source: trunk/VUT/doc/SciReport/sampling.tex @ 282

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[277]1\chapter{Global Visibility Sampling}
5The proposed visibility preprocessing framework consists of two major
[277]9\item The first step is an aggressive visibility sampling which gives
[249]10initial estimate about global visibility in the scene. The sampling
[273]11itself involves several strategies which will be described bellow.
[277]12The important property of the aggressive sampling step is that it
[273]13provides a fast progressive solution to global visibility and thus it
14can be easily integrated into the game development cycle. The
[277]15aggressive sampling will terminate when the average contribution of new
[273]16ray samples falls bellow a predefined threshold.
[255]18\item The second step is mutual visibility verification. This step
[277]19turns the previous aggressive visibility solution into either exact,
20conservative or error bound aggressive solution. The choice of the
[255]21particular verifier is left on the user in order to select the best
[266]22one for a particular scene, application context and time
23constrains. For example, in scenes like a forest an error bound
[277]24aggressive visibility can be the best compromise between the resulting
25size of the PVS (and frame rate) and the visual quality. The exact or
[266]26conservative algorithm can however be chosen for urban scenes where
[277]27omission of even small objects can be more distracting for the
28user. The mutual visibility verification will be described in the next
33In traditional visibility preprocessing the view space is
[272]34subdivided into view cells and for each view cell the set of visible
[277]35objects --- potentially visible set (PVS) is computed. This framework
36has been used for conservative, aggressive and exact algorithms.
38We propose a different strategy which has several advantages for
[277]39sampling based aggressive visibility preprocessing. The strategy is
[249]40based on the following fundamental ideas:
42\item Compute progressive global visibility instead of sequential from-region visibility
[266]43\item Replace the roles of view cells and objects for some parts of the computation
[255]46Both these points will be addressed in this chapter in more detail.
[255]48\section{Related work}
[266]51Below we briefly discuss the related work on visibility preprocessing
[255]52in several application areas. In particular we focus on computing
53from-region which has been a core of most previous visibility
54preprocessing techniques.
57\subsection{Aspect graph}
59The first algorithms dealing with from-region visibility belong to the
60area of computer vision. The {\em aspect
[266]61  graph}~\cite{Gigus90,Plantinga:1990:RTH, Sojka:1995:AGT} partitions
[255]62the view space into cells that group viewpoints from which the
63projection of the scene is qualitatively equivalent. The aspect graph
64is a graph describing the view of the scene (aspect) for each cell of
65the partitioning. The major drawback of this approach is that for
66polygonal scenes with $n$ polygons there can be $\Theta(n^9)$ cells in
[277]67the partitioning for unrestricted view space. A {\em scale space}
[255]68aspect graph~\cite{bb12595,bb12590} improves robustness of the method
69by merging similar features according to the given scale.
72\subsection{Potentially visible sets}
75 In the computer graphics community Airey~\cite{Airey90} introduced
76the concept of {\em potentially visible sets} (PVS).  Airey assumes
77the existence of a natural subdivision of the environment into
78cells. For models of building interiors these cells roughly correspond
79to rooms and corridors.  For each cell the PVS is formed by cells
80visible from any point of that cell.  Airey uses ray shooting to
81approximate visibility between cells of the subdivision and so the
82computed PVS is not conservative.
84This concept was further elaborated by Teller et
85al.~\cite{Teller92phd,Teller:1991:VPI} to establish a conservative
86PVS.  The PVS is constructed by testing the existence of a stabbing
87line through a sequence of polygonal portals between cells. Teller
88proposed an exact solution to this problem using \plucker
89coordinates~\cite{Teller:1992:CAA} and a simpler and more robust
90conservative solution~\cite{Teller92phd}.  The portal based methods
91are well suited to static densely occluded environments with a
92particular structure.  For less structured models they can face a
93combinatorial explosion of complexity~\cite{Teller92phd}. Yagel and
94Ray~\cite{Yagel95a} present an algorithm, that uses a regular spatial
95subdivision. Their approach is not sensitive to the structure of the
96model in terms of complexity, but its efficiency is altered by the
97discrete representation of the scene.
