\chapter{Analysis of Visibility in Polygonal Scenes} \section{Related work} \label{VFR3D_RELATED_WORK} Below we briefly discuss the related work on visibility preprocessing in several application areas. \subsection{Aspect graph} The first algorithms dealing with from-region visibility belong to the area of computer vision. The {\em aspect graph}~\cite{Gigus90,Plantinga:1990:RTH, Sojka:1995:AGT} partitions the view space into cells that group viewpoints from which the projection of the scene is qualitatively equivalent. The aspect graph is a graph describing the view of the scene (aspect) for each cell of the partitioning. The major drawback of this approach is that for polygonal scenes with $n$ polygons there can be $\Theta(n^9)$ cells in the partitioning for unrestricted viewspace. A {\em scale space} aspect graph~\cite{bb12595,bb12590} improves robustness of the method by merging similar features according to the given scale. \subsection{Potentially visible sets} In the computer graphics community Airey~\cite{Airey90} introduced the concept of {\em potentially visible sets} (PVS). Airey assumes the existence of a natural subdivision of the environment into cells. For models of building interiors these cells roughly correspond to rooms and corridors. For each cell the PVS is formed by cells visible from any point of that cell. Airey uses ray shooting to approximate visibility between cells of the subdivision and so the computed PVS is not conservative. This concept was further elaborated by Teller et al.~\cite{Teller92phd,Teller:1991:VPI} to establish a conservative PVS. The PVS is constructed by testing the existence of a stabbing line through a sequence of polygonal portals between cells. Teller proposed an exact solution to this problem using \plucker coordinates~\cite{Teller:1992:CAA} and a simpler and more robust conservative solution~\cite{Teller92phd}. The portal based methods are well suited to static densely occluded environments with a particular structure. For less structured models they can face a combinatorial explosion of complexity~\cite{Teller92phd}. Yagel and Ray~\cite{Yagel95a} present an algorithm, that uses a regular spatial subdivision. Their approach is not sensitive to the structure of the model in terms of complexity, but its efficiency is altered by the discrete representation of the scene. Plantinga proposed a PVS algorithm based on a conservative viewspace partitioning by evaluating visual events~\cite{Plantinga:1993:CVP}. The construction of viewspace partitioning was further studied by Chrysanthou et al.~\cite{Chrysanthou:1998:VP}, Cohen-Or et al.~\cite{cohen-egc-98} and Sadagic~\cite{Sadagic}. Sudarsky and Gotsman~\cite{Sudarsky:1996:OVA} proposed an output-sensitive visibility algorithm for dynamic scenes. Cohen-Or et al.~\cite{COZ-gi98} developed a conservative algorithm determining visibility of an $\epsilon$-neighborhood of a given viewpoint that was used for network based walkthroughs. Conservative algorithms for computing PVS developed by Durand et al.~\cite{EVL-2000-60} and Schaufler et al.~\cite{EVL-2000-59} make use of several simplifying assumptions to avoid the usage of 4D data structures. Wang et al.~\cite{Wang98} proposed an algorithm that precomputes visibility within beams originating from the restricted viewpoint region. The approach is very similar to the 5D subdivision for ray tracing~\cite{Simiakakis:1994:FAS} and so it exhibits similar problems, namely inadequate memory and preprocessing complexities. Specialized algorithms for computing PVS in \m25d scenes were proposed by Wonka et al.~\cite{wonka00}, Koltun et al.~\cite{koltun01}, and Bittner et al.~\cite{bittner:2001:PG}. The method presented in the thesis was first outlined in~\cite{bittner99min}. Recently, a similar exact algorithm for PVS computation was developed by Nirenstein et al.~\cite{nirenstein:02:egwr}. This algorithm uses \plucker coordinates to compute visibility in shafts defined by each polygon in the scene. \subsection{Rendering of shadows} The from-region visibility problems include the computation of soft shadows due to an areal light source. Continuous algorithms for real-time soft shadow generation were studied by Chin and Feiner~\cite{Chin:1992:FOP}, Loscos and Drettakis~\cite{Loscos:1997:IHS}, and Chrysanthou~\cite{Chrysantho1996a} and Chrysanthou and Slater~\cite{Chrysanthou:1997:IUS}. Discrete solutions have been proposed by Nishita~\cite{Nishita85}, Brotman and Badler~\cite{Brotman:1984:GSS}, and Soler and Sillion~\cite{SS98}. An exact algorithm computing an antipenumbra of an areal light source was developed by Teller~\cite{Teller:1992:CAA}. \subsection{Discontinuity meshing} Discontinuity meshing is used in the context of the radiosity global illumination algorithm or computing soft shadows due to areal light sources. First approximate discontinuity meshing algorithms were studied by Campbell~\cite{Campbell:1990:AMG, Campbell91}, Lischinski~\cite{lischinski92a}, and Heckbert~\cite{Heckbert92discon}. More elaborate methods were developed by Drettakis~\cite{Drettakis94-SSRII, Drettakis94-FSAAL}, and Stewart and Ghali~\cite{Stewart93-OSACS, Stewart:1994:FCSb}. These methods are capable of creating a complete discontinuity mesh that encodes all visual events involving the light source. The classical radiosity is based on an evaluation of form factors between two patches~\cite{Schroder:1993:FFB}. The visibility computation is a crucial step in the form factor evaluation~\cite{Teller:1993:GVA,Haines94,Teller:1994:POL, Nechvile:1996:FFE,Teichmann:WV}. Similar visibility computation takes place in the scope of hierarchical radiosity algorithms~\cite{Soler:1996:AEB, Drettakis:1997:IUG, Daubert:1997:HLS}. \subsection{Global visibility} The aim of {\em global visibility} computations is to capture and describe visibility in the whole scene~\cite{Durand:1996:VCN}. The global visibility algorithms are typically based on some form of {\em line space subdivision} that partitions lines or rays into equivalence classes according to their visibility classification. Each class corresponds to a continuous set of rays with a common visibility classification. The techniques differ mainly in the way how the line space subdivision is computed and maintained. A practical application of most of the proposed global visibility structures for 3D scenes is still an open problem. Prospectively these techniques provide an elegant method for ray shooting acceleration --- the ray shooting problem can be reduced to a point location in the line space subdivision. Pocchiola and Vegter introduced the visibility complex~\cite{pv-vc-93} that describes global visibility in 2D scenes. The visibility complex has been applied to solve various 2D visibility problems~\cite{r-tsvcp-95,r-wvcav-97, r-dvpsv-97,Orti96-UVCRC}. The approach was generalized to 3D by Durand et al.