1 | #include "SamplingPreprocessor.h"
2 | #include "VssPreprocessor.h"
3 | #include "ExactPreprocessor.h"
4 | #include "Parser.h"
5 | #include "UnigraphicsParser.h"
6 | #include "X3dParser.h"
7 | #include "Environment.h"
8 | #include "Camera.h"
9 | #include "MeshKdTree.h"
10 | #include "Exporter.h"
11 | #include "X3dExporter.h" // delete later
12 | #include "ViewCell.h"
13 | #include "SceneGraph.h"
14 |
15 | #define USE_EXE_PATH false
16 |
17 |
18 | int
19 | main(int argc, const char **argv)
20 | {
21 | Debug.open("debug.log");
22 | environment = new Environment;
23 | environment->Parse(argc, argv, USE_EXE_PATH);
24 | MeshKdTree::ParseEnvironment();
25 | BspTree::ParseEnvironment();
26 |
27 | char buff[128];
28 |
29 | environment->GetStringValue("Preprocessor.type", buff);
30 |
31 | string preprocessorType(buff);
32 |
33 | Preprocessor *p;
34 |
35 | if (preprocessorType == "vss")
36 | p = new VssPreprocessor();
37 | else
38 | if (preprocessorType == "exact")
39 | p = new ExactPreprocessor();
40 | else
41 | if (preprocessorType == "sampling")
42 | p = new SamplingPreprocessor();
43 | else {
44 | cerr<<"Unknown preprocessor type"<<endl;
45 | Debug<<"Unknown preprocessor type"<<endl;
46 | exit(1);
47 | }
48 |
49 |
50 | environment->GetStringValue("Scene.filename", buff);
51 | string filename(buff);
52 |
53 | p->LoadScene(filename);
54 |
55 | p->BuildKdTree();
56 | p->KdTreeStatistics(cout);
57 |
58 | // parse view cell hierarchy options
59 | p->ParseViewCellsOptions();
60 |
61 | // construct tree immediately for "from view cells" or "from scene geometry"
62 | // construction method. For "from rays" construction, wait until there is
63 | // a certain number of rays collected
64 | if (ViewCell::sHierarchy == ViewCell::BSP &&
65 | !(BspTree::sConstructionMethod == BspTree::FROM_RAYS))
66 | {
67 | if (BspTree::sConstructionMethod == BspTree::FROM_INPUT_VIEW_CELLS)
68 | {
69 | // view cells input file name
70 | environment->GetStringValue("ViewCells.filename", buff);
71 | string vcFilename(buff);
72 |
73 | if (vcFilename != "")
74 | p->LoadViewCells(vcFilename);
75 | else
76 | p->GenerateViewCells();
77 |
78 | Debug << "Viewcells loaded / generated. Number of view cells: " << (int)p->mViewCells.size() << endl;
79 | }
80 |
81 | p->BuildBspTree();
82 |
83 | p->Export("vc_bsptree.x3d", false, false, true);
84 | p->BspTreeStatistics(Debug);
85 |
86 | #if 0
87 | //-- export the complementary view cells
88 | // i.e., the view cells not associated with leafs in the tree.
89 | Exporter *exporter = Exporter::GetExporter("viewcells_compl.x3d");
90 |
91 | ViewCellContainer::iterator vc_compl_it;
92 | ViewCellContainer vc_compl(p->mViewCells.size() + X3dExporter::foundViewCells.size());
93 |
94 | sort(p->mViewCells.begin(), p->mViewCells.end());
95 |
96 | vc_compl_it = set_difference(p->mViewCells.begin(), p->mViewCells.end(),
97 | X3dExporter::foundViewCells.begin(), X3dExporter::foundViewCells.end(), vc_compl.begin());
98 |
99 | vc_compl.erase(vc_compl_it, vc_compl.end());
100 |
101 |
102 | if (exporter)
103 | {
104 | Debug << "Exporting complementary view cells" << endl;
105 | exporter->ExportViewCells(vc_compl); // export view cells
106 | delete exporter;
107 | }
108 | #endif
109 | }
110 |
111 | // p->mSceneGraph->Export("soda.x3d");
112 | if (0) {
113 | p->Export(filename + "-out.x3d", true, false, false);
114 | p->Export(filename + "-kdtree.x3d", false, true, false);
115 | }
116 |
117 |
118 | if (1) {
119 | p->ComputeVisibility();
120 | p->ExportPreprocessedData("scene.vis");
121 | }
122 |
123 | if (0) {
124 | Camera camera;
125 | //camera.LookAtBox(p->mKdTree->GetBox());
126 | camera.LookInBox(p->mKdTree->GetBox());
127 | camera.SetPosition(camera.mPosition + Vector3(0,300,0));
128 | camera.SnapImage("camera.jpg", p->mKdTree);
129 |
130 |
131 | camera.LookInBox(p->mKdTree->GetBox());
132 | camera.SetPosition(camera.mPosition - Vector3(0,100,0));
133 | camera.SnapImage("camera2.jpg", p->mKdTree);
134 | }
135 |
136 | // clean up
137 | DEL_PTR(p);
138 | DEL_PTR(environment);
139 |
140 | return 0;
141 | }
142 |