############################################################################## # ERS default configuration file # Jiri Bittner 2003 ############################################################################# Scene { # filename glasgow1.x3d # filename vienna.x3d # filename ../data/vienna/vienna-simple.x3d # filename ../data/vienna/vienna-buildings.x3d # filename ../data/vienna/vienna-roofs.x3d # filename ../data/vienna/vienna-buildings.x3d;../data/vienna/vienna-roofs.x3d;../data/vienna/vienna-roads.x3d #;../data/vienna/vienna-plane.x3d # filename ../data/vienna/viewcells-25-sel.x3d # filename ../data/atlanta/atlanta2.x3d # filename ../data/soda/soda.dat filename ../data/soda/soda5.dat # filename ../data/artificial/cube_test.x3d # filename ../data/grandcanyon1_RotXmin90.obj # filename ../data/CityModel.obj } Preprocessor { samplesFilename rays.out # useGlRenderer true useGlRenderer false type vss detectEmptyViewSpace true loadMeshes false # internal raycaster rayCastMethod 0 exportVisibility false loadKdTree false exportKdTree false } VssPreprocessor { initialSamples 0 vssSamples 0 useImportanceSampling true loadInitialSamples false storeInitialSamples false useViewSpaceBox false } VssTree { useRss false epsilon 1e-6 maxDepth 2 minPvs 30 minRays 800 minSize 0.001 maxCostRatio 1.5 maxRayContribution 0.5 maxTotalMemory 50 maxStaticMemory 20 splitType regular # splitType heuristic # splitType hybrid splitUseOnlyDrivingAxis true interleaveDirSplits true dirSplitDepth 0 numberOfEndPointDomains 10000 ct_div_ci 0.0 randomize false refDirBoxMaxSize 0.1 } Limits { threshold 1e-6 small 1e-6 infinity 1e9 } Unigraphics { meshGrouping 1 } KdTree { sahUseFaces true Termination { minCost 0 maxDepth 20 maxCostRatio 1.5 ct_div_ci 0.5 } # splitMethod spatialMedian splitMethod SAH splitBorder 0.01 } MeshKdTree { Termination { minCost 1 maxDepth 18 maxCostRatio 0.9 ct_div_ci 0.5 } # splitMethod spatialMedian splitMethod SAH splitBorder 0.01 } ViewCells { # samples used for view cell construction # (after the sampling used for the hierarchy) Construction { samples 0 samplesPerPass 1000000 } # number of active view cells active 25000 maxStaticMemory 40 exportToFile false loadFromFile false type vspOspTree #percentage of total visible objects where pvs is considered invalid maxPvsRatio 1.0 processOnlyValidViewCells false #stats viewCellStats.log #samplingType directional samplingType box PostProcess { # how much samples are used for post processing samples 0 maxMergesPerPass 5000 useRaysForMerge false refine false compress false merge false } Visualization { # how much samples we use for visualization samples 200 exportRays true exportGeometry true exportMergedViewCells false useClipPlane true clipPlaneAxis 1 clipPlanePos 0.3 maxOutput 2 } showVisualization true evaluateViewCells true Evaluation { samplesPerPass 10000 samples 50000 statsPrefix ../scripts/viewCells } } ################################ # # View space partitioning kd tree # VspTree { Construction { } Termination { minPvs 0 maxViewCells 500000 } useCostHeuristics true splitUseOnlyDrivingAxis false # maximum number of tests per node maxTests 100000 } ########################## # # The bounding volume hierarchy # BvHierarchy { Construction { } Termination { maxLeaves 500000 } useCostHeuristics true splitUseOnlyDrivingAxis false } ############################################################### # # Manages the construction of view space and object space partition # Hierarchy { # the type of object space partition: view space is always vsp (=kd) partition type bvh Construction { samples 20000 # type 0 = sequential computation, 1 = interleaved, 2 = gradient type 1 # if the object space should be subdivided first (if false, the view space is subdivided first) startWithObjectSpace true ############################### # only for interleaved method # if dirty split candidates are reevaluated repairQueue true # recompute split plane when "repairing" a candidate recomputeSplitPlaneOnRepair true ################################################### # iterative construction of vs partititon and os partition useMultiLevel false # number of iteration steps levels 3 # minimal steps of same type: for interleaved, this is only valid for the first few splits minStepsOfSameType 100 } Termination { # maximal number of leaves maxLeaves 2000000 # maximal memory in MB maxMemory 1 # minimum ratio of global cost decrease minGlobalCostRatio -1 } } VspBspTree { Construction { samples 100000 } Termination { minPvs 0 maxViewCells 1000 } useCostHeuristics true splitUseOnlyDrivingAxis false # maximum number of tests per node maxTests 100000 }