99Plantinga proposed a PVS algorithm based on a conservative viewspace
100partitioning by evaluating visual
101events~\cite{Plantinga:1993:CVP}. The construction of viewspace
102partitioning was further studied by Chrysanthou et
103al.~\cite{Chrysanthou:1998:VP}, Cohen-Or et al.~\cite{cohen-egc-98}
104and Sadagic~\cite{Sadagic}.  Sudarsky and
105Gotsman~\cite{Sudarsky:1996:OVA} proposed an output-sensitive
106visibility algorithm for dynamic scenes.  Cohen-Or et
107al.~\cite{COZ-gi98} developed a conservative algorithm determining
108visibility of an $\epsilon$-neighborhood of a given viewpoint that was
109used for network based walkthroughs.
111Conservative algorithms for computing PVS developed by Durand et
112al.~\cite{EVL-2000-60} and Schaufler et al.~\cite{EVL-2000-59}  make
113use of several simplifying assumptions to avoid the usage of 4D data
114structures.  Wang et al.~\cite{Wang98} proposed an algorithm that
115precomputes visibility within beams originating from the restricted
116viewpoint region. The approach is very similar to the 5D subdivision
117for ray tracing~\cite{Simiakakis:1994:FAS} and so it exhibits similar
118problems, namely inadequate memory and preprocessing complexities.
119Specialized algorithms for computing PVS in \m25d scenes were proposed
120by Wonka et al.~\cite{wonka00}, Koltun et al.~\cite{koltun01}, and
121Bittner et al.~\cite{bittner:2001:PG}.
123The exact mutual visibility method presented later in the report is
124based on method exploting \plucker coordinates of
[277]125lines~\cite{bittner:02:phd,nirenstein:02:egwr,haumont2005:egsr}. This
[255]126algorithm uses \plucker coordinates to compute visibility in shafts
127defined by each polygon in the scene.
130\subsection{Rendering of shadows}
133The from-region visibility problems include the computation of soft
134shadows due to an areal light source. Continuous algorithms for
135real-time soft shadow generation were studied by Chin and
136Feiner~\cite{Chin:1992:FOP}, Loscos and
137Drettakis~\cite{Loscos:1997:IHS}, and
138Chrysanthou~\cite{Chrysantho1996a} and Chrysanthou and
139Slater~\cite{Chrysanthou:1997:IUS}. Discrete solutions have been
140proposed by Nishita~\cite{Nishita85}, Brotman and
141Badler~\cite{Brotman:1984:GSS}, and Soler and Sillion~\cite{SS98}. An
142exact algorithm computing an antipenumbra of an areal light source was
143developed by Teller~\cite{Teller:1992:CAA}.
146\subsection{Discontinuity meshing}
149Discontinuity meshing is used in the context of the radiosity global
150illumination algorithm or computing soft shadows due to areal light
151sources.  First approximate discontinuity meshing algorithms were
152studied by Campbell~\cite{Campbell:1990:AMG, Campbell91},
153Lischinski~\cite{lischinski92a}, and Heckbert~\cite{Heckbert92discon}.
154More elaborate methods were developed by
155Drettakis~\cite{Drettakis94-SSRII, Drettakis94-FSAAL}, and Stewart and
156Ghali~\cite{Stewart93-OSACS, Stewart:1994:FCSb}. These methods are
157capable of creating a complete discontinuity mesh that encodes all
158visual events involving the light source.
160The classical radiosity is based on an evaluation of form factors
161between two patches~\cite{Schroder:1993:FFB}. The visibility
162computation is a crucial step in the form factor
164Nechvile:1996:FFE,Teichmann:WV}. Similar visibility computation takes
165place in the scope of hierarchical radiosity
166algorithms~\cite{Soler:1996:AEB, Drettakis:1997:IUG, Daubert:1997:HLS}.
