#ifndef NO_PRAGMA_ONCE #pragma once #endif #ifndef HIERARCHYNODE_H #define HIERARCHYNODE_H #include "Geometry.h" extern "C" { #include "DataTypes.h" } #include #include using namespace std; class HierarchyNode; /** This class implements the compare operator for the priority queue. a lower distance has a higher value in the queue */ template class myless { public: //bool operator() (HierarchyNode *v1, HierarchyNode *v2) const bool operator() (T v1, T v2) const { return (v1->mDistance > v2->mDistance); } }; /** This class represents a node in a k-d tree hierarchy. A node has two children. The node can be either an interior node (i.e., left and right child NULL) or a leaf node, which holds the actual geometry. */ class HierarchyNode { friend class myless; public: typedef stack TraversalStack; typedef vector GeometryList; HierarchyNode(); HierarchyNode(const Vector3 boundLower, const Vector3 boundUpper, HierarchyNode *parent, int depth); ~HierarchyNode(); //! was this node visible the last time it was visited? bool Visible(); //! last time this node was visited (in framenumber) int LastVisited(); //! sets visible flag void SetVisible(bool visible); //! sets timestamp (current framenumber) void SetLastVisited(int lastVisited); //! is this node a leaf node (i.e., geometry) bool IsLeaf(); //! renders the geometry in this node. returns number of rendered geometry int Render(); //! returns occlusion query id int GetOcclusionQuery(); //! sets occlusion query id void SetOcclusionQuery(int occlusionQuery); //! renders the bounding volume (i.e., a axis aligned bounding box) of the node void RenderBoundingVolume(); //! adds geometry to this node (rendered if this node is a leaf) void AddGeometry(Geometry *geometry); void SetLeftChild(HierarchyNode *child); void SetRightChild(HierarchyNode *child); HierarchyNode *GetParent(); HierarchyNode *GetLeftChild(); HierarchyNode *GetRightChild(); //! compute bounding volume (i.e., a axis aligned bounding box) for this geometry. //void CalcBoundingVolume(); const AABox& GetBoundingVolume(); //! generates the kd-tree from this root-node, returns number of nodes in hierarchy. int GenerateKdTree(); //! returns number of nodes in hierarchy with this node. int GetNumHierarchyNodes(); //! add children of this node ordered to a traversal stack with respect to the view point void PushChildrenOrdered(const Vector3 viewpoint, TraversalStack &traversalStack); //! if this node was culled, set the type of culling (frustum, query) void SetCulledType(int culledtype); //! returns type of culling int GetCulledType(); //! set gl state to visible render bounding volume void RenderBoundingVolumeForVisualization(); //! returns geometry list GeometryList &GetGeometry(); //! visibly renders also bounding volume of this node static void SetRenderBoundingVolume(bool renderBoundingVolume); /** initialises the static termination criteria. shall be called after all geometry has been added to the root node. */ static void InitKdTree(HierarchyNode *root); float GetSquaredDistance(); void SetDistance(float distance); float mDistance; protected: enum {X_AXIS, Y_AXIS, Z_AXIS}; //! criteria to stop the splitting of this kd-tree node bool SimpleEnough(); //! split plane of the kd-tree (according to mSplitAxis, it is the x, y, or z axis) float ComputeSplitPlane(); /** calculates a value that expresses if it's reasonable to split the node at the specified position (the smaller the value the better the split) */ float ComputeHeuristics(float pos); GeometryList mGeometry; //! id of this occlusion query of this node int mOcclusionQuery; HierarchyNode *mLeftChild; HierarchyNode *mRightChild; HierarchyNode *mParent; bool mVisible; int mLastVisited; bool mAABValid; bool mEnclosedSpaceValid; int mNumHierarchyNodes; AABox mBoundingBox; // the enclosed space of the pure kd-treenode (without considering the geometry) AABox mEnclosedSpace; int mSplitAxis; int mLastRendered; float mSplitValue; int mDepth; static bool sRenderBoundingVolume; static float sSplitBandwith; // --termination criteria static int sGeometryThreshold; // the maximum bounding box surface static float HierarchyNode::sSurfaceThreshold; // the maximum tree depth static int HierarchyNode::sMaxDepth; // the default bounding box drawing color float mBoxColor[3]; // distance to the view point }; #endif // HIERARCHYNODE_H