// ===== Initialization namespace -add "ogreExporter"; namespace -set "ogreExporter"; // ===== Load Plug-in loadPlugin "ogreExporter"; // ===== Create Ogre menu setParent "MayaWindow"; menu -label "Ogre" -tearOff false; menuItem -label "Export" -command "ogreExporter"; // ===== Launch exporter UI global proc ogreExporter() { defineUIView(); string $valStrings[]; $valStrings = `fileInfo -q "ogreExporter_savedSettings"`; if (`gmatch $valStrings[0] "1"`) loadSettings(); else defaultSettings(); } // ===== Export global proc runOgreExport() { global int $numClips; saveSettings(); // ===== Files and directories string $sceneFile = `file -query -sceneName`; string $mayaFile = basename($sceneFile, ""); string $sceneDir = dirname($sceneFile); string $baseFile = basename($sceneFile, ".mb"); string $outputDir = (`textField -query -text OutputDirectory`); if (!endsWith($outputDir,"\\") && !endsWith($outputDir,"/") && (size($outputDir)>0)) $outputDir += "/"; string $meshFile = (`textField -query -text ExportMeshFilename`); string $materialFile = (`textField -query -text ExportMaterialFilename`); string $skeletonFile = (`textField -query -text ExportSkeletonFilename`); string $animFile = (`textField -query -text ExportAnimCurvesFilename`); string $camerasFile = (`textField -query -text ExportCamerasFilename`); string $particlesFile= (`textField -query -text ExportParticlesFilename`); // ===== Options string $options = ""; string $selectedExportTypeButton = `radioCollection -query -select ExportTypeCollection`; if ($selectedExportTypeButton == "RadioButtonSelected") { $options += " -sel"; } else { $options += " -all"; } string $selectedCoordsTypeButton = `radioCollection -query -select CoordsTypeCollection`; if ($selectedCoordsTypeButton == "RadioButtonWorld") { $options += " -world"; } else { $options += " -obj"; } // --- Mesh export int $exportMesh = `checkBox -query -value ExportMesh`; if ($exportMesh) { $options += " -mesh"; $options += " \"" + encodeString(toNativePath($outputDir+$meshFile)) + "\""; if (`checkBox -query -value UseSharedGeometry`) { $options += " -shared"; } if (`checkBox -query -value ExportVBA`) { $options += " -v"; } if (`checkBox -query -value ExportMeshNormals`) { $options += " -n"; } if (`checkBox -query -value ExportMeshColoursWhite`) { $options += " -cw"; } else if (`checkBox -query -value ExportMeshColours`) { $options += " -c"; } if (`checkBox -query -value ExportMeshUVs`) { $options += " -t"; } } // --- Material export int $exportMaterial = `checkBox -query -value ExportMaterial`; if ($exportMaterial) { $options += " -mat \"" + encodeString(toNativePath($outputDir+$materialFile)) + "\""; string $matPrefix = `textField -query -text ExportMaterialPrefix`; if ($matPrefix != "") { $options += " -matPrefix \"" + $matPrefix + "\""; } if (`checkBox -query -value CopyTextures`) { $options += " -copyTex \"" + encodeString(toNativePath($outputDir)) + "\""; } if (`checkBox -query -value MatLightingOff`) { $options += " -lightOff"; } } // --- Skeleton export int $exportSkeleton = `checkBox -query -value ExportSkeleton`; if ($exportSkeleton) { $options += " -skel \"" + encodeString(toNativePath($outputDir+$skeletonFile)) + "\""; } // --- Animations export int $exportAnims = `checkBox -query -value ExportAnims`; if ($exportAnims) { $options += " -anims"; } // neutral pose int $neutralPose = `radioButtonGrp -q -select NeutralPoseRadio`; if ($neutralPose == 1) { $options += " -np curFrame"; } else if ($neutralPose == 2) { $options += " -np bindPose"; } else if ($neutralPose == 3) { int $nposeFrame = `intField -q -v NeutralPoseFrame`; $options += " -np frame " + $nposeFrame; } // clips int $i; for ($i=1; $i<=$numClips; $i++) { string $command = "checkBox -q -v ExportClip" + $i; if(eval($command)) { $options += " -clip "; // clip name $options += eval("textField -q -tx ClipName"+$i); // clip range int $clipRangeType = eval("radioButtonGrp -q -sl ClipRangeRadio"+$i); if ($clipRangeType == 1) { $options += " startEnd "; $options += eval("floatField -q -v ClipRangeStart"+$i); $options += " " + eval("floatField -q -v ClipRangeEnd"+$i); int $rangeUnits = eval("radioButtonGrp -q -sl ClipRangeUnits"+$i); if ($rangeUnits == 1) $options += " frames"; else $options += " seconds"; } else $options += " timeSlider"; // sample rate int $clipRateType = eval("radioButtonGrp -q -sl ClipRateType"+$i); if ($clipRateType == 1) { $options += " sampleByFrames "; $options += eval("intField -q -v