170\subsection{Global visibility}
172 The aim of {\em global visibility} computations is to capture and
173describe visibility in the whole scene~\cite{Durand:1996:VCN}. The
174global visibility algorithms are typically based on some form of {\em
175line space subdivision} that partitions lines or rays into equivalence
176classes according to their visibility classification. Each class
177corresponds to a continuous set of rays with a common visibility
178classification. The techniques differ mainly in the way how the line
179space subdivision is computed and maintained. A practical application
180of most of the proposed global visibility structures for 3D scenes is
181still an open problem.  Prospectively these techniques provide an
182elegant method for ray shooting acceleration --- the ray shooting
183problem can be reduced to a point location in the line space
187Pocchiola and Vegter introduced the visibility complex~\cite{pv-vc-93}
188that describes global visibility in 2D scenes. The visibility complex
189has been applied to solve various 2D visibility
190problems~\cite{r-tsvcp-95,r-wvcav-97, r-dvpsv-97,Orti96-UVCRC}.  The
191approach was generalized to 3D by Durand et
192al.~\cite{Durand:1996:VCN}. Nevertheless, no implementation of the 3D
193visibility complex is currently known. Durand et
194al.~\cite{Durand:1997:VSP} introduced the {\em visibility skeleton}
195that is a graph describing a skeleton of the 3D visibility
196complex. The visibility skeleton was verified experimentally and  the
197results indicate that its $O(n^4\log n)$ worst case complexity is much
198better in practice. Pu~\cite{Pu98-DSGIV} developed a similar method to
199the one presented in this chapter. He uses a BSP tree in \plucker
200coordinates to represent a global visibility map for a given set of
201polygons. The computation is performed considering all rays piercing
202the scene and so the method exhibits unacceptable memory complexity
203even for scenes of moderate size. Recently, Duguet and
204Drettakis~\cite{duguet:02:sig} developed a robust variant of the
205visibility skeleton algorithm that uses robust epsilon-visibility
208 Discrete methods aiming to describe visibility in a 4D data structure
209were presented by Chrysanthou et al.~\cite{chrysanthou:cgi:98} and
210Blais and Poulin~\cite{blais98a}.  These data structures are closely
211related to the {\em lumigraph}~\cite{Gortler:1996:L,buehler2001} or
212{\em light field}~\cite{Levoy:1996:LFR}. An interesting discrete
213hierarchical visibility algorithm for two-dimensional scenes was
214developed by Hinkenjann and M\"uller~\cite{EVL-1996-10}. One of the
215biggest problems of the discrete solution space data structures is
216their memory consumption required to achieve a reasonable
217accuracy. Prospectively, the scene complexity
218measures~\cite{Cazals:3204:1997} provide a useful estimate on the
219required sampling density and the size of the solution space data
223\subsection{Other applications}
225 Certain from-point visibility problems determining visibility over a
226period of time can be transformed to a static from-region visibility
227problem. Such a transformation is particularly useful for antialiasing
228purposes~\cite{grant85a}. The from-region visibility can also be used
229in the context of simulation of the sound
230propagation~\cite{Funkhouser98}. The sound propagation algorithms
231typically require lower resolution than the algorithms simulating the
232propagation of light, but they need to account for simulation of
233attenuation, reflection and time delays.
[266]235\section{Algorithm Description}
[266]237This section first describes the setup of the global visibility
238sampling algorithm. In particular we describe the view cell
239representation and the novel concept of from-object based
240visibility. The we outline the different visibility sampling
[273]243\subsection{View Space Partitioning}
[273]248Before the visibility computation itself, we subdivide the space of
249all possible viewpoints and viewing directions into view cells. A good
250partition of the scene into view cells is an essential part of every
251visibility system. If they are chosen too large, the PVS (Potentially
[277]252Visible Set)  of a view cells is too large for efficient culling. If
[273]253they are chosen too small or without consideration, then neighbouring
254view cells contain redundant PVS information, hence boosting the PVS
255computation and storage costs for the scene. In the left image of
256figure~\ref{fig:vienna_viewcells} we see view cells of the Vienna
257model, generated by triangulation of the streets.  In the closeup
258(right image) we can see that each triangle is extruded to a given
259height to form a view cell prism.
