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OgreRefApp::Joint Member List

This is the complete list of members for OgreRefApp::Joint, including all inherited members.
getAnchorPosition(void)OgreRefApp::Joint [virtual]
getAttachments(void)OgreRefApp::Joint [virtual]
getAxes(void)OgreRefApp::Joint [virtual]
Joint(JointType jtype)OgreRefApp::Joint
JointType enum nameOgreRefApp::Joint
JT_BALL enum valueOgreRefApp::Joint
JT_HINGE enum valueOgreRefApp::Joint
JT_HINGE2 enum valueOgreRefApp::Joint
JT_SLIDER enum valueOgreRefApp::Joint
JT_UNIVERSAL enum valueOgreRefApp::Joint
mAnchorOgreRefApp::Joint [protected]
mAttachedObjectsOgreRefApp::Joint [protected]
mAxesOgreRefApp::Joint [protected]
mOdeJointOgreRefApp::Joint [protected]
mTypeOgreRefApp::Joint [protected]
setAnchorPosition(const Vector3 &point)=0OgreRefApp::Joint [pure virtual]
setAttachments(ApplicationObject *obj1, ApplicationObject *obj2)OgreRefApp::Joint [protected]
setAxes(const Vector3 &primaryAxis, const Vector3 &secondaryAxis=Vector3::ZERO)=0OgreRefApp::Joint [pure virtual]
~Joint()OgreRefApp::Joint [virtual]

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Last modified Sun Mar 12 14:54:58 2006