1 | \chapter{Mutual Visibility Tool}
2 |
3 | \section{Introduction}
4 |
5 | If a fast visibility solution is required such as during the
6 | development cycle then the aggresive visibility sampling discussed in
7 | the previous chapter is a good candidate. However for final solution
8 | (production) we should either be sure that there can be no visible
9 | error due to the preprocessed visibility or the error is suffieciently
10 | small and thus not noticable.
11 |
12 | The verification starts with identifiying a minimal set of object/view
13 | cell pairs which are classified as mutually invisible. We process the
14 | objects sequentially and for every given object we determine the view
15 | cell which form the boundary of the invisible view cell set.
16 |
17 | This boundary it is based on the current view cell visibility
18 | classifications. We assume that there is a defined connectivity
19 | between the viewcells which is the case for both BSP-tree or kD-tree
20 | based view cells. Then given a PVS consisting of visible viewcells
21 | (with repsect to an object) we can find all the neighbors of the
22 | visible viewcells which are invisible. In order words a view cell
23 | belongs to this boundary if it is vlassified invisible and has at
24 | least one visible neighbor. If all view cells from this boundary are
25 | proven invisible, not other viewcell (behind this boundary) can be
26 | visible. If the verification determines some view cells as visible,
27 | the current invisible boundary is extended and the verification is
28 | applied on the new view cells forming the boundary.
29 |
30 | The basic operation of the verification is mutual visibility test
31 | between an object and a view cell. This test works with a bounding
32 | volume of the object and the boundary of the view cell. In the most
33 | general case both are defined bound by a convex polyhedron, in a
34 | simpler case both are defined by an axis aligned bounding box.
35 |
36 |
37 |
38 | \section{Exact Mutual Visibility Test}
39 |
40 | The exact mutual visibility test computes exact visibility between two
41 | polyhedrons in the scene. This is computed by testing visibility
42 | between all pairs of potentially polygons of these polyhedrons.
43 |
44 |
45 | \section{Occlusion tree}
46 | \label{sec:rot3d_ot}
47 |
48 | The occlusion tree for the visibility from region problem is a 5D BSP
49 | tree maintaining a collection of the 5D blocker polyhedra. The tree is
50 | constructed for each source polygon $P_S$ and represents all rays
51 | emerging from $P_S$. Each node $N$ of the tree represents a subset of
52 | line space ${\mathcal Q^*_N}$. The root of the tree represents the
53 | whole problem-relevant line set ${\mathcal L}_R$. If $N$ is an
54 | interior node, it is associated with a \plucker plane $\pplane_N$.
55 | Left child of $N$ represents ${\mathcal Q^*_N} \cap \pplane^-_N$,
56 | right child ${\mathcal Q^*_N} \cap \pplane^+_N$, where $\pplane^-_N$
57 | and $\pplane^+_N$ are halfspaces induced by $\pplane_N$.
58 |
59 | Leaves of the occlusion tree are classified $in$ or $out$. If $N$ is
60 | an $out$-leaf, ${\mathcal Q^*_N}$ represents unoccluded rays emerging
61 | from the source polygon $P_S$. If $N$ is an $in$-leaf, it is associated
62 | with an occluder $O_N$ that blocks the corresponding set of rays
63 | ${\mathcal Q^*_N}$. Additionally $N$ stores a fragment of the blocker
64 | polyhedron $B_N$ representing ${\mathcal Q^*_N}$. The intersection of
65 | $B_N$ and the \plucker quadric corresponds to a set of stabbers ${\cal
66 | S}_N$ through which $O_N$ is visible from $P_S$.
67 |
68 | %% Consider a source polygon and a single occluder such as in
69 | %% Figure~\ref{lines3}-(a). The corresponding elementary occlusion tree
70 | %% has interior nodes associated with \plucker hyperplanes corresponding
71 | %% to edges of the two polygons.
72 |
73 |
74 | \section{Occlusion tree construction}
75 |
76 | \label{sec:rot3d_construct}
77 |
78 | The occlusion tree is constructed incrementally by inserting blocker
79 | polyhedra in the order given by the approximate occlusion sweep of the
80 | scene polygons. When processing a polygon $P_j$ the algorithm inserts
81 | a polyhedron $B_{P_SP_j}$ representing the feasible line set between
82 | the source polygon $P_S$ and the polygon $P_j$. The polyhedron is
83 | split into fragments that represent either occluded or unoccluded rays.
