// (C) Copyright Gennadiy Rozental 2001-2005. // (C) Copyright Beman Dawes and Ullrich Koethe 1995-2001. // Use, modification, and distribution are subject to the // Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // See http://www.boost.org/libs/test for the library home page. // // File : $RCSfile: execution_monitor.ipp,v $ // // Version : $Revision: 1.9 $ // // Description : provides execution monitor implementation for all supported // configurations, including Microsoft structured exception based, unix signals // based and special workarounds for borland // // Note that when testing requirements or user wishes preclude use of this // file as a separate compilation unit, it may be included as a header file. // // Header dependencies are deliberately restricted to reduce coupling to other // boost libraries. // *************************************************************************** #ifndef BOOST_TEST_EXECUTION_MONITOR_IPP_012205GER #define BOOST_TEST_EXECUTION_MONITOR_IPP_012205GER // Boost.Test #include #include #include // Boost #include // for exit codes #include // for workarounds // STL #include // for std::string #include // for std::bad_alloc #include // for std::bad_cast, std::bad_typeid #include // for std::exception, std::bad_exception #include // for std exception hierarchy #include // for C string API #include // for assert #include // for NULL #ifdef BOOST_NO_STDC_NAMESPACE namespace std { using ::strlen; using ::strncat; } #endif // Microsoft + other compatible compilers such as Intel #if !defined(BOOST_DISABLE_WIN32) && \ !defined(__BORLANDC__) && \ (defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__COMO__)) || \ (BOOST_WORKAROUND(__MWERKS__, >= 0x3000) && defined(__INTEL__)) # define BOOST_MS_STRUCTURED_EXCEPTION_HANDLING # ifndef _WIN32_WINNT # ifdef _WINBASE_ # warning Debugger check disabled. Either define _WIN32_WINNT or include Boost.Test header in front of winbase.h # else # define BOOST_TEST_DEBUGGER_CHECK # define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0400 # endif # endif # include # include # include # include # if !defined(NDEBUG) && !defined(__MWERKS__) // __MWERKS__ does not seem to supply implementation of C runtime debug hooks, causing linking errors # define BOOST_MS_CRT_DEBUG_HOOKS # include # endif #elif (defined(__BORLANDC__) && defined(_Windows) && !defined(BOOST_DISABLE_WIN32)) # define BOOST_MS_STRUCTURED_EXCEPTION_HANDLING # include // Borland 5.5.1 has its own way of doing things. #elif defined(BOOST_HAS_SIGACTION) # define BOOST_SIGACTION_BASED_SIGNAL_HANDLING # include # include # include #else # define BOOST_NO_SIGNAL_HANDLING #endif #include //____________________________________________________________________________// namespace boost { namespace detail { using unit_test::const_string; // boost::execution_monitor::execute() calls boost::detail::report_error(...) to // report any caught exception and throw execution_exception const std::size_t REPORT_ERROR_BUFFER_SIZE = 512; static void report_error( execution_exception::error_code ec, const_string msg1, // first part of the message const_string msg2 = "" ); // second part of the message; sum length msg1 + msg2 should not // exceed REPORT_ERROR_BUFFER_SIZE; never concatenate messages // manually, cause it should work even in case of memory lack //____________________________________________________________________________// // Declaration for Microsoft structured exception handling (unix alternative - signal) #ifdef BOOST_MS_STRUCTURED_EXCEPTION_HANDLING // this class defined per the Microsoft structured exception documentation class ms_se_exception { public: // Constructor explicit ms_se_exception( unsigned int n ) : m_se_id( n ) {} // Destructor ~ms_se_exception() {} // access methods unsigned int id() const { return m_se_id; } private: // Data members unsigned int m_se_id; }; //____________________________________________________________________________// void BOOST_TEST_CALL_DECL ms_se_trans_func( unsigned int id, _EXCEPTION_POINTERS* exps ); void BOOST_TEST_CALL_DECL ms_se_forward_func( unsigned int id, _EXCEPTION_POINTERS* exps ); static void report_ms_se_error( unsigned int id ); //____________________________________________________________________________// // Declarations