@Article{bittner03:jep, author = {Ji\v{r}\'\i{} Bittner and Peter Wonka}, title = {Visibility in Computer Graphics}, journal = {Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design}, year = {2003}, volume = {30}, number = {5}, pages = {729--756}, month = sep, publisher = {Pion Ltd} } @PhdThesis{bittner:03:phd, author = {Ji\v{r}\'\i{} Bittner}, title = {Hierarchical Techniques for Visibility Computations}, school = {Czech Technical University in Prague}, year = {2002}, month = oct, } @Article{bittner:02:cg, author = {Ji\v{r}\'\i{} Bittner and jan P\v{r}ikryl and Pavel Slav\'\i{k}}, title = {Exact Regional Visibility using Line Space Partitioning}, journal = {Computers \& Graphics}, year = {2003}, volume = {27}, number = {4}, pages = {569--580}, month = aug, } @article{bittner01:jvca, author = "Ji\v{r}\'\i{} Bittner and Vlastimil Havran", title = "Exploiting Coherence in Hierarchical Visibility Algorithms", journal = "Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation, John Wiley \& Sons", year = "2001", volume = "12", pages = "277--286" } @inproceedings{bittner:2002:SCCG, author = "Ji\v{r}\'\i{} Bittner", title = "Efficient Construction of Visibility Maps using Approximate Occlusion Sweep", booktitle = "Proceedings of Spring Conference on Computer Graphics (SCCG'02)", address = {Budmerice, Slovakia}, year = "2002", pages = "163--171" } @inproceedings{havran:2002:WSCG, author = "Vlastimil Havran and Ji\v{r}\'\i{} Bittner", title = "On Improving {Kd}-Trees for Ray Shooting", booktitle = "Journal of WSCG (Proceedings of Winter School on Computer Graphics 2001)", address = {Plzen, Czech Republic}, year = "2002", month = feb, volume = "10", number = "1--3", abstract="Efficient ray shooting algorithm is inherently required by many computer graphics algorithms, particularly in image synthesis. Practical ray shooting algorithms aiming at the average-case complexity use some underlying spatial data structure such as $kd$-tree. We show the new termination criteria algorithm that improves the space and time complexity of the $kd$-tree construction. It provides efficient ray-shooting queries and does not require any specific constants from a user. Further, we show how to apply a novel clipping algorithm into the $kd$-tree within construction phase in order to improve its properties." } @inproceedings{bittner:2001:PG, author = "Ji\v{r}\'\i{} Bittner and Peter Wonka and Michael Wimmer", title = "Visibility Preprocessing for Urban Scenes using Line Space Subdivision", booktitle = "Proceedings of Pacific Graphics (PG'01)", address = {Tokyo, Japan}, year = "2001", publisher = "IEEE Computer Society", pages = "276--284" } @inproceedings{bittner:2001:SCCG, author = "Ji\v{r}\'\i{} Bittner and Vlastimil Havran", title = "Exploiting Temporal and Spatial Coherence in Hierarchical Visibility Algorithms", booktitle = "Proceedings of Spring Conference on Computer Graphics (SCCG'01)", address = {Budmerice, Slovakia}, year = "2001", publisher = "IEEE Computer Society", pages = "213--220" } @TechReport{Bittner:2001:ERV_long, author = "Ji\v{r}\'\i{} Bittner and Jan P\v{r}ikryl", title = "Exact Regional Visibility using Line Space Partitioning", year = "2001", month = march, pages = "1--13", keywords = "visibility, line--space, BSP--tree, kD--tree, Plucker coordinates, projective geometry", number = "TR-186-2-01-06", institution = "Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms, Vienna University of Technology", address = "Karlsplatz 13/186/2, A-1040 Vienna, Austria", ftp = "ftp://ftp.cg.tuwien.ac.at/pub/TR/01/TR-186-2-01-06Paper.ps.gz", note = "human contact: technical-report@cg.tuwien.ac.at", abstract = " We present a new technique for exact and output sensitive determination of visibility from a polygonal region in the pla ne. It uses hierarchical partitioning of {\em line space}, that provid es comprehensive description of visibility for a set of {\em occlu ders}. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first exact regional visibility algorithm suitable for visibility preprocessing of large scenes of unspecific type. We have evaluated the implementation on scenes with various visibility characteristics." } @TechReport{Bittner:2001:ERV, author = "Ji\v{r}\'\i{} Bittner and Jan P\v{r}ikryl", title = "Exact Regional Visibility using Line Space Partitioning", year = "2001", month = march, pages = "1--13", keywords = "visibility, line--space, BSP--tree, kD--tree, Plucker coordinates, projective geometry", number = "TR-186-2-01-06", institution = "Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms, Vienna University of Technology", ftp = "ftp://ftp.cg.tuwien.ac.at/pub/TR/01/TR-186-2-01-06Paper.ps.gz", note = "Available as ftp://ftp.cg.tuwien.ac.at/pub/TR/01/TR-186-2-01-06Paper.ps.gz", abstract = " We present a new technique for exact and output sensitive determination of visibility from a polygonal region in the pla ne. It uses hierarchical partitioning of {\em line space}, that provid es comprehensive description of visibility for a set of {\em occlu ders}. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first exact regional visibility algorithm suitable for visibility preprocessing of large scenes of unspecific type. We have evaluated the implementation on scenes with various visibility characteristics." } ##################### @inproceedings{havran:2001:EG, author = "Vlastimil Havran and Ji\v{r}\'\i{} Bittner", title = "LCTS: Ray Shooting using Longest Common Traversal Sequences", booktitle = "Proceedings of Eurographics (EG'00)", address = {Interlaken, Switzerland}, year = "2000", pages = "59--70" } %%%%%%%%% 1999 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @TechReport{bittner99min, author = {Jiri Bittner}, title = {Hierarchical Techniques for Visibility Determination}, institution = {Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague}, year = {1999}, number = {DS-005}, month = {March}, note = "Also available as http://www.cgg.cvut.cz/\~{}bittner/publications/minimum.ps.gz" } @Misc{bittner99eg, author = {Ji\v{r}\'\i{} Bittner and Vlastimil Havran}, title = {Exploiting Temporal and Spatial Coherence in Hierarchical Visibility Algorithms}, howpublished = {Submitted to the Eurographics'99 conference in Milano}, month = {January}, year = {1999}, } @Misc{havran99wscg, author = {Vlastimil Havran and Ji\v{r}\'\i{} Bittner and Ji\v{r}\'\i{} \v{Z}\'{a}ra}, title = {Constructing Rectilinear BSP Trees for Preffered Ray Sets}, howpublished = {Poster presentation at the WSCG'99 conference, Pilsen}, month = {February}, year = {1999}, } @InProceedings{havran99sccg, author = { Vlastimil Havran and Ji\v{r}\'\i{} Bittner}, title = { Rectilinear BSP trees for preferred ray sets }, booktitle = { Proceedings of the Spring Conference on Computer Graphics (SCCG'99)}, address = { Budmerice, Slovakia}, year = 1999, pages = "171--178" } % note = "Also available as http://www.cgg.cvut.cz/\~{}bittner/sccg98.ps.gz", @Misc{bittner99wshop, author = {Ji\v{r}\'\i{} Bittner and Vlastimil Havran Tom\'a\v{s}{} Kopal}, title = {Visibility Computations in Large 3D Scenes}, howpublished = {Poster presentation at the Workshop'99, CTU Prague}, month = {January}, year = {1999}, } %%%%%%%%% 1998 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @Article{Havran98:d, author = {Havran, V. and Kopal, T. and Bittner, J. and \v{Z}\'{a}ra, J.}, title = {FAST ROBUST BSP TREE TRAVERSAL ALGORITHM FOR RAY TRACING}, journal = {Journal of Graphics Tools}, year = { 1998 }, month = dec, } @inproceedings{bittner98b, author = "Ji\v{r}\'\i{} Bittner and Vlastimil Havran and Pavel Slav\'\i{k}", title = "Hierarchical Visibility Culling with Occlusion Trees", booktitle = "Proceedings of Computer Graphics International '98 (CGI'98)", year = "1998", pages = "207--219", publisher = "IEEE", who = "Havran Vlastimil: VIS-0047", } % note = "Also available as http://www.cgg.cvut.cz/\~{}bittner/paper-copy.ps.gz", @InProceedings{Havran98:b, author = { Havran, V. and Bittner, J. and \v{Z}\'{a}ra, J.}, title = { Ray Tracing with Rope Trees}, booktitle = { Proceedings of 13th Spring Conference on Computer Graphics}, address = { Budmerice}, date = {April 23--26}, year = 1998, pages = "130--139", note = "Also available as http://www.cgg.cvut.cz/\~{}bittner/sccg98.ps.gz", } @InProceedings{bittner98poster, author = {Bittner, J.}, title = {Conservative Hierarchical Visibility with Occlusion Trees}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Poster'98}, organization = { CTU--FEE }, address = {Prague, Czech Republic}, pages = {2 pages, IC 03}, month = {May}, year = {1998}, } @InProceedings{Kopal98:b, author = {Kopal, T. and Havran, V. and Bittner, J. and \v{Z}\'{a}ra, J.}, title = {Directionality in Ray Tracing}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Poster'98}, note = {2nd International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering}, organization = { CTU--FEE }, address = {Prague, Czech Republic}, pages = {2 pages, IC 24}, month = {May}, year = {1998}, } @InProceedings{bittner98wshop, author = {Bittner, J.}, title = {Hierarchical Visibility Algorithms}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Workshop'98}, organization = { CTU--FEE }, address = { Prague, Czech Republic }, editor= { A. Strejc }, month = { February}, pages = { 195--196}, year = { 1998 }, } %%%%%%%%% 1997 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @MastersThesis{Bittner:masters97, author = {Bittner, J.}, title = {Global Visibility Computations}, school = {Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Czech Technical University Prague}, year = {1997}, month = {January}, note = "Also available as http://www.cgg.cvut.cz/\~{}bittner/masters.ps.gz", } @InProceedings{Bittner:gaw97, author = {Bittner, J.}, title = {Global Visibility Computations}, booktitle = {Graphics and WEB '97}, year = {1997}, organization = {HTW Dresden, Germany}, key = {global visibility, VRML, conservative visibility, spatial subdivision, visibility computations}, } @InProceedings{Bittner:cescg97, author = {Bittner, J.}, title = {Global Visibility}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the CESCG '97, April 97, Bratislava and Vienna}, year = {1997}, pages = {105--111}, key = {global visibility, VRML, conservative visibility, spatial subdivision, visibility computations}, } @InProceedings{Trefny97, author = {M. Trefn\'{y} and J. Bittner}, title = {Global Visibility}, booktitle = {Proceedings of The Fifth Internatinal Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics and Visualization '97}, key = {global visibility, VRML, conservative visibility, spatial subdivision, visibility computations}, volume = {IV}, pages = {691--694}, year = {1997}, month = feb } %%%%%%%%%%%% 1996 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @TechReport{Bittner:delft96, author = {Bittner, J.}, title = {RECNET - The speech recognition system}, institution = {Technical University, Delft}, year = {1996}, number = {TR 96--160}, month = {June} }