84 |
85 | We describe two methods that can be used to insert a blocker
86 | polyhedron into the occlusion tree. The first method inserts the
87 | polyhedron by splitting it using hyperplanes encountered during the
88 | traversal of the tree. The second method identifies hyperplanes that
89 | split the polyhedron and uses them later for the construction of
90 | polyhedron fragments in leaf nodes.
91 |
92 |
93 |
94 | \subsection{Insertion with splitting}
95 |
96 | \label{sec:rot3_insertwithsplit}
97 |
98 | The polyhedron insertion algorithm maintains two variables --- the
99 | current node $N_c$ and the current polyhedron fragment
100 | $B_c$. Initially $N_c$ is set to the root of the tree and $B_c$ equals
101 | to $B_{P_SP_j}$. The insertion of a polyhedron in the tree proceeds as
102 | follows: If $N_c$ is an interior node, we determine the position of
103 | $B_c$ and the hyperplane $\pplane_{N_c}$ associated with $N_c$. If
104 | $B_c$ lies in the positive halfspace induced by $\pplane_{N_c}$ the
105 | algorithm continues in the right subtree. Similarly, if $B_c$ lies in
106 | the negative halfspace induced by $\pplane_{N_c}$, the algorithm
107 | continues in the left subtree. If $B_c$ intersects both halfspaces, it
108 | is split by $\pplane_{N_{c}}$ into two parts $B^+_{c}$ and $B^-_{c}$
109 | and the algorithm proceeds in both subtrees of $N_c$ with relevant
110 | fragments of $B_{c}$.
111 |
112 | If $N_{c}$ is a leaf node then we make a decision depending on its
113 | classification. If $N_{c}$ is an $out$-leaf then $B_{c}$ is visible
114 | and $N_c$ is replaced by the elementary occlusion tree of $B_{c}$. If
115 | $N_{c}$ is an $in$-leaf, the mutual position of the currently
116 | processed polygon $B_j$ and the polygon $B_{N_{c}}$ associated with
117 | $N_{c}$ is determined. This test will be described in
118 | Section~\ref{sec:position}. If $B_{c}$ is behind $B_{N_{c}}$ it is
119 | invisible and no modification to the tree necessary. Otherwise we need
120 | to {\em merge} $B_{c}$ into the tree. The merging replaces $N_{c}$ by
121 | the elementary occlusion tree of $B_c$ and inserts the old fragment
122 | $B_{N_{c}}$ in the new subtree.
123 |
124 | \subsection{Insertion without splitting}
125 | \label{sec:insertion_nosplit}
126 |
127 | The above described polyhedron insertion algorithm requires that the
128 | polyhedron is split by the hyperplanes encountered during the
129 | traversal of the occlusion tree. Another possibility is an algorithm
130 | that only tests the position of the polyhedron with respect to the
131 | hyperplane and remembers the hyperplanes that split the polyhedron on
132 | the path from the root to the leaves. Reaching a leaf node these
133 | hyperplanes are used to construct the corresponding polyhedron
134 | fragment using a polyhedron enumeration algorithm.
135 |
136 | The splitting-free polyhedron insertion algorithm proceeds as
137 | follows: we determine the position of the blocker polyhedron and the
138 | hyperplane $\pplane_{N_c}$ associated with the current node $N_c$. If
139 | $B_c$ lies in the positive halfspace induced by $\pplane_{N_c}$ the
140 | algorithm continues in the right subtree. Similarly if $B_c$ lies in
141 | the negative halfspace induced by $\pplane_{N_c}$ the algorithm
142 | continues in the left subtree. If $B_c$ intersects both halfspaces the
143 | algorithm proceeds in both subtrees of $N_c$ and $\pplane_{N_c}$ is
144 | added to the list of splitting hyperplanes with a correct sign for each
145 | subtree. Reaching an $out$-leaf the list of splitting hyperplanes and
146 | the associated signs correspond to halfspaces bounding the
147 | corresponding polyhedron fragment. The polyhedron enumeration
148 | algorithm is applied using these halfspaces and the original
149 | halfspaces defining the blocker polyhedron. Note that it is possible
150 | that no feasible polyhedron exists since the intersection of
151 | halfspaces is empty. Such a case occurs due to the conservative
152 | traversal of the tree that only tests the position of the inserted
153 | polyhedron with respect to the splitting hyperplanes\footnote{Such a
154 | traversal was also used in Section~\ref{sec:rtviscull_conserva} in the
155 | context of the from-point visibility culling.}. If the fragment is not
156 | empty, the tree is extended as described in the previous section.
