.SetMax(node->parent->axis - 3, node->parent->position);
628 | return dBBox;
629 | }
630 |
631 | int
632 | ReleaseMemory(const int time);
633 |
634 | int
635 | CollapseSubtree(VssTreeNode *node, const int time);
636 |
637 | void
638 | CountAccess(VssTreeInterior *node, const long time) {
639 | node->accesses++;
640 | node->lastAccessTime = time;
641 | }
642 |
643 | VssTreeNode *
644 | SubdivideLeaf(
645 | VssTreeLeaf *leaf,
646 | const float SAThreshold
647 | );
648 |
649 | void
650 | RemoveRay(VssRay *ray,
651 | vector<VssTreeLeaf *> *affectedLeaves,
652 | const bool removeAllScheduledRays
653 | );
654 |
655 | void
656 | AddRay(VssRay *ray);
657 |
658 | void
659 | TraverseInternalNode(
660 | RayTraversalData &data,
661 | stack<RayTraversalData> &tstack);
662 |
663 | void
664 | EvaluateLeafStats(const TraversalData &data);
665 |
666 | };
667 |
668 |
669 | #endif // __LSDS_KDTREE_H__
670 |