for unix-style signal handling #elif defined(BOOST_SIGACTION_BASED_SIGNAL_HANDLING) class unix_signal_exception { typedef execution_exception::error_code error_code_type; public: // Constructor unix_signal_exception( execution_exception::error_code ec, const_string em ) : m_error_code( ec ), m_error_message( em ) {} // Destructor ~unix_signal_exception() {} // access methods error_code_type error_code() const { return m_error_code; } const_string error_message() const { return m_error_message; } private: // Data members error_code_type m_error_code; const_string m_error_message; }; #endif //____________________________________________________________________________// #if defined(BOOST_MS_CRT_DEBUG_HOOKS) int BOOST_TEST_CALL_DECL assert_reporting_function( int reportType, char* userMessage, int* retVal ) { switch( reportType ) { case _CRT_ASSERT: detail::report_error( execution_exception::user_error, userMessage ); return 1; // return value and retVal are not important since we never reach this line case _CRT_ERROR: detail::report_error( execution_exception::system_error, userMessage ); return 1; // return value and retVal are not important since we never reach this line default: return 0; // use usual reporting method } } #endif } // namespace detail // ************************************************************************** // // ************** execution_monitor ************** // // ************************************************************************** // int execution_monitor::execute( unit_test::callback0 const& F, bool catch_system_errors, int timeout ) { using unit_test::const_string; # ifdef BOOST_TEST_DEBUGGER_CHECK if( IsDebuggerPresent() ) catch_system_errors = false; #endif #if defined(BOOST_MS_STRUCTURED_EXCEPTION_HANDLING) && !defined(__BORLANDC__) if( catch_system_errors ) _set_se_translator( detail::ms_se_trans_func ); else _set_se_translator( detail::ms_se_forward_func ); #endif #ifdef BOOST_MS_CRT_DEBUG_HOOKS if( catch_system_errors ) _CrtSetReportHook( &detail::assert_reporting_function ); #endif try { return catch_signals( F, catch_system_errors, timeout ); } // Catch-clause reference arguments are a bit different from function // arguments (ISO 15.3 paragraphs 18 & 19). Apparently const isn't // required. Programmers ask for const anyhow, so we supply it. That's // easier than answering questions about non-const usage. catch( execution_aborted const& ) { return 0; } catch( char const* ex ) { detail::report_error( execution_exception::cpp_exception_error, "C string: ", ex ); } catch( std::string const& ex ) { detail::report_error( execution_exception::cpp_exception_error, "std::string: ", ex.c_str() ); } // std:: exceptions catch( std::bad_alloc const& ex ) { detail::report_error( execution_exception::cpp_exception_error, "std::bad_alloc: ", ex.what() ); } #if BOOST_WORKAROUND(__BORLANDC__, <= 0x0551) catch( std::bad_cast const& ex ) { detail::report_error( execution_exception::cpp_exception_error, "std::bad_cast" ); } catch( std::bad_typeid const& ex ) { detail::report_error( execution_exception::cpp_exception_error, "std::bad_typeid" ); } #else catch( std::bad_cast const& ex ) { detail::report_error( execution_exception::cpp_exception_error, "std::bad_cast: ", ex.what() ); } catch( std::bad_typeid const& ex ) { detail::report_error( execution_exception::cpp_exception_error, "std::bad_typeid: ", ex.what() ); } #endif catch( std::bad_exception const& ex ) { detail::report_error( execution_exception::cpp_exception_error, "std::bad_exception: ", ex.what() ); } catch( std::domain_error const& ex ) { detail::report_error( execution_exception::cpp_exception_error, "std::domain_error: ", ex.what() ); } catch( std::invalid_argument const& ex ) { detail::report_error( execution_exception::cpp_exception_error, "std::invalid_argument: ", ex.what() ); } catch( std::length_error const& ex ) { detail::report_error( execution_exception::cpp_exception_error, "std::length_error: ", ex.what() ); } catch( std::out_of_range const& ex ) { detail::report_error( execution_exception::cpp_exception_error, "std::out_of_range: ", ex.what() ); } catch( std::range_error const& ex ) { detail::report_error( execution_exception::cpp_exception_error, "std::range_error: ", ex.what() ); } catch( std::overflow_error const& ex ) { detail::report_error( execution_exception::cpp_exception_error, "std::overflow_error: ", ex.what() ); } catch( std::underflow_error const& ex ) { detail::report_error( execution_exception::cpp_exception_error, "std::underflow_error: ", ex.what() ); } catch( std::logic_error const& ex ) { detail::report_error( execution_exception::cpp_exception_error, "std::logic_error: ", ex.what() ); } catch( std::runtime_error const& ex ) { detail::report_error( execution_exception::cpp_exception_error, "std::runtime_error: ", ex.what() ); } catch( std::exception const& ex ) { detail::report_error( execution_exception::cpp_exception_error, "std::exception: ", ex.what() ); } #if defined(BOOST_MS_STRUCTURED_EXCEPTION_HANDLING) catch( detail::ms_se_exception const& ex ) { detail::report_ms_se_error( ex.id() ); } #elif defined(BOOST_SIGACTION_BASED_SIGNAL_HANDLING) catch( detail::unix_signal_exception const& ex ) { detail::report_error( ex.error_code(), ex.error_message() ); } #endif // BOOST_SIGACTION_BASED_SIGNAL_HANDLING catch( execution_exception const& ) { throw; } catch( ... ) { detail::report_error( execution_exception::cpp_exception_error, "unknown type" ); } return 0; // never reached; supplied to quiet compiler warnings } // execute //____________________________________________________________________________// #if defined(BOOST_SIGACTION_BASED_SIGNAL_HANDLING) // ************************************************************************** // // ************** boost::detail::signal_handler ************** // // ************************************************************************** // namespace detail { class signal_handler { public: // Constructor explicit signal_handler( bool catch_system_errors, int timeout ); // Destructor ~signal_handler(); // access methods static sigjmp_buf& jump_buffer() { assert( !!s_active_handler ); return s_active_handler->m_sigjmp_buf; } private: // Data members struct sigaction m_same_action_for_all_signals; struct sigaction m_old_SIGFPE_action; struct sigaction m_old_SIGTRAP_action; struct sigaction m_old_SIGSEGV_action; struct sigaction m_old_SIGBUS_action; struct sigaction m_old_SIGABRT_action; struct sigaction m_old_SIGALRM_action; sigjmp_buf m_sigjmp_buf; signal_handler* m_prev_handler; static signal_handler* s_active_handler; bool m_catch_system_errors; bool m_set_timeout; }; signal_handler* signal_handler::s_active_handler = NULL; //!! need to be placed in thread specific storage //____________________________________________________________________________// extern "C" { static void execution_monitor_signal_handler( int sig ) { siglongjmp( signal_handler::jump_buffer(), sig ); } } //____________________________________________________________________________// signal_handler::signal_handler( bool catch_system_errors, int timeout ) : m_prev_handler( s_active_handler ) , m_catch_system_errors( catch_system_errors ) , m_set_timeout( timeout > 0 ) { s_active_handler = this; if( m_catch_system_errors || m_set_timeout ) { m_same_action_for_all_signals.sa_flags = 0; m_same_action_for_all_signals.sa_handler = &execution_monitor_signal_handler; sigemptyset( &m_same_action_for_all_signals.sa_mask ); } if( m_catch_system_errors ) { sigaction( SIGFPE , &m_same_action_for_all_signals, &m_old_SIGFPE_action ); sigaction( SIGTRAP, &m_same_action_for_all_signals, &m_old_SIGTRAP_action ); sigaction( SIGSEGV, &m_same_action_for_all_signals, &m_old_SIGSEGV_action ); sigaction( SIGBUS , &m_same_action_for_all_signals, &m_old_SIGBUS_action ); sigaction( SIGABRT, &m_same_action_for_all_signals, &m_old_SIGABRT_action ); } if( m_set_timeout ) { sigaction( SIGALRM , &m_same_action_for_all_signals, &m_old_SIGALRM_action ); alarm( timeout ); } } //____________________________________________________________________________// signal_handler::~signal_handler() { typedef struct sigaction* sigaction_ptr; assert( s_active_handler == this ); if( m_set_timeout ) { alarm( 0 ); sigaction( SIGALRM, &m_old_SIGALRM_action, sigaction_ptr() ); } if( m_catch_system_errors ) { sigaction( SIGFPE , &m_old_SIGFPE_action , sigaction_ptr() ); sigaction( SIGTRAP, &m_old_SIGTRAP_action, sigaction_ptr() ); sigaction( SIGSEGV, &m_old_SIGSEGV_action, sigaction_ptr() ); sigaction( SIGBUS , &m_old_SIGBUS_action , sigaction_ptr() ); sigaction( SIGABRT, &m_old_SIGABRT_action, sigaction_ptr() ); } s_active_handler = m_prev_handler; } //____________________________________________________________________________// } // namespace detail // ************************************************************************** // // ************** execution_monitor::catch_signals ************** // // ************************************************************************** // int execution_monitor::catch_signals( unit_test::callback0 const& F, bool catch_system_errors, int timeout ) { using namespace detail; typedef execution_exception::error_code ec_type; signal_handler local_signal_handler( catch_system_errors, timeout ); int result = 0; ec_type ec = execution_exception::no_error; const_string em; volatile int sigtype = sigsetjmp( signal_handler::jump_buffer(), 1 ); if( sigtype == 0 ) { result = m_custom_translators ? (*m_custom_translators)( F ) : F(); } else { switch(sigtype) { case SIGALRM: ec = execution_exception::timeout_error; em = BOOST_TEST_L( "signal: SIGALRM (timeout while executing function)" ); break; case SIGTRAP: ec = execution_exception::system_error; em = BOOST_TEST_L( "signal: SIGTRAP (perhaps integer divide by zero)" ); break; case SIGFPE: ec = execution_exception::system_error; em = BOOST_TEST_L( "signal: SIGFPE (arithmetic exception)" ); break; case SIGABRT: ec = execution_exception::system_error; em = BOOST_TEST_L( "signal: SIGABRT (application abort requested)" ); break; case SIGSEGV: case SIGBUS: ec = execution_exception::system_fatal_error; em = BOOST_TEST_L( "signal: memory access violation" ); break; default: ec = execution_exception::system_error; em = BOOST_TEST_L( "signal: unrecognized signal" ); } } if( ec != execution_exception::no_error ) throw unix_signal_exception( ec, em ); return result; } // unix catch_signals //____________________________________________________________________________// #elif (defined(__BORLANDC__) && defined(_Windows) && !defined(BOOST_DISABLE_WIN32)) // this works for Borland but not other Win32 compilers (which trap too many cases) int execution_monitor::catch_signals( unit_test::callback0 const& F, bool catch_system_errors, int ) { int result; if( catch_system_errors ) { __try { result = m_custom_translators ? (*m_custom_translators)( F ) : F(); } __except (1) { throw detail::ms_se_exception( GetExceptionCode() ); } } else result = m_custom_translators ? (*m_custom_translators)( F ) : F(); return result; } #else // default signal handler int execution_monitor::catch_signals( unit_test::callback0 const& F, bool, int ) { return m_custom_translators ? (*m_custom_translators)( F ) : F(); } #endif // choose signal handler // ************************************************************************** // // ************** Microsoft structured exception handling ************** // // ************************************************************************** // #if defined(BOOST_MS_STRUCTURED_EXCEPTION_HANDLING) namespace detail { void BOOST_TEST_CALL_DECL ms_se_trans_func( unsigned int id, _EXCEPTION_POINTERS* /* exps */ ) { throw ms_se_exception( id ); } //____________________________________________________________________________// void BOOST_TEST_CALL_DECL ms_se_forward_func( unsigned int /* id */, _EXCEPTION_POINTERS* /* exps */ ) { throw; } //____________________________________________________________________________// void report_ms_se_error( unsigned int id ) { switch( id ) { // cases classified as fatal_system_error case EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION: detail::report_error( execution_exception::system_fatal_error, "memory access violation" ); break; case EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION: detail::report_error( execution_exception::system_fatal_error, "illegal instruction" ); break; case EXCEPTION_PRIV_INSTRUCTION: detail::report_error( execution_exception::system_fatal_error, "privileged instruction" ); break; case EXCEPTION_IN_PAGE_ERROR: detail::report_error( execution_exception::system_fatal_error, "memory page error" ); break; case EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW: detail::report_error( execution_exception::system_fatal_error, "stack