157 |
158 | Reaching an $in$-leaf the polygon positional test is applied. If the
159 | inserted polygon is closer than the polygon associated with the leaf,
160 | the polyhedron fragment is constructed and it is merged in the tree as
161 | described in the previous section. The splitting-free polyhedron
162 | insertion algorithm has the following properties:
163 |
164 | \begin{itemize}
165 | \item If the polyhedron reaches only $in$-leaves the 5D set operations
166 | on the polyhedron are avoided completely.
167 | \item If the polyhedron reaches only a few leaves the application of the
168 | polyhedron enumeration algorithm is potentially more efficient than
169 | the sequential splitting. On the contrary, when reaching many
170 | $out$-leaves the splitting-free method makes less use of coherence,
171 | i.e. the polyhedron enumeration algorithm is applied independently
172 | in each leaf even if the corresponding polyhedra are bound by
173 | coherent sets of hyperplanes.
174 | \item An existing implementation of the polyhedron enumeration
175 | algorithm can be used~\cite{cdd_site,lrs_site}.
176 | \end{itemize}
177 |
178 |
179 | The polyhedron enumeration algorithm constructs the polyhedron as an
180 | intersection of a set of halfspaces. The polyhedron is described as a
181 | set of {\em vertices} and {\em rays} and their adjacency to the
182 | hyperplanes bounding the polyhedron~\cite{Fukuda:1996:DDM,avis96}. The
183 | adjacency information is used to construct a 1D skeleton of the
184 | polyhedron that is required for computation of the intersection with
185 | the \plucker quadric.
186 |
187 |
188 | \subsection{Polygon positional test}
189 | \label{sec:position}
190 |
191 | The polygon positional test aims to determine the order of two
192 | polygons $P_i$ and $P_j$ with respect to the source polygon
193 | $P_S$~\cite{Chrysantho1996a}. We assume that polygons $P_i$ and $P_j$
194 | do not intersect, i.e. all potential polygon intersections were
195 | resolved in preprocessing. The test is applied to determine which of
196 | the two polygons is closer to $P_S$ with respect to the given set of
197 | rays intersecting both polygons. The test proceeds as follows:
198 |
199 | \begin{enumerate}
200 | \item If $P_i$ lays in the positive/negative halfspace defined by
201 | $P_j$, it is before/behind $P_j$. Otherwise, proceed with the next step.
202 | \item If $P_j$ lays in the positive/negative halfspace defined by
203 | $P_i$, it is before/behind $P_i$. Otherwise, proceed with the next step.
204 | \item Find a ray from the given set of rays that intersects both
205 | polygons. Compute an intersection of the ray with $P_i$ and $P_j$ and
206 | determine the position of the polygons according to the order of
207 | intersection points along the ray.
208 | \end{enumerate}
209 |
210 | The first two steps aim to determine the absolute priority of one of
211 | the polygons. If these steps fail, the order of the polygons is
212 | determined using a sample ray in step 3.
213 |
214 | \section{Visibility test}
215 |
216 | \label{sec:rot3d_vistest}
217 |
218 | The visibility test classifies visibility of a given polygon with respect
219 | to the source polygon. The test can be used to classify visibility of
220 | a polyhedral region by applying it on the boundary faces of the region
221 | and combining the resulting visibility states.
222 |
223 | \subsection{Exact visibility test}
224 |
225 | The exact visibility for a given polyhedral region proceeds as
226 | follows: for each face of the region facing the given source polygon
227 | we construct a blocker polyhedron. The blocker polyhedron is then
228 | tested for visibility by the traversal of the occlusion tree. The
229 | visibility test proceeds as the algorithms described in
230 | Section~\ref{sec:rot3d_construct}, but no modifications to the tree are
231 | performed. If the polyhedron is classified as visible in all reached
232 | leaves, the current face is fully visible. If the polyhedron is
233 | invisible in all reached leaves, the face is invisible. Otherwise it
234 | is partially visible since some rays connecting the face and the
235 | source polygon are occluded and some are unoccluded. The visibility of
236 | the whole region is computed using a combination of visibility states
237 | of its boundary faces according to Table~\ref{table:vis_states}.