262  \centerline{
263    \includegraphics[height=0.35\textwidth,draft=\DRAFTFIGS]{images/vienna_viewcells_01}
264     \includegraphics[height=0.35\textwidth,draft=\DRAFTFIGS]{images/vienna_viewcells_07}
265    }
267  \caption{(left) Vienna view cells. (right) The view cells are prisms with a triangular base. }
268  \label{fig:vienna_viewcells}
[255]271In order to efficiently use view cells with our sampling method, we
272require a view cell representation which is
[272]275\item optimized for view cell - ray intersection.
[255]276\item flexible, i.e., it can represent arbitrary geometry.
[266]277\item naturally suited for a hierarchical approach. %(i.e., there is a root view cell containing all others)
[277]280We meet these requirements by employing spatial subdivisions (i.e.,
281KD trees and BSP trees), to store the view cells. The initial view
282cells are associated with the leaves. The reason why we chose BSP
283trees as view cell representation  is that they are very
284flexible. View cells forming arbitrary closed meshes can be closely
285matched.  Therefore we are able to find a view cells with only a few
286view ray-plane intersections.  Furthermore, the hierarchical
287structures can be exploited as hierarchy of view cells. Interior nodes
288form larger view cells containing the children. If necessary, a leaf
289can be easily subdivided into smaller view cells.
[277]291Currently we consider three different approaches to generate the
292initial view cell BSP tree.  The third method is not restricted to BSP
293trees, but BSP trees are preferred  because of their greater
298\centering \footnotesize
300  \hline\hline
301  View cells & Vienna selection & Vienna full \\\hline\hline
302  \#view cells & 105 & 16447 \\\hline\hline
303  \#input polygons & 525 & 82235 \\\hline\hline
304  BSP tree generation time & 0.016s & 10.328s \\\hline\hline
[279]305  %%view cell insertion time & 0.016s & 7.984s \\\hline\hline
[272]306  \#nodes & 1137 & 597933 \\\hline\hline
[273]307  \#interior nodes & 568 & 298966\\\hline\hline
308  \#leaf nodes  & 569 & 298967\\\hline\hline
309  \#splits & 25 & 188936\\\hline\hline
310  max tree depth & 13 & 27\\\hline\hline
[277]311  avg tree depth & 9.747 & 21.11\\\hline\hline
[272]313 \end{tabular}
314 \caption{Statistics for view cell BSP tree on the Vienna view cells and a selection of the Vienna view cells.}\label{tab:viewcell_bsp}
[277]320\item We use a number of input view cells given in advance. As input
321view cell  any closed mesh can be applied. The only requirement is
[279]322that the any two view cells do not overlap.  The view cell
323polygons are extracted, storing a pointer to the parent view cell
324with the polygon. The BSP is build from these polygons using
325some global optimizations like tree balancing or least splits. The
326polygons guide the split process as they are filtered down the tree.
327The subdivision terminates when there is only one polygon left, which is coincident
328to the last split plane. Then two leaves are created and the view cell pointer
329(stored with the polygon) is inserted into the leaf representing the inside of the view cell.
330One input view cell can be associated with many leaves in case
331a view cell was split during the traversal. On the other hand, each leafs corresponds
332to exactly one or no view cell.  Some statistics about using this
[277]333method on the Vienna view cells set are given in
336However, sometimes a good set of view
[277]337cells is not available. Or the scene is changed frequently, and the
338designer does not want to create new view cells on each change.  In
339such a case one of the following two methods should rather be chosen,
340which generate view cells automatically.
