source: trunk/VUT/OcclusionCullingSceneManager/include/OgreOcclusionCullingSceneTraverser.h @ 33

Revision 33, 5.1 KB checked in by Mattausch, 20 years ago (diff)
1#ifndef _OcclusionCullingSceneTraverser_H__
2#define _OcclusionCullingSceneTraverser_H__
4#include "OgreSceneNode.h"
5#include "OgreSceneManager.h"
6#include "OgrePrerequisites.h"
7#include "OgreSolidHalfBoundingBox.h"
8#include "OgreCamera.h"
9#include "OgreRenderSystem.h"
10#include <queue>
12using namespace std;
14namespace Ogre {
15        /**
16                This class implements the compare operator for the priority queue.
17                a lower distance has a higher value in the queue
18        */
19        template <typename T> class myless
20        {
21        public:
22                myless(Camera *cam) { mCamera = cam; }
23                //bool operator() (HierarchyNode *v1, HierarchyNode *v2) const
24                bool operator() (T v1, T v2) const
25                {
26                        return v1->getSquaredViewDepth(mCamera) > v2->getSquaredViewDepth(mCamera);
27                }
28        private:
29                Camera *mCamera;
30        };
32        typedef pair<SceneNode *, HardwareOcclusionQuery *> query_pair;
33        typedef priority_queue<SceneNode *, vector<SceneNode *>, myless<vector<SceneNode *>::value_type> > PriorityQueue;
34        typedef queue<query_pair> QueryQueue;
35        /**
36                Class which implements a scene mangager which uses occlusion queries for culling occluded objects
37        */
38        class OcclusionCullingSceneTraverser
39        {
40        public:
41                /** Construction taking the current scene manager and the current rendersystem as argument
42                @param sm current scene manager
43                @param rsys current render system
44                */
45                OcclusionCullingSceneTraverser(SceneManager *sm, RenderSystem *rsys);
46                ~OcclusionCullingSceneTraverser();
50                /** Renders the scene with the specified algorithm
51                        @comment
52                        The algorithm type can be set with the parameter "Algorithm" and setOption.
54                        The algorithm is one of:
55                        RENDER_CULL_FRUSTUM: renders the scene with view frustum culling only
56                        RENDER_STOP_AND_WAIT: renders the scene with the hierarchical stop and wait algorithm
57                        RENDER_COHERENT: renders the scene with the coherent hierarchical algorithm
59                        @param cam current camera
60                        @param root root of hierarchy
61                */
62                void renderScene( Camera *cam, SceneNode *root );
65                /** Sets the given option for the scene traverser.
66                               @remarks
67                        Options are:
68                        "Algorithm", int *;                     
69                */
70                bool setOption( const String &, const void * );
71                /** Gets the given option for the scene traverser.
72                @remarks
73                    See setOption
74                */
75                bool getOption( const String &, void * );
76                bool getOptionKeys( StringVector &refKeys );
78                /** Sets pointer to the current scene manager.
79                @param the scene manager */
80                void setSceneManager( SceneManager *sm );
82                /** Sets pointer to the current render system
83                @param the rendersystem */
84                void setRenderSystem( RenderSystem *rsys );
86                /** Doing some necessary preprocessing.
87                @comment e.g., initialises occlusion queries */
88                void preprocess( void );
90                /** Sets the current number of scene nodes in the scene.
91                @param num number of scene nodes
92                */
93                void setNumSceneNodes(int num );
95        protected:
96                /** query mode (= without color) or RENDER_MODE */
97                enum {MODE_QUERY, MODE_RENDER};
98                /** returns true if node is leaf of the hierarchy */
99                bool isLeaf( SceneNode *node );
100                //HACK
101                //unsigned int countSceneNodes(SceneNode *node);
102                void traverseNode( Camera *cam, SceneNode *node );
103                /** Renders current scene node
104                @param cam current camera
105                @param node current scene node to be rendered
106                */
107                void renderSceneNode( Camera *cam, SceneNode *node);
108                /** Sets rendering mode, e.g. query mode or render mode*/
109                void setRenderingMode( int mode );
110                /** Renders the scene with view frustum culling only. */
111                void renderCullFrustum( Camera *cam );
112                /** Renders the scene with the hierarchical stop and wait algorithm. */
113                void renderStopAndWait( Camera *cam );
114                /** Renders the scene with the coherent hierarchical algorithm and the query queye. */
115                void renderCoherentWithQueue( Camera *cam );
116                /** Issue a occlusion query for this node. */
117                HardwareOcclusionQuery *issueOcclusionQuery( SceneNode *node, bool wasVisible );
118                /** Pulls up the visibility from the child nodes. */
119                void pullUpVisibility( SceneNode *node );
120                /** delete all previously defined occlusion queries */
121                void deleteQueries();
122                /** Renders bounding box of specified node.
123                @param the scene node contained in the bounding box to be rendered
124                */
125                void renderBoundingBox( SceneNode *node );
126                /** Returns one half of the bounding box.
127                @param the half of the bouding box
128                */
129                SolidHalfBoundingBox *getSolidHalfBoundingBox( int half );
131                // we use a priority queue rather than a renderstack
132                PriorityQueue *mDistanceQueue;
134                std::vector<HardwareOcclusionQuery *> mOcclusionQueries;
135                // two halfes of a aabb
136                SolidHalfBoundingBox *mHalfBoundingBox[2];     
138                int mCurrentAlgorithm;
140                unsigned int mFrameId;
141                unsigned int mVisibilityThreshold;
143                SceneManager *mSceneManager;
144                RenderSystem *mRenderSystem;
146                int mCurrentTestIdx;
147                int mQueryMode;
149                //--- statistics
150                unsigned int mNumSceneNodes;
151                unsigned int mNumTraversedNodes;
152                unsigned int mNumQueryCulledNodes;
153                unsigned int mNumFrustumCulledNodes;
154                unsigned int mNumRenderedGeometry;
155        };
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