238 |
239 |
240 | \subsection{Conservative visibility test}
241 |
242 | \label{sec:rot3_conserva}
243 |
244 | The conservative visibility test provides a fast estimation of
245 | visibility of the given region since it does not require the 5D
246 | polyhedra enumeration. Visibility of the given face of the region is
247 | determined by a traversal of the occlusion tree and testing the
248 | position of the corresponding blocker polyhedron with respect to the
249 | encountered hyperplanes as described in
250 | Section~\ref{sec:insertion_nosplit}. If the blocker polyhedron
251 | reaches only $in$-leaves and the face is behind the polygon(s)
252 | associated with the leaves, the face is classified invisible
253 | . Otherwise, it is conservatively classified as visible. The
254 | visibility of the whole region is determined using a combination of
255 | visibility of its faces as mentioned in the previous section.
256 |
257 | \section{Optimizations}
258 |
259 | \label{sec:rot3d_optimizations}
260 |
261 | Below we discuss several optimization techniques that can be used to
262 | improve the performance of the algorithm. The optimizations do not
263 | alter the accuracy of the visibility algorithm.
264 |
265 | \subsection{Shaft culling}
266 |
267 | \label{sec:rot3_shaft}
268 |
269 | The algorithm as described computes and maintains visibility of all
270 | polygons facing the given source polygon. In complex scenes the
271 | description of visibility from the source polygon can reach $O(n^4)$
272 | complexity in the worse
273 | case~\cite{Teller92phd,p-rsls-97,Durand99-phd}. The size of the
274 | occlusion tree is then bound by $O(n^5)$. Although such a
275 | configuration occurs rather rare in practice we need to apply some
276 | general technique to avoid the worst-case memory complexity. If the
277 | algorithm should provide an exact analytic solution to the problem, we
278 | cannot avoid the $O(n^4\log n)$ worst-case computational complexity,
279 | but the computation can be decoupled to reduce memory requirements.
280 |
281 | We propose to use the {\em shaft culling}~\cite{Haines94} method that
282 | divides the computation into series of from-region visibility
283 | problems restricted by a given shaft of lines. Ideally the shafts are
284 | determined so that the {\em visibility complexity} in the shaft is
285 | bound by a given constant. This is however the from-region visibility
286 | problem itself. We can use an estimate based on a number of polygons
287 | in the given shaft. First, the hemicube is erected over the source
288 | polygon and it is used to construct five shafts corresponding to the
289 | five faces of the hemicube. The shafts are then subdivided as
290 | follows: if a given shaft intersects more than a predefined number of
291 | polygons the corresponding hemicube face is split in two and the new
292 | shafts are processed recursively. Visibility in the shaft is
293 | evaluated using all polygons intersecting the shaft. When the
294 | computation for the shaft is finished the occlusion tree is
295 | destroyed. The algorithm then proceeds with the next shaft until all
296 | generated shafts have been processed. See Figure~\ref{fig:rot3_shafts}
297 | for an example of a regular subdivision of the problem-relevant line
298 | set into 80 shafts.
299 |
300 |
301 | This technique shares a similarity with the algorithm recently
302 | published by Nirenstein et al.~\cite{nirenstein:02:egwr} that uses
303 | shafts between the source polygon and each polygon in the
304 | scene. Our technique provides the following benefits:
305 |
306 | \begin{itemize}
307 | \item The shaft can contain thousands of polygons, which allows to
308 | better exploit the coherence of visibility. The hierarchical line
309 | space subdivision allows efficient searches and updates.
310 |
311 | \item The method is applicable even in scenes with big differences in
312 | polygon sizes. Unlike the method of Nirenstein et
313 | al.~\cite{nirenstein:02:egwr}, the proposed technique generates shafts
314 | to find balance between the use of coherence and the memory
315 | requirements. Due to the hierarchical subdivision of the
316 | problem-relevant line set our method can handle the case when there is
317 | a huge number of polygons in a single shaft between two large scene
318 | polygons.
319 |
320 | \item Visibility in the whole shaft is described in a unified data
321 | structure, which can serve for further computations (e.g. extraction
322 | of event surfaces, hierarchical representation of visibility, etc.).
323 | \end{itemize}
324 |
325 |
326 |
327 | \subsection{Occluder sorting}
328 |
329 | Occluder sorting aims to increase the accuracy of the front-to-back
330 | ordering determined by the approximate occlusion sweep. Higher
331 | accuracy of the ordering decreases the number of the late merging of
332 | blocker polyhedra in the tree. Recall that the merging extends the
333 | occlusion tree by a blocker polyhedron corresponding to an occluder
334 | that hides an already processed occluder.