[272]343\item We apply a BSP tree subdivision to the scene geometry. Whenever
[277]344the subdivision terminates in a leaf, a view cell is associated with
345the leaf node.  This simple approach is justified because it places
346the view cell borders  along some discontinuities in the visibility
350  \centerline{
351    \includegraphics[height=0.35\textwidth,draft=\DRAFTFIGS]{figs/viewcell_part}
352      }
353  \caption{A good view cell partition with respect to the sample rays piercing the scene objects
354  and the view cell minimizes the number of rays
355  piercing more than one view cell. During subdivision, this can be achieved by aligning
356  the split plane with one of the long sides of occluder $O$. }
357  \label{fig:viewcell_part}
[277]360\item  The view cell generation can be guided by the sampling
361process. We start with with a single initial view cell representing
362the whole space. If a given threshold is reached during the
363preprocessing (e.g., the view cell is pierced by too many rays
364resulting in a large PVS), the view cell is subdivided into smaller
365cells using some criteria.
[277]367In order to evaluate the best split plane, we first have to define the
368characteristics of a good view cell partition:  The view cells should
369be quite large, while their PVS stays rather small.  The PVS of each
370two view cells should be as distinct as possible, otherwise they could
371be merged into a larger view cell if the PVSs are too similar.  E.g.,
372for a building, the perfect view cells are usually the single rooms
373connected by portals.
[277]375Hence we can define some useful criteria for the split: 1) the number
376of rays should be roughly equal among the new view cells. 2) The split
377plane should be chosen in a way that the ray sets are disjoint, i.e.,
378the number of rays contributing to more than one cell should be
379minimized. 3) For BSP trees, the split plane should be aligned with
380some scene geometry which is large enough to contribute a lot of
381occlusion power. This criterion can be naturally combined with the
382second one.  As termination criterion we can choose the minimum PVS /
[279]383piercing ray size or the maximal tree depth. An illustration of
384a good and a bad choice of a split plane is given in figure~\ref{fig:viewcell_part}.
[277]388% In the future we aim to extend the view cell construction by using
389% feedback from the PVS computation: the view cells which contain many
390% visibility changes will be subdivided further and neighboring view
391% cells with similar PVSs will be merged. We want to gain a more precise
392% information about visibility by selectively storing rays with the
393% view cells and computing visibility statistics for subsets of rays
394% which intersect subregions of the given view cell.
[279]396\subsection{From-Object Based Visibility}
[266]398 Our framework is based on the idea of sampling visibility by casting
[249]399casting rays through the scene and collecting their contributions. A
400visibility sample is computed by casting a ray from an object towards
[272]401the view cells and computing the nearest intersection with the scene
[249]402objects. All view cells pierced by the ray segment can the object and
403thus the object can be added to their PVS. If the ray is terminated at
404another scene object the PVS of the pierced view cells can also be
405extended by this terminating object. Thus a single ray can make a
406number of contributions to the progressively computed PVSs. A ray
[272]407sample piercing $n$ view cells which is bound by two distinct objects
408contributes by at most $2*n$ entries to the current PVSs. Apart from
[249]409this performance benefit there is also a benefit in terms of the
410sampling density: Assuming that the view cells are usually much larger
411than the objects (which is typically the case) starting the sampling
412deterministically from the objects increases the probability of small
413objects being captured in the PVS.
415At this phase of the computation we not only start the samples from
416the objects, but we also store the PVS information centered at the
[277]417objects. Instead of storing a PVS consisting of objects visible from
[249]418view cells, every object maintains a PVS consisting of potentially
419visible view cells. While these representations contain exactly the
420same information as we shall see later the object centered PVS is
421better suited for the importance sampling phase as well as the
422visibility verification phase.
[273]425\subsection{Naive Randomized Sampling}
[273]427The naive global visibility sampling works as follows: At every pass
428of the algorithm visits scene objects sequentially. For every scene
429object we randomly choose a point on its surface. Then a ray is cast
[277]430from the selected point according to the randomly chosen direction
431(see Figure~\ref{fig:sampling}). We use a uniform distribution of the
432ray directions with respect to the half space given by the surface
433normal. Using this strategy the samples at deterministically placed at
434every object, with a randomization of the location on the object
435surface. The uniformly distributed direction is a simple and fast
436strategy to gain initial visibility information.