~\cite{Durand:1996:VCN}. Nevertheless, no implementation of the 3D visibility complex is currently known. Durand et al.~\cite{Durand:1997:VSP} introduced the {\em visibility skeleton} that is a graph describing a skeleton of the 3D visibility complex. The visibility skeleton was verified experimentally and the results indicate that its $O(n^4\log n)$ worst case complexity is much better in practice. Pu~\cite{Pu98-DSGIV} developed a similar method to the one presented in this chapter. He uses a BSP tree in \plucker coordinates to represent a global visibility map for a given set of polygons. The computation is performed considering all rays piercing the scene and so the method exhibits unacceptable memory complexity even for scenes of moderate size. Recently, Duguet and Drettakis~\cite{duguet:02:sig} developed a robust variant of the visibility skeleton algorithm that uses robust epsilon-visibility predicates. Discrete methods aiming to describe visibility in a 4D data structure were presented by Chrysanthou et al.~\cite{chrysanthou:cgi:98} and Blais and Poulin~\cite{blais98a}. These data structures are closely related to the {\em lumigraph}~\cite{Gortler:1996:L,buehler2001} or {\em light field}~\cite{Levoy:1996:LFR}. An interesting discrete hierarchical visibility algorithm for two-dimensional scenes was developed by Hinkenjann and M\"uller~\cite{EVL-1996-10}. One of the biggest problems of the discrete solution space data structures is their memory consumption required to achieve a reasonable accuracy. Prospectively, the scene complexity measures~\cite{Cazals:3204:1997} provide a useful estimate on the required sampling density and the size of the solution space data structure. \subsection{Other applications} Certain from-point visibility problems determining visibility over a period of time can be transformed to a static from-region visibility problem. Such a transformation is particularly useful for antialiasing purposes~\cite{grant85a}. The from-region visibility can also be used in the context of simulation of the sound propagation~\cite{Funkhouser98}. The sound propagation algorithms typically require lower resolution than the algorithms simulating the propagation of light, but they need to account for simulation of attenuation, reflection and time delays. \section{Analysis of 2D line space} \label{LINE_SPACE} The proposed visibility algorithm uses a mapping of oriented 2D lines to points in 2D oriented projective space --- {\em line space}. Such a mapping allows to handle sets of lines much easier than in the primal space~\cite{pv-vc-93}. We use a 2D projection of Pl\"ucker coordinates~\cite{Stolfi:1991:OPG} to parametrize lines in the plane. This mapping corresponds to an ``oriented form'' of the duality between points and lines in 2D. Let $l$ be an oriented line in ${\mathcal R}^2$ and let $u=(u_x, u_y)$ and $v=(v_x, v_y)$ be two distinct points lying on $l$. Line $l$ oriented from $u$ to $v$ can be described by the following matrix: $$ M_l=\left( \begin{array}{cccc} u_x & u_y & 1 \\ v_x & v_y & 1 \end{array} \right) $$ Pl\"ucker coordinates $l^*$ of $l$ are minors of $M_l$: $$ l^* = (l^*_x, l^*_y, l^*_z) = (u_y - v_y, v_x - u_x, u_x v_y - u_y v_x ). $$ $l^*$ can be interpreted as homogeneous coordinates of a point in 2D {\em oriented projective space} ${\cal P}^2$. Two oriented lines are equal if and only if their Pl\"ucker coordinates differ only by a positive scale factor. $l^*$ also corresponds to coefficients of the implicit equation of a line: $l'$ expressed as $l': ax + by + c= 0$ induces two oriented lines $l^*_1$, $l^*_2$, with Pl\"ucker coordinates $l^*_1 = (a, b, c)$ and $l^*_2 = -(a,b,c)$. The \plucker coordinates of 2D lines defined in this chapter are a simplified form of the \plucker coordinates for 3D lines that will be discussed in Chapter~\ref{chap:rot3d}: \plucker coordinates of a 2D line correspond to the \plucker coordinates of a 3D line embedded in the $z = 0$ plane after removal of redundant coordinates (equal to 0) and permutation of the remaining ones (including some sign changes). Homogeneous coordinates are often normalized, e.g. $l^*_N = (a/b, 1, c/b)$. The normalization introduces a singularity --- in our example vertical lines map to points at infinity. To avoid singularities we treat ${\cal P}^2$ as 3D linear space and call it {\em line space} denoted ${\mathcal L}$. Consequently, $l^*$ represents a halfline in ${\mathcal L}$. All points on halfline $l^*$ represent the same oriented line $l$. To sum up: an oriented line in 2D is mapped to a halfline beginning at the origin in 3D. An example of the concept is depicted in Figures~\ref{lines1}-(a) and ~\ref{lines1}-(b). Further in this chapter we will mostly use ``projected'' 2D illustrations of line space (such as in Figure~\ref{lines1}-(c)). We will still talk about planes and halflines, but they will be depicted as lines and points, respectively, for the sake of clarity of the presentation. \subsection{Lines passing through a point} A {\em pencil of oriented lines} passing through a point $p = (p_x, p_y) \in {\mathcal R}^2$ maps to an oriented plane $p^*$ in line space that is expressed as: $$ p^* = \{(x,y,z) | (x,y,z) \in {\mathcal L}, p_x x + p_y y + z = 0\}. $$ This plane subdivides ${\mathcal L}$ in two open halfspaces $p^*_+$ and $p^*_-$. Points in $p^*_-$ correspond to oriented lines passing clockwise around $p$ (see Figure~\ref{lines1}). Points in $p^*_+$ correspond to oriented lines passing counterclockwise around $p$ (these relations depend on the orientation of the primal space). We denote $-p^*$ an oriented plane opposite to $p^*$ that can be expressed as: $$ -p^* = \{(x,y,z) | (x,y,z) \in {\mathcal L}, -p_x x - p_y y - z = 0\}. $$ \begin{figure*}[tb] \rule{0pt}{0pt}\hfill \includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth,draft=\DRAFTFIGS]{figs/lines1} \hfill\rule{0pt}{0pt} \centerline{\small \hspace{0.01\textwidth}{\bf (a)}\hspace{0.3\textwidth} {\bf (b)} \hspace{0.3\textwidth} {\bf (c)}} \vspace{-1.5em} \caption{ {\bf (a)} Four oriented lines in primal space. {\bf (b)} Mappings of the four lines and point p. Lines intersecting p map to plane $p^*$. Lines passing clockwise (counterclockwise) around $p$, map to $p^*_-$ ($p^*_+$). {\bf (c)} The situation after projection to a plane perpendicular to $p^*$. } \label{lines1} \end{figure*} \subsection{Lines passing through a line segment} Oriented lines passing through a line segment can be decomposed into two sets depending on their orientation. Consider a supporting line $l_S$ of a line segment $S$, that partitions the plane in open halfspaces $S^+$ and $S^-$. Denote $a$ and $b$ the two endpoints of $S$ and $a^*$ and $b^*$ their mappings to ${\mathcal L}$. Lines that intersect $S$ and ``come from'' $S^-$ can be expressed in line space as an intersection of halfspaces $a^*_+$ and $b^*_-$. The opposite oriented lines intersecting $S$ are expressed as $a^*_- \cap b^*_+$ (see Figure~\ref{lines2}-(a,b)). %\begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \begin{figure}[htb] \rule{0pt}{0pt}\hfill \includegraphics[width=0.6\textwidth,draft=\DRAFTFIGS]{figs/lines2} \hfill\rule{0pt}{0pt} \centerline{\small \hspace{0.01\textwidth}{\bf (a)}\hspace{0.2\textwidth} {\bf (b)} } \vspace{-1.5em} \caption{ {\bf (a)} A line segment $S$ and three oriented lines that intersect $S$. {\bf (b)} The situation in line space: the projection of two wedges corresponding to lines intersecting $S$. Mappings of supporting line $l_S$ of $S$ are two halflines that project to point $l_S^*$. Line $k$ intersects point $b$ and therefore maps to plane $b^*$. Lines $m$ and $n$ map to the wedge corresponding to their orientation. } \label{lines2} \end{figure} \subsection{Lines passing through two line segments} \label{sec:blocker_polygon} Consider two disjoint line segments such as those depicted in Figure~\ref{lines3}-(a). The set of lines passing through the two line segments can be described as an intersection of four halfspaces in line space. The four halfspaces correspond to mappings of endpoints of the two line segments. Since the halfspaces pass through the origin of ${\mathcal L}$, their intersection is a pyramid with the apex at the origin. The boundary halflines of the pyramid correspond to mappings of the four {\em extremal lines} induced by the two segments. Denote ${\mathcal P}(S, O)$ a line space pyramid corresponding to oriented lines intersecting line segments $S$ and $O$ in this order. We represent the pyramid by a {\em blocker polygon} $B(S, O)$ (see Figure~\ref{lines3}-(b)). Since $B(S, O)$ only represents the pyramid ${\mathcal P}(S, O)$, it need not be a planar polygon, i.e. its vertices may lay anywhere on the boundary halflines of ${\mathcal P}(S, O)$. We normalize the vertex coordinates: they correspond to an intersection of the boundary halfline of ${\mathcal P}(S, O)$ and the unit sphere centered at the origin of ${\mathcal L}$. \begin{figure}[htb] \hfill\rule{0pt}{0pt} \includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth,draft=\DRAFTFIGS]{figs/lines3} \hfill\rule{0pt}{0pt} \centerline{\small \hspace{0.01\textwidth}{\bf (a)}\hspace{0.2\textwidth} {\bf (b)} } \vspace{-1.5em} \caption{ {\bf (a)} Two line segments and corresponding four extremal lines oriented from $S$ to $O$. Separating lines $ad$ and $bc$ bound region of partial visibility of $S$ behind $O$ (penumbra). Supporting lines $ac$ and $bd$ bound region where $S$ is invisible (umbra). {\bf (b)} Blocker polygon $B(S,O)$ representing pyramid ${\mathcal P}(S,O)$. } \label{lines3} \end{figure} In Figure~\ref{lines4}-(a), the supporting line of $cd$ intersects $ab$ at point $x$. The set of rays passing through $ab$ and $cd$ can be decomposed to rays passing through $ax$ and $cd$, and through $xb$ and $cd$. Rays through $ax$ and $cd$ map to a pyramid that is described by intersection of only three halfspaces induced by mappings of $a$, $x$ and $d$. Rays through $xb$ and $cd$ can be described similarly. The configuration in line space is depicted in Figure~\ref{lines4}-(b). \begin{figure}[htb] \rule{0pt}{0pt}\hfill \includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth,draft=\DRAFTFIGS]{figs/lines4} \hfill\rule{0pt}{0pt} \centerline{\small \hspace{0.01\textwidth}{\bf (a)}\hspace{0.2\textwidth} {\bf (b)} } \vspace{-1.5em} \caption{ {\bf (a)} Degenerate configuration of line segments: the supporting line of $cd$ intersects $ab$ at point $x$. There are five extremal lines. Note, that there is no umbra region. {\bf (b)} In line space the configuration yields two pyramids sharing a boundary that is a mapping of the oriented line $cd$. } \label{lines4} \end{figure} \subsection{Lines passing through a set of line segments} Consider a set of $n+1$ line segments. We call one line segment the {\em source} (denoted by $S$) and the other $n$ segments we call occluders (denoted by $O_k$, $1 \leq k \leq n$). Further in the chapter we will use the term {\em ray} as a representative of an oriented line that is oriented from the source ``towards'' the occluders. Assume that we can process all occluders in a strict front-to-back order with respect to the given source. We have already processed $k$ occluders and we continue by processing $O_{k+1}$. $O_{k+1}$ can be visible through rays that correspond to the pyramid ${\mathcal P}(S, O_{k+1})$. Nevertheless some of these rays can be blocked by combination of already processed occluders $O_x$ ($1\leq x \leq k$). To determine if $O_{k+1}$ is visible we subtract all ${\mathcal P}(S,O_x)$ from ${\mathcal P}(S,O_{k+1})$: $$ {\mathcal V}(S,O_{k+1}) = {\mathcal P}(S,O_{k+1})\ - \bigcup_{1 \leq x \leq k} {\mathcal P}(S,O_x) $$ ${\mathcal V}(S, O_{k+1})$ is a