template element TextArea(Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText) { metrics_mode pixels left 5 top 5 width 180 height 30 font_name TrebuchetMSBold char_height 16 colour_top 0.5 0.7 0.5 colour_bottom 0.3 0.5 0.3 } Example/Visibility/DemoOverlay { zorder 500 // Stats block container BorderPanel(Example/Visibility/VisibilityPanel) { metrics_mode pixels vert_align top left 5 top 5 width 400 height 90 material Core/StatsBlockCenter border_size 1 1 1 1 border_material Core/StatsBlockBorder border_topleft_uv 0.0000 1.0000 0.0039 0.9961 border_top_uv 0.0039 1.0000 0.9961 0.9961 border_topright_uv 0.9961 1.0000 1.0000 0.9961 border_left_uv 0.0000 0.9961 0.0039 0.0039 border_right_uv 0.9961 0.9961 1.0000 0.0039 border_bottomleft_uv 0.0000 0.0039 0.0039 0.0000 border_bottom_uv 0.0039 0.0039 0.9961 0.0000 border_bottomright_uv 0.9961 0.0039 1.0000 0.0000 element TextArea(Example/Visibility/Algorithm): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 5 top 5 width 180 caption [SPACE] Algorithm } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/AlgorithmInfo): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 170 top 5 width 90 height 30 caption : } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/Threshold): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 5 top 20 width 90 height 30 caption [-][+] Threshold } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/ThresholdInfo): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 170 top 20 width 90 height 30 caption : } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/UseOptimization): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 5 top 35 width 90 height 30 caption [O] Optimization } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/UseOptimizationInfo): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 170 top 35 width 90 height 30 caption : } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/UseDepthPass): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 5 top 50 width 90 height 30 caption [X] Depth pass } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/UseDepthPassInfo): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 170 top 50 width 90 height 30 caption : } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/AssumedVisibility): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 5 top 65 width 90 height 30 caption [8][9] Assumed Visibility } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/AssumedVisibilityInfo): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 170 top 65 width 90 height 30 caption : } } container BorderPanel(Example/Visibility/VisibilityStatsPanel) { metrics_mode pixels vert_align top horz_align right left -250 top 5 width 320 height 120 material Core/StatsBlockCenter border_size 1 1 1 1 border_material Core/StatsBlockBorder border_topleft_uv 0.0000 1.0000 0.0039 0.9961 border_top_uv 0.0039 1.0000 0.9961 0.9961 border_topright_uv 0.9961 1.0000 1.0000 0.9961 border_left_uv 0.0000 0.9961 0.0039 0.0039 border_right_uv 0.9961 0.9961 1.0000 0.0039 border_bottomleft_uv 0.0000 0.0039 0.0039 0.0000 border_bottom_uv 0.0039 0.0039 0.9961 0.0000 border_bottomright_uv 0.9961 0.0039 1.0000 0.0000 element TextArea(Example/Visibility/FrustumCulledNodes): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 5 top 5 width 180 height 30 caption Frustum Culled Nodes } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/FrustumCulledNodesInfo): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 180 top 5 width 90 height 30 caption : } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/QueryCulledNodes): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 5 top 20 width 180 height 30 caption Query Culled Nodes } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/QueryCulledNodesInfo): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 180 top 20 width 90 height 30 caption : } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/TraversedNodes): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 5 top 35 width 180 height 30 caption Traversed Nodes } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/TraversedNodesInfo): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 180 top 35 width 90 height 30 caption : } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/HierarchyNodes): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 5 top 50 width 180 height 30 caption Hierarchy Nodes } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/HierarchyNodesInfo): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 180 top 50 width 90 height 30 caption : } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/RenderedNodes): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 5 top 65 width 180 height 30 caption Rendered Nodes } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/RenderedNodesInfo): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 180 top 65 width 90 height 30 caption : } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/Objects): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 5 top 80 width 180 height 30 caption Number of objects } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/ObjectsInfo): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 180 top 80 width 90 height 30 caption : } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/QueriesIssued): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 5 top 95 width 180 height 30 caption Queries issued } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/QueriesIssuedInfo): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 180 top 95 width 90 font_name TrebuchetMSBold caption : } } } Example/Visibility/HelpOverlay { zorder 600 // Stats block container BorderPanel(Example/Visibility/Help/HelpPanel) { metrics_mode pixels horz_align left vert_align top width 600 height 300 left 200 top 200 material Core/StatsBlockCenter //material Example/Visibility/Helpscreen border_size 1 1 1 1 border_material Core/StatsBlockBorder border_topleft_uv 0.0000 1.0000 0.0039 0.9961 border_top_uv 0.0039 1.0000 0.9961 0.9961 border_topright_uv 0.9961 1.0000 1.0000 0.9961 border_left_uv 0.0000 0.9961 0.0039 0.0039 border_right_uv 0.9961 0.9961 