What is the GameTools Project ?

The GameTools Project (short: GTP) is a European Union project funded within the 6th framework program. Its core members are 6 universities and 5 companies and 1 non-profit organization.

What is the GameTools Project about ?

The GameTools Project bridges the gap between academic research and the software industry, by creating leading edge 3D graphics libraries based on current computer graphics research, and making them available to the European software industry for free, as members of the GameTools Special Interest Group (GTP SIG).
In addition, through the funding of universities it also boosts computer graphics research in Europe.

What does "GTP" stand for ?

"GTP" is short for "GameTools Project".

What does "SIG" stand for ?

"SIG" is short for "GameTools Project Special Interest Group".

How long will the GameTools Project be running ? When did it start ?

The GameTools Project started at the end of 2004 and will run until mid 2007.

Can I join the GameTools Project ? How do I get access to the technology being developed ?

The core members of the GTP are fixed, but any company which develops software within the EU, can apply to become a member in the GameTools Special Interest Group .

 Can I get access if I am not with a European company, e.g. if I am at a university ?

During the lifetime of the project only companies who are GTP SIG members get access to the GTP technology. It is however currently planned to release a non-optimized proof of concept implementation after the end of the project.

What is the GameTools Special Interest Group ?

Members of the GameTools Special Interest Group get prelimary access to the GameTools technology, while it is being developed - for free. Go here to read more on who can become a member and how to apply.

Where can I see some results ?

Please go to our demos & videos section.

Can I join the GameTools Project ?

The core members of the GTP are fixed, but any company which develops software within the EU, can apply to become a member in the GameTools Special Interest Group .

What exactly is the GTP doing/producing ?

The GTP is doing realtime computer graphics research in the fields of Global Illumination, Visibility and Geometric / Plants & Trees Level of Detail, and implementing C++/Direct3D libraries to be used in commercial software, such as computer games.

 So is the GTP supplying a game engine or only a 3D engine ?

Neither. The GTP is supplying 3D libraries, to be easily integrated into the game or 3D engines a company uses.

 But you must be using a 3D engine to develop the GTP libraries for ? What engine do you use ?

The GTP is using 2 engines it implements its 3D libraries for: The open source OGRE 3D engine and the commercial Shark3D game engine.

What is the OGRE 3D engine ?

OGRE is one of the best open source (LGPL license) 3D engines, with a wide user base and many active developers. It is currently available for the PC platform. To find out more about OGRE, go here

What is the Shark3D game engine ?

Shark3D is a powerful C++ multiplatform game engine, with a very modular design. It runs on the PC, PS2, XBox & XBox 360 (PS3 in development). It has many state of the art features, such as dynamic resource update, which allows developers/artist to change level geometry, models, shaders etc in their 3D editor of choice (e.g. 3DSMax) and update the content in the running game.
To find out more about Shark3D, go here.

What about support - is there any ?

Yes :-)
If you are a GTP SIG member, then you will get support through closed support forums & email, directly from the people who researched & implemented the GameTools technology.