set pyramids representing rays through which $O_{k+1}$ is visible from $S$. In turn, all rays corresponding to ${\mathcal V}(S,O_{k+1})$ are blocked behind $O_{k+1}$. If ${\mathcal V}(S, O_{k+1})$ is an empty set, occluder $O_{k+1}$ is invisible. This suggest incremental construction of an arrangement of pyramids ${\mathcal A}_k$ that corresponds to rays blocked by the $k$ processed occluders. We determine ${\mathcal V}(S,O_{k+1})$ and ${\mathcal A}_{k+1}$ (${\mathcal A}_0$ is empty): $$ {\mathcal V}(S,O_{k+1}) = {\mathcal P}(S,O_{k+1}) \ - \ {\mathcal A}_k, $$ $$ {\mathcal A}_{k+1} = {\mathcal A}_k \cup {\mathcal P}(S,O_{k+1}) = {\mathcal A}_k \ \cup \ {\mathcal V}(S,O_{k+1}). $$ Figures~\ref{lines5}-(a,b) depict a projection of an arrangement ${\mathcal A}_3$ of a source and three occluders. Note that the shorter the source line segment the narrower ($s^*_a$ and $s^*_b$ get closer) are the pyramids ${\mathcal P}(S,O_k)$. \begin{figure}[htb] \rule{0pt}{0pt}\hfill \includegraphics[width=0.6\textwidth,draft=\DRAFTFIGS]{figs/rot2new} \hfill\rule{0pt}{0pt} \centerline{\small \hspace{0.01\textwidth}{\bf (a)}\hspace{0.2\textwidth} {\bf (b)} } \vspace{-1.5em} \caption{ {\bf (a)} The source line segment $S$ and three occluders. $Q_{1-3}$ denote unoccluded funnels. {\bf (b)} The line space subdivision. For each cell, the corresponding occluder-sequence is depicted. Note the cells $Q^*_1$, $Q^*_2$ and $Q^*_3$ corresponding to unoccluded funnels.} \label{lines5} \end{figure} Recall that the pyramid ${\mathcal P}(S,O_k)$ is represented by blocker polygon $B(S,O_k)$. The construction of the arrangement ${\mathcal A}_k$ resembles the from-point visibility problem, more specifically the hidden surface removal applied on the blocker polygons with respect to the origin of ${\mathcal L}$. The difference is that the depth information is irrelevant in line space. The priority of blocker polygons is either completely determined by the processing order of occluders or their depth must be compared in primal space. This observation is supported by the classification of visibility problems presented in Chapter~\ref{chap:classes}. Visibility from point in 3D and visibility from region in 2D induce a two-dimensional problem-relevant line set. This suggests the possibility of mapping one problem to another. In the next section we show how the arrangement ${\mathcal A}_k$ can be maintained consistently and efficiently using the occlusion tree. \section{Pl\"ucker coordinates of lines in 3D} \label{sec:plucker} We will use a mapping that describes an oriented 3D line as a point in a projective 5D space~\cite{Boissonnat98} by means of \plucker coordinates~\cite{Teller92phd,p-rsls-97,yn-sbgtc-97,Pu98-DSGIV}. \plucker coordinates allow to represent sets of lines using 5D polyhedra and to compute visibility by means of polyhedra set operations in 5D. A line in 3D can be described by homogeneous coordinates of two distinct points on that line. Let $l$ be a line in ${\cal R}^3$ and let $\mbi{u}=(u_x, u_y, u_z, u_w)$ and $\mbi{v}=(v_x,v_y,v_z, v_w)$ be two distinct points in homogeneous coordinates lying on $l$. A line $l$ oriented from $\mbi{u}$ to $\mbi{v}$ can be described by the following matrix: \begin{equation} l=\left( \begin{array}{cccc} u_{x} & u_{y} & u_{z} & u_{w} \\ v_{x} & v_{y} & v_{z} & v_{w} \end{array} \right) \label{coord_cara} \end{equation} Minors of the matrix correspond to components of the {\em \plucker coordinates} $\bpi_l$ of line $l$: \begin{equation} \begin{array}{ll} \bpi_l & = (\pi_{l0}, \pi_{l1}, \pi_{l2}, \pi_{l3}, \pi_{l4}, \pi_{l5}) = \\ & = (\xi_{wx},\xi_{wy},\xi_{wz},\xi_{yz},\xi_{zx},\xi_{xy}), \end{array} \label{eq:plucker_coords_def} \end{equation} where \begin{equation} \xi_{rs} = det\left( \begin{array}{cc} u_{r} & u_{s} \\ v_{r} & v_{s} \end{array} \right). \end{equation} Substituting $u_w=1$ and $v_w=1$ into Eq.~\ref{eq:plucker_coords_def} enumerates to: \begin{equation} \begin{array}{l} \pi_{l0} = v_x - u_x\\ \pi_{l1} = v_y - u_y\\ \pi_{l2} = v_z - u_z\\ \pi_{l3} = u_{y}v_{z} - u_{z}v_{y}\\ \pi_{l4} = u_{z}v_{x} - u_{x}v_{z}\\ \pi_{l5} = u_{x}v_{y} - u_{y}v_{x} \end{array} \label{eq:plucker_coords} \end{equation} The \plucker coordinates $\bpi_l$ can be seen as homogeneous coordinates of a point in a projective five-dimensional space ${\cal P}^5$. We call this point a {\em \plucker point} $\ppoint_l$ of $l$. For a given oriented line $l$ the \plucker coordinates $\bpi_l$ are unique and they do not depend on the choice of points $p$ and $q$. We will use the notation of a \plucker point $\ppoint_l$ in the case when we want to stress that the corresponding \plucker coordinates $\bpi_l$ are interpreted as a point in ${\cal P}^5$. Using the projective duality the \plucker coordinates can be interpreted as coefficients of a hyperplane. The {\em \plucker coefficients} $\bomega_l$ of line $l$ are given as: \begin{equation} \begin{array}{ll} \bomega_l & = (\omega_{l0}, \omega_{l1}, \omega_{l2}, \omega_{l3}, \omega_{l4}, \omega_{l5}) = \\ & = (\xi_{yz},\xi_{zx},\xi_{xy},\xi_{wx},\xi_{wy},\xi_{wz}) \end{array} \label{eq:plucker_coef_def} \end{equation} Substituting Eq.~\ref{eq:plucker_coords} into Eq.~\ref{eq:plucker_coef_def} we get: \begin{equation} \begin{array}{l} \omega_{l0} = \pi_{l3} \\ \omega_{l1} = \pi_{l4}\\ \omega_{l2} = \pi_{l5}\\ \omega_{l3} = \pi_{l0}\\ \omega_{l4} = \pi_{l1}\\ \omega_{l5} = \pi_{l2} \end{array} \label{eq:plucker_coef} \end{equation} The \plucker coefficients $\bomega_l$ define a {\em \plucker hyperplane} $\pplane_l$. We will use the notation of a \plucker hyperplane $\pplane_l$ when we want to stress that the corresponding \plucker coefficients $\bomega_l$ are interpreted as a hyperplane in ${\cal P}^5$. In terms of \plucker points the \plucker hyperplane can be expressed as: \begin{equation} \label{hyperplane} \begin{array}{l} \pplane_l = \{\ppoint | \ppoint \in {\cal P}^5, \bomega_l \odot \bpi = 0\} \end{array} \end{equation} The \plucker hyperplane induces closed positive and negative halfspaces given as: \begin{equation} \begin{array}{l} \pplane^{+}_l = \{\ppoint | \ppoint \in {\cal P}^{5}, \bomega_l \odot \bpi \geq 0\} \\ \pplane^{-}_l = \{\ppoint | \ppoint \in {\cal P}^{5}, \bomega_l \odot \bpi \leq 0\} \\ \end{array} \label{eq:def_halfspaces} \end{equation} These definitions of \plucker coordinates and coefficients follow the ``traditional'' convention~\cite{Pu98-DSGIV}. They differ from the definitions used by Teller~\cite{Teller92phd} who used a permuted order of the coordinates. The traditional convention provides an elegant interpretation of \plucker coordinates that will be discussed in Section~\ref{sec:plucker_interp}. If $a$ and $b$ are two directed lines, the relation $side(a,b)$ is defined as an inner product $\bomega_a \odot \bpi_b$ or permuted inner product $\bpi_a \times \bpi_b$: \begin{equation} \begin{array}{ll} side(a,b) & = \bomega_a \odot \bpi_b = \\ & = \omega_{a0}\pi_{b0} + \omega_{a1}\pi_{b1} + \omega_{a2}\pi_{b2} + \omega_{a3}\pi_{b3} + \omega_{a4}\pi_{b4} + \omega_{a5}\pi_{b5} = \\ & = \bpi_a \times \bpi_b = \\ & = \pi_{a0}\pi_{b3} + \pi_{a1}\pi_{b4} + \pi_{a2}\pi_{b5} + \pi_{a3}\pi_{b0} + \pi_{a4}\pi_{b1} + \pi_{a5}\pi_{b2} \end{array} \label{eq:side} \end{equation} This relation can be interpreted with the right-hand rule (Figure~\ref{sidepict}). If the thumb of the right hand is directed along line $a$, then: \begin{itemize} \item $side(a,b)> 0$, if line $b$ is oriented in the direction of the fingers, \item $side(a,b) = 0$, if lines $a$ and $b$ intersect or are parallel, \item $side(a,b) < 0$, if line $b$ points against the direction of the fingers. \end{itemize} \begin{figure}[htb] \centerline{ \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth,draft=\DRAFTFIGS]{figs/pldual}} \caption{The $side(a,b)$, interpreted as the right-hand rule.} \label{sidepict} \end{figure} \plucker coordinates have an important property: Although every oriented line in ${\cal R}^3$ maps to a point in \plucker coordinates, not every tuple of six real numbers corresponds to a real line. Only the points $\ppoint \in {\cal P}^5$ \plucker coordinates of which satisfy the condition \begin{equation} \bpi \odot \bpi = 0 \qquad \equiv \qquad \pi_{0}\pi_{3} + \pi_{1}\pi_{4} + \pi_{2}\pi_{5} = 0, \label{eq:plucker_quadric} \end{equation} represent real lines in ${\cal R}^3$. All other points correspond to lines which are said to be {\em imaginary}. The set of points in ${\cal P}^5$ satisfying Eq.~\ref{eq:plucker_quadric} forms a 4D hyperboloid of one sheet called the {\em \plucker quadric}, also known as the {\em Klein quadric} or the {\em Grassman manifold} (see Figure~\ref{quadric}). \begin{figure}[htb] \medskip \centerline{ \includegraphics[width=0.65\textwidth,draft=\DRAFTFIGS]{figs/reallin}} \caption{Real lines map on points on the Pl\"{u}cker quadric.} \label{quadric} \end{figure} The six \plucker coordinates of a real line are not independent. Firstly, they describe an oriented projective space, secondly, they must satisfy the equation~\ref{eq:plucker_quadric}. Thus there are four degrees of freedom in the description of a 3D line, which conforms with the classification from Chapter~\ref{chap:overview}. \plucker coordinates allow to detect an incidence of two lines by computing an inner product of a homogeneous point (mapping of one line) with a hyperplane (mapping of the other). Lines $l$ and $l'$ intersect or are parallel (i.e. meet at infinity) if and only if $\ppoint_l \in \pplane_{l'}$, i.e. $side(l, l') = 0$. Note that according to ~\ref{eq:plucker_quadric} any line always meets itself. \subsection{Geometric interpretation of \plucker coordinates} \label{sec:plucker_interp} For a better understanding of \plucker coordinates it is natural to ask how each individual \plucker coordinate is related to the geometry of the corresponding line. The \plucker coordinates of a given line can be divided to the {\em directional} and the {\em locational} parts. The directional part encodes the direction of the line, the locational part encodes the position of the line. Given \plucker coordinates $\bpi_l$ of a line $l$ we can write: \begin{equation} \begin{array}{lll} \mbi{d}_l & = (\pi_{l0}, \pi_{l1}, \pi_{l2}), \\ \mbi{l}_l & = (\pi_{l3}, \pi_{l4}, \pi_{l5}), \\ \end{array} \end{equation} where $\mbi{d}_l$ is the {\em directional vector} of $l$ and $\mbi{l}_l$ is the {\em locational vector} of $l$. The \plucker coordinates $\bpi_l$ and the \plucker coefficients $\bomega_l$ can be expressed as: \begin{equation} \begin{array}{ll} \bpi_l &= [\mbi{d}_l; \mbi{l}_l],\\ \bomega_l &= [\mbi{l}_l; \mbi{d}_l]. \end{array} \label{eq:rot3_locdir} \end{equation} \subsubsection{Extracting a point} Often we need to describe a line using a parametric representation by means of an {\em anchor point} and a directional vector. Given a line $l$ the directional vector $\mbi{d}_l$ is embedded in the \plucker coordinates of $l$ (see Eq.~\ref{eq:rot3_locdir}). The anchor point $\mbi{a}_l$ can be computed as: \begin{equation} \mbi{a}_l = (a_x, a_y, a_z) = \frac{\mbi{d}_l \times \mbi{l}_l}{\parallel \mbi{d}_l \parallel ^2}. \end{equation} \subsubsection{Computing the distance} The distance between two lines $l$ and $l'$ can be expressed using their anchor points and the directional vectors: \begin{equation} dist(l, l') = { | (\mbi{a}_l - \mbi{a}_{l'}) \cdot (\mbi{d}_l \times \mbi{d}_{l'}) | \over \parallel \mbi{d}_l \times \mbi{d}_{l'} \parallel }. \end{equation} The distance is the length of the projection of the line segment $\mbi{a}_l,\mbi{a}_{l'}$ onto the direction $\mbi{d}_l \times \mbi{d}_{l'}$. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Visual events} \label{sec:events} This section discusses visual events occurring in polygonal scenes~\cite{Gigus90}. We will focus on the boundaries of visual events and their relation to \plucker coordinates. The understanding of the visual events helps to comprehend the complexity of the from-region visibility in 3D. Any scene can be decomposed into regions from which the scene has a topologically equivalent view~\cite{Gigus90}. Boundaries of such regions correspond to {\em event surfaces}. Crossing an event surface causes a {\em visual event}, i.e. a change in the topology of the view (visibility map). In polygonal scenes there are three types of event surfaces~\cite{Gigus90}: \begin{itemize} \item {\em vertex-edge} (VE) events involving an edge and a vertex of two distinct polygons. \item {\em edge-edge-edge} (EEE) events involving three edges of three distinct polygons. \item {\em supporting} events corresponding to supporting planes of scene polygons. The supporting event can be seen as a degenerated case of VE or EEE events. \end{itemize} The VE events correspond to planes, the EEE events in general form quadratic surfaces. The definitions assume that the scene polygons are in general non-degenerate position. In real world scenes the polygons or their edges polygons can be variously aligned. In such a case these definitions of visibility events form minimal sets of edges and vertices defining an event. For example a VE event can involve a vertex and several edges of scene polygons (see Figure~\ref{fig:degen_event}). \begin{figure}[htb] \centerline{ \includegraphics[width=0.45\textwidth,draft=\DRAFTFIGS]{figs/ve_degen}} \caption{Degenerated VE event. The VE event is induced by a vertex and three edges of scene polygons.} \label{fig:degen_event} \end{figure} The intersections of event surfaces correspond to {\em extremal lines}~\cite{Teller92phd}. An extremal line intersects four edges of some scene polygons. There are four types of extremal lines: vertex-vertex (VV) lines, vertex-edge-edge (VEE) lines, edge-vertex-edge (EVE) and quadruple edge (4E) lines. Imagine ``sliding'' an extremal line (of any type) away from its initial position by relaxing exactly one of the four edge constraints determining the line. The section of the event surface swept out by the sliding line is called the {\em swath}. A swath is either planar if it corresponds to a VE event surface or a regulus if it is embedded in an EEE event surface. Figure~\ref{swaths}-(a) shows an extremal VV line tight on four edges A,B,C, and D. Relaxing constraint C yields a VE (planar) swath defined by A,B, and D. When the sliding line encounters an obstacle (edge E) it terminates at a VV extremal line defined by A,B,D, and E. Figure~\ref{swaths}-(b) depicts an extremal 4E line tight on the mutually skew edges A,B,C, and D. Relaxing constraint A produces an EEE event surface that is a regulus intersecting B,C, and D. When the sliding line encounters edge E the swath terminates at an VEE extremal line. \begin{figure}[htb] \centerline{ \includegraphics[width=0.75\textwidth,draft=\DRAFTFIGS]{figs/swaths}} \centerline{\small {\bf (a)}\hspace{0.3\textwidth} {\bf (b)} \hspace{0.2\textwidth}} \caption{Swaths of event surfaces. (a) VE swath. (b) EEE swath. } \label{swaths} \end{figure} \subsection{Visual events and \plucker coordinates} \plucker coordinates allow an elegant description of event surfaces. An event surface can be expressed as an intersection of three \plucker hyperplanes, and thus avoiding explicit treatment of quadratic surfaces. The non-linear EEE surfaces correspond to curves embedded in the intersection of the \plucker hyperplanes. Let ${\cal H}$ be an arrangement~\cite{dcg-handbook} of hyperplanes in ${\cal P}^5$ that correspond to \plucker coefficients of edges of the scene polygons. The intersection of the arrangement ${\cal H}$ and the \plucker quadric yields all visual events~\cite{Teller92phd,p-rsls-97,Pu98-DSGIV}. An extremal line $l$ intersects four generator edges. Consequently, the corresponding \plucker point $\ppoint_l$ lies on four \plucker hyperplanes. In 5D the four hyperplanes define an edge of the arrangement ${\cal H}$. Thus, we can find all extremal lines of a given set of polygons by examining the edges of ${\cal H}$ for intersections with the \plucker quadric~\cite{Pu98-DSGIV}. Consider the situation depicted in Figure~\ref{swaths}. In line space the event surfaces correspond to curves embedded in the \plucker quadric. In general these curves are conics defined by an intersection of the 2D-faces of ${\cal H}$ with the \plucker quadric (see Figure~\ref{5Dswaths}). \begin{figure}[htb] \centerline{ \includegraphics[width=0.6\textwidth,draft=\DRAFTFIGS]{figs/ipswaths}} \caption{3D swaths correspond to conics on the Pl\"ucker quadric.} \label{5Dswaths} \end{figure} \section{Lines intersecting a polygon} \label{sec:rot3d_singlepoly} \plucker coordinates provide a tool to map lines from primal space to points in line space. This mapping allows to perform operations of sets of lines using set theoretical operations on the corresponding sets of points. In polygonal scenes the {\em elementary set of lines} is formed by lines intersecting a given polygon. Assume that a convex polygon $P$ is defined by edges $e_i, 0\leq i < n$ that are oriented counterclockwise. The set of lines ${\cal L}_P$ intersecting the polygon that are oriented in the direction of the polygon's normal satisfies: \begin{equation} {\cal L}_P = \{ l | l \in (R^3, R^3), side(\bpi_l, \bpi_{e_i}) \leq 0, \forall i \in \langle 0,n) \}, \label{eq:halfspaces} \end{equation} where $\bpi_l$ are \plucker coordinates of line $l$ and $\bpi_{e_i}$ are \plucker coordinates of $i$-th edge of the polygon. Substituting the Eq.~\ref{eq:side} and rewriting the equation in terms of a set of \plucker points we get: \begin{equation} \begin{array}{ll} {\cal F}_P & = \{ \ppoint | \ppoint \in {\cal P}^5, \bpi \times \bpi_{e_i} \leq 0, \forall i \in \langle 0,n) \} = \\ & = \{ \ppoint | \ppoint \in {\cal P}^5, \bpi \odot \bomega_{e_i} \leq 0, \forall i \in \langle 0,n) \}, \end{array} \label{eq:feasible} \end{equation} where ${\cal F}_P$ is a set of {\em feasible \plucker points} for polygon $P$. Substituting Eq.