This is the plugin for exporting from Maya 6.5 to OGRE mesh and skeleton formats. Copy ogreExporter.mll to your maya plug-ins directory (I.E.: C:\Program Files\Alias\Maya6.5\bin\plug-ins) Copy all files from the scripts directory to your maya scripts directory (I.E.: C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\maya\6.5\scripts) Copy OgreXMLConverter.exe and related dlls to your maya scripts directory (same as above) If you already have a userSetup.mel in your scripts folder, then copy and paste to append content from this userSetup.mel to the existing one. For any help or comments check the OGRE forum or e-mail to The exporter can now be used safely via script, here's the syntax: ogreExport generalOptions ["-mesh" meshFilename meshOptions] export mesh to .mesh.xml file [optional] ["-mat" matFilename matOptions] export materials to .material file [optional] ["-skel" skelFilename] export skeleton to .skeleton.xml file [optional] ["-anims" animsOptions ["-clip" clipName clipOptions] ["-clip" ...] [...] ] export skeleton animations to the .skeleton.xml file [optional, requires -skel] ["-particles" particlesFilename] export particles to .particle file generalOptions: "-sel" | "-all" export whole scene or only selected objects "-world" | "-obj" export in world or object coordinates meshOptions: ["-shared"] export using shared geometry [optional] ["-v"] export vertex bone assignements [optional] ["-n"] export vertex normals ["-c" | "-cw"] export vertex colours [-c] or export vertex colours as white [-cw] [optional] ["-t"] export texture coordinates [optional] matOptions: ["-matPrefix" prefix] add prefix to all exported materials names [optional] ["-copyTex" outDir] copy textures used in the exported materials to outDir [optional] ["-lightOff"] export materials with lighting off [optional] animsOptions: "-np" ( "curFrame" | "bindPose" | "frame" n ) specify neutral pose, can be current frame or bind pose or specified frame clipOptions: "startEnd" s e ("frames" | "seconds") | "timeSlider" specify clip range with start/end time or use time slider range