material EnvMetals/Copper { technique { pass { IllumTechniques { RenderTechnique ColorCubeMap { update_interval 0 distance_calc true 1.5 face_angle_calc true 1.5 } RenderTechnique DistanceCubeMap { update_interval 0 distance_calc true 1.5 face_angle_calc true 1.5 } } vertex_program_ref GameTools/CubeMap/VertexPrograms/LocalizedVS { param_named_auto worldViewProj worldviewproj_matrix param_named_auto world world_matrix } fragment_program_ref GameTools/CubeMap/FragmentPrograms/LocalizedMetalPS { param_named_auto cameraPos camera_position //param_named n float3 0.21 0.96 1.17 //param_named k float3 4.16 2.57 2.32 param_named F0 float3 0.95 0.63 0.54 param_named_auto lightPosition light_position 0 } //Cube map for reflections and refractions texture_unit { cubic_texture cubemap.jpg combinedUVW tex_address_mode clamp colour_op replace } //Cube map of distances texture_unit { cubic_texture cubemap.jpg combinedUVW tex_address_mode clamp colour_op replace } } } } material EnvMetals/Gold { technique { pass { IllumTechniques { RenderTechnique ColorCubeMap { update_interval 0 distance_calc true 1.5 face_angle_calc true 1.5 } RenderTechnique DistanceCubeMap { update_interval 0 distance_calc true 1.5 face_angle_calc true 1.5 } } vertex_program_ref GameTools/CubeMap/VertexPrograms/LocalizedVS { param_named_auto worldViewProj worldviewproj_matrix param_named_auto world world_matrix } fragment_program_ref GameTools/CubeMap/FragmentPrograms/LocalizedMetalPS { param_named_auto cameraPos camera_position //param_named n float3 0.16 0.35 1.6 //param_named k float3 3.98 2.71 1.92 param_named F0 float3 0.96 0.85 0.39 param_named_auto lightPosition light_position 0 } //Cube map for reflections and refractions texture_unit { cubic_texture cubemap.jpg combinedUVW tex_address_mode clamp colour_op replace } //Cube map of distances texture_unit { cubic_texture cubemap.jpg combinedUVW tex_address_mode clamp colour_op replace } } } } material EnvMetals/Silver { technique { pass { IllumTechniques { RenderTechnique ColorCubeMap { update_interval 0 distance_calc true 1.5 face_angle_calc true 1.5 } RenderTechnique DistanceCubeMap { update_interval 0 distance_calc true 1.5 face_angle_calc true 1.5 } } vertex_program_ref GameTools/CubeMap/VertexPrograms/LocalizedVS { param_named_auto worldViewProj worldviewproj_matrix param_named_auto world world_matrix } fragment_program_ref GameTools/CubeMap/FragmentPrograms/LocalizedMetalPS { param_named_auto cameraPos camera_position //param_named n float3 0.142 0.124 0.158 //param_named k float3 4.52 3.33 2.32 param_named F0 float3 0.97 0.95 0.9 param_named_auto lightPosition light_position 0 } //Cube map for reflections and refractions texture_unit { cubic_texture cubemap.jpg combinedUVW tex_address_mode clamp colour_op replace } //Cube map of distances texture_unit { cubic_texture cubemap.jpg combinedUVW tex_address_mode clamp colour_op replace } } } } material EnvMetals/Alu { technique { pass { IllumTechniques { RenderTechnique ColorCubeMap { update_interval 0 distance_calc true 1.5 face_angle_calc true 3.5 } RenderTechnique DistanceCubeMap { update_interval 0 distance_calc true 1.5 face_angle_calc true 3.5 } } vertex_program_ref GameTools/CubeMap/VertexPrograms/LocalizedVS { param_named_auto worldViewProj worldviewproj_matrix param_named_auto world world_matrix } fragment_program_ref GameTools/CubeMap/FragmentPrograms/LocalizedMetalPS { param_named_auto cameraPos camera_position //param_named n float3 1.83 0.96 0.577 //param_named k float3 8.31 6.69 5.288 param_named F0 float3 0.9 0.92 0.92 param_named_auto lightPosition light_position 0 } //Cube map for reflections and refractions texture_unit { cubic_texture cubemap.jpg combinedUVW tex_address_mode clamp colour_op replace } //Cube map of distances texture_unit { cubic_texture cubemap.jpg combinedUVW tex_address_mode clamp colour_op replace } } } }