FUtils/FUXmlWriter.h File Reference

This file defines the FUXmlWriter namespace. More...

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namespace  FUXmlWriter


FCOLLADA_EXPORT xmlNode * FUXmlWriter::CreateNode (const char *name)
 Creates a dangling XML tree node.
FCOLLADA_EXPORT void FUXmlWriter::AddChild (xmlNode *parent, xmlNode *child)
 Appends a dangling XML tree child node to a XML tree node.
FCOLLADA_EXPORT xmlNode * FUXmlWriter::AddChild (xmlNode *parent, const char *name)
 Creates a child XML tree node within a XML tree node.
FCOLLADA_EXPORT xmlNode * FUXmlWriter::AddChild (xmlNode *parent, const char *name, const char *content)
 Creates a child XML tree node within a XML tree node.
FCOLLADA_EXPORT xmlNode * FUXmlWriter::AddChild (xmlNode *parent, const char *name, const fstring &content)
 See above.
xmlNode * FUXmlWriter::AddChild (xmlNode *parent, const char *name, const string &content)
 See above.
xmlNode * FUXmlWriter::AddChild (xmlNode *parent, const char *name, FUSStringBuilder &content)
 See above.
template<typename T>
xmlNode * FUXmlWriter::AddChild (xmlNode *parent, const char *name, const T &value)
 Creates a child XML tree node within a XML tree node.
FCOLLADA_EXPORT void FUXmlWriter::AddSibling (xmlNode *sibling, xmlNode *dangling)
 Appends a dangling XML tree node as a sibling of a XML tree node.
FCOLLADA_EXPORT xmlNode * FUXmlWriter::AddSibling (xmlNode *sibling, const char *name)
 Creates a XML tree node as a sibling of a XML tree node.
FCOLLADA_EXPORT xmlNode * FUXmlWriter::AddChildOnce (xmlNode *parent, const char *name, const char *content=NULL)
 Returns a child XML tree node within a XML tree node.
xmlNode * FUXmlWriter::AddChildOnce (xmlNode *parent, const char *name, const string &content)
 See above.
xmlNode * FUXmlWriter::AddChildOnce (xmlNode *parent, const char *name, FUSStringBuilder &content)
 See above.
template<typename T>
xmlNode * FUXmlWriter::AddChildOnce (xmlNode *parent, const char *name, const T &value)
 Returns a child XML tree node within a XML tree node.
FCOLLADA_EXPORT void FUXmlWriter::AddContent (xmlNode *node, const char *content)
 Appends a content string to a XML tree node.
FCOLLADA_EXPORT void FUXmlWriter::AddContent (xmlNode *node, const fstring &content)
 See above.
void FUXmlWriter::AddContent (xmlNode *node, const string &content)
 See above.
void FUXmlWriter::AddContent (xmlNode *node, FUSStringBuilder &content)
 See above.
template<typename T>
void FUXmlWriter::AddContent (xmlNode *node, const T &value)
 Appends a primitive value to a XML tree node.
FCOLLADA_EXPORT void FUXmlWriter::AddAttribute (xmlNode *node, const char *attributeName, const char *attributeValue)
 Appends a XML attribute to a XML tree node.
FCOLLADA_EXPORT void FUXmlWriter::AddAttribute (xmlNode *node, const char *attributeName, const fstring &attributeValue)
 See above.
void FUXmlWriter::AddAttribute (xmlNode *node, const char *attributeName, FUSStringBuilder &attributeValue)
 See above.
void FUXmlWriter::AddAttribute (xmlNode *node, const char *attributeName, const string &attributeValue)
 See above.
template<typename T>
void FUXmlWriter::AddAttribute (xmlNode *node, const char *attributeName, const T &attributeValue)
 Appends a XML attribute to a XML tree node.
FCOLLADA_EXPORT void FUXmlWriter::AddChildSorted (xmlNode *parent, xmlNode *child)
 Appends a dangling XML tree node to a XML tree node The dangling XML tree node is inserted in lexical order, after all the sibling XML tree node with the same name.
FCOLLADA_EXPORT xmlNode * FUXmlWriter::AddChildSorted (xmlNode *parent, const char *name, const char *content=NULL)
 Creates a new child XML tree node of a XML tree node The new child XML tree node is inserted in lexical order, after all the sibling XML tree node with the same name.

Detailed Description

This file defines the FUXmlWriter namespace.

Generated on Fri May 12 16:44:40 2006 for FCollada by  doxygen 1.4.6-NO