// input struct vtxin { float4 position: POSITION; float3 normal: NORMAL; float4 color: COLOR0; float4 texCoord: TEXCOORD0; }; // vtx output struct vtxout { float4 position: POSITION; // eye space float4 texCoord: TEXCOORD0; float4 color: COLOR0; float4 worldPos: TEXCOORD1; // world position float3 normal: TEXCOORD2; float4 mypos: TEXCOORD3; }; // fragment input struct fragin { float4 color: COLOR0; float4 position: POSITION; // eye space float4 texCoord: TEXCOORD0; float4 projPos: WPOS; float4 worldPos: TEXCOORD1; // world position float3 normal: TEXCOORD2; float4 mypos: TEXCOORD3; }; struct pixel { float4 col: COLOR0; float4 pos: COLOR1; float4 norm: COLOR2; }; #pragma position_invariant vtx vtxout vtx(vtxin IN, const uniform float4x4 ModelViewProj, uniform float4x4 ModelView) { vtxout OUT; OUT.color = IN.color; OUT.texCoord = IN.texCoord; //OUT.worldPos = mul(glstate.matrix.inverse.projection, OUT.position); OUT.worldPos = mul(ModelView, IN.position); // transform the vertex position into eye space OUT.position = mul(glstate.matrix.mvp, IN.position); OUT.normal = IN.normal; OUT.mypos = OUT.position; return OUT; } pixel fragtex(fragin IN, uniform sampler2D dirtTex, uniform float maxDepth, uniform sampler2D tex, uniform float3 currentPos) { pixel pix; float4 texColor = tex2D(tex, IN.texCoord.xy); // save color in first render target // hack: use combination of emmisive + diffuse (emmisive used as constant ambient term) pix.col = (glstate.material.emission + glstate.material.diffuse) * texColor; // save world position in second render target pix.pos = IN.worldPos * maxDepth; // save world space normal in third rt pix.norm.xyz = IN.normal; // store projection coordinates with positions (used for ssao) pix.norm.w = IN.projPos.w; // write the depth pix.pos.w = IN.mypos.z / IN.mypos.w; // account for alpha blending if (pix.col.w < 0.5f) discard; // hack: squeeze some information about ambient into the texture //pix.col.w = glstate.material.emission.x; pix.col.w = length(currentPos - IN.worldPos); return pix; } pixel frag(fragin IN, uniform float maxDepth, uniform float3 currentPos) { pixel pix; // hack: use comination of emmisive + diffuse (emmisive used as constant ambient term) pix.col = glstate.material.diffuse + glstate.material.emission; pix.pos = IN.worldPos * maxDepth; pix.norm.xyz = IN.normal; // store projection coordinates with positions (used for ssao) pix.norm.w = IN.mypos.w; // the projected depth pix.pos.w = IN.mypos.z / IN.mypos.w; // hack: squeeze some information about the ambient term into the target //pix.col.w = glstate.material.emission.x; pix.col.w = length(currentPos - IN.worldPos); return pix; }