1.0000 0.0039 border_bottomleft_uv 0.0000 0.0039 0.0039 0.0000 border_bottom_uv 0.0039 0.0039 0.9961 0.0000 border_bottomright_uv 0.9961 0.0039 1.0000 0.0000 container Panel(Example/Visibility/Help/BreakPanel) { metrics_mode pixels left 5 top 22 width 590 height 1 material Core/StatsBreak } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/Help/HelpOptions) { metrics_mode pixels left 5 top 5 width 90 height 30 font_name TrebuchetMSBold char_height 19 caption Additional Options colour_top 1 1 0.7 colour_bottom 1 1 0.7 } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/Help/ShowHelpInfo): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 5 top 30 width 180 height 30 caption [F1] Show / Hide this screen } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/Help/StatsInfo): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 5 top 45 width 180 height 30 caption [F2] Show / Hide stats } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/Help/AppStateInfo): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 5 top 75 width 180 height 30 caption [F3] Toggle between interactive / recorded walkthrough } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/Help/RecordedInfo): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 5 top 60 width 180 height 30 caption [F4] Start / End frame recording } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/Help/ScreenshotsInfo): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 5 top 105 width 180 height 30 caption [F11] Screenshot } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/Help/WriteOutInfo): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 5 top 120 width 180 height 30 caption [F12] Write screen objects to file } //-- visualization element TextArea(Example/Visibility/Help/VizInfo): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 5 top 150 width 180 height 30 caption [1] Show / hide visualization } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/Help/NextVizModeInfo): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 5 top 165 width 175 height 30 caption [2] Toggle visualization mode } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/Help/ZoomVizInfo): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 5 top 180 width 190 height 30 caption [3][4] Zoom in / out of visualization } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/Help/SceneDetailInfo): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 5 top 210 width 180 height 30 caption [R] Toggle between solid / wireframe / point based rendering } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/Help/DisplayCameraDetailsInfo): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 5 top 225 width 180 height 30 caption [P] Show / hide camera details } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/Help/DisplayOctreeInfo): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 5 top 240 width 180 height 30 caption [T] Show / hide octree } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/Help/UseShadowsInfo): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 5 top 255 width 180 height 30 caption [S] Show / hide shadows } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/Help/FilterInfo): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 5 top 270 width 180 height 30 caption [F] toggle filtering method (trilinear, anisotropic, bilinear) } } } Example/Visibility/QueryOverlay { zorder 650 // Stats block container BorderPanel(Example/Visibility/Query/QueryPanel) { metrics_mode pixels horz_align left vert_align top width 600 height 120 left 200 top 300 material Core/StatsBlockCenter border_size 1 1 1 1 border_material Core/StatsBlockBorder border_topleft_uv 0.0000 1.0000 0.0039 0.9961 border_top_uv 0.0039 1.0000 0.9961 0.9961 border_topright_uv 0.9961 1.0000 1.0000 0.9961 border_left_uv 0.0000 0.9961 0.0039 0.0039 border_right_uv 0.9961 0.9961 1.0000 0.0039 border_bottomleft_uv 0.0000 0.0039 0.0039 0.0000 border_bottom_uv 0.0039 0.0039 0.9961 0.0000 border_bottomright_uv 0.9961 0.0039 1.0000 0.0000 container Panel(Example/Visibility/Query/BreakPanel) { metrics_mode pixels left 5 top 22 width 590 height 1 material Core/StatsBreak } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/Query/Headline) { metrics_mode pixels left 5 top 5 width 90 height 30 font_name TrebuchetMSBold char_height 19 caption Exact Visibility Query colour_top 1 1 0.7 colour_bottom 1 1 0.7 } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/Query/QueryType): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 5 top 30 width 90 height 30 caption Type } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/Query/QueryTypeInfo): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 180 top 30 width 90 height 30 caption : } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/Query/VisibleNodes): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 5 top 45 width 90 height 30 caption Visible nodes } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/Query/VisibleNodesInfo): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 180 top 45 width 90 height 30 caption : } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/Query/VisibleGeometry): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 5 top 60 width 90 height 30 caption Visible geometry } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/Query/VisibleGeometryInfo): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 180 top 60 width 90 height 30 caption : } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/Query/NodeVisibility): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 5 top 75 width 90 height 30 caption Avg. node visibility } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/Query/NodeVisibilityInfo): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 180 top 75 width 90 height 30 caption: } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/Query/GeometryVisibility): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 5 top 90 width 90 height 30 caption Avg. geometry visibility } element TextArea(Example/Visibility/Query/GeometryVisibilityInfo): Example/Visibility/Templates/BasicText { left 180 top 90 width 90 height 30 caption: } } }