############################################################################ # ERS default configuration file # Jiri Bittner 2003 ############################################################################# Scene { filename ../data/vienna/vienna_cropped.obj } Preprocessor { totalSamples 100000000 # totalSamples 2000000 samplesPerPass 250000 samplesPerEvaluation 5000000 # initialSamples 2000000 exportObj false delayVisibilityComputation false # stored sample rays samplesFilename rays.out useGlRenderer false useGlDebugger false # 0 = INTERNAL 1 = MLRT rayCastMethod 0 type combined detectEmptyViewSpace true pvsRenderErrorSamples 0 quitOnFinish true computeVisibility true evaluateFilter false applyVisibilityFilter false applyVisibilitySpatialFilter false visibilityFilterWidth 0.01 exportVisibility true visibilityFile visibility.xml loadMeshes false loadKdTree false exportKdTree false histogram { intervals 20 maxValue 600000 file histogram.log } Export { rays false numRays 5000 } } ObjParser { meshGrouping 2 } RssPreprocessor { distributions mutation+spatial+object_direction # distributions rss+object_direction # distributions object_direction useImportanceSampling true Export { pvs false rssTree false } useViewcells true updateSubdivision true loadInitialSamples false storeInitialSamples false useRssTree true } Limits { threshold 1e-6 small 1e-6 infinity 1e9 } Unigraphics { meshGrouping 1 } KdTree { sahUseFaces false Termination { minCost 1 maxDepth 30 maxCostRatio 0.98 ct_div_ci 0.5 maxNodes 100000 #500000 } # splitMethod spatialMedian splitMethod SAH splitBorder 0.01 } MeshKdTree { Termination { minCost 150 maxDepth 18 maxCostRatio 0.9 ct_div_ci 0.5 } # splitMethod spatialMedian splitMethod SAH splitBorder 0.01 } ViewCells { importRandomViewCells false useKdPvs true useKdPvsAfterFiltering true # samples used for view cell construction Construction { samples 0 samplesPerPass 1500000 } #number of active view cells active 200000 maxViewCells 200000 maxStaticMemory 40 exportToFile true loadFromFile true #type kdTree #type vspKdTree #type bspTree type vspBspTree #type vspOspTree #type sceneDependent height 5.0 #percentage of total visible objects where pvs is considered invalid maxPvsRatio 1.0 processOnlyValidViewCells true #stats viewCellStats.log #samplingType directional samplingType box PostProcess { # how much samples are used for post processing samples 0 renderCostWeight 1.0 maxCostRatio 0.1 minViewCells 1 avgCostMaxDeviation 0.01 maxMergesPerPass 5000 useRaysForMerge false compress false merge false } Visualization { # how much samples we use for visualization samples 0 #colorCode PVS #colorCode MergedLeaves #colorCode MergedTreeDiff colorCode Random exportRays false exportGeometry true exportMergedViewCells false useClipPlane true clipPlaneAxis 1 clipPlanePos 0.3 } showVisualization false evaluateViewCells false Evaluation { samplesPerPass 1000000 samples 5000000 statsPrefix ../scripts/viewCells #samplingType directional samplingType box histogram true histoStepSize 5000 } #filename ../data/Arena/viewcells-20000.xml filename ../data/vienna/vienna_cropped-gradient-viewcells.xml.gz } Simulation { objRenderCost 1.0 vcOverhead 1.0 # always between 0 and 1 moveSpeed 0.0001 }