///Sprite frograms vertex_program GTP/Particles/SpriteVS hlsl { source GTP_Sprite.hlsl entry_point Sprite_VS target vs_2_0 } fragment_program GTP/Particles/SpritePS hlsl { source GTP_Sprite.hlsl entry_point Sprite_PS target ps_2_0 } ///spherical billboard sprite programs vertex_program GTP/Particles/SB_Sprite_VS hlsl { source GTP_Sprite.hlsl entry_point SBB_Sprite_VS target vs_2_0 } fragment_program GTP/Particles/SB_Sprite_PS hlsl { source GTP_Sprite.hlsl entry_point SBB_Sprite_PS target ps_2_0 } ///hierarchical particle system programs ///small system render vertex_program GTP/HPS/Small_VS hlsl { source GTP_HPS.hlsl entry_point GTP_HPS_Small_VS target vs_2_0 } fragment_program GTP/HPS/Small_PS hlsl { source GTP_HPS.hlsl entry_point GTP_HPS_Small_PS target ps_2_0 } ///large system render default vertex_program GTP/HPS/Large_VS hlsl { source GTP_HPS.hlsl entry_point HPS_Large_VS target vs_2_0 } fragment_program GTP/HPS/Large_PS hlsl { source GTP_HPS.hlsl entry_point HPS_Large_PS target ps_2_0 } ///large system render with depth computation vertex_program GTP/HPS/Large_Depth_VS hlsl { source GTP_HPS.hlsl entry_point HPS_Large_Depth_VS target vs_2_0 } fragment_program GTP/HPS/Large_Depth_PS hlsl { source GTP_HPS.hlsl entry_point HPS_Large_Depth_PS target ps_2_0 } ///illumination volume render vertex_program GTP/HPS/IllumVolume_VS hlsl { source GTP_HPS.hlsl entry_point HPS_IllumVolume_VS target vs_2_0 } fragment_program GTP/HPS/IllumVolume_PS hlsl { source GTP_HPS.hlsl entry_point HPS_IllumVolume_PS target ps_2_0 } ///large system render with depth computation and illuminaltion volume shading vertex_program GTP/HPS/Large_Depth_Illum_VS hlsl { source GTP_HPS.hlsl entry_point HPS_Large_Depth_Illum_VS target vs_2_0 } fragment_program GTP/HPS/Large_Depth_Illum_PS hlsl { source GTP_HPS.hlsl entry_point HPS_Large_Depth_Illum_PS target ps_2_0 }