#include "HierarchyNode.h" #include "glInterface.h" #include #include #include typedef vector GeometryList; // criteria and values partly taken from Piringer's thesis // values used as termination criteria for the tree generation // the overall surface float HierarchyNode::sSurfaceThreshold; // the maximum tree depth int HierarchyNode::sMaxDepth; // maximum number of objects in a node int HierarchyNode::sGeometryThreshold; // percentage of allowed deviation from the center split plane float HierarchyNode::sSplitBandwith; // also render bounding volume bool HierarchyNode::sRenderBoundingVolume = false; HierarchyNode::HierarchyNode(): mVisible(false), mLastVisited(0), mParent(NULL), mOcclusionQuery(0), mAABValid(false), mLeftChild(NULL), mRightChild(NULL), mNumHierarchyNodes(1), mSplitAxis(X_AXIS), mLastRendered(-1), mSplitValue(0), mDepth(0), mEnclosedSpaceValid(false), mDistance(0) { copyVector3Values(mBoundingBox.min, 0, 0, 0); copyVector3Values(mBoundingBox.max, 0, 0, 0); copyVector3Values(mEnclosedSpace.min, 0, 0, 0); copyVector3Values(mEnclosedSpace.max, 0, 0, 0); // bounding box color mBoxColor[0] = mBoxColor[2] = 0; mBoxColor[1] = 1.0; } HierarchyNode::HierarchyNode(const Vector3 boundLower, const Vector3 boundUpper, HierarchyNode *parent, int depth) :mNumHierarchyNodes(1), mOcclusionQuery(0), mLeftChild(NULL), mRightChild(NULL), mSplitAxis(X_AXIS), mVisible(false), mLastVisited(0), mParent(parent), mAABValid(false), mLastRendered(-1), mSplitValue(0), mDepth(depth), mEnclosedSpaceValid(true), mDistance(0) { copyVector3Values(mBoundingBox.min, 0, 0, 0); copyVector3Values(mBoundingBox.max, 0, 0, 0); copyVector3(mEnclosedSpace.min, boundLower); copyVector3(mEnclosedSpace.max, boundUpper); float vol = calcAABoxSurface(mEnclosedSpace); mBoxColor[0] = mBoxColor[2] = 0; mBoxColor[1] = 1.0; } void HierarchyNode::InitKdTree(HierarchyNode *root) { sMaxDepth = (int)((log((float) root->GetGeometry().size())/log(2.0f)) * 20.0f); sSurfaceThreshold = FLT_MAX; // factor times mininal surface as determination criterium const float factor = 2.5; for (GeometryList::const_iterator it = root->GetGeometry().begin(); it != root->GetGeometry().end(); it++) { // same geometry can possible be in to or more nodes => also test for them float surface = calcAABoxSurface((*it)->GetBoundingVolume()) * factor; if(surface < sSurfaceThreshold) sSurfaceThreshold = surface; } // number of objects in a leaf sGeometryThreshold = 1; // percentage of allowed deviation from the center split plane sSplitBandwith = 0.15; } HierarchyNode::~HierarchyNode() { if(mLeftChild) delete mLeftChild; if(mRightChild) delete mRightChild; } int HierarchyNode::Render() { int renderedGeometry = 0; if(sRenderBoundingVolume) { glColor3fv(mBoxColor); RenderBoundingVolumeForVisualization(); } // prevent the geometry to be rendered several times in the same frame if(mLastRendered != mLastVisited) { for (GeometryList::const_iterator it = mGeometry.begin(); it != mGeometry.end(); it++) { // same geometry can possible be in to or more nodes => also test for them if((*it)->GetLastVisited() != mLastVisited) { (*it)->SetLastVisited(mLastVisited); (*it)->Render(); renderedGeometry ++; } } mLastRendered = mLastVisited; } return renderedGeometry; } bool HierarchyNode::Visible() { return mVisible; } void HierarchyNode::SetVisible(bool visible) { mVisible = visible; } void HierarchyNode::SetLeftChild(HierarchyNode *child) { mLeftChild = child; } void HierarchyNode::SetRightChild(HierarchyNode *child) { mRightChild = child; } HierarchyNode *HierarchyNode::GetLeftChild() { return mLeftChild; } HierarchyNode *HierarchyNode::GetRightChild() { return mRightChild; } int HierarchyNode::LastVisited() { return mLastVisited; } void HierarchyNode::SetLastVisited(int lastVisited) { mLastVisited = lastVisited; } bool HierarchyNode::IsLeaf() { return (!mLeftChild && !mRightChild); } void HierarchyNode::AddGeometry(Geometry *geometry) { mGeometry.push_back(geometry); if(!mAABValid) { copyVector3(mBoundingBox.min, geometry->GetBoundingVolume().min); copyVector3(mBoundingBox.max, geometry->GetBoundingVolume().max); mAABValid = true; } else combineAABoxes(&mBoundingBox, geometry->GetBoundingVolume()); // root node if(mDepth == 0) { if(!mEnclosedSpaceValid) { copyVector3(mEnclosedSpace.min, geometry->GetBoundingVolume().min); copyVector3(mEnclosedSpace.max, geometry->GetBoundingVolume().max); mEnclosedSpaceValid = true; } else combineAABoxes(&mEnclosedSpace, geometry->GetBoundingVolume()); } else { // cut boxes so they fit into the enclosed space clipAABoxByAABox(&mBoundingBox, mEnclosedSpace); } } HierarchyNode *HierarchyNode::GetParent() { return mParent; } int HierarchyNode::GetOcclusionQuery() { return mOcclusionQuery; } void HierarchyNode::SetOcclusionQuery(int occlusionQuery) { mOcclusionQuery = occlusionQuery; } void HierarchyNode::RenderBoundingVolume() { Vector3x8 vertices; calcAABoxPoints(vertices, mBoundingBox); //glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT, GL_LINE); // 7+------+6 // /| /| // / | / | // / 4+---/--+5 // 3+------+2 / y z // | / | / | / // |/ |/ |/ // 0+------+1 *---x //---- render AABB glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN); glVertex3dv(vertices[6]); glVertex3dv(vertices[5]); glVertex3dv(vertices[4]); glVertex3dv(vertices[7]); glVertex3dv(vertices[3]); glVertex3dv(vertices[2]); glVertex3dv(vertices[1]); glVertex3dv(vertices[5]); glEnd(); //---- render second half of AABB glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN); glVertex3dv(vertices[0]); glVertex3dv(vertices[1]); glVertex3dv(vertices[2]); glVertex3dv(vertices[3]); glVertex3dv(vertices[7]); glVertex3dv(vertices[4]); glVertex3dv(vertices[5]); glVertex3dv(vertices[1]); glEnd(); } void HierarchyNode::RenderBoundingVolumeForVisualization() { glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE); glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); RenderBoundingVolume(); glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); } const AABox &HierarchyNode::GetBoundingVolume() { return mBoundingBox; } int HierarchyNode::GenerateKdTree() { // check the termination criterium (a heuristic) if (SimpleEnough()) { return 1; } // largest dimension will be split Vector3 size; diffVector3(size, mBoundingBox.max, mBoundingBox.min); if (size[X_AXIS] > size[Y_AXIS]) mSplitAxis = (size[X_AXIS] > size[Z_AXIS]) ? X_AXIS : Z_AXIS; else mSplitAxis = (size[Y_AXIS] > size[Z_AXIS]) ? Y_AXIS : Z_AXIS; // select the value of the split plane mSplitValue = ComputeSplitPlane(); // generate the children Vector3 changedLower; Vector3 changedUpper; copyVector3(changedLower, mEnclosedSpace.min); copyVector3(changedUpper, mEnclosedSpace.max); changedLower[mSplitAxis] = mSplitValue; changedUpper[mSplitAxis] = mSplitValue; mLeftChild = new HierarchyNode(mEnclosedSpace.min, changedUpper, this, mDepth + 1); mRightChild = new HierarchyNode(changedLower, mEnclosedSpace.max, this, mDepth + 1); // add the geometry to the according children for (GeometryList::iterator it = mGeometry.begin(); it != mGeometry.end(); it++) { if ((*it)->GetBoundingVolume().min[mSplitAxis] >= mSplitValue) { // box lies completely within right part mRightChild->AddGeometry(*it); } else if ((*it)->GetBoundingVolume().max[mSplitAxis] <= mSplitValue) { // box lies completely within left part mLeftChild->AddGeometry((*it)); } else { //---- box intersects both parts mLeftChild->AddGeometry((*it)); mRightChild->AddGeometry((*it)); } } //---- we continue with the children int leftSize = mLeftChild->GenerateKdTree(); int rightSize = mRightChild->GenerateKdTree(); // since the geometry is now referenced by the children mGeometry.clear(); mNumHierarchyNodes = leftSize + rightSize + 1; return mNumHierarchyNodes; } bool HierarchyNode::SimpleEnough() { return ((mGeometry.size() <= (unsigned int)sGeometryThreshold) || (calcAABoxSurface(mBoundingBox) <= sSurfaceThreshold) || (sMaxDepth <= mDepth)); } float HierarchyNode::ComputeSplitPlane() { float left = mBoundingBox.min[mSplitAxis]; float right = mBoundingBox.max[mSplitAxis]; // the smaller the value returned from the heuristic, the better => big starting value float bestValue = FLT_MAX; float result = 0.0f; bool found = false; // calculate the borders of the band float currLeft, currRight; currLeft = currRight = (left + right) / 2.0f; currLeft -= (right - left) * sSplitBandwith; currRight += (right - left) * sSplitBandwith; // check all geometry within that node for (GeometryList::const_iterator it = mGeometry.begin(); it != mGeometry.end(); it++) { // one border of the geometry's AABB float leftPlane = (*it)->GetBoundingVolume().min[mSplitAxis]; // the other border of the geometry's AABB float rightPlane = (*it)->GetBoundingVolume().max[mSplitAxis]; // only consider planes that lie within the band if ((leftPlane > currLeft) && (leftPlane < currRight)) { // compute the heuristic for the left plane and note the value if it was good float currValue = ComputeHeuristics(leftPlane); if (currValue < bestValue) { bestValue = currValue; result = leftPlane; found = true; } } if ((rightPlane > currLeft) && (rightPlane < currRight)) { // compute the heuristic for the right plane and note the value if it was good float currValue = ComputeHeuristics(rightPlane); if (currValue < bestValue) { bestValue = currValue; result = rightPlane; found = true; } } } // in case we haven't found any proper plane, we simply take the center if (!found) result = (left + right) / 2.0f; return result; } float HierarchyNode::ComputeHeuristics(float pos) { // this implements a very simple heuristic: it simply counts the nodes being intersected by the splitplane float result = 0.0f; for (GeometryList::const_iterator it = mGeometry.begin(); it != mGeometry.end(); it++) { if (((*it)->GetBoundingVolume().min[mSplitAxis] < pos) && ((*it)->GetBoundingVolume().max[mSplitAxis] > pos)) { result += 1.0f; } } return result; } int HierarchyNode::GetNumHierarchyNodes() { return mNumHierarchyNodes; } void HierarchyNode::PushChildrenOrdered(const Vector3 viewpoint, TraversalStack &traversalStack) { if(viewpoint[mSplitAxis] > mSplitValue) { traversalStack.push(mLeftChild); traversalStack.push(mRightChild); } else { traversalStack.push(mRightChild); traversalStack.push(mLeftChild); } } void HierarchyNode::SetRenderBoundingVolume(bool renderBoundingVolume) { sRenderBoundingVolume = renderBoundingVolume; } GeometryList &HierarchyNode::GetGeometry() { return mGeometry; } float HierarchyNode::GetDistance() { return mDistance; } void HierarchyNode::SetDistance(float distance) { mDistance = distance; }