ClipRateFrames"+$i); } else { $options += " sampleBySec "; $options += eval("floatField -q -v ClipRateSeconds"+$i); } } } // --- Anim Curves export int $exportAnimCurves = `checkBox -query -value ExportAnimCurves`; if ($exportAnimCurves) { $options += " -animCur \"" + encodeString(toNativePath($outputDir+$animFile)) + "\""; } // --- Cameras export int $exportCameras = `checkBox -query -value ExportCameras`; if ($exportCameras) { $options += " -cam \"" + encodeString(toNativePath($outputDir+$camerasFile)) + "\""; if (`checkBox -query -value ExportCamerasAnim`) { $options += " -camAnim"; } } // --- Particles export int $exportParticles = `checkBox -query -value ExportParticles`; if ($exportParticles) { $options += " -particles \"" + encodeString(toNativePath($outputDir+$particlesFile)) + "\""; } // ===== Export print ("ogreExport" + $options + ";\n"); eval ("ogreExport" + $options); // ===== Create binary files string $commands; $commands += "set path=" + toNativePath(`internalVar -userScriptDir`) + ";%path%" + "\n"; if (`checkBox -query -value ExportMeshBin`) { string $meshBinFile = $meshFile; if (endsWith($meshBinFile,".xml")) { int $size = size($meshBinFile); $size -= 4; $meshBinFile = `substring $meshBinFile 1 $size`; } $commands += "OgreXMLConverter "; if (!`checkBox -query -value BuildEdges`) $commands += "-e "; if (`checkBox -query -value BuildTangents`) $commands += "-t "; $commands += "\"" + toNativePath($outputDir+$meshFile) + "\" \"" + toNativePath($outputDir+$meshBinFile) + "\"\n"; } if (`checkBox -query -value ExportSkeletonBin`) { string $skelBinFile = $skeletonFile; if (endsWith($skelBinFile,".xml")) { int $size = size($skelBinFile); $size -= 4; $skelBinFile = `substring $skelBinFile 1 $size`; } $commands += "OgreXMLConverter \"" + toNativePath($outputDir+$skeletonFile) + "\" \"" + toNativePath($outputDir+$skelBinFile) + "\"\n"; } $commands += "pause" + "\n"; string $commandFile = `internalVar -userScriptDir` + "maya2ogre_mel.bat"; $fileID = `fopen $commandFile "w"`; fprint $fileID $commands; fclose $fileID; system("start \"" + `toNativePath $commandFile` + "\""); } // ===== Format UI // (Primarily enabling/disabling controls) global proc formatUI() { global int $numClips; // --- Common parameters // --- Mesh Export int $exportMesh = `checkBox -q -v ExportMesh`; checkBox -edit -enable $exportMesh UseSharedGeometry; checkBox -edit -enable $exportMesh ExportVBA; checkBox -edit -enable $exportMesh ExportMeshNormals; checkBox -edit -enable $exportMesh ExportMeshColours; int $exportColours = `checkBox -query -value ExportMeshColours`; checkBox -edit -enable ($exportMesh && $exportColours) ExportMeshColoursWhite; if (!$exportColours) { checkBox -edit -value false ExportMeshColoursWhite; } checkBox -edit -enable $exportMesh ExportMeshUVs; text -edit -enable $exportMesh ExportMeshFilenameLabel; textField -edit -enable $exportMesh ExportMeshFilename; if (!$exportMesh) checkBox -edit -value false ExportMeshBin; checkBox -edit -enable $exportMesh ExportMeshBin; int $exportMeshBin = `checkBox -query -value ExportMeshBin`; if (!$exportMeshBin) { checkBox -edit -value false BuildEdges; checkBox -edit -value false BuildTangents; } checkBox -edit -enable $exportMeshBin BuildEdges; checkBox -edit -enable $exportMeshBin BuildTangents; // --- Material Export int $exportMaterial = `checkBox -query -value ExportMaterial`; text -edit -enable $exportMaterial ExportMaterialFilenameLabel; textField -edit -enable $exportMaterial ExportMaterialFilename; text -edit -enable $exportMaterial ExportMaterialPrefixLabel; textField -edit -enable $exportMaterial ExportMaterialPrefix; if (!$exportMaterial) checkBox -edit -value false CopyTextures; checkBox -edit -enable $exportMaterial CopyTextures; if (!$exportMaterial) checkBox -edit -value false MatLightingOff; checkBox -edit -enable $exportMaterial MatLightingOff; // --- Skeleton Export int $exportSkeleton = `checkBox -query -value ExportSkeleton`; text -edit -enable $exportSkeleton ExportSkeletonFilenameLabel; textField -edit -enable $exportSkeleton ExportSkeletonFilename; if (!$exportSkeleton) checkBox -edit -value false ExportSkeletonBin; checkBox -edit -enable $exportSkeleton ExportSkeletonBin; // --- Animations Export if (!$exportSkeleton) checkBox -edit -value false ExportAnims; checkBox -edit -enable $exportSkeleton ExportAnims; int $exportAnims = `checkBox -query -value ExportAnims`; text -edit -enable $exportAnims NeutralPoseLabel; radioButtonGrp -edit -enable $exportAnims NeutralPoseRadio; int $neutralPoseType = `radioButtonGrp -query -select NeutralPoseRadio`; intField -edit -enable (($neutralPoseType == 3)&&($exportAnims)) NeutralPoseFrame; int $i; for ($i=1; $i<=$numClips; $i++) { if (!