335 |
336 | The occluder sorting is applied when reaching a leaf node of the
337 | spatial hierarchy during the approximate occlusion sweep. Given a leaf
338 | node $N$ the occluder sorting proceeds as follows:
339 |
340 | \begin{enumerate}
341 | \item Determine a ray $r$ piercing the center of the source polygon
342 | $P_S$ and the node $N$.
343 | \item Compute intersections of $r$ and all supporting planes of the
344 | polygons associated with $N$.
345 | \item Sort the polygons according to the front-to-back order of the
346 | corresponding intersection points along $r$.
347 | \end{enumerate}
348 |
349 | The occluder sorting provides an exact priority order within the given
350 | leaf in the case that the polygons are pierced by the computed ray $r$
351 | and they do not intersect.
352 |
353 |
354 | \subsection{Visibility estimation}
355 |
356 | The visibility estimation aims to eliminate the polyhedron
357 | enumeration in the leaves of the occlusion tree. If we find out that
358 | the currently processed polygon is potentially visible in the given
359 | leaf-node (it is an $out$-leaf or it is an $in$-leaf and the
360 | positional test reports the polygon as the closest), we estimate its
361 | visibility by shooting random rays. We can use the current occlusion
362 | tree to perform ray shooting in line space. We select a random ray
363 | connecting the source polygon and the currently processed
364 | polygon. This ray is mapped to a \plucker point and this point is
365 | tested for inclusion in halfspaces defined by the \plucker planes
366 | splitting the polyhedron on the path from to root to the given
367 | leaf. If the point is contained in all tested halfspaces the
368 | corresponding ray is unoccluded and the algorithm inserts the blocker
369 | polyhedron into the tree. Otherwise it continues by selecting another
370 | random ray until a predefined number of rays was tested.
371 |
372 | The insertion of the blocker polyhedron devotes further
373 | discussion. Since the polyhedron was not enumerated we do not know
374 | which of its bounding hyperplanes really bound the polyhedron fragment
375 | and which are redundant for the given leaf. Considering all
376 | hyperplanes defining the blocker polyhedron could lead to inclusion of
377 | many redundant nodes in the tree. We used a simple conservative
378 | algorithm that tests if the given hyperplane is bounding the
379 | (unconstructed) polyhedron fragment. For each hyperplane $H_i$
380 | bounding the blocker polyhedron the algorithm tests the position of
381 | extremal lines embedded in this hyperplane with respect to each
382 | hyperplane splitting the polyhedron. If mappings of all extremal lines
383 | lay in the same open halfspace defined by a splitting hyperplane,
384 | hyperplane $H_i$ does not bound the current polyhedron fragment and
385 | thus it can be culled.
386 |
387 |
388 | \subsection{Visibility merging}
389 |
390 | Visibility merging aims to propagate visibility classifications from
391 | the leaves of the occlusion tree up into the interior nodes of the
392 | hierarchy. Visibility merging is connected with the approximate
393 | occlusion sweep, which simplifies the treatment of the depth of the
394 | scene polygons.
395 |
396 | The algorithm classifies an interior node of the occlusion tree as
397 | occluded ($in$) if the following conditions hold:
398 |
399 | \begin{itemize}
400 | \item Both its children are $in$-nodes.
401 | \item The occluders associated with both children are strictly closer than
402 | the closest unswept node of the spatial hierarchy.
403 | \end{itemize}
404 |
405 | The first condition ensures that both child nodes correspond to
406 | occluded nodes. The second condition ensures that any unprocessed
407 | occluder is behind the occluders associated with the children. Using
408 | this procedure the effective depth of the occlusion becomes
409 | progressively smaller if more and more rays become occluded.
410 |
411 |
412 |
413 | \section{Conservative Verifier}
414 |
415 |
416 | \section{Error Bound Verifier}
417 |
418 | %Option: - if there is sufficient number of samples from 1 + 2 and some
419 | %of their statistic (local spatial and directional density + distances
420 | %to the visible objects), maybe an error estimate could only be derived
421 | %from there values.
422 |
423 | a) is perhaps the most interesting since this has not been done so far at all. I though about different methods how to do that (e.g. maintaining a triangulated front visible layer), but I always found some problem. I believe that the method which is almost implemented now is solid and I just wonder what performance it will achieve.
