1 | #include "SamplingPreprocessor.h"
2 | #include "VssPreprocessor.h"
3 | #include "RssPreprocessor.h"
4 | #include "ExactPreprocessor.h"
5 | #include "Parser.h"
6 | #include "UnigraphicsParser.h"
7 | #include "X3dParser.h"
8 | #include "Environment.h"
9 | #include "Camera.h"
10 | #include "MeshKdTree.h"
11 | #include "Exporter.h"
12 | #include "X3dExporter.h" // delete later
13 | #include "ViewCell.h"
14 | #include "SceneGraph.h"
15 | #include "PreprocessorThread.h"
16 |
17 | #include <QApplication>
18 | #include <QtOpenGL>
19 | #include "GlRenderer.h"
20 |
21 | #define USE_EXE_PATH false
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 | int
28 | main(int argc, char **argv)
29 | {
30 | Debug.open("debug.log");
31 | environment = new Environment;
32 | environment->Parse(argc, argv, USE_EXE_PATH);
33 | MeshKdTree::ParseEnvironment();
34 |
35 | char buff[128];
36 | environment->GetStringValue("Preprocessor.type", buff);
37 | string preprocessorType(buff);
38 |
39 | Preprocessor *p;
40 |
41 | if (preprocessorType == "vss")
42 | p = new VssPreprocessor();
43 | else
44 | if (preprocessorType == "rss")
45 | p = new RssPreprocessor();
46 | else
47 | if (preprocessorType == "exact")
48 | p = new ExactPreprocessor();
49 | else
50 | if (preprocessorType == "sampling")
51 | p = new SamplingPreprocessor();
52 | else {
53 | cerr<<"Unknown preprocessor type"<<endl;
54 | Debug<<"Unknown preprocessor type"<<endl;
55 | exit(1);
56 | }
57 |
58 | QApplication *app = NULL;
59 |
60 | if (p->mUseGlRenderer) {
61 | // create a qt application first (must be created before any opengl widget...
62 | app = new QApplication(argc, argv);
63 |
64 | if (!QGLFormat::hasOpenGL() || !QGLPixelBuffer::hasOpenGLPbuffers()) {
65 | QMessageBox::information(0, "OpenGL pbuffers",
66 | "This system does not support OpenGL/pbuffers.",
67 | QMessageBox::Ok);
68 | return -1;
69 | }
70 | }
71 |
72 | preprocessor = p;
73 |
74 | environment->GetStringValue("Scene.filename", buff);
75 | string filename(buff);
76 | p->LoadScene(filename);
77 |
78 | p->BuildKdTree();
79 | p->KdTreeStatistics(cout);
80 |
81 | // parse view cells related options
82 | p->PrepareViewCells();
83 |
84 |
85 | // create a preprocessor thread
86 | PreprocessorThread *pt = new PreprocessorThread(p);
87 |
88 | // p->mSceneGraph->Export("soda.x3d");
89 | if (0) {
90 | p->Export(filename + "-out.x3d", true, false, false);
91 | p->Export(filename + "-kdtree.x3d", false, true, false);
92 | }
93 |
94 | if (p->mUseGlRenderer) {
95 |
96 | rendererWidget = new GlRendererWidget(p->mSceneGraph, p->mViewCellsManager);
97 | // renderer->resize(640, 480);
98 | rendererWidget->resize(640, 480);
99 | rendererWidget->show();
100 |
101 | pt->start(QThread::LowPriority);
102 |
103 | } else {
104 | // just call the mail method -> will be executed in the main thread
105 | pt->Main();
106 | }
107 |
108 | // clean up
109 | // DEL_PTR(p);
110 | // DEL_PTR(environment);
111 | if (app)
112 | return app->exec();
113 |
114 | return 0;
115 | }
116 |