- Ivan Viola, Miquel Feixas, Mateu Sbert, Meister Eduard Groller, Importance-Driven Focus of Attention, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 12(5):933-940, October 2006.
- Markus Giegl, Michael Wimmer, Unpopping: Solving the Image-Space Blend Problem for Smooth Discrete LOD Transition, accepted for Computer Graphics Forum, ():-, 2006.
- Peter Wonka, Michael Wimmer, Kaichi Zhou, Stefan Maierhofer, Gerd Hesina, Alexander Reshetov, Guided Visibility Sampling, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 25(3):-, July 2006.
- Oliver Mattausch, Jiri Bittner, Michael Wimmer, Adaptive Visibility-Driven View Cell Construction, In Rendering Techniques 2006 (Proceedings of the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2006), pages -. June 2006.
- Vlastimil Havran, Jiri Bittner, Efficient Sorting and Searching in Rendering Algorithms
- C. Rebollo, I. Remolar, M. Chover, and J. Gumbau, Hardware-Oriented Visualisation of Trees, ISCIS 2006, LNCS 4263 proceedings.
- F. Ramos, M. Chover, O. Ripolles and C. Granell, Continuous Level of Detail on Graphics Hardware, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 4245.Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, 2006. ISBN: 3-540-47651-2.
- F. Ramos, M. Chover, O. Ripolles and C. Granell, Efficient Implementation of LodStrips, Proceedings of the Sixth IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging and Image Processing, ISBN 0-88986-598-1, ISSN 1482-7921, pp. 365-370. 2006.
- P. Castelló, M. Sbert, M. Chover, M. Feixas, Techniques for Computing Viewpoint Entropy of a 3D Scene, ICCS 2006, University of Reading, UK, May, 2006.
- O. Belmonte, S. Aguado, S. Sancho, Triangle Strip Multiresolution Modelling using sorted edges, ICCS 2006, University of Reading, UK, May, 2006.
- Celso Campos, Ricardo Quiros, Joaquin Huerta, Emilio Camahort, Roberto Vivo, Javier Lluch: A Multiresolution Model for Non-Photorealistic Rendering of Trees, Fifth International Workshop on Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling - CGGM 2006.
- C. Rebollo, I. Remolar, M. Chover, O. Ripollés: An efficient continuous level of detail model for foliage, Journal of WSCG, University of West Bohemia, ISBN/ISSN ISBN 80-86943-05-4, Plzen (Czech Republic), February 2006
- J. Gumbau, M. Chover: Conceptual design of a programmable geometry generator, Journal of WSCG, University of West Bohemia, ISBN/ISSN ISBN 80-86943-05-4, Plzen (Czech Republic), February 2006
- Szirmay-Kalos László, Szécsi László, Mateu Sbert: GPUGI: Global Illumination Effects on the GPU, Eurographics Tutorial, 2006.
- Szécsi László, Szirmay-Kalos László, Mateu Sbert: Light Animation with Precomputed Light Paths on the GPU, Graphics Interface 2006.
- Szirmay-Kalos László, Lazányi István: Indirect Diffuse and Glossy Illumination on the GPU, SCCG, 2006.
- Barsi Attila, Szirmay-Kalos László, Szécsi László: Image-based Illumination on the GPU, Machine Graphics and Vision, 2006.
- Barnabás Aszódi, László Szirmay-Kalos: Real-time Soft Shadows with Shadow Accumulation, Eurographics Short Papers, 2006.
- Tamás Umenhoffer, László Szirmay-Kalos, Gábor Szijártó: Spherical Billboards and their Application to Rendering Explosions, Graphics Interface 2006.
- Alex Méndez, Mateu Sbert, Jordi Catŕ, Nico Sunyer, Sergi Funtane: Real-time Obscurances with Color Bleeding, ShaderX4: Advanced Rendering Techniques, Edited by Wolfgang Engel, Charles River Media, 2006.
- Michael Wimmer, Jiri Bittner: Hardware Occlusion Queries Made Useful, GPU Gems 2: Programming Techniques for High-Performance Graphics and General-Purpose Computation, pages 91-108.