$exportAnims) checkBox -edit -value false ("ExportClip"+$i); checkBox -edit -enable $exportAnims ("ExportClip"+$i); int $exportClip = `checkBox -query -value ("ExportClip"+$i)`; textField -edit -enable $exportClip ("ClipName"+$i); text -edit -enable $exportClip ("ClipRangeLabel"+$i); radioButtonGrp -edit -enable $exportClip ("ClipRangeRadio"+$i); text -edit -enable $exportClip ("ClipRateTypeLabel"+$i); radioButtonGrp -edit -enable $exportClip ("ClipRateType"+$i); int $rangeType = `radioButtonGrp -query -select ("ClipRangeRadio"+$i)`; text -edit -enable (($rangeType == 1)&&($exportClip)) ("ClipRangeStartLabel"+$i); floatField -edit -enable (($rangeType == 1)&&($exportClip)) ("ClipRangeStart"+$i); text -edit -enable (($rangeType == 1)&&($exportClip)) ("ClipRangeEndLabel"+$i); floatField -edit -enable (($rangeType == 1)&&($exportClip)) ("ClipRangeEnd"+$i); radioButtonGrp -edit -enable (($rangeType == 1)&&($exportClip)) ("ClipRangeUnits"+$i); int $rateType = `radioButtonGrp -query -select ("ClipRateType"+$i)`; intField -edit -enable (($rateType == 1)&&($exportClip)) ("ClipRateFrames"+$i); floatField -edit -enable (($rateType == 2)&&($exportClip)) ("ClipRateSeconds"+$i); } // --- Anim Curves Export int $exportAnimCurves = `checkBox -query -value ExportAnimCurves`; text -edit -enable $exportAnimCurves ExportAnimCurvesFilenameLabel; textField -edit -enable $exportAnimCurves ExportAnimCurvesFilename; // --- Camera Export int $exportCameras = `checkBox -query -value ExportCameras`; checkBox -edit -enable ($exportCameras && $exportAnimCurves) ExportCamerasAnim; if (!$exportAnimCurves) { checkBox -edit -value false ExportCamerasAnim; } text -edit -enable $exportCameras ExportCamerasFilenameLabel; textField -edit -enable $exportCameras ExportCamerasFilename; // --- particles Export int $exportParticles = `checkBox -query -value ExportParticles`; text -edit -enable $exportParticles ExportParticlesFilenameLabel; textField -edit -enable $exportParticles ExportParticlesFilename; } // ===== Initialization code // Initializes parameters that are not stored in fileInfo // Also provides defaults for params that may not yet be stored in fileInfo global proc initUI() { // --- Common parameters string $sceneFile = `file -query -sceneName`; string $sceneDir = dirname($sceneFile); string $baseFile = basename($sceneFile, ".mb"); textField -edit -fileName $sceneDir SceneDirectory; // --- Mesh Export string $meshFile = $baseFile + ".mesh.xml"; textField -edit -fileName $meshFile ExportMeshFilename; // --- Material Export string $matFile = $baseFile + ".material"; textField -edit -fileName $matFile ExportMaterialFilename; // --- Skeleton Export string $skelFile = $baseFile + ".skeleton.xml"; textField -edit -fileName $skelFile ExportSkeletonFilename; // --- Camera Export string $camFile = $baseFile + ".camera"; textField -edit -fileName $camFile ExportCamerasFilename; // --- Anim Curves Export string $animFile = $baseFile + ".anim"; textField -edit -fileName $animFile ExportAnimCurvesFilename; // --- Particles Export string $particlesFile = $baseFile + ".particles.xml"; textField -edit -fileName $particlesFile ExportParticlesFilename; } // ===== Define UI global proc defineUIView() { global int $numClips; $numClips = 0; // --- Main window for Ogre exporter if (`window -exists OgreExportWindow`) { deleteUI OgreExportWindow; } window -title "Ogre Exporter" OgreExportWindow; scrollLayout OgreExportScrollLayout; columnLayout OgreExportLayout; // --- Common Parameters Frame frameLayout -parent OgreExportLayout -label "Common Parameters" -collapsable true CommonFrame; columnLayout -parent CommonFrame -columnAttach "left" 20 CommonLayout; text -parent CommonLayout -label "Current Directory" SceneDirectoryLabel; textField -parent CommonLayout -width 305 -editable false SceneDirectory; text -parent CommonLayout -label "Output Directory" OutputDirectoryLabel; textField -parent CommonLayout -width 305 OutputDirectory; rowColumnLayout -parent CommonLayout -numberOfColumns 3 ExportTypeLayout; text -label "Export:"; string $radioButton1, $radioButton2; radioCollection ExportTypeCollection; radioButton -label "all" -select RadioButtonAll; radioButton -label "selected" RadioButtonSelected; rowColumnLayout -parent CommonLayout -numberOfColumns 3 CoordsType; text -label "Coordinate space:"; // string $radioButtonWorld, $radioButtonObject; radioCollection CoordsTypeCollection; radioButton -label "world" -select RadioButtonWorld; radioButton -label "object" RadioButtonObject; // --- Mesh frameLayout -parent OgreExportLayout -collapsable true -label "Mesh" MeshFrame; columnLayout -parent MeshFrame -columnAttach "left" 20 MeshLayout; checkBox -parent MeshLayout -value false -changeCommand "formatUI" -label "Export mesh to Ogre XML format" ExportMesh; checkBox -parent MeshLayout -value false -changeCommand "formatUI" -label "Use shared geometry" UseSharedGeometry; checkBox -parent MeshLayout -value true -enable false -label "Include vertex bone assignements" ExportVBA; checkBox -parent MeshLayout -value true -enable false -label "Include vertex normals" ExportMeshNormals; checkBox -parent MeshLayout -value false -changeCommand "formatUI" -enable false -label "Include diffuse vertex colours" ExportMeshColours; checkBox -parent MeshLayout -value false -enable false -label "Export diffuse vertex colours as white" ExportMeshColoursWhite; checkBox -parent MeshLayout -value true -enable false -label "Include texture coordinates" ExportMeshUVs; text -parent MeshLayout -label "XML Mesh Filename" -enable false ExportMeshFilenameLabel; textField -parent MeshLayout -width 305 -enable false ExportMeshFilename; checkBox -parent MeshLayout -value false -enable false -label "Create mesh binary file" -changeCommand "formatUI" ExportMeshBin; checkBox -parent MeshLayout -value false -enable false -label "Build edges list (for shadows)" BuildEdges; checkBox -parent MeshLayout -value false -enable false -label "Build tangent vectors (for normal maps)" BuildTangents; // --- Materials frameLayout -parent OgreExportLayout -collapsable true -label "Materials" MaterialFrame; columnLayout -parent MaterialFrame -columnAttach "left" 20 MaterialLayout; checkBox -parent MaterialLayout -value false -changeCommand "formatUI" -label "Export materials to Ogre .material file" ExportMaterial; text -parent MaterialLayout -label "Material Filename" -enable false ExportMaterialFilenameLabel; textField -parent MaterialLayout -width 305 -enable false ExportMaterialFilename; text -parent MaterialLayout -label "Material name prefix" -enable false ExportMaterialPrefixLabel; textField -parent MaterialLayout -width 305 -enable false -text "" ExportMaterialPrefix; checkBox -parent MaterialLayout -value false -label "Copy texture files to output dir" CopyTextures; checkBox -parent MaterialLayout -value false -label "Export with \"ligthing off\" option" MatLightingOff; // --- Skeleton frameLayout -parent OgreExportLayout -collapsable true -label "Skeleton" SkeletonFrame; columnLayout -parent SkeletonFrame -columnAttach "left" 20 SkeletonLayout; checkBox -parent SkeletonLayout -value false -changeCommand "formatUI" -label "Export skeleton to .skeleton.xml file" ExportSkeleton; text -parent SkeletonLayout -label "Skeleton Filename" -enable false ExportSkeletonFilenameLabel; textField -parent SkeletonLayout -width 305 -enable false ExportSkeletonFilename; checkBox -parent SkeletonLayout -value false -enable false -label "Create skeleton binary file" ExportSkeletonBin; // --- Animations frameLayout -parent OgreExportLayout -collapsable true -label "Animations" -width 329 AnimsFrame; columnLayout -parent AnimsFrame -columnAttach "left" 20 AnimsLayout; checkBox -parent AnimsLayout -value false -changeCommand "formatUI" -label "Export animations (requires export of skeleton)" ExportAnims; text -parent AnimsLayout -label "Frame for neutral pose:" NeutralPoseLabel; radioButtonGrp -parent AnimsLayout -numberOfRadioButtons 3 -labelArray3 "Current frame" "Skin bind pose" "Frame:" -cw 1 100 -cw 2 100 -cw 3 100 -select 1 -changeCommand "formatUI()" NeutralPoseRadio; columnLayout -parent AnimsLayout -columnAttach "left" 200 NeutralPoseFrameLayout; intField -parent NeutralPoseFrameLayout -value 0 -width 50 NeutralPoseFrame; columnLayout -parent AnimsLayout -columnAttach "left" 0 ClipsLayout; rowLayout -parent AnimsLayout -numberOfColumns 2 -columnWidth 1 160 -columnWidth 2 60 -columnAttach 1 "left" 100 ClipsButtonsLayout; button -parent ClipsButtonsLayout -label "Add Clip" -width 60 -command "addClip()" ButtonAddClip; button -parent ClipsButtonsLayout -label "Delete Clip" -width 60 -command "delClip()" ButtonDelClip; // --- Anim Curves frameLayout -parent