// (C) Copyright Gennadiy Rozental 2001-2005. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // See http://www.boost.org/libs/test for the library home page. // // File : $RCSfile: unit_test_parameters.ipp,v $ // // Version : $Revision: 1.8 $ // // Description : simple implementation for Unit Test Framework parameter // handling routines. May be rewritten in future to use some kind of // command-line arguments parsing facility and environment variable handling // facility // *************************************************************************** #ifndef BOOST_TEST_UNIT_TEST_PARAMETERS_IPP_012205GER #define BOOST_TEST_UNIT_TEST_PARAMETERS_IPP_012205GER // Boost.Test #include #include #include #include #include // Boost #include #include // STL #include #include #include //____________________________________________________________________________// # ifdef BOOST_NO_STDC_NAMESPACE namespace std { using ::getenv; using ::strncmp; using ::strcmp; } # endif namespace boost { namespace unit_test { namespace { // framework parameters and there corresponding command-line arguments literal_string LOG_LEVEL = "BOOST_TEST_LOG_LEVEL"; literal_string NO_RESULT_CODE = "BOOST_TEST_RESULT_CODE"; literal_string REPORT_LEVEL = "BOOST_TEST_REPORT_LEVEL"; literal_string TESTS_TO_RUN = "BOOST_TESTS_TO_RUN"; literal_string SAVE_TEST_PATTERN = "BOOST_TEST_SAVE_PATTERN"; literal_string BUILD_INFO = "BOOST_TEST_BUILD_INFO"; literal_string SHOW_PROGRESS = "BOOST_TEST_SHOW_PROGRESS"; literal_string CATCH_SYS_ERRORS = "BOOST_TEST_CATCH_SYSTEM_ERRORS"; literal_string REPORT_FORMAT = "BOOST_TEST_REPORT_FORMAT"; literal_string LOG_FORMAT = "BOOST_TEST_LOG_FORMAT"; literal_string OUTPUT_FORMAT = "BOOST_TEST_OUTPUT_FORMAT"; literal_string DETECT_MEM_LEAK = "BOOST_TEST_DETECT_MEMORY_LEAK"; literal_string RANDOM_SEED = "BOOST_TEST_RANDOM"; unit_test::log_level s_log_level; bool s_no_result_code; unit_test::report_level s_report_level; const_string s_tests_to_run; bool s_save_pattern; bool s_show_build_info; bool s_show_progress; bool s_catch_sys_errors; output_format s_report_format; output_format s_log_format; long s_detect_mem_leaks; unsigned int s_random_seed; // ************************************************************************** // // ************** runtime_config ************** // // ************************************************************************** // const_string retrieve_framework_parameter( const_string parameter_name, int* argc, char** argv ) { static fixed_mapping parameter_2_cla_name_map( LOG_LEVEL , "--log_level", NO_RESULT_CODE , "--result_code", REPORT_LEVEL , "--report_level", TESTS_TO_RUN , "--run_test", SAVE_TEST_PATTERN , "--save_pattern", BUILD_INFO , "--build_info", SHOW_PROGRESS , "--show_progress", CATCH_SYS_ERRORS , "--catch_system_errors", REPORT_FORMAT , "--report_format", LOG_FORMAT , "--log_format", OUTPUT_FORMAT , "--output_format", DETECT_MEM_LEAK , "--detect_memory_leak", RANDOM_SEED , "--random", "" ); // first try to find parameter among command line arguments if present if( argc ) { // locate corresponding cla name const_string cla_name = parameter_2_cla_name_map[parameter_name]; if( !cla_name.is_empty() ) { for( int i = 1; i < *argc; ++i ) { if( cla_name == const_string( argv[i], cla_name.size() ) && argv[i][cla_name.size()] == '=' ) { const_string result = argv[i] + cla_name.size() + 1; for( int j = i; j < *argc; ++j ) { argv[j] = argv[j+1]; } --(*argc); return result; } } } } return std::getenv( parameter_name.begin() ); } long interpret_long( const_string from ) { bool negative = false; long res = 0; if( first_char( from ) == '-' ) { negative = true; from.trim_left( 1 ); } const_string::iterator it = from.begin(); for( ;it != from.end(); ++it ) { int d = *it - '0'; res = 10 * res + d; } if( negative ) res = -res; return res; } } // local namespace //____________________________________________________________________________// namespace runtime_config { void init( int* argc, char** argv ) { fixed_mapping > log_level_name( "all" , log_successful_tests, "success" , log_successful_tests, "test_suite" , log_test_suites, "message" , log_messages, "warning" , log_warnings, "error" , log_all_errors, "cpp_exception" , log_cpp_exception_errors, "system_error" , log_system_errors, "fatal_error" , log_fatal_errors, "nothing" , log_nothing, invalid_log_level ); fixed_mapping > report_level_name ( "confirm", CONFIRMATION_REPORT, "short", SHORT_REPORT, "detailed", DETAILED_REPORT, "no", NO_REPORT, INV_REPORT_LEVEL ); fixed_mapping > output_format_name ( "HRF", CLF, "CLF", CLF, "XML", XML, CLF ); s_no_result_code = retrieve_framework_parameter( NO_RESULT_CODE, argc, argv ) == "no"; s_save_pattern = retrieve_framework_parameter( SAVE_TEST_PATTERN, argc, argv ) == "yes"; s_show_build_info = retrieve_framework_parameter( BUILD_INFO, argc, argv ) == "yes"; s_show_progress = retrieve_framework_parameter( SHOW_PROGRESS, argc, argv ) == "yes"; s_catch_sys_errors = retrieve_framework_parameter( CATCH_SYS_ERRORS, argc, argv ) != "no"; s_tests_to_run = retrieve_framework_parameter( TESTS_TO_RUN, argc, argv ); const_string rs_str = retrieve_framework_parameter( RANDOM_SEED, argc, argv ); s_random_seed = rs_str.is_empty() ? 0 : lexical_cast( rs_str ); s_log_level = log_level_name[retrieve_framework_parameter( LOG_LEVEL, argc, argv )]; s_report_level = report_level_name[retrieve_framework_parameter( REPORT_LEVEL, argc, argv )]; s_report_format = output_format_name[retrieve_framework_parameter( REPORT_FORMAT, argc, argv )]; s_log_format = output_format_name[retrieve_framework_parameter( LOG_FORMAT, argc, argv )]; const_string output_format = retrieve_framework_parameter( OUTPUT_FORMAT, argc, argv ); if( !output_format.is_empty() ) { s_report_format = output_format_name[output_format]; s_log_format = output_format_name[output_format]; } const_string ml_str = retrieve_framework_parameter( DETECT_MEM_LEAK, argc, argv ); s_detect_mem_leaks = ml_str.is_empty() ? 1 : interpret_long( ml_str ); } //____________________________________________________________________________// unit_test::log_level log_level() { return s_log_level; } //____________________________________________________________________________// bool no_result_code() { return s_no_result_code; } //____________________________________________________________________________// unit_test::report_level report_level() { return s_report_level; } //____________________________________________________________________________// const_string test_to_run() { return s_tests_to_run; } //____________________________________________________________________________// bool save_pattern() { return s_save_pattern; } //____________________________________________________________________________// bool show_progress() { return s_show_progress; } //____________________________________________________________________________// bool show_build_info() { return s_show_build_info; } //____________________________________________________________________________// bool catch_sys_errors() { return s_catch_sys_errors; } //____________________________________________________________________________// output_format report_format() { return s_report_format; } //____________________________________________________________________________// output_format log_format() { return s_log_format; } //____________________________________________________________________________// long detect_memory_leak() { return s_detect_mem_leaks; } //____________________________________________________________________________// int random_seed() { return s_random_seed; } } // namespace runtime_config } // namespace unit_test } // namespace boost //____________________________________________________________________________// #include // *************************************************************************** // Revision History : // // $Log: unit_test_parameters.ipp,v $ // Revision 1.8 2005/05/08 08:55:09 rogeeff // typos and missing descriptions fixed // // Revision 1.7 2005/04/05 07:23:21 rogeeff // restore default // // Revision 1.6 2005/04/05 06:11:37 rogeeff // memory leak allocation point detection\nextra help with _WIN32_WINNT // // Revision 1.5 2005/02/21 10:12:22 rogeeff // Support for random order of test cases implemented // // Revision 1.4 2005/02/20 08:27:07 rogeeff // This a major update for Boost.Test framework. See release docs for complete list of fixes/updates // // *************************************************************************** #endif // BOOST_TEST_UNIT_TEST_PARAMETERS_IPP_012205GER