[277]439  \centerline{
440    \includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth, draft=\DRAFTFIGS]{figs/sampling}
441  }
444  \caption{Three objects and a set of view cells corresponding to leaves
445    of an axis aligned BSP tree. The figure depicts several random
446    samples cast from a selected object (shown in red). Note that most
447    samples contribute to more view cells.  }
[277]448  \label{fig:sampling}
[273]451The described algorithm accounts for the irregular distribution of the
[249]452objects: more samples are placed at locations containing more
453objects. Additionally every object is sampled many times depending on
454the number of passes in which this sampling strategy is applied. This
455increases the chance of even a small object being captured in the PVS
456of the view cells from which it is visible.
[273]458Each ray sample can contribute by a associating a number of view cells
459with the object from which the sample was cast. If the ray does not
460leave the scene it also contributes by associating the pierced view
461cells to the terminating object. Thus as the ray samples are cast we
462can measure the average contribution of a certain number of most
463recent samples.  If this contribution falls bellow a predefined
464constant we move on to the next sampling strategy, which aim to
465discover more complicated visibility relations.
[266]468\subsection{Accounting for View Cell Distribution}
[266]470 The first modification to the basic algorithm accounts for irregular
[272]471distribution of the view cells. Such a case is common for example in
472urban scenes where the view cells are mostly distributed in a
473horizontal direction and more view cells are placed at denser parts of
[249]474the city. The modification involves replacing the uniformly
475distributed ray direction by directions distributed according to the
[266]476local view cell directional density. This means placing more samples at
477directions where more view cells are located: We select a random
[277]478view cell which lies at the half space given by the surface normal at the
[249]479chosen point. We pick a random point inside the view cell and cast a
480ray towards this point.
[266]483\subsection{Accounting for Visibility Events}
[277]485 Visibility events correspond to appearance and disappearance of
[273]486objects with respect to a moving view point. In polygonal scenes the
[266]487events defined by event surfaces defined by three distinct scene
488edges. Depending on the edge configuration we distinguish between
[277]489vertex-edge events (VE) and triple edge (EEE) events. The VE surfaces
[266]490are planar planes whereas the EEE are in general quadratic surfaces.
[282]492 To account for these events we explicitly place samples passing by
493the object edges which are directed to edges and/or vertices of other
494objects. In this way we perform stochastic sampling at boundaries of
495the visibility complex~\cite{Durand:1996:VCN}.
[273]497The first strategy starts similarly to the above described sampling
498methods: we randomly select an object and a point on its surface. Then
499we randomly pickup an object from its PVS. If we have mesh
500connectivity information we select a random silhouette edge from this
501object and cast a sample which is tangent to that object at the
[282]502selected edge.
[273]504The second strategy works as follows: we randomly pickup two objects
505which are likely to see each other. Then we determine a ray which is
506tangent to both objects. For simple meshes the determination of such
507rays can be computed geometrically, for more complicated ones it is
508based again on random sampling. The selection of the two objects works
509as follows: first we randomly select the first object and a random
510non-empty view cell for which we know that it can see the object. Then
511we randomly select an object associated with that view cell as the
512second object.
[277]518This chapter described the global visibility sampling algorithm which
519forms a core of the visibility preprocessing framework. The global
520visibility sampling computes aggressive visibility, i.e. it computes a
521subset of the exact PVS for each view cell. The aggressive sampling
522provides a fast progressive solution and thus it can be easily
523integrated into the game development cycle. The sampling itself
524involves several strategies which aim to progressively discover more
525visibility relationships in the scene.
527The methods presented in this chapter give a good initial estimate
528about visibility in the scene, which can be verified by the mutual
[277]529visibility algorithms described in the next chapter.
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