OgreExportLayout -collapsable true -label "Animation Curves" AnimCurvesFrame; columnLayout -parent AnimCurvesFrame -columnAttach "left" 20 AnimCurvesLayout; checkBox -parent AnimCurvesLayout -value false -changeCommand "formatUI" -label "Export animation curves to Ogre .anim file" ExportAnimCurves; text -parent AnimCurvesLayout -label "Anim Curves Filename" -enable false ExportAnimCurvesFilenameLabel; textField -parent AnimCurvesLayout -width 305 -enable false ExportAnimCurvesFilename; // --- Cameras frameLayout -parent OgreExportLayout -collapsable true -label "Cameras" CameraFrame; columnLayout -parent CameraFrame -columnAttach "left" 20 CameraLayout; checkBox -parent CameraLayout -value false -changeCommand "formatUI" -label "Export cameras to Ogre .camera file" ExportCameras; checkBox -parent CameraLayout -value false -changeCommand "formatUI" -label "Export Camera Animations(requires export of anim curves)" ExportCamerasAnim; text -parent CameraLayout -label "Cameras Filename" -enable false ExportCamerasFilenameLabel; textField -parent CameraLayout -width 305 -enable false ExportCamerasFilename; // --- Particles frameLayout -parent OgreExportLayout -collapsable true -label "Particles" ParticlesFrame; columnLayout -parent ParticlesFrame -columnAttach "left" 20 ParticlesLayout; checkBox -parent ParticlesLayout -value false -changeCommand "formatUI" -label "Export particles to Ogre .particles file" ExportParticles; text -parent ParticlesLayout -label "Particles Filename" -enable false ExportParticlesFilenameLabel; textField -parent ParticlesLayout -width 305 -enable false ExportParticlesFilename; // --- Export! separator -parent OgreExportLayout -style "none" -height 10; button -parent OgreExportLayout -label "EXPORT" -command "runOgreExport" -width 325 ButtonExport; // --- Manage settings separator -parent OgreExportLayout -style "in" -width 325 -height 5; rowLayout -parent OgreExportLayout -numberOfColumns 3 -columnWidth3 110 110 100 -columnAlign 1 "center" -columnAlign 2 "center" -columnAlign 3 "center" SettingsButtonsLayout; button -parent SettingsButtonsLayout -label "Load settings" -command "loadSettings" -width 100 LoadSettingsButton; button -parent SettingsButtonsLayout -label "Save settings" -command "saveSettings" -width 100 SaveSettingsButton; button -parent SettingsButtonsLayout -label "Default settings" -command "defaultSettings" -width 100 DefaultSettingsButton; // --- Add an empty clip addClip(); // --- Show the Window showWindow OgreExportWindow; } global proc addClip() { global int $numClips; $numClips++; frameLayout -parent ClipsLayout -width 309 -label ("Clip"+$numClips) ("ClipFrame"+$numClips); columnLayout -parent ("ClipFrame"+$numClips) -columnAttach "left" 0 ("ClipLayout"+$numClips); rowLayout -parent ("ClipLayout"+$numClips) -numberOfColumns 2 -columnWidth2 100 200 -columnOffset2 5 5 -columnAlign 1 "left" -columnAlign 2 "left" ("ClipNameLayout"+$numClips); checkBox -parent ("ClipNameLayout"+$numClips) -value false -changeCommand "formatUI" -label "Clip Name" ("ExportClip"+$numClips); textField -parent ("ClipNameLayout"+$numClips) -width 200 -text ("clip"+$numClips) ("ClipName"+$numClips); separator -parent ("ClipLayout"+$numClips) -style "in" -width 309 -height 5; rowLayout -parent ("ClipLayout"+$numClips) -numberOfColumns 2 -columnWidth2 100 200 -columnAlign 1 "left" -columnAlign 2 "left" ("ClipRangeTypeLayout"+$numClips); text -parent ("ClipRangeTypeLayout"+$numClips) -label "Time Range:" ("ClipRangeLabel"+$numClips); radioButtonGrp -parent ("ClipRangeTypeLayout"+$numClips) -numberOfRadioButtons 2 -labelArray2 "Start/End" "Time Slider" -cw 1 100 -cw 2 100 -select 2 -changeCommand "formatUI()" ("ClipRangeRadio"+$numClips); columnLayout -parent ("ClipLayout"+$numClips) -columnAttach "left" 70 ("ClipRangeLayout"+$numClips); rowLayout -parent ("ClipRangeLayout"+$numClips) -numberOfColumns 2 -columnAlign 1 "left" -columnAlign 2 "left" -columnAttach 1 "both" 0 -columnAttach 2 "both" 0 -columnOffset2 5 5 -columnWidth 1 70 -columnWidth 2 50 ("ClipRangeStartLayout"+$numClips); text -parent ("ClipRangeStartLayout"+$numClips) -label "Start Time:" -width 50 ("ClipRangeStartLabel"+$numClips); floatField -parent ("ClipRangeStartLayout"+$numClips) -width 50 -value 0.000 ("ClipRangeStart"+$numClips); rowLayout -parent ("ClipRangeLayout"+$numClips) -numberOfColumns 2 -columnAlign 1 "left" -columnAlign 2 "left" -columnAttach 1 "both" 0 -columnAttach 2 "both" 0 -columnOffset2 