FUtils/FUDaeWriter.h File Reference

This file contains the FUDaeWriter namespace. More...

#include "FUtils/FUDaeEnum.h"
#include "FUtils/FUDaeSyntax.h"
#include "FUtils/FUUri.h"
#include "FUtils/FUXmlWriter.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  FUDaeWriter


struct  FUDaeWriter::FUDaeAccessor
 Common accessor type string arrays. More...


FCOLLADA_EXPORT xmlNode * FUDaeWriter::AddExtraTechniqueChild (xmlNode *parent, const char *profile)
 Writes out the <extra><technique> element unto the given parent xml tree node.
FCOLLADA_EXPORT xmlNode * FUDaeWriter::AddTechniqueChild (xmlNode *parent, const char *profile)
 Writes out the <technique> element unto the given parent xml tree node.
FCOLLADA_EXPORT xmlNode * FUDaeWriter::AddParameter (xmlNode *parent, const char *name, const char *type)
 Writes out a COLLADA parameter element.
FCOLLADA_EXPORT xmlNode * FUDaeWriter::AddInput (xmlNode *parent, const char *sourceId, const char *semantic, int32 offset=-1, int32 set=-1)
 Writes out a COLLADA input element.
xmlNode * FUDaeWriter::AddInput (xmlNode *parent, const string &sourceId, const char *semantic, int32 offset=-1, int32 set=-1)
 See above.
FCOLLADA_EXPORT xmlNode * FUDaeWriter::AddArray (xmlNode *parent, const char *id, const char *arrayType, const char *content, size_t count)
 Writes out a COLLADA strongly-typed data array.
FCOLLADA_EXPORT xmlNode * FUDaeWriter::AddArray (xmlNode *parent, const char *id, const FMMatrix44List &values, float lengthFactor=1.0f)
 Writes out a COLLADA array of matrices.
FCOLLADA_EXPORT xmlNode * FUDaeWriter::AddArray (xmlNode *parent, const char *id, const FMVector3List &values, float lengthFactor=1.0f)
 Writes out a COLLADA array of 3D vectors.
FCOLLADA_EXPORT xmlNode * FUDaeWriter::AddArray (xmlNode *parent, const char *id, const FloatList &values, float lengthFactor=1.0f)
 Writes out a COLLADA array of floating-point values.
FCOLLADA_EXPORT xmlNode * FUDaeWriter::AddArray (xmlNode *parent, const char *id, const StringList &values, const char *arrayType=DAE_NAME_ARRAY_ELEMENT)
 Writes out a COLLADA array of UTF-8 tokens.
FCOLLADA_EXPORT xmlNode * FUDaeWriter::AddAccessor (xmlNode *parent, const char *arrayId, size_t count, size_t stride=1, const char **parameters=NULL, const char *type=NULL)
 Writes out a COLLADA accessor to be used within a source.
xmlNode * FUDaeWriter::AddAccessor (xmlNode *parent, const string &arrayId, size_t count, size_t stride=1, const char **parameters=NULL, const char *type=NULL)
 See above.
FCOLLADA_EXPORT xmlNode * FUDaeWriter::AddSourceFloat (xmlNode *parent, const char *id, const FloatList &values, size_t stride=1, const char **parameters=NULL, float lengthFactor=1.0f)
 Writes out a COLLADA multi-dimensional source of floating-point values.
xmlNode * FUDaeWriter::AddSourceFloat (xmlNode *parent, const string &id, const FloatList &values, size_t stride=1, const char **parameters=NULL, float lengthFactor=1.0f)
 See above.
FCOLLADA_EXPORT xmlNode * FUDaeWriter::AddSourceFloat (xmlNode *parent, const char *id, const FloatList &values, const char *parameter=NULL, float lengthFactor=1.0f)
 Writes out a COLLADA source of floating-point values.
xmlNode * FUDaeWriter::AddSourceFloat (xmlNode *parent, const string &id, const FloatList &values, const char *parameter=NULL, float lengthFactor=1.0f)
 See above.
FCOLLADA_EXPORT xmlNode * FUDaeWriter::AddSourceMatrix (xmlNode *parent, const char *id, const FMMatrix44List &values, float lengthFactor=1.0f)
 Writes out a COLLADA source of matrices.
xmlNode * FUDaeWriter::AddSourceMatrix (xmlNode *parent, const string &id, const FMMatrix44List &values, float lengthFactor=1.0f)
 See above.
FCOLLADA_EXPORT xmlNode * FUDaeWriter::AddSourceColor (xmlNode *parent, const char *id, const FMVector3List &values)
 Writes out a COLLADA source of matrices.
xmlNode * FUDaeWriter::AddSourceColor (xmlNode *parent, const string &id, const FMVector3List &values)
 See above.
FCOLLADA_EXPORT xmlNode * FUDaeWriter::AddSourceTexcoord (xmlNode *parent, const char *id, const FMVector3List &values)
 Writes out a COLLADA source of texture coordinates.
xmlNode * FUDaeWriter::AddSourceTexcoord (xmlNode *parent, const string &id, const FMVector3List &values)
 See above.
FCOLLADA_EXPORT xmlNode * FUDaeWriter::AddSourcePosition (xmlNode *parent, const char *id, const FMVector3List &values, float lengthFactor=1.0f)
 Writes out a COLLADA source of 3D positions or vectors.
xmlNode * FUDaeWriter::AddSourcePosition (xmlNode *parent, const string &id, const FMVector3List &values, float lengthFactor=1.0f)
 See above.
FCOLLADA_EXPORT xmlNode * FUDaeWriter::AddSourceString (xmlNode *parent, const char *id, const StringList &values, const char *parameter=NULL)
 Writes out a COLLADA source of UTF-8 tokens.
xmlNode * FUDaeWriter::AddSourceString (xmlNode *parent, const string &id, const StringList &values, const char *parameter=NULL)
 See above.
FCOLLADA_EXPORT xmlNode * FUDaeWriter::AddSourceIDRef (xmlNode *parent, const char *id, const StringList &values, const char *parameter=NULL)
 Writes out a COLLADA source of COLLADA references.
xmlNode * FUDaeWriter::AddSourceIDRef (xmlNode *parent, const string &id, const StringList &values, const char *parameter=NULL)
 See above.
FCOLLADA_EXPORT xmlNode * FUDaeWriter::AddSourceInterpolation (xmlNode *parent, const char *id, const FUDaeInterpolationList &interpolations)
 Writes out a COLLADA source of interpolation tokens.
xmlNode * FUDaeWriter::AddSourceInterpolation (xmlNode *parent, const string &id, const FUDaeInterpolationList &values)
 See above.
FCOLLADA_EXPORT string FUDaeWriter::CleanId (const char *id)
 Cleans up a given name into a valid COLLADA id.
string FUDaeWriter::CleanId (const string &id)
 See above.
FCOLLADA_EXPORT fstring FUDaeWriter::CleanName (const fchar *name)
 Cleans up a given name into a valid COLLADA name.
fstring FUDaeWriter::CleanName (const fstring &name)
 See above.
FCOLLADA_EXPORT string FUDaeWriter::AddNodeSid (xmlNode *node, const char *wantedSid)
 Adds the 'sid' attribute to a given XML tree node.

Detailed Description

This file contains the FUDaeWriter namespace.

Generated on Fri May 12 16:44:40 2006 for FCollada by  doxygen 1.4.6-NO