1 | #include "OgreOcclusionCullingSceneManager.h"
2 | #include "OgreMath.h"
3 | #include "OgreIteratorWrappers.h"
4 | #include "OgreRenderSystem.h"
5 | #include "OgreCamera.h"
6 | #include <windows.h>
7 |
8 | namespace Ogre {
9 |
10 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
11 | OcclusionCullingSceneManager::OcclusionCullingSceneManager():
12 | mFrameID(1), mDistanceQueue(NULL)
13 | {
14 | }
15 |
16 | void OcclusionCullingSceneManager::_findVisibleObjects(Camera* cam, bool onlyShadowCasters)
17 | {
18 | // empty because we have to find in _renderVisibleObjects
19 | }
20 |
21 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
22 | void OcclusionCullingSceneManager::_renderVisibleObjects(void)
23 | {
24 | mDistanceQueue = new PriorityQueue(myless<SceneNode *>(mCameraInProgress));
25 | mDistanceQueue->push(mSceneRoot);
26 | //renderZPass();
27 | renderCullFrustum();
28 | delete mDistanceQueue;
29 | //mDestRenderSystem->_setDepthBufferParams(true, false, CMPF_LESS);
30 | //SceneManager::_renderVisibleObjects();
31 | //mDestRenderSystem->_setDepthBufferParams();
32 | //mDistanceQueue.push(mSceneRoot);
33 | //Preprocess();
34 |
35 | //renderCullFrustum();
36 |
37 | //mFrameID ++;
38 | //ResetQueries();
39 | }
40 |
41 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
42 | void OcclusionCullingSceneManager::renderZPass()
43 | {
44 | traverseNode(mSceneRoot);
45 | }
46 |
47 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
48 | void OcclusionCullingSceneManager::renderCullFrustum()
49 | {
50 | while(!mDistanceQueue->empty()) |
51 | { |
52 | SceneNode *node = mDistanceQueue->top(); |
53 | mDistanceQueue->pop(); |
54 | |
55 | // interesting for the visualization, so rest and set |
56 | //node->SetVisible(false); |
57 | |
58 | if(mCameraInProgress->isVisible(node->_getWorldAABB())) |
59 | { |
60 | // update node's visited flag => needed for rendering |
61 | // so set it also here |
62 | //node->SetLastVisited(mFrameID); |
63 | //node->SetVisible(true); |
64 | traverseNode(node); |
65 | } |
66 | //else |
67 | //MessageBox( NULL, "myplugin registered", "this is my plugin", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL); |
68 | }
69 | }
70 |
71 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
72 | void OcclusionCullingSceneManager::traverseNode(SceneNode *node)
73 | {
74 | if(node->numChildren() == 0) // reached leaf
75 | {
76 | renderSceneNode(node);
77 | }
78 | else // internal node: add children to priority queue for further processing
79 | {
80 | Node::ChildNodeIterator it = node->getChildIterator();
81 | char str[100]; sprintf(str, "number of children: %d", node->numChildren());
82 |
83 | while (it.hasMoreElements())
84 | {
85 | SceneNode* sceneChild = static_cast<SceneNode*>(it.getNext());
86 | //mDistanceQueue->addRenderable(sceneChild);
87 | mDistanceQueue->push(sceneChild);
88 | }
89 | }
90 |
91 | /*
92 | static RenderOperation ro;
93 | node->getRenderOperation(ro);
94 | ro.srcRenderable = node;
95 | mDestRenderSystem->_render(ro);
96 | Pass pass();
97 | renderSingleObject(node, &pass, true);
98 | */
99 | }
100 |
101 | void OcclusionCullingSceneManager::renderSceneNode(SceneNode *node)
102 | {
103 | node->_findVisibleObjects(mCameraInProgress, getRenderQueue(), false,
104 | mDisplayNodes, false);
105 | SceneManager::_renderVisibleObjects();
106 | getRenderQueue()->clear();
107 | }
108 | }