Continuous Multiresolution Models are a level of detail (LOD) technique in computer graphics addressing the problem that scenes often contain too much geometric detail when all of the visible objects are rendered at their full resolution. While similar algorithms have long been available, most modern game/3D-engines implement the much simpler technique of discrete LODs instead. Discrete LOD techniques are widely known for the annoying visible artefacts they produce at the moment the switch between the different resolution models occurs, an unacceptable drawback for the visual quality of the next generation of 3D/game applications.

The GTP Geometry Lib supplies a multiresolution LOD solution that addresses the shortcomings of previous approaches by giving developers access to a complete package of solid technology which offers:

  • A image based simplification algorithm to efficiently create high quality MLODs without human intervention
  • A continuous multiresolution model for static and animated meshes that includes connectivity information and uses basic primitives like triangle strips. These features reduce dramatically the amount of information stored and overcome the bandwidth bottleneck between the main processor and the memory of the modern high performance graphic cards.
  • A new multiresolution model specially suited for the real time rendering of trees and plants, allowing an incredible amount of close up detail. The model is able to show each leaf when the user is closer and gives automatically simplified representations when the observer moves away.