overflow" ); break; // cases classified as (non-fatal) system_trap case EXCEPTION_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT: detail::report_error( execution_exception::system_error, "data misalignment" ); break; case EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO: detail::report_error( execution_exception::system_error, "integer divide by zero" ); break; case EXCEPTION_INT_OVERFLOW: detail::report_error( execution_exception::system_error, "integer overflow" ); break; case EXCEPTION_ARRAY_BOUNDS_EXCEEDED: detail::report_error( execution_exception::system_error, "array bounds exceeded" ); break; case EXCEPTION_FLT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO: detail::report_error( execution_exception::system_error, "floating point divide by zero" ); break; case EXCEPTION_FLT_STACK_CHECK: detail::report_error( execution_exception::system_error, "floating point stack check" ); break; case EXCEPTION_FLT_DENORMAL_OPERAND: case EXCEPTION_FLT_INEXACT_RESULT: case EXCEPTION_FLT_INVALID_OPERATION: case EXCEPTION_FLT_OVERFLOW: case EXCEPTION_FLT_UNDERFLOW: detail::report_error( execution_exception::system_error, "floating point error" ); break; default: detail::report_error( execution_exception::system_error, "unrecognized exception or signal" ); break; } // switch } // report_ms_se_error //____________________________________________________________________________// } // namespace detail #endif // Microsoft structured exception handling // ************************************************************************** // // ************** report_error ************** // // ************************************************************************** // namespace detail { static void report_error( execution_exception::error_code ec, const_string msg1, const_string msg2 ) { static char buf[REPORT_ERROR_BUFFER_SIZE]; buf[0] = '\0'; std::strncat( buf, msg1.begin(), sizeof(buf)-1 ); std::strncat( buf, msg2.begin(), sizeof(buf) - msg1.size() - 1 ); throw execution_exception( ec, buf ); } //____________________________________________________________________________// } // namespace detail // ************************************************************************** // // ************** detect_memory_leak ************** // // ************************************************************************** // void detect_memory_leak( long mem_leak_alloc_num ) { unit_test::ut_detail::ignore_unused_variable_warning( mem_leak_alloc_num ); #ifdef BOOST_MS_CRT_DEBUG_HOOKS _CrtSetDbgFlag ( _CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF ); _CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_WARN, _CRTDBG_MODE_FILE); _CrtSetReportFile(_CRT_WARN, _CRTDBG_FILE_STDOUT); if( mem_leak_alloc_num > 1 ) _CrtSetBreakAlloc( mem_leak_alloc_num ); #endif // BOOST_MS_CRT_DEBUG_HOOKS } } // namespace boost //____________________________________________________________________________// #include // *************************************************************************** // Revision History : // // $Log: execution_monitor.ipp,v $ // Revision 1.9 2005/04/30 17:07:22 rogeeff // ignore_warning included // // Revision 1.8 2005/04/30 16:46:50 rogeeff // warning suppressed // // Revision 1.7 2005/04/13 05:32:03 rogeeff // typo fix // // Revision 1.6 2005/04/05 06:11:37 rogeeff // memory leak allocation point detection\nextra help with _WIN32_WINNT // // Revision 1.5 2005/02/20 08:27:07 rogeeff // This a major update for Boost.Test framework. See release docs for complete list of fixes/updates // // Revision 1.4 2005/02/01 06:40:07 rogeeff // copyright update // old log entries removed // minor stilistic changes // depricated tools removed // // Revision 1.3 2005/01/31 07:50:06 rogeeff // cdecl portability fix // // Revision 1.2 2005/01/31 05:58:03 rogeeff // detect_memory_leak feature added // // Revision 1.1 2005/01/22 19:22:12 rogeeff // implementation moved into headers section to eliminate dependency of included/minimal component on src directory // // Revision 1.36 2005/01/21 07:21:38 rogeeff // detect presence of debugger under VC and automatically prevent catching system errors // // *************************************************************************** #endif // BOOST_TEST_EXECUTION_MONITOR_IPP_012205GER