[57] | 1 | 1) write into ogre forum |
| 2 | 2) mode_render does not do any change |
| 3 | 3) scenenode::_rendervisibleobjects already uses frustum culling |
| 4 | 4) implement for bsp trees |
| 5 | 5) improve mouse control (strave) |
| 6 | 6) cull camera for testing |
| 7 | 7) error when near plane crosses bounding volume |
| 8 | 8) bounding box should be not two parts |
| 9 | 9) implement z-buffer pass |
| 10 | 10) nice scene for dotscenemanager + terrainscenemanager |
| 11 | 11) ask about ogre changes |
| 12 | 12) preprocess: do not always destroy occlusion queries |
| 13 | 13) prevent multiple rendering of objects, scene nodes and hierarchy nodes |
| 14 | 14) learn to create terrains (heightmaps) |
| 15 | 15) work with maya |
| 16 | 16) occlusion culling + transparent materials, shadows!! |
| 17 | 17) minimize code for new scenemanager (macros?) |
| 18 | 18) make more flexible: callbacks |
| 19 | 19) find out how rotations happen |
| 20 | 20) investigate time coherence options (i.e., query only every nth frame |
| 21 | 21) möllers acceleration for frustum culling |
| 22 | 22) update so less code has to be replicated in terrainscenetraverser |
| 23 | 23) implement frustum test where intersect by near plane is considered |
| 24 | 24) tell ogre-people about changes |
| 25 | 25) check glfinish error |
| 26 | 26) also disable frustum culling on mouse click |
| 27 | 27) better comments |
| 28 | 28) setrendermode: change!!! |
| 29 | 29) problems with coherent & geometry not in leave |