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| 3 | % D.Fellner, v1.00, Oct 28, 2003
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| 24 | \def\papername{Scientific Description of Algorithms for WP3 (Visibility)}
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| 136 | % EG author guidelines plus sample file for EG publication using LaTeX2e input
| 137 | % D.Fellner, v1.00, Oct 28, 2003
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| 140 | \title
| 141 | {\papername}
| 142 |
| 143 | % for anonymous conference submission please enter your SUBMISSION ID
| 144 | % instead of the author's name (and leave the affiliation blank) !!
| 145 | \author{Ji\v{r}\'\i{} Bittner, Oliver Mattausch, Michael Wimmer\\
| 146 | Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms, Vienna University of Technology\\
| 147 | }
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| 154 | % if the Editors-in-Chief have given you the data, you may uncomment
| 155 | % the following five lines and insert it here
| 156 | %
| 157 | % \volume{23} % the volume in which the issue will be published;
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| 159 | % \pStartPage{201} % set starting page
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| 163 | \maketitle
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[250] | 167 | \include{analysis}
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[243] | 169 | \include{online}
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[249] | 171 | \include{sampling}
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[249] | 173 | \include{mutual}
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| 188 | %% the main contribution of the paper is that it schedules occlusion
| 189 | %% queries in an order minimizing the overhead to to latency, and uses
| 190 | %% temporal and spatial coherence to do so. (16:05:46) salzrat:
| 191 | %% (basically what we said at the end of the introduction, there it is in
| 192 | %% the correct order of importance, because it states the new
| 193 | %% contribution first) (16:06:12) salzrat: if we stress the scheduling
| 194 | %% more, then the other thing will not be so obviously a reuse of the
| 195 | %% other paper
| 196 |
| 197 | \end{document}