- O. Ripolles, M. Chover, F. Ramos: Quality strips for models with level of detail, Proc. of Visualization, Imaging and Image Processing (VIIP 2005), ISBN/ISSN 0-88986-528-0, Benidorm, pp. 268-273, September 2005
- O. Ripolles, M. Chover: Búsqueda de tiras para modelos multirresolución estáticos, XV Congreso Espańol de Informática Gráfica, ISBN/ISSN 84-9732-431-5, Granada, pp. 117-123, September 2005
- C. González, J. Gumbau, M. Chover: Generación por hardware de mapas de normales, XV Congreso Espańol de Informática Gráfica, ISBN/ISSN 84-9732-431-5, Granada, September 2005
- P. Castelló, M. Chover: Técnicas para Calcular la Entropía Dependiente de la Vista de una Escena 3D, XV Congreso Espańol de Informática Gráfica, ISBN/ISSN 84-9732-431-5, Granada, pp. 277-280, September 2005
- M. Sbert, D. Plemenos, M. Feixas, F. González: Viewpoint Quality: Measures and Applications, Eurographics Workshop on Computacional Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization and Imaging, May 2005, Girona (Spain)
- J. Rigau, M. Feixas, M. Sbert: Shape Complexity Based on Mutual Information, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications. June 2005, MIT, Cambridge (USA)
- J. Rovira, P. Wonka, F. Castro, M. Sbert: Point Sampling with Uniformly Distributed Lines, Symposium on Point-Based Graphics (PBG05), June 2005, Stony Brook (USA)
- Jiri Bittner, Peter Wonka, Michael Wimmer: Fast Exact From-Region Visibility in Urban Scenes, Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2005.
- Vlastimil Havran, Jiri Bittner, Robert Herzog, Hans-Peter Seidel: Ray Maps for Global Illumination, Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2005.
- Dimitri Plemenos, Jerome Grasset, Benoit Jaubert, Karim Tamine: Intelligent visibility-based 3D scene processing techniques for computer games, Computer Graphics and Applications (GraphiCon'2005), Novosibirsk Akademgorodok, Russia, 2005.
- Mateu Sbert, Jordi Palau: GameTools: Advanced Tools for Developing Highly Realistic Computer Games IVth ITRA World Conference, Alicante, 2005.
- Szirmay-Kalos László, Aszódi Barnabás, Lazányi István, Premecz Mátyás: Approximate Ray-Tracing on the GPU with Distance Impostors, Eurographics, 2005.
- Szirmay-Kalos László, Mateu Sbert, Umenhoffer Tamás: Real-Time Multiple Scattering in Participating Media with Illumination Networks, Eurographics Symposium on Rendering, 2005.
- Umenhoffer Tamás, Szirmay-Kalos László: Real-time Rendering of Cloudy Natural Phenomena with Hierarchical Depth Impostors, Eurographics Short Papers, 2005.
- Ismael Garcia, Mateu Sbert, László Szirmay-Kalos: Leaf Cluster Impostors for Tree Rendering with Parallax, Eurographics 2005, Short papers
- Barsi Attila, Szirmay-Kalos László, Szijártó Gábor: Stochastic Glossy Global Illumination on the GPU, SCCG, 2005.
- Szirmay-Kalos László, Antal György, Mateu Sbert: Go with the Winners Strategy in Path Tracing, Journal of WSCG, 2005.
- Lazányi István, Szirmay-Kalos László: Fresnel Term Approximations for Metals, WSCG 2005. Short papers.
- Stefan Jeschke, Michael Wimmer, Heidrun Schumann, Werner Purgathofer: Automatic Impostor Placement for Guaranteed Frame Rates and Low Memory Requirements, In Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games. April 2005.
- Pascual Castelló, José Francisco Ramos, Miguel Chover: A Comparative Study of Acceleration Techniques for Geometric Visualization. Fourth International Workshop on Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling, CGGM 2005.