Just a few words which could help to know how the script works:


Vertices and TVertices:

Vertices describes where faces are and tvertices how faces will be mapped. There is no link between their numbers in 3dsmax. But as it is said in the Maxscript Reference there are as many face as TVface.
In order to retrieve information, getFace() and getTVFace() link vertices and tvertices.
This is the same problem with colour vertices ( function is caled getVCFace() ).

Bone assignements:

Skinops provides lots of functions in order to deal with bone assignement. So the mesh MUST have a Skin modifier.
NOTA: In order to increase speed when this skeleton is used with OGRE, if a weight is < 0.1, there will not be a bone assignement.


Key controllers:

Script reads controllers of bones which are in skeleton, in order to knwo when it should set a keyframe.

Position and rotation in XML file

Bones position always refers to parent coordinates. Initial rotation must be set in parent coordinates too.
But then, in tracks, rotation and position are relative to their first value. (Hmmm, sorry I don't find the words to explain that...)


3ds max objects name

Caution: When a name is "Left Arm", the name to select this object is Left_Arm. So there is a function in usefulfns.ms which does replacement.