Todo List

Member FCDAnimationChannel::ReleaseCurve (FCDAnimationCurve *curve)
This function is not yet implemented, as it requires a lot more memory management than FCollada currently does.

Member FCDEffectParameterSurface::Clone ()
The cloning does not clone the initialization method correctly.

Member FCDEffectParameterSurface::GetName (size_t index=0) const
I'm not too sure of the implications of the names, at this level of abstraction: once I'm clear why they exists, add the necessary interface to access/pull/push items from/to the list.

Member FCDGeometrySource::GetSourceNode ()
Take the XML tree node out of this class.

Member FCDGeometrySource::SetSourceNode (xmlNode *_sourceNode)
Take the XML tree node out of this class.

Class FCDGeometrySpline
: Insert the mathematical formula to calculate the spline position.

Class FCDMaterialLibrary
When information push is fully implemented: split the effect library out of this one.

Member FCDMaterialLibrary::ReleaseEffect (FCDEffect *effect)
Implement FCDMaterialLibrary::ReleaseEffect.

Member FCDMaterialLibrary::ReleaseMaterial (FCDMaterial *material)
Implement FCDMaterialLibrary::ReleaseMaterial.

Member FCDTargetedEntity::LinkTarget (FCDSceneNode *sceneRoot)
Modify this function to support multiple visual scenes.

Class FCDTRotation

Generated on Fri May 12 16:44:44 2006 for FCollada by  doxygen 1.4.6-NO