5 5 -columnWidth 1 70 -columnWidth 2 50 ("ClipRangeEndLayout"+$numClips); text -parent ("ClipRangeEndLayout"+$numClips) -label "End Time:" ("ClipRangeEndLabel"+$numClips); floatField -parent ("ClipRangeEndLayout"+$numClips) -value 0.000 -width 50 ("ClipRangeEnd"+$numClips); columnLayout -parent ("ClipRangeLayout"+$numClips) -columnAttach "left" 0 ("ClipRangeUnitsLayout"+$numClips); radioButtonGrp -parent ("ClipRangeUnitsLayout"+$numClips) -numberOfRadioButtons 2 -labelArray2 "Frames" "Seconds" -cw 1 65 -cw 2 65 -select 1 ("ClipRangeUnits"+$numClips); separator -parent ("ClipLayout"+$numClips) -style "in" -width 309 -height 5; rowLayout -parent ("ClipLayout"+$numClips) -numberOfColumns 2 -columnWidth 1 70 -columnWidth 2 230 -columnAlign 1 "left" -columnAlign 2 "left" -columnAttach 1 "both" 0 -columnAttach 2 "both" 0 -columnOffset2 5 5 ("ClipRateTypeLayout"+$numClips); text -parent ("ClipRateTypeLayout"+$numClips) -label "Sample by:" ("ClipRateTypeLabel"+$numClips); radioButtonGrp -parent ("ClipRateTypeLayout"+$numClips) -numberOfRadioButtons 2 -labelArray2 "Frames" "Seconds" -cw 1 65 -cw 2 65 -select 1 -changeCommand "formatUI()" ("ClipRateType"+$numClips); rowLayout -parent ("ClipLayout"+$numClips) -numberOfColumns 2 -columnWidth 1 125 -columnWidth 2 80 -columnAlign 1 "left" -columnAlign 2 "left" -columnAttach 1 "left" 75 -columnAttach 2 "both" 15 ("ClipRateLayout"+$numClips); intField -parent ("ClipRateLayout"+$numClips) -width 50 -value 1.000 ("ClipRateFrames"+$numClips); floatField -parent ("ClipRateLayout"+$numClips) -width 50 -value 0.100 ("ClipRateSeconds"+$numClips); formatUI(); } global proc delClip() { global int $numClips; if ($numClips > 1) { deleteUI("ClipFrame"+$numClips); $numClips--; } formatUI(); } global proc saveSettings() { fileInfo "ogreExporter_savedSettings" "1"; // Common parameters fileInfo "ogreExporter_outputDir" `textField -query -fileName OutputDirectory`; fileInfo "ogreExporter_exportType" `radioCollection -q -select ExportTypeCollection`; fileInfo "ogreExporter_coordsType" `radioCollection -q -select CoordsTypeCollection`; // Mesh fileInfo "ogreExporter_exportMesh" `checkBox -q -v ExportMesh`; fileInfo "ogreExporter_useSharedGeom" `checkBox -q -v UseSharedGeometry`; fileInfo "ogreExporter_exportVBA" `checkBox -q -v ExportVBA`; fileInfo "ogreExporter_exportNormals" `checkBox -q -v ExportMeshNormals`; fileInfo "ogreExporter_exportColours" `checkBox -q -v ExportMeshColours`; fileInfo "ogreExporter_exportColWhite" `checkBox -q -v ExportMeshColoursWhite`; fileInfo "ogreExporter_exportUVs" `checkBox -q -v ExportMeshUVs`; fileInfo "ogreExporter_meshFilename" `textField -q -text ExportMeshFilename`; fileInfo "ogreExporter_exportMeshBin" `checkBox -q -v ExportMeshBin`; fileInfo "ogreExporter_buildEdges" `checkBox -q -v BuildEdges`; fileInfo "ogreExporter_buildTangents" `checkBox -q -v BuildTangents`; // Materials fileInfo "ogreExporter_exportMat" `checkBox -q -v ExportMaterial`; fileInfo "ogreExporter_materialFile" `textField -q -text ExportMaterialFilename`; fileInfo "ogreExporter_matPrefix" `textField -q -text ExportMaterialPrefix`; fileInfo "ogreExporter_copyTextures" `checkBox -q -v CopyTextures`; fileInfo "ogreExporter_lightingOff" `checkBox -q -v MatLightingOff`; // Skeleton fileInfo "ogreExporter_exportSkel" `checkBox -q -v ExportSkeleton`; fileInfo "ogreExporter_skelFilename" `textField -q -text ExportSkeletonFilename`; fileInfo "ogreExporter_exportSkelBin" `checkBox -q -v ExportSkeletonBin`; // Animations fileInfo "ogreExporter_exportAnims" `checkBox -q -v ExportAnims`; fileInfo "ogreExporter_neutralPoseType" `radioButtonGrp -q -select NeutralPoseRadio`; fileInfo "ogreExporter_neutralPoseFrame" `intField -q -v NeutralPoseFrame`; global int $numClips; fileInfo "ogreExporter_numClips" $numClips; int $i; for ($i=1; $i<=$numClips; $i++) { fileInfo ("ogreExporter_exportClip"+$i) `checkBox -q -v ("ExportClip"+$i)`; fileInfo ("ogreExporter_clipName"+$i) `textField -q -text ("ClipName"+$i)`; fileInfo ("ogreExporter_clipRangeType"+$i) `radioButtonGrp -q -select ("ClipRangeRadio"+$i)`; fileInfo ("ogreExporter_clipStart"+$i) `floatField -q -v ("ClipRangeStart"+$i)`; fileInfo ("ogreExporter_clipEnd"+$i) `floatField -q -v ("ClipRangeEnd"+$i)`; fileInfo ("ogreExporter_clipRangeUnits"+$i) `radioButtonGrp -q -select ("ClipRangeUnits"+$i)`; fileInfo ("ogreExporter_clipRateType"+$i) `radioButtonGrp -q -select ("ClipRateType"+$i)`; fileInfo ("ogreExporter_clipRateFrames"+$i) `intField -q -v ("ClipRateFrames"+$i)`; fileInfo ("ogreExporter_clipRangeSeconds"+$i) `floatField -q -v ("ClipRateSeconds"+$i)`; } // Anim Curves fileInfo "ogreExporter_exportAnimCurves" `checkBox -q -v ExportAnimCurves`; fileInfo "ogreExporter_animCurvesFilename" `textField -q -text ExportAnimCurvesFilename`; // Cameras fileInfo "ogreExporter_exportCameras" `checkBox -q -v ExportCameras`; fileInfo "ogreExporter_exportCamerasAnim" `checkBox -q -v ExportCamerasAnim`; fileInfo "ogreExporter_camerasFilename" `textField -q -text ExportCamerasFilename`; // Particles fileInfo "ogreExporter_exportParticles" `checkBox -q -v ExportParticles`; fileInfo "ogreExporter_particlesFilename" `textField -q -text ExportParticlesFilename`; } global proc loadSettings() { string $valStrings[]; int $valInt; float $valFloat; $valStrings = `fileInfo -q "ogreExporter_savedSettings"`; if (`gmatch $valStrings[0] "1"`) { // Common parameters textField -edit -fileName `fileInfo -q "ogreExporter_outputDir"` OutputDirectory; radioCollection -edit -select `fileInfo -q "ogreExporter_exportType"` ExportTypeCollection; radioCollection -edit -select `fileInfo -q "ogreExporter_coordsType"` CoordsTypeCollection; // Mesh $valStrings = `fileInfo -q "ogreExporter_exportMesh"`; checkBox -edit -v `gmatch $valStrings[0] "1"` ExportMesh; $valStrings = `fileInfo -q "ogreExporter_useSharedGeom"`; checkBox -edit -v `gmatch $valStrings[0] "1"` UseSharedGeometry; $valStrings = `fileInfo -q "ogreExporter_exportVBA"`; checkBox -edit -v `gmatch $valStrings[0] "1"` ExportVBA; $valStrings = `fileInfo -q "ogreExporter_exportNormals"`; checkBox -edit -v `gmatch $valStrings[0] "1"` ExportMeshNormals; $valStrings = `fileInfo -q "ogreExporter_exportColours"`; checkBox -edit -v `gmatch $valStrings[0] "1"` ExportMeshColours; $valStrings = `fileInfo -q "ogreExporter_exportColWhite"`; checkBox -edit -v `gmatch $valStrings[0] "1"` ExportMeshColoursWhite; $valStrings = `fileInfo -q "ogreExporter_exportUVs"`; checkBox -edit -v `gmatch $valStrings[0] "1"` ExportMeshUVs; textField -edit -text `fileInfo -q "ogreExporter_meshFilename"` ExportMeshFilename; $valStrings = `fileInfo -q "ogreExporter_exportMeshBin"`; checkBox -edit -v `gmatch $valStrings[0] "1"` ExportMeshBin; $valStrings = `fileInfo -q "ogreExporter_buildEdges"`; checkBox -edit -v `gmatch $valStrings[0] "1"` BuildEdges; $valStrings = `fileInfo -q "ogreExporter_buildTangents"`; checkBox -edit -v `gmatch $valStrings[0] "1"` BuildTangents; // Materials $valStrings = `fileInfo -q "ogreExporter_exportMat"`; checkBox -edit -v `gmatch $valStrings[0] "1"` ExportMaterial; textField -edit -text `fileInfo -q "ogreExporter_materialFile"` ExportMaterialFilename; textField -edit -text `fileInfo -q "ogreExporter_matPrefix"` ExportMaterialPrefix; $valStrings = `fileInfo -q "ogreExporter_copyTextures"`; checkBox -edit -v `gmatch $valStrings[0] "1"` CopyTextures; $valStrings = `fileInfo -q "ogreExporter_lightingOff"`; checkBox -edit -v `gmatch $valStrings[0] "1"` MatLightingOff; // Skeleton $valStrings = `fileInfo -q "ogreExporter_exportSkel"` ; checkBox -edit -v `gmatch $valStrings[0] "1"` ExportSkeleton; textField -edit -text `fileInfo -q "ogreExporter_skelFilename"` ExportSkeletonFilename; $valStrings = `fileInfo -q "ogreExporter_exportSkelBin"`; checkBox -edit -v `gmatch $valStrings[0] "1"` ExportSkeletonBin; // Animations $valStrings = `fileInfo -q "ogreExporter_exportAnims"`; checkBox -edit -v `gmatch $valStrings[0] "1"` ExportAnims; $valStrings = `fileInfo -q "ogreExporter_neutralPoseType"`; $valInt = $valStrings[0]; radioButtonGrp -edit -select $valInt NeutralPoseRadio; $valStrings = `fileInfo -q "ogreExporter_neutralPoseFrame"`; $valInt = $valStrings[0]; intField -edit -v $valInt NeutralPoseFrame; $valString = `fileInfo -q "ogreExporter_numClips"`; int $n = $valString[0]; $valInt = $valString[0]; global int $numClips; for (;$numClips>1;delClip()); int $i; for ($i=1; $i<=$n; $i++) { if ($i > 1) addClip(); $valStrings = `fileInfo -q ("ogreExporter_exportClip"+$i)`; checkBox -edit -v `gmatch $valStrings[0] "1"` ("ExportClip"+$i); textField -edit -text `fileInfo -q ("ogreExporter_clipName"+$i)` ("ClipName"+$i); $valStrings = `fileInfo -q ("ogreExporter_clipRangeType"+$i)`; $valInt = $valStrings[0]; radioButtonGrp -edit -select $valInt ("ClipRangeRadio"+$i); $valStrings = `fileInfo -q ("ogreExporter_clipStart"+$i)`; $valFloat = $valStrings[0]; floatField -edit -v $valFloat ("ClipRangeStart"+$i); $valStrings = `fileInfo -q ("ogreExporter_clipEnd"+$i)`; $valFloat = $valStrings[0]; floatField -edit -v $valFloat ("ClipRangeEnd"+$i); $valStrings = `fileInfo -q ("ogreExporter_clipRangeUnits"+$i)`; $valInt = $valStrings[0]; radioButtonGrp -edit -select $valInt ("ClipRangeUnits"+$i); $valStrings = `fileInfo -q ("ogreExporter_clipRateType"+$i)`; $valInt = $valStrings[0]; radioButtonGrp -edit -select $valInt ("ClipRateType"+$i); $valStrings = `fileInfo -q ("ogreExporter_clipRateFrames"+$i)`; $valInt = $valStrings[0]; intField -edit -v $valInt ("ClipRateFrames"+$i); $valStrings = `fileInfo -q ("ogreExporter_clipRateSeconds"+$i)`; $valFloat = $valStrings[0]; floatField -edit -v $valFloat ("ClipRateSeconds"+$i); } // Anim Curves $valStrings = `fileInfo -q "ogreExporter_exportAnimCurves"`; checkBox -edit -v `gmatch $valStrings[0] "1"` ExportAnimCurves; textField -edit -text `fileInfo -q "ogreExporter_animCurvesFilename"` ExportAnimCurvesFilename; // Cameras $valStrings = `fileInfo -q "ogreExporter_exportCameras"`; checkBox -edit -v `gmatch $valStrings[0] "1"` ExportCameras; $valStrings = `fileInfo -q "ogreExporter_exportCamerasAnim"`; checkBox -edit -v `gmatch $valStrings[0] "1"` ExportCamerasAnim; textField -edit -text `fileInfo -q "ogreExporter_camerasFilename"` ExportCamerasFilename; // Particles $valStrings = `fileInfo -q "ogreExporter_exportParticles"`; checkBox -edit -v `gmatch $valStrings[0] "1"` ExportParticles; textField -edit -text `fileInfo -q "ogreExporter_particlesFilename"` ExportParticlesFilename; formatUI(); } } global proc defaultSettings() { // Common parameters textField -edit -fileName "" OutputDirectory; radioCollection -edit -select "RadioButtonAll" ExportTypeCollection; radioCollection -edit -select "RadioButtonWorld" CoordsTypeCollection; // Mesh checkBox -edit -v 0 ExportMesh; checkBox -edit -v 1 UseSharedGeometry; checkBox -edit -v 1 ExportVBA; checkBox -edit -v 1 ExportMeshNormals; checkBox -edit -v 0 ExportMeshColours; checkBox -edit -v 0 ExportMeshColoursWhite; checkBox -edit -v 1 ExportMeshUVs; textField -edit -text "" ExportMeshFilename; checkBox -edit -v 0 ExportMeshBin; checkBox -edit -v 0 BuildEdges; checkBox -edit -v 0 BuildTangents; // Materials checkBox -edit -v 0 ExportMaterial; textField -edit -text "" ExportMaterialFilename; textField -edit -text "" ExportMaterialPrefix; checkBox -edit -v 0 CopyTextures; checkBox -edit -v 0 MatLightingOff; // Skeleton checkBox -edit -v 0 ExportSkeleton; textField -edit -text "" ExportSkeletonFilename; checkBox -edit -v 0 ExportSkeletonBin; // Animations checkBox -edit -v 0 ExportAnims; radioButtonGrp -edit -select 1 NeutralPoseRadio; intField -edit -v 0 NeutralPoseFrame; global int $numClips; for (;$numClips>1;delClip()); checkBox -edit -v 0 ExportClip1; textField -edit -text "clip1" ClipName1; radioButtonGrp -edit -select 1 ClipRangeRadio1; floatField -edit -v 0 ClipRangeStart1; floatField -edit -v 0 ClipRangeEnd1; radioButtonGrp -edit -select 1 ClipRangeUnits1; radioButtonGrp -edit -select 1 ClipRateType1; intField -edit -v 1 ClipRateFrames1; floatField -edit -v 0.1 ClipRateSeconds1; // Anim Curves checkBox -edit -v 0 ExportAnimCurves; textField -edit -text "" ExportAnimCurvesFilename; // Cameras checkBox -edit -v 0 ExportCameras; checkBox -edit -v 0 ExportCamerasAnim; textField -edit -text `fileInfo -q "ogreExporter_camerasFilename"` ExportCamerasFilename; // Particles checkBox -edit -v 0 ExportParticles; textField -edit -text "" ExportParticlesFilename; // Initialize filenames string $sceneFile = `file -query -sceneName`; string $sceneDir = dirname($sceneFile); string $baseFile = basename($sceneFile, ".mb"); textField -edit -fileName $sceneDir SceneDirectory; // --- Mesh Export string $meshFile = $baseFile + ".mesh.xml"; textField -edit -fileName $meshFile ExportMeshFilename; // --- Material Export string $matFile = $baseFile + ".material"; textField -edit -fileName $matFile ExportMaterialFilename; // --- Skeleton Export string $skelFile = $baseFile + ".skeleton.xml"; textField -edit -fileName $skelFile ExportSkeletonFilename; // --- Camera Export string $camFile = $baseFile + ".camera"; textField -edit -fileName $camFile ExportCamerasFilename; // --- Anim Curves Export string $animFile = $baseFile + ".anim"; textField -edit -fileName $animFile ExportAnimCurvesFilename; // --- Particles Export string $particlesFile = $baseFile + ".particles.xml"; textField -edit -fileName $particlesFile ExportParticlesFilename; formatUI(); }