~\ref{eq:def_halfspaces} into~\ref{eq:feasible} we obtain: \begin{equation} \begin{array}{ll} {\cal F}_P & = \{ \ppoint | \ppoint \in {\cal P}^5, \bpi \in \pplane^-_{e_i}, \forall i \in \langle 0,n) \} \end{array} \label{eq:intersection} \end{equation} Thus the set of feasible \plucker points is defined by an intersection of halfspaces defined by the \plucker hyperplanes corresponding to edges of the polygon. The set of {\em stabbers} ${\cal S}_P$ is then defined as an intersection of ${\cal F}_P$ with the \plucker quadric: \begin{equation} {\cal S}_P = \{ \ppoint | \ppoint \in {\cal F}_P, \bpi \odot \bpi = 0 \}. \end{equation} The stabbers are \plucker points corresponding to the real lines intersecting the polygon that are oriented in the direction of the normal. Similarly we can define the sets of {\em reverse feasible \plucker points} ${\cal F}^-_P$ and {\em reverse stabbers} ${\cal S}^-_P$ that correspond to opposite oriented lines intersecting the polygon: \begin{equation} \begin{array}{ll} {\cal F}^-_P & = \{ \ppoint | \ppoint \in {\cal P}^5, \ppoint \in \pplane^+_{e_i}, \forall i \in \langle 0,n) \} \\ {\cal S}^-_P & = \{ \ppoint | \ppoint \in {\cal F}^-_P, \bpi \odot \bpi = 0 \}. \end{array} \end{equation} \section{Lines between two polygons} \label{sec:rot3d_twopoly} The above presented definitions of elementary line sets allow to handle visibility computations by means of set operations on the sets of feasible \plucker points. Visibility between two polygons $P_j$ and $P_k$ can be determined by constructing an intersection of feasible sets of the two polygons ${\cal F}_{P_j}$ and ${\cal F}_{P_k}$ and subtracting all feasible sets of polygons lying between $P_j$ and $P_k$. To obtain the set of unoccluded stabbers we intersect the resulting feasible set with the \plucker quadric. Further in this chapter we restrict our discussion to visibility from a given {\em source polygon} $P_S$. Given any {\em occluder polygon} $P_j$ we first describe lines intersecting both $P_S$ and $P_j$. Lines between $P_S$ and $P_j$ can be described by an intersection of their feasible line sets: \begin{equation} {\cal F}_{P_SP_j} = {\cal F}_{P_S} \cap {\cal F}_{P_j} \end{equation} and thus \begin{equation} {\cal S}_{P_SP_j} = {\cal S}_{P_S} \cap {\cal S}_{P_j}. \end{equation} The feasible \plucker points are defined by an intersection of halfspaces corresponding to edges of $P_S$ and $P_j$. These halfspaces define a {\em blocker polyhedron} $B_{P_SP_j}$ that is described in the next section. \subsubsection{Blocker polyhedron} The blocker polyhedron describes lines intersecting the source polygon and the given occluder. The blocker polyhedron can be seen as an extension of the blocker polygon discussed in Chapters~\ref{chap:rot2d} and~\ref{chap:rot3d} for the from-region visibility in 3D scenes. The blocker polyhedron is a 5D polyhedron in a 5D projective space. To avoid singularities in the projection from ${\cal P}^5$ to ${\cal R}^5$ the polyhedron can be embedded in ${\cal R}^6$ similarly to the embedding of blocker polygon in ${\cal R}^3$ (see Section~\ref{sec:blocker_polygon}). Then the polyhedron actually represents a 6D pyramid with an apex at the origin of ${\cal R}^6$. \subsubsection{Cap planes} The blocker polyhedron is defined by an intersection of halfspaces defined by \plucker planes that are mappings of edges of the source polygon and the occluder. As stated above the blocker polyhedron represents the set of feasible \plucker points ${\cal F}_{P_SP_j}$ including points not intersecting the \plucker quadric that correspond to imaginary lines. We bound the polyhedron by {\em cap planes} aligned with the \plucker quadric so that the resulting polyhedron is a tighter representation of the stabbers ${\cal S}_{P_SP_j}$. We need to ensure that the resulting polyhedron fully contains the stabbers ${\cal S}_{P_SP_j}$, i.e. contains the cross-section of the \plucker quadric and ${\cal F}_{P_SP_j}$. The cap planes provide the following benefits: \begin{itemize} \item The computation is localized to the proximity of the \plucker quadric. This reduces the combinatorial complexity of data structure representing an arrangement of the blocker polyhedra. \item The blocker polyhedron is always bounded. Although the set of lines between two convex polygons is bounded, the set of feasible \plucker points can be unbounded at the ``direction'' of imaginary lines. Adding the cap planes we make sure that the polyhedron is bounded, which allows its easier treatment. By using the cap planes we avoid the handling of very oblong, almost unbounded polyhedra, which improves numerical stability of a floating point implementation of the algorithm. \end{itemize} We used two cap planes to bound the polyhedron, one for each side of the \plucker quadric (a side is given by the sign of $\bpi \odot \bpi$). The cap planes are computed as tangents to the \plucker quadric at the center of the set of stabbers ${\cal S}_{P_SP_j}$. The planes are translated each at the opposite direction making sure that they include the whole set ${\cal S}_{P_SP_j}$. \subsection{Intersection with the \plucker quadric} \label{sec:stabbers} Given a blocker polyhedron representing the set of feasible lines ${\cal F}_{P_SP_j}$ we can compute an intersection of the edges of the polyhedron with the \plucker quadric to determine the set of extremal lines bounding the set of stabbers ${\cal S}_{P_SP_j}$. An intersection of an edge of the blocker polyhedron with the \plucker quadric results in at most two {\em extremal \plucker points} that correspond extremal lines\footnote{Neglecting the case that the whole edge is embedded in the \plucker quadric, which results in infinite number of extremal lines.}. Given an edge of the blocker polyhedron the intersection with the \plucker quadric is computed by solving the quadratic equation (Eq.~\ref{eq:plucker_quadric}). A robust algorithm for computing this intersection was developed by Teller~\cite{TH83}. Intersecting all edges of the blocker polyhedron with the \plucker quadric yields all extremal lines of ${\cal S}_{P_SP_j}$~\cite{Teller:1992:CAA,Pu98-DSGIV}. See Figure~\ref{fig:rot3_visrays} for an example of extremal lines computed for the given source polygon and a set of three occluders. \begin{figure}[htb] \centerline{ \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth,draft=\DRAFTIMAGES]{images/rot3_visrays}} \caption{Extremal lines for the given source polygon (yellow) and three occluders.