QuickStart ---------- 1) Check your OS X and XCode install - OS X 10.2, minimum - Latest XCode (1.5) suggested - X11 SDK Install Required (for freetype2 dylib) 2) Retrieve the necessary external frameworks from SourceForge: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=2997&package_id=101495&release_id=307256) OR Install all the frameworks yourself: - SDL 1.2 (http://www.libsdl.org/download-1.2.php) - DevIL 1.6.7 (http://openil.sourceforge.net/download.php) - Cg 1.2 (http://developer.nvidia.com/object/cg_toolkit_1_2.html) - zzip (Get the source from http://zziplib.sf.net and see the OGRE forums for an Xcode build file.) 3) Open and build Mac/XCode/Ogre/Ogre.xcode 4) Install the built Ogre.framework 5) Open and build Mac/XCode/Samples/Samples.xcode 6) Run samples and be happy. FAQ --- Q: How to I build individual samples? A: In Samples.xcode select an individual app as the target rather than the aggregate target. Build. Q: How to I run other samples? A: In Samples.xcode open the Run window (cmd-shift-R) and change the target executable in the toolbar. Run. Using the Ogre.framework in Your Applications --------------------------------------------- 1) Build the Ogre.framework 2) Create a new project, using the Cocoa Application template 3) Delete ALL the generated files from within XCode. Delete *.m, *.pch, *.nib 4) In you build target's Info screen (cmd+i while the target is highlighed), remove the Prefix Header 5) Add SDLMain.m and SDLMain.h to your project. These are in the ogrenew/Mac/XCode/Classes folder. You will probably want to copy these items so you may change them without affecting the originals. 6) Wrap your main function with: #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif int main (...) #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif 7) Add the SDL and Ogre frameworks to your project in "Linked Frameworks". You can have these copied into your application when it is built, and then not have your users install these themselves. For information on how to do this refer to the XCode documentation. 8) Create the required plugins.cfg and resources.cfg files. You may start from the examples of these files in ogrenew/Mac/XCode/Samples. The plugins.cfg can probably be left as is, but you will want to remove the entries from resources.cfg, as they refer to the Sample resources. The entries in resources.cfg are relative to the 'Resources' group in your application. By default, it and all of its sub-directories are searched by Ogre. 9) If you have built the Ogre framework with the Development build style (the default), you will have to edit the Development build style of your Application to use the Ogre debug headers. To do this, set your 'OTHER_CFLAGS' and 'OTHER_CXXFLAGS' to '-DDEBUG'. 10) You are now ready to add your own resources and source files. Take a look at the Samples and the documentation on the ogre website for guidance. You should be able to replicate the Samples by adding all of the source files from the Sample to your application, and adding the files from Media that it uses to your Resources. 11) When shipping your newly built .app You should be able to put the OGRE and other frameworks in .app/Contents/Frameworks and they will be found and used at runtime.