424 |
425 | The basic idea is the following:
426 |
427 | Use 2 plane parametrization for describing all lines intersecting the object and the viewcell. The line sets will be described by aligned rectangles on the two planes which allows to construct convex shafts bounded always by only 4 lines. After determing the initial rectangles bounding the whole line set perform recursive subdivsion as follows:
428 |
429 | 1. Cast the 4 corner rays and deterine ALL intersections with the occluding objects
430 |
431 | 2. If any ray is unoccluded termite the whole test with VISIBLE and extend the PVS of the object with the new viecell (and possibly more if the rays goes further). Start the verification for the new viewcells in the occluded layer.
432 |
433 | 3. If all 4 rays pierce the same convex mesh, (or mesh triangle for non convex meshes) terminate this branch with INVISIBLE. Note the terminating mesh need not be the front most one.
434 |
435 | 4. Triangulate the depth of the shaft as seen from the viecell side of the shaft and compute the maximal projected area of the 2 computed triangles. This determines the maximal pixel error we can make by terminating this branch as invisible.
436 | Note that here it would be the best to selected those intersections for the rays which have the most similar depths to better estimate the maximal error, i.e. the "depth triangles" need not be formed by the first visible layer.
437 |
438 | 5. If 4 does not terminate subdivide either the viewcell or the object rectangle depending on the sample depths and error computed.
439 |
440 | It is actually quite simple to create a conservative variant of the algorithm: subdivide only to a given depth and avoid test 4. Then the samples can only be terminated by a "STRONG occluder" which hides the whole shaft. This is similar to Dannys method, but here a hierarchical shaft subdivision is performed which should deliver much more accuracy.
441 |
442 |
443 | > Partly: area subdivision algorithm does not only cast "corner" rays, but maintains lists of the triangles for the given area. However the basic idea is the same: subdivide the set or rays until there is a trivial decision (a single convex object intersected by all corner rays) or the error is too small. The second criterion is different from the from-poin t setup, since the error cannot be evaluated in a single projection plane.
444 | > That is why this triangulation would be done: Imagine that the 4 corner rays of a shaft intersect some object(s) in the scene. Now connect these intersection points by creating two triangles. These triangles do not exist in the scene, but define the largest possible windows through which we can see further in the shaft. Now it is easy to find two points at the origin of the shaft which maximize the projected area of the two triangles. The sum of these areas gives a conservative estimate of the spatial angle error which can be made by not subdividing the shaft any further.
445 | > Is this description clearer?
446 |
447 |
448 | partly - I just don't see it in front of me now. How is the result influenced by which triangles are chosen? Is it so that the nearer the intersections, the bigger the error?
449 |
450 |
451 |
452 | \section{Summary}
453 |
454 | \label{sec:rot3d_summary}
455 |
456 | This chapter presented a new method for computing from-region
457 | visibility in polygonal scenes. The method is based on the concept of
458 | line space subdivision, approximate occlusion sweep and hierarchical
459 | visibility tests. The key idea is a hierarchical subdivision of the
460 | problem-relevant line set using \plucker coordinates and the occlusion
461 | tree. \plucker coordinates allow to perform operations on sets of
462 | lines by means of set theoretical operations on the 5D polyhedra. The
463 | occlusion tree is used to maintain a union of the polyhedra that
464 | represent lines occluded from the given region (polygon).
465 |
466 | We discussed the relation of sets of lines in 3D and the polyhedra in
467 | \plucker coordinates. We proposed a general size measure for a set of
468 | lines described by a blocker polyhedron and a size measure designed
469 | for the computation of PVS. The chapter presented two algorithms for
470 | construction of the occlusion tree by incremental insertion of blocker
471 | polyhedra. The occlusion tree was used to test visibility of a given
472 | polygon or region with respect to the source polygon/region. We
473 | proposed several optimization of the algorithm that make the approach
474 | applicable to large scenes. The chapter discussed three possible
475 | applications of the method: discontinuity meshing, visibility culling,
476 | and occluder synthesis.
477 |
478 | The implementation of the method was evaluated on scenes consisting of
479 | randomly generated triangles, structured scenes, and a real-world
480 | urban model. The evaluation was focused on the application method for
481 | PVS computation. By computing a PVS in a model of the city of Graz it
482 | was shown that the approach is suitable for visibility preprocessing
483 | in urban scenes. The principal advantage of the method is that it does
484 | not rely on various tuning parameters that are characterizing many
485 | conservative or approximate algorithms. On the other hand the
486 | exactness of the method requires higher computational demands and
487 | implementation effort.
488 |