} \label{fig:rot3_visrays} \end{figure} The intersection of the 2D faces of the blocker polyhedron with the \plucker quadric yields swaths of event surfaces of the set of stabbers ${\cal S}_{P_SP_j}$~\cite{Teller92phd}. In general the intersection results in 1D conics. We can avoid the explicit treatment of conics in 5D by computing the local topology of the edges of the blocker polyhedron and constructing the swaths in primal space between the topologically connected extremal lines~\cite{Teller92phd}. The local topology of an extremal \plucker point is given by connections with extremal \plucker points embedded in the same 2D face of the blocker polyhedron. A 2D face of the blocker polyhedron is given by three \plucker hyperplanes. Thus the pairs of extremal \plucker points defined by the subset of the same three \plucker hyperplanes define a swath. For solution of some from-region visibility problems (e.g. PVS computation, region-to-region visibility) the event swaths need not be reconstructed. For example the visibility culling algorithm that will be discussed in Section~\ref{sec:rot3pvs} only computes extremal \plucker points and uses them to test an existence of a set of stabbers of a given size. \subsection{Size of the set of lines} \label{sec:size_measure} Computing a size measure of a given set of lines is useful for most visibility algorithms. The computed size measure can be used to drive the subdivision of the given set of lines or to bound the maximal error of the algorithm. An analytic algorithm can use the computed size measure for thresholding by a given $\epsilon$-size to discard very small line sets. A discrete algorithm can use the size measure to determine the required density of sampling. The size of a set of lines for the from-point visibility can be formulated easily: the size is given by the area of the intersection of the line set with a plane. This corresponds to quantifying visibility of an object according to its projected area. Such a size is determined in the solution space (viewport). Alternatively we could use a ``viewport independent measure'' given by a solid angle formed by the visible part of an object. The size measure for the from-region visibility problems is more complicated for the following reasons: \begin{itemize} \item The domain of the solution space is four-dimensional. \item The solution space of the from-region visibility algorithm generally does not correspond to the solution space of the application. For example, a visible surface algorithm using a precomputed PVS works in a 2D domain induced by the given viewport. \end{itemize} \subsubsection{General size measure} A size of a set of lines for the from-region visibility can be computed by evaluating a 4D integral. Using \plucker coordinates we can compute a volume of the 4D hyper-surface corresponding to the given set of lines. The volume however depends on a way of projecting the blocker polyhedron from ${\cal P}^5$ to ${\cal R}^5$. This projection has a similar role as the selection of the viewport for the from-point visibility problem. We can project the blocker polyhedron from ${\cal P}^5$ to ${\cal R}^5$ by projecting it to a 5D hyperplane defined by certain reference direction, e.g. the ``center-line'' of the given set of lines. Pu proposed a different size measure based on measuring the {\em angular spread} and the {\em distance} between lines~\cite{Pu98-DSGIV}. Both these quantities can be evaluated in terms of \plucker coordinates of the set of extremal lines of the given line set. \subsubsection{Size measure for the PVS computation} It can be difficult to relate the size measures described above to the domain of the result of a subsequently applied visibility algorithm. We need a simple scheme that fits to the context of the target application. In this section we suggest a size measure designed for the PVS computation. When computing a PVS we are interested in measuring the size of the set of unoccluded lines (stabbers) between the source polygon $P_S$ and a given scene polygon. If this size is below an $\epsilon$-threshold, we can possibly exclude the polygon from the PVS. We suggest to use an estimate of the minimal angle between the stabbers at a point inside $P_S$. The idea is to estimate the minimal projected diameter of a polygon visible through the given set of lines from any point inside $P_S$. This estimate can be used to bound a maximal error of an image synthesized with respect to any viewpoint inside $P_S$ for the case that the corresponding set of lines is neglected. %% The size measure approximates the minimal spatial angle given by a %% cross-section of the given set of lines parallel to the source polygon %% $P_S$ and the center of $P_S$. Given a blocker polyhedron ${\cal F}_{P_SP_j}$ the proposed size measure can be evaluated as follows: \begin{enumerate} \item Compute the extremal lines of the corresponding set of stabbers ${\cal S}_{P_SP_j}$ as described in Section~\ref{sec:stabbers}. \item For each polygon edge $e_i$ bounding the stabbers determine an extremal line $l_{mi}$ with a maximal distance from the edge. \item For each edge $e_i$ compute a shortest line segment $z_i$ connecting $e_i$ and $l_{mi}$. The length of this line segment is then scaled according to its distance from the source polygon, i.e. we compute an angle $\alpha_i$ between the lines connecting the center of the source polygon and the endpoints of $z_i$. \item Select a minimal angle $\alpha_m$ of all $\alpha_i$ as the estimate of the size of the given line set. \end{enumerate} The evaluation of the size measure is depicted in Figure~\ref{fig:linesize}. \begin{figure}[htb] \centerline{ \includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth,draft=\DRAFTFIGS]{figs/linesize}} \caption{A 2D example of evaluation of the size of a set of lines. The three line segments $z_1$, $z_2$ and $z_3$ maximize the distance of the corresponding occluder edges from the extremal lines. The line segment $z_3$ spans a minimal angle $\alpha_m$ with respect to the center of the source polygon $P_S$.} \label{fig:linesize} \end{figure} The angle $\alpha_m$ can be related to the angular resolution of the synthesized image. Given the resolution of the image we can threshold ``small'' line sets with $\alpha_m$ below the corresponding angular threshold to achieve a sub-pixel precision of the rendering algorithm. This measure can also be applied to deal with the finite precision of the floating point arithmetics by using a small $\epsilon$